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We Need More End Game Content.


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No, weapons are not end game content.


No, the same boring levels with a twist are not end game content.


We need actual end game content, DE. I don't like to level new weapons 24/7 (why even go beyond rank 7? Seriously?). Doing nothing but endless defense and mobile defense gets old fast.


Give us new game modes to enjoy. Everything in Killing Floor maxes out eventually, but it's still fun even beyond that. I can still enjoy the game, because despite having great weapons, it still present its own challenges, especially on Hell on Earth difficulty (got a bad team? Good luck). It has a little something I like to call replay value. I'd love a wave-based mode like Killing Floor's with a set amount of enemies that get harder and harder. No objective to protect. Just survival. Given this, mobs would have to be considerably more difficult. Also, nerf Frost snow globe. The zero counter play makes it boring as F***. Remove the fact that it blocks everything. The slow is more than enough. Maybe make it so frames can't use abilities in the mode. Just straight up guns and swords/hammers/axes/yougetthepoint.


Give us something to do at the end that has high replay value. I really have nothing to do at this point (max Hornet Strike? Get the Cleanse mods? Meh, kinda boring given the RNG).


Other MMOs like Guild Wars 2 offer great end game content as well. They present challenging side dungeons that are there for fun and are very rewarding if you decide to do them. It also has a very expansive PvP world that isn't just "kill the other person and your team wins." PvP doesn't have to strictly be TDM. Add an objective mode. Even Call of Duty has that, and it's no shocker it's one of the most popular modes in the game (I speak of Domination/SnD).


Please, DE. Give us something. I'm bored out of my mind with this game. How is releveling your weapons and frames considered end game content? If anything, it's just optional stuff to get even better weapons that one shot even higher level mobs than before (every planet can already get one shotted by anything with only a super charge and some decent mods, making it pointless beyond for the lulz).


Maybe give us some guild specific missions. Get a group of six together and do missions with new tilesets and high level enemies. Maybe something like level 200+ mobs and traps every where with a final boss at the end that drops great mods, resources, and special gear. Kinda like a dungeon run. Anything, DE. I beg of you.


TL;DR This game has no replay value. Give it some, please.

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Also, nerf Frost snow globe. The zero counter play makes it boring as F***. Remove the fact that it blocks everything. The slow is more than enough. Maybe make it so frames can't use abilities in the mode. Just straight up guns and swords/hammers/axes/yougetthepoint.





that doesn't solve the issue and is a $&*&*#(%& suggestion. yea the game needs an end game but nerfing the warframes into the ground isnt end game either.


the game also has a lot of replay value for people who have an attention span.


The game is in beta still, the dojos are in alpha stage. i expect that lot of the games endgame and future content may be clan oriented (or large group) there is still much growth potential for the game.


if your bored maybe playing video games isnt something you should do. find a different game to play in the mean time. there are a lot of things to do besides camp a single game

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"I wake up every morning and think about Endgame". Please don't give Steve any more reason to fall into deep, dark depression. Let the man work at his own pace.


Considering that the game was never meant to have any sort of endgame at all (originally just pickup co-op PvE with random levels), I think they're doing good in even thinking about it.

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that doesn't solve the issue and is a $&*&*#(%& suggestion. yea the game needs an end game but nerfing the warframes into the ground isnt end game either.



That lack of context to the original post is amazing. Perhaps you should pay attention next time and actually read I meant for that specific game mode. Maybe you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch.


the game also has a lot of replay value for people who have an attention span.


Like what, grinding endlessly towards a goal that has nothing at the end of it? What happens when you get everything in the game? Then what? Do you even know what replay value means? I've got almost 300 hours logged in this game. I know what I'm talking about. Take your assumptions else where, like the general discussions forum, where it belongs.


The game is in beta still, the dojos are in alpha stage. i expect that lot of the games endgame and future content may be clan oriented (or large group) there is still much growth potential for the game.


Hmmm, where are we again? Lemme check for a second.


Warframe forums -> Improving Warframe -> Gameplay Feedback


Oh gee, it's like I'm supposed to provide my feedback here or something in order to help improve this game and help DE produce this end game content!


Seriously, what do you think the @(*()$ point of this forum is? The only S#&$ I ever see get to the top is controversial S#&$ that doesn't even provide any legitimate criticism of the game, just "boohoo i can't solo pluto with my unranked gear sob. DE WHY IS THIS CO-OP GAME PLAYED LIKE A CO-OP GAME OMG."


Major let down. No wonder DE is having such a rough time with update 9 and balancing it. Their forums provide zero actual feedback. This isn't a @(*()$ complaint booth. If you're not presenting an actual issue, you shouldn't even be allowed to post here.



if your bored maybe playing video games isnt something you should do. find a different game to play in the mean time. there are a lot of things to do besides camp a single game


Lastly, stupid fanboy opinions like this are what actually prevent a game like this from progressing. "lol just leave if u dont like it" is the most $&*&*#(%& thing you could possibly reply with in a @(*()$ feedback forumThis statement right here is everything that is wrong with feedback forums. I wanna see this game grow. Why is providing feedback with suggestions considered a bad thing?

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"I wake up every morning and think about Endgame". Please don't give Steve any more reason to fall into deep, dark depression. Let the man work at his own pace.


Considering that the game was never meant to have any sort of endgame at all (originally just pickup co-op PvE with random levels), I think they're doing good in even thinking about it.


That doesn't make up for the fact that it has no replay value.

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Clan based missions would be nice, even if they're not procedurally generated. I mean real raids, multiple objectives, multiple mid-bosses and a final kick-S boss to fight, missions in which you must coordinate with your mates and so on. Lore based and, for god's sake, with the minimum amount of RNG rewards possible. Ah! And I don't mean a plain and simple corridor with 120+ level enemies. That, for me, would be a nice "end-game" content, though I don't dislike having items as end-game content too. Hard missions should reward higher tier gear.

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Fist of all calm down - throwing @%$#s at other users is rather primitive and will not prove your point.

Episodes are coming in near future - hopefully they will provide hours of game-play as well as tons of lore although it would be rather mid-game then end-game. Also probably achievements will be introduced - if well balanced they will provide long term goals for endgame players.

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That doesn't make up for the fact that it has no replay value.


Sorry you think that way. It seems that you regard gaining mastery rank is a chore.

"I don't like to level new weapons 24/7 (why even go beyond rank 7? Seriously?)."


Me, I just play with, and max new weapons. Many small "Rank 30" goals is much more enjoyable than "one Mastery Rank" or "grind the RNG until _____ mod drops for me". That turns it from tedious grind and endlessly rolling dice, to a learning experience.


Why would I even do that if there's no reward for Mastery 8, you might ask? I just want to master new weapons, not gain a rank. A shift in view point leads to a less stressful perspective, even if I'm ultimately lying to myself. But hey: As long as I have fun, it's got replay value, right?


Perhaps invite some friends over and play it with a group?

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Regardless of feedback or not, nerfing warframes into the ground, destroying snowglobe is a bad idea.

lv100+ Corpus basically 1-shot the cryopod at that point (I've experienced that first-hand the other day) so what would exactly be the point in going high in waves if you take away your only possibility of proper defense?

You're basically destroying an entire game-mode while you're preaching about adding new game-modes.


This isn't a pigeon house where you fly in and out as you please. You need to look at the whole picture as well.

They ARE adding new stuff, they ARE doing new events weekly, they JUST added more Lore, Vor now speaks of 'The Queens' we've yet to uncover who they are. The entire Tutorial has been remade towards the latest PS4 trailer. Have you actually even seen/read these things?


They ARE trying to build a solid game with all aspects that a solid game should have but geez man, stop being so self-centred, expecting things to happen when you snap your fingers.


Oh and comparing this game to other games.... Saying why that is good and this is bad and they should just copy it and potatoes are delicious

Worst. Feedback. Ever.


Edit: Maybe something like level 200+ mobs and traps every where with a final boss at the end that drops great mods, resources, and special gear. Kinda like a dungeon run. Anything, DE. I beg of you.


^This, I do support this. When I started this game I was always thinking Lotus would turn out to be the bad guy, being the end boss going all "Thanks for destroying my enemies, now I'll destroy you" but yeah, can't have it all =]

Edited by Anorigin
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Sorry you think that way. It seems that you regard gaining mastery rank is a chore.

"I don't like to level new weapons 24/7 (why even go beyond rank 7? Seriously?)."


Me, I just play with, and max new weapons. Many small "Rank 30" goals is much more enjoyable than "one Mastery Rank" or "grind the RNG until _____ mod drops for me". That turns it from tedious grind and endlessly rolling dice, to a learning experience.


Why would I even do that if there's no reward for Mastery 8, you might ask? I just want to master new weapons, not gain a rank. A shift in view point leads to a less stressful perspective, even if I'm ultimately lying to myself. But hey: As long as I have fun, it's got replay value, right?


Perhaps invite some friends over and play it with a group?


The mastery rank thing was just an example. Mastery rank altogether serves no purpose in my opinion.


Here, let me tell you how I feel about this game if you were to implement it into another popular game:


Let's use WoW for this example. Imagine starting WoW. You go to a new area with little gear. There's no real objectives. You just kill things and get better gear and level up. "Cool!" you think. "With this better gear, I have an easier time doing things! I know what I have to get now!" You continue on. You go to the same area over and over again. You kill the same enemies over and over again, with little to no variation. You soon realize what you've gotten yourself into: A good old fashion grind fest. "No problem," you say to yourself. "A lot of popular games use the mechanic and it leads for some awesome end game carnage." You spend hours upon hours grinding for gear. You inevitably start reaching the end of your journey. You're sick of looking at the same boring enemies by now. You're tired of playing with no real objectives. You're looking forward to do something else with the game. Now you've logged about 200+ hours. Then, it happens.


You've finally done it. You've achieved the best gear in the game. You laugh at how low and weak the enemies are. And then the scary realization hits you. There's no longer anything to do. There's nothing else. That was it. The only thing you can do now is go back to grinding for things you already have. There's no new areas, no new challenges, no new bosses, no new objectives, no new anything. That was it. That was the entire game. Just grinding. You don't even get to do anything with your grinded gear. What do you do now? Invite your friends to play in the boring, bland, objectiveless areas with you and join in on the grind fest?


Imagine if WoW was actually like this. You think it would have sold as well as it does? No, because the game actually offers things to do besides grinding. That's why it's so addictive and fun. It has things to do with guild mates and friends alike, such as raiding. As a matter of fact, that's one of the main selling points of the game. Many people would quit if all you did was reach max level and that was it.


What if I told you Warframe was nothing but grinding with literally nothing else? Because that's all this game is at the moment. It's gonna flop hard when it hits the PS4 at this rate. People don't like doing nothing but grinding. There's no way to take a break from it in this game. Literally everything you do revolves around grinding in this game. That's its main and only mechanic. It needs to be looked at. It's fine that you want to reach mastery rank 11, but you'll soon realize once you do that, there'll be nothing else to do. Going for wave 100 in endless defense is the closest thing you get to something to do outside of the usual grind fest, and even then enemies become nothing but uninteresting bullet sponges. Enemies as is are already boring as all hell. All the levels are incredibly linear and all the objectives are pretty much the same.


This game needs some reimagining. The main selling point for this game is a very, very, very bad one. Being PvE is not an excuse to have a strong lack of replay value (as a matter of fact, PvE games need it the most), and this degree of grinding doesn't actually add anything to the game, it's just an artificial game lengthener. There's a reason none of my friends play the game: because it gets boring as all hell real fast. This isn't a surprise to me at all.


I've met all my goals. Now I have nothing to do with them. Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way and has even left the game because of this major issue.

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Regardless of feedback or not, nerfing warframes into the ground, destroying snowglobe is a bad idea.

lv100+ Corpus basically 1-shot the cryopod at that point (I've experienced that first-hand the other day) so what would exactly be the point in going high in waves if you take away your only possibility of proper defense?

You're basically destroying an entire game-mode while you're preaching about adding new game-modes.


Perhaps they should take a look at the game mode then. Relying on a Warframe in order to play it makes for even more bland gameplay. Seriously, do you find having to choose Frost fun? I'd much rather use Excalibur on T3 void defense mission, but if I don't choose anyone with CC, we're going to lose. That's not fun. I don't feel like I should be forced to play the game how it wants me to if they give me so many choices to "add variety."


Besides, Frost is exactly what makes this game so incredibly dull and helps remove all challenge. I don't care if he's your favorite Warframe. Snow Globe is over powered, everyone knows this. This is nothing new.


This isn't a pigeon house where you fly in and out as you please. You need to look at the whole picture as well.

They ARE adding new stuff, they ARE doing new events weekly, they JUST added more Lore, Vor now speaks of 'The Queens' we've yet to uncover who they are. The entire Tutorial has been remade towards the latest PS4 trailer. Have you actually even seen/read these things?


How does this remedy the issue of boring, bland gameplay? The queens sound uninteresting. Wanna know why? Because I guarantee they'll be the same as any other boss in the game. The level itself will have the same boring tileset and enemies, and the bosses will probably be nothing but bullet sponges with maybe a special move here and there. Wow, such fun! So amaze! Such creative!


Also, hurray, they changed the tutorial. I didn't even realize one existed for this game. It doesn't even need one. This game took me a whole two seconds to figure out. "Shoot things and they die!" Wow, so hard to figure out. Maybe a tutorial would be necessary if there was actually things to do in this game.


Also, how is suggesting more interesting end game content to add more replay value not looking at the whole picture? Are you being serious right now? I even added ideas of my own as to not just submit yet another empty post with no real feedback to help the devs.


Oh and comparing this game to other games.... Saying why that is good and this is bad and they should just copy it and potatoes are delicious

Worst. Feedback. Ever.


Is...is there something wrong with comparing games? Excuse me, didn't realize this was a foreign thing to do. My mistake. Adding fun ideas from other games to make your game more interesting is terrible. You're completely correct.


Also, I'd like to know what you consider good feedback. I truly would.


Edit: Maybe something like level 200+ mobs and traps every where with a final boss at the end that drops great mods, resources, and special gear. Kinda like a dungeon run. Anything, DE. I beg of you.


^This, I do support this. When I started this game I was always thinking Lotus would turn out to be the bad guy, being the end boss going all "Thanks for destroying my enemies, now I'll destroy you" but yeah, can't have it all =]


And then, to top it all off, after making an entire post just to say you disagree with my post, you edit it and basically say you agree with the idea my post was trying to convey. Bravo.


I love how people have only focused on the Front change I mentioned. Wasn't even the point of my post. Apparently actually paying attention is too hard.

Edited by Boondorl
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They need to create endgame content that does not involve rushing through levels to farm. The endgame missions should involve fighting nothing but difficult enemies, should contain multiple mini bosses, and at the end there should be a very difficult boss that is very difficult to defeat. Not only that, but failure(dying 4 times) should mean that you have to wait 1-24 hours before you can attempt the mission again(this should also apply if you manage to complete the mission.) I want endgame content that is very challenging and rewarding, and I want them to create tiered content that can only be accomplished if you get certain items/gear/mod/weapons/whatever from previous tiers. They have a lot of work ahead of them when it comes to endgame content because currently there is no real endgame content.


They also need to create leader boards that are based on clearing endgame content within certain parameters, such as fastest clear times for endgame missions.(The endgame missions should also be set maps that are not randomly generated. They can use the same tiles, but randomly generated missions would make it impossible to have leader boards of people's clear times.) 

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They need to create endgame content that does not involve rushing through levels to farm. The endgame missions should involve fighting nothing but difficult enemies, should contain multiple mini bosses, and at the end there should be a very difficult boss that is very difficult to defeat. Not only that, but failure(dying 4 times) should mean that you have to wait 1-24 hours before you can attempt the mission again(this should also apply if you manage to complete the mission.) I want endgame content that is very challenging and rewarding, and I want them to create tiered content that can only be accomplished if you get certain items/gear/mod/weapons/whatever from previous tiers. They have a lot of work ahead of them when it comes to endgame content because currently there is no real endgame content.


They also need to create leader boards that are based on clearing endgame content within certain parameters, such as fastest clear times for endgame missions.(The endgame missions should also be set maps that are not randomly generated. They can use the same tiles, but randomly generated missions would make it impossible to have leader boards of people's clear times.)

With how DE handles balancing and difficulties, I have absolutely zero faith in their ability to create a scenario like the above that even remotely approaches anything resembling difficult but fair.
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