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Direct Ult Comparison Rhino


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I have been playing for a little while now...

The most recent patch has radically improved Rhino.

-His Ult is fast to cast

-it does good damage

-it pauses enemies in mid-air for both the team and Rhino himself

-it does very little in the way of pinning him down for some long animation


I don't know if roar effects powers so I will not mention such here.


Now for my gripe:

-His Ult is faster to cast than Banshee or Mag

-it does better damage than Banshee

-it has ridiculously better range than Banshee or Mag

-it pauses enemies in mid-air for both the team and Rhino himself; something that is only very short for Mag and only mass stumble for Banshee. Additionally, Neither Mag or Banshee can actually take advantage of this 'stun time' Rhino can.

-it does very little in the way of pinning him down for some long animation; Mag is pinned for longer, and Banshee is nailed to the floor!


I get that Rhino is assault so I do not begrudge the fast casting and long pausing effect. (How else is he meant to catch them anyway?).


Why is his Ult better in nearly every way?

In theory Mag and Banshee have 'slightly' better dmg; in practice with the reduction that armor applies to Sound quake has Rhino stomp is managing 2x+ the real damage, not to mention the much larger area of effect. Mag gets a grand total of 200 more damage for the loss of 35% range AND the loss of the cool let's shoot them while they just float there.


So I ask: Why the love on Rhino?

If his area of effect were MUCH lower I could see him having this VERY powerful ability; run up to a heavy target and pause it.


I would humbly request that either Nerf Rhino or buff Banshee and Mag.

Some suggestions:

Nerf that huge stomp radius. (20 METERS!!!!)


Increase the DMG on Mag and Banshee (along with a range buff)

-Possible DMG buffs:

Make Banshee's ult ignore armor (much like sonic boom)

Mag does more damage and armor piercing (naturally more armor is more metal to smash you with; beer canning corpus heads anyone?)


I have only discussed Rhino, Banshee, and Mag here (they are the only ones I have direct experience with through friends accounts).


I have Ember and I can say her Ult and her #3 are near broken, but it is my understanding that there is some rebalance in the works for her; and here is not the place to go off on tangents.


Rhino: His Ult is way crazy powerful.

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Now for my gripe:

-His Ult is faster to cast than Banshee or Mag

-it does better damage than Banshee

-it has ridiculously better range than Banshee or Mag

-it pauses enemies in mid-air for both the team and Rhino himself; something that is only very short for Mag and only mass stumble for Banshee. Additionally, Neither Mag or Banshee can actually take advantage of this 'stun time' Rhino can.

-it does very little in the way of pinning him down for some long animation; Mag is pinned for longer, and Banshee is nailed to the floor!


Wait, you mean X is different from Y? What is this sorcery?!?!?!?!?!

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I get that Rhino is assault so I do not begrudge the fast casting and long pausing effect. (How else is he meant to catch them anyway?).


Why is his Ult better in nearly every way?


<Face Palm>


Did you even read it all?

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Some abilities are better, some abilities are not. Deal with it.
We can't have every frame at the same tier. There are basic frames, good for first steps in Warframe, there are mid-tier ones, good for every purpose, and high-tier ones (and glasscannons) that are mede to deal some damage in endgame levels.

If DE will make every frame equal, we will have frames only capable of doing low-tier missions ("Nerf Nova! Nerf Vauban! Nerf Rhino!") or running through every mission one-shot killing everything at their way.
Also keep in mind, that we have harder end-game content now, so we need abilities, that can deal some damage.

So - no. Do not nerf Rhino, he's fine as he is now. IF you want to change something, slightly buff other frames.
And I'm just curious - you said only about Rhino, Banshee and Mag ult. Compare it with Ember, Vaban, Saryn...

If you are comparing starting frame with any other, it'll always seem overpowered. Rhino will always be stronger than Mag. Deal with it. 


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<Face Palm>


Did you even read it all?


I didn't need to. You're whining about ONE good ability that Rhino has.


Note that I said ONE.


Charge is meh at best (Slash Dash is way better, if you want some comparisons)

Skin is laughable and insta-pwned at high level missions. For a "Tank", Rhino sure is bad at taking damage.

Roar is garbage. For the high energy-cost and low duration, it's worth saving for stomps.


Rhino overall is a very low-tier frame, and you're B!^(hing about his ONLY good ability because it's better than Banshee (obviously your class since it's your avatar), and Mag (which is THE worst frame in the game atm). Please, just stop.


The best part is, Rhino Stomp isn't even the best AoE in the game, yet you complain about a crappy frame's ability over better ones.


I mean, if you want, I could compare Banshee to other classes. Sonar in particular is exceedingly helpful, and even Sonic Boom/Sound Quake are fairly useful for what they are. Don't like your frame? Play another. This game is Co-op and switching frames that you already have collected doesn't lose any progression you've made in game (unlike other games, like World of Warcraft).


The best way to determine how good a frame is isn't to compare one ability to another frame's, but rather, looking at frames as a whole by themselves, and THEN comparing to other frames, again, as a whole.

Edited by Polarthief
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I personally would prefer the buff route.


And I could care less that has it's own strengths; further I do think that Rhino Roar needs some help. The Idea that the Warframes have Teirs seems wrong to me... but I am uncertain. Even if it were Banshee is NOT a beginner Frame.


I reiterate: every way.


I was not trying to say that: "Oh woah is me! The game is broken!" It's a beta! I was trying to point out a power discrepancy. And people dislike my constuctive criticism?


Last time I got this kind of knee-jerk response from a suggestion was a CoD forum. And that is sad.

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I just hope other frames get some attention,so the masses can leave my rhino alone and I can go back to him.  Even then though, I preferred his old set of abilities more due to the ridiculous stomp that makes anything so EZ mode.  The charge/radial blast combo was great, just wish it was roar added to iron skin instead of radial/stomp combined.


In the meantime though, playing Ash, Excal...the frames no one wants.  Probably going to add Loki to that mix, once I get his newer helm that doesn't look so #$$.


haha, G>A>Y is censored.

Edited by Jbeasty09
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I just hope other frames get some attention,so the masses can leave my rhino alone and I can go back to him.  Even then though, I preferred his old set of abilities more due to the ridiculous stomp that makes anything so EZ mode.  The charge/radial blast combo was great, just wish it was roar added to iron skin instead of radial/stomp combined.


In the meantime though, playing Ash, Excal...the frames no one wants.  Probably going to add Loki to that mix, once I get his newer helm that doesn't look so #$$.


haha, G>A>Y is censored.

Yes, because in the sense you're using it, it's offensive.

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Yes, because in the sense you're using it, it's offensive.

So, if I were talking about the sexual orientation version of the term #$$, it won't be censored when I hit "post"...


And you sir are wrong. xD

Edited by Jbeasty09
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let me get this strait....they finally make rhino good and now u want him nerfed again??




By "Good" you mean GOD LIKE OP ? 


sure, they nerfed nova, So lets take the Rhino to the Ground again shall we ? 

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