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De, Did You Guys Just Troll Us?


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This is what happens when people complain that Nightmare mode is too easy...


And it still isn't hard to any degree. Having no map just makes it annoying due to the way map tiles are generated.


I prefer to run Corpus outdoormaps now with nightmare, since those have the easiest exits from the tiles.

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No map mode is fine.

No it is not.

Having no mini-map without distinctive clues to which pathways lead to the object is stupid. It turns it into a time-consuming, rage-inducing, tedious search for the correct pathway. In no way does that utilize any skill from a player. 


Getting into a game with multi-level floors without a mini-map and time-limit enabled is basically Lotus telling you to eject yourself out of the nearest airlock, towards the nearest corpus planet.

Edited by Whyan
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No shield is worse when you don't have Vampire mode on. Nothing like having your 1k shields stripped and to be left with 300 hp and no chance to regenerate. One shotted by anything, LAVLY.


But, I can deal with that, can't deal with no map. If they insist on keeping no map, I demand some sort of visual aid, arrows on the walls perhaps? or flashing waypoints? 


Either that or instead of no map, have no lights. Flashlight only could be interesting.

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nomap needs to be removed.

Doesnt make the game harder, makes it 100 times more annoying to play.


You want hard? How about:


-Infection: Every enemy turns into an infested when killed. Heavies/elites become ancients.

-Warp: Some enemies have the ability to teleport to you.

-Elite Stalker: In the level at some random point, an INVINCIBLE STALKER will appear. I

-Power protection: Some enemies will be immune to powers, including cc like snow globe or bastille (they'll walk throu it like nothing)


There are just so many funny and over-the-top things DE could make with NM, yet we get NOMAP. It's kinda silly..

Edited by Egioh
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You know, I enjoy nightmare mode. All the restrictions are fine bar one, no map.


When I see it, I just quit the mission. Running around for over half an hour with disoriented team-mates is a waste of time.


This is because of the game is made, all rooms look the same, thus there are no navigation points other than your own memory and sense of direction.


We have a map, because everything looks the same.

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I'm russian. 


So let's try to look at the problem from other side:


1. You don't speak russian too :)

2. In fact, there are so many children in this game - from 8 to 13 years. They are not enough adequate. We have some exclusions from this rule, but most of them really boring.

3. I don't use ingame voice communications. Many of my friends too. Cause we have a better way to use voice communications - steam, skype (very rare), RaidCall. Many russian ppl prefer to not use ingame voice too.


Sorry for my english. It's not my native language, as you see.

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Im loving the new nightmare mode. It's fustrating as hell, and its amazing.





I'm russian. 


So let's try to look at the problem from other side:


1. You don't speak russian too :)

2. In fact, there are so many children in this game - from 8 to 13 years. They are not enough adequate. We have some exclusions from this rule, but most of them really boring.

3. I don't use ingame voice communications. Many of my friends too. Cause we have a better way to use voice communications - steam, skype (very rare), RaidCall. Many russian ppl prefer to not use ingame voice too.


Sorry for my english. It's not my native language, as you see.

Never ever apologize for your english. As long people understand what you say, then thats all that matters.


And as a side note, if you play with a russian that doesn't speak english, there is a 99% chance that he sucks at the game too. Thats according to my own experience. Now please don't get me wrong, I don't judge russians for not speaking english, and people not being as good as some other people in the game, but it just happens so often that its hard not to pay attention to it.


I've played with a lot of russians, and a lot of them are extremely kind, so please don't think I have anything against them.

Edited by Zareek
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