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Mag: Better Than the Memes Say, But Still Needs Love


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you just described with poison/slash procs why I got defeated routinely on plague star. Had to rebuild- add health mods, reduce my duration polarize playstyle which does not suit infested anyway

this, reviving as a squishy and Kela de thaym is why I want life pool buffs for Mag (even if operator can solve it) 

don’t give up on radiation procs though, 3 testing YouTubers showed it to me so I won’t budge 

one tester even showed impact procs knocking down enemies inside the bubble which then sucks them to the middle.

This can prolly solve the issue of them escaping but I personally think it’s not a problem. If you target the biggest threat (with the largest armor), they are effectively stuck so the lesser threats can be dealt with ez 

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4 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Ha, only some experts of a bad thing doesn't solve an issue at all. We can't become them and able to spend enough resource like them, and it only proves that Mag is bad for it needs much care and skills to run. Mag in the hands of such expects are indeed good, even better than the typical gamers with most frames, but that's because of their own skills and efforts, rather than Mag's raw potent.


As I said, everything can quite playable if you put the efforts for it. The problem is, bad things needs too much care than the others while does not so better than the others.

Yes but the expert opinion is neutral to positive, not bad.

Mogamu says her rework was a buff with the transition to 2, so that’s a positive 

Tacticalpotato, iflynn were very neutral just giving info and tips. 

Gayguyplays after looking into her 2 got reformed. Another positive. 

There’s my usual go to guides both of which are extermely positive - LifeofRio and x3lp 

I work with set mods because I don’t wanna farm nor pay for derelict mods. Those are available on PoE, Earth and can double stats. Easily attainable and workable for a newbie just as forma. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

you just described with poison/slash procs why I got defeated routinely on plague star. Had to rebuild- add health mods, reduce my duration polarize playstyle which does not suit infested anyway

this, reviving as a squishy and Kela de thaym is why I want life pool buffs for Mag (even if operator can solve it) 

don’t give up on radiation procs though, 3 testing YouTubers showed it to me so I won’t budge 

one tester even showed impact procs knocking down enemies inside the bubble which then sucks them to the middle.

This can prolly solve the issue of them escaping but I personally think it’s not a problem. If you target the biggest threat (with the largest armor), they are effectively stuck so the lesser threats can be dealt with ez 

I can see the merit of modding for a CC status like Impact or Blast to KEEP enemies in the bubble and hopefully preventing the glitch of them simply walking out. Of course, slash status being Meta, having Magnetize stack slash procs would get you faster kill times.

But homie, really think about it this. Bullets CAN NOT escape Magnetize, right? So what is the point of a Radiation Proc inside Magnetize? Even if enemies are not radiated, they would STILL be shooting themselves anyway. It's literally redundant. Now if you want radiation damage for the bonus on armor, cool. But if you're looking to add any elements to Magnetize to take advantage of status you're better of with Gas, Corrosive, or Blast when it comes to elements and Slash for IPS....maybe impact to prevent the bug.

Not to throw salt but there was once a time I had argued with Rob of AGayGuyPlays over why status is good when he swore status was bad and crit was king. I don't blame him because that was the sentiment a lot of people had before players started figuring out that Stealth Gas stacked so massively before DE *fixed* that. You can look at some of his older videos right after damage 2.0 and he swore status chance was bad. He changed his tune now.

Hell, I am a Brozime fan myself but even still I go in and replicate whatever test he shows me and see how that playstyle works for me. He enjoys playing Mag BUT thinks she terrible. As a fan, I disagree. I don't think she's terrible, but we both agree she is not good for new players and she could use buffs that would make her survive longer; some damage reduction and more energy. Another thing I agree with Brozime is that the point of Mag rework was not achieved and the rework is bad in that respect. The rework was supposed to make it that she doesn't spam Shield Polarize and one shot all Corpus. Rework was supposed to make her entire kit strong. What the rework actually did was make her a spam Magnetize to kill everything...slower than old Shield Polarize. Brozime understand that and made great suggestions to fix that. Rog, Magomu and LifeOfRio all just accepted that she is now Magnetized focus and her Pull and Shield Polarize are just utility and Crush being bad. None of them made suggestions to make her entire kit cohesive or fix crush. Rio Specifically called out Brozime with no counter argument.

Edited by (PS4)DBR87
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That was a youtuber’s conjecture on radiation’s status, that the confusion results in them targeting each other, which makes the bonus. It could be the armor strip too like you mentioned 

My early misconception of magnetize is that I don’t have to specifically aim at targets inside. That I can just hit the bubble anywhere and it will do the work. 

I was half wrong there because you still need punch through to keep the bullets spinning after hitting them

And, I saw youtubers aim at a single target and those die before the others.

This is my own conjecture- If they start shooting at each other, then their bullets hit the other instead of spinning.

Spinning bullets that tic inside are 1/4 the base damage and don’t count the crit multiplier.

A direct hit from the inside could count the entire base dmg of that confused gunner plus crit 

As for crit vs status. You and Rob could be right depending on the situation.

Frames like Mag prefer status effect  (bullet tics don’t use crit, bubble blast don’t use crit) although her bubble has its own multiplier so that’s fair and well

Volt mains and some Chromas prefer crit because of their abilities 

A Titania main suggested that I use both for her Dex Pixia 

Melee frames like Excal and Valkyr I’m still learning, are they status or crit? 

Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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48 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

I was half wrong there because you still need punch through to keep the bullets spinning after hitting them

And, I saw youtubers aim at a single target and those die before the others.

Note that this only works in open spaces. It's great in the plains, and it's great in those simulacrum tests supposedly showing the power of magnetise, but if there's a wall inside that bubble the projectiles will just hit it and stop "spinning" immediately.

All weapon fire is draw to the centre of the bubble and its target, which also receives amplified damage. In the case of hitscan weapons it just goes in a straight line from you to the centre of the bubble, which is why it becomes impossible to hit targets even outside the bubble when it's positioned behind them. This could be fixed if DE cared to do so.


48 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

Spinning bullets that tic inside are 1/4 the base damage and don’t count the crit multiplier.

Since when? I'm pretty sure that projectiles trapped inside the bubble do their full damage and behave normally in terms of crit. If anything 1/4 of their damage is also stored and dealt every half a second to all targets within the bubble, this damage input does not take crit into account.


As for crit vs status it's all very build and weapon specific. Each elemental status type (except for magnetic) has potential applications and synergies. Crit is just more damage where a weapon can support it, and Volt is the only frame with a direct crit synergy, and crit is not useful with Nova's AD. Usually you do both if the weapon is capable of both. There are a tonne of pretty obscure status mechanics and possible interactions to discover.

Edited by Mudfam
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

gonna start playing now so I ll stop replying 

but there’s a magnetize video quoted on the previous page bu youtuber x3lp 

there’s some tricky math stuff that took me several views to figure out 

Actually it's just extremely simple arithmetic (I do actual tricky math stuff as part of my job).

In case you misunderstood, I was pointing out that trapped projectiles do much more more damage (full) than you seem to think they do. The 1/4 and no crits only applies to the damage per half second absorbed and dealt to enemies inside the bubble. Like Antimatter Drop, or a rampart, the bubble is considered an "object" and as such is crit immune.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

That was a youtuber’s conjecture on radiation’s status, that the confusion results in them targeting each other, which makes the bonus. It could be the armor strip too like you mentioned 

My early misconception of magnetize is that I don’t have to specifically aim at targets inside. That I can just hit the bubble anywhere and it will do the work. 

I was half wrong there because you still need punch through to keep the bullets spinning after hitting them

And, I saw youtubers aim at a single target and those die before the others.

This is my own conjecture- If they start shooting at each other, then their bullets hit the other instead of spinning.

Spinning bullets that tic inside are 1/4 the base damage and don’t count the crit multiplier.

A direct hit from the inside could count the entire base dmg of that confused gunner plus crit 

As for crit vs status. You and Rob could be right depending on the situation.

Frames like Mag prefer status effect  (bullet tics don’t use crit, bubble blast don’t use crit) although her bubble has its own multiplier so that’s fair and well

Volt mains and some Chromas prefer crit because of their abilities 

A Titania main suggested that I use both for her Dex Pixia 

Melee frames like Excal and Valkyr I’m still learning, are they status or crit? 

Exalted Blade can be used with either a status or critical mods on the melee weapon. You can even mod for both. You can use Chromatic Blades to get Exalted Blades' status chance up to 50% chance at base that scales even high with a bit of power strength and get lots of status chance with no need for status mods on your melee and allowing you to focus on crit mods.

Hysteria has a 10% status chance at base and a 50% crit chance. That being said, your melee weapon should be modded for crit.

Edited by (PS4)DBR87
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