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Suggestion for Timed Survival:


Ragnarok Mode:


You WILL die, its just a matter of time, as more and stronger enemies flow toward you. Sucess is beating your old time, or the times of others. Its the ultimate Nightmare, since there is no escape.


In a group, you could have one person take the part of the "pod" and be the objective for the enemies, the goal of the rest of the team is to keep them safe. This would probably need its own arena, to prevent camping in an ultra-defensible or unreachable spot. It could work with a timer of compartments flooding with radiation or something that would keep a person on the move.

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Raid is least played mission type because its slower than capture, not because it's least liked.


Look at your data, I'm willing to bet that what you have in hand is a list of grind-effecient mission types, not "most fun".


Rescue is trash because the hostage is a nuisance and a high mission fail rate. but before it was patched you could glitch the hostage in the cell and complete the mission without that headache which made it a very safe way to farm a long map.


Remove mods from the drop tables and tie them to mission performance/objectives and you'll see your numbers shake up dramatically.  There's nothing wrong with raid except that it involves longer run times than capture... and you speed run capture/raid missions for credits.  Mod/mat farming is done on xini-type maps, and affinity farming is done on exterminate.  


Players are goal oriented, especially given the in-game economy... most played mission types will reflect this.

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Is there really a need to replace raid? Why not just add more mission types? The Idea of survival though is incredible. I'm loving the idea. but why raid? If there had to be one mission type that should be replaced i think it should be rescue. The hostages are really annoying to babysit, considering they are paper thin and just stand in open fire. I understand that it's meant to be challenging to protect the hostage all the way to extraction as well as protect yourself , but couldn't the hostage be smarter? Please improve the AI of the hostages


As usual , amazing livestream. :)

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Raid is least played mission type because its slower than capture, not because it's least liked.


Look at your data, I'm willing to bet that what you have in hand is a list of grind-effecient mission types, not "most fun".


Rescue is trash because the hostage is a nuisance and a high mission fail rate. but before it was patched you could glitch the hostage in the cell and complete the mission without that headache which made it a very safe way to farm a long map.


Remove mods from the drop tables and tie them to mission performance/objectives and you'll see your numbers shake up dramatically.  There's nothing wrong with raid except that it involves longer run times than capture... and you speed run capture/raid missions for credits.  Mod/mat farming is done on xini-type maps, and affinity farming is done on exterminate.  


Players are goal oriented, especially given the in-game economy... most played mission types will reflect this.


Affinity farming is done on exterminate? 

Who farms nowadays in exterminate? It's usually def missions or mobile def.

Exterminate is a fixed number of enemies while mob def is based on time, quantity of players and location of players. So therefore you get more exp in mob def. 


Can someone brief me what they talked about in that livestream?




Post 1 Page 1 under Spoiler

you welcome.


To topic:

If Raid is removed... I bet there will be a new tileset aswell... if that is so then what will happen (for example) to Mercury, M Prime?

The most sought mission for farming Ferrite?

With that I mean that the there are specific missions that are "grinded" to get those specific resources. If you change that it would devastate Player's decisions to even stay at the game (I might be too dramatic) but yeah if the DE still goes on with the change I STRONGLY recommend them to not "touch" drop tables of any map that has served Raid missions. 

I still agree to most of the player's opinions. Also imo DE should add the maps to the solarsystem as in a "selector" (would also help with choices such as "Nightmare Mode", "Alert" and then a distinct choice of "Raid" and "Timed Survival")


However the changes might be, I am excited!

And btw that Ferrite Alert mission was amazing thanks again :D

Edited by Sky.1683
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Can someone brief me what they talked about in that livestream?




It's right there, in the first post?


Tulzscha: What equipment do you guys use when recording/mixing/monitoring? Specific models of headphones, microphones, other recording gear?


Se050239: Will the Corpus have an actual voice, instead of garbled gibberish?


Ignaesia: Will the Warframes ever talk?


Marabunta5: Boss Voices: Will each of the bosses get their own unique voices and sounds(IE: Phorid, Golem and like Lech Kril and CCG Vor) ? And Who voices Captain councilor general Vor? and Who is the voice of the awesome Lech Kril? 


SaltLight: What was the main inspiration for the voices of the boss and also for Vor? what language are they speaking exactly? was it english but played backwords or something?


Seldszar: Since the update 9 Lotus has a different voice at certain times do you plan to spend all dialogue with this new voice ?


Grandmaster-Builder5 When can we expect new Lotus recordings?


Mikey_t: What would you say the funniest thing you have done to make a sound for Warframe?


Theammostore: How long does it take to create sounds and how do you do it? Do you use instruments? Or is there just one really talented sound worker who just goes up to the mic and beatboxes all of the sounds? (sidenote, can anyone beatbox)


Botskis: Which vegetable makes the most delicious sounds?

Also, is there an "all in one" tool/object (other than vegetables) that you keep using over and over again due to its versatility?


Nickeltoe: When the grineer tile set comes out, I am sure there are windy noise and other typical desert noises.  How did you create these in the studio?  (Besides breaking vegetables)


Kroul: Is there any chance of "sound packs" becoming a cosmetic type item. For example you have the boltor's normal sound but you can equip a sound pack to change the way it would sound.


ZyloWolfzan: 1. What is currently your favorite enemy sound or voice clip?


Quazar123: When will we get elevator music? :-P


General questions about weapon sounds and how changes are decided on and made.


General questions about when more music will enter Warframe.



The end of the stream was Sabotaged by Sheldon & Steve! Here are the highlights of their visit:

1. Gamescom! We are giving away from Swag and giving our fans a chance to win some sweet gear. Come see us at Gamescom.


2. We’re doing more weekend events! So you guys know the Grineer Settlements are coming… but the locations won’t reveal themselves without Tenno Effort! Why would the Grineer reveal these Outposts to the Tenno? Stay tuned…. You may need to find intel about these Settlements before you can access them.


3. THIS WEEKEND: Double Affinity Weekend !


4. We’re changing a bunch of mission types


We’re removing Raid (it’s too similar to Capture as well as it is not a very popular game type).

In Raid’s place: Timed Survival-esque mode. You’ll be in a ship or location and must survive for as long as you can.

Scoring Systems for missions is also coming

We are changing Spy and Deception as well. They will be completely revamped.

In Spy (Intel) you will enter “Cephalon”, an Orokin Mainframe, and you’ll have to attack the virtual space.

In Deception (counter-intel) it will be an escort with an “Envoy” which is the Lotus in an high-tech drone. Although we know Escort missions are generally hated, the Envoy will help by boosting players. Staying in range of the Envoy benefits the group.

What happens to Void Raid keys? They’ll be changed under the hood, they’ll still work.


Addendum: Also on the cutting board is Rescue, tweaks will come there.


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Next in Warframe:

  • All old mission types removed except Spy and Rescue.
    • Spy will be improved. Now all 4 players must carry 20 datamases around the whole level, using both hands and one leg, hitting enemies only with one datamass which does 3 damage per hit, and having their speed reduced due to them weighting 150 Kg each.
    • The AI for the hostage in rescue mission will be greatly improved. Now s/he will be constantly throwing rocks at the player and calling him names. Sometimes s/he will be lost with no trace in the minimap and you'll have no other choice than walk the whole map following the hostage voice: "Dudes, I think it's over here!". When you find him/her s/he will be in a room full of traps nearly dying and cursing you for your incompetence.
  • New mission types:
    • Farming. We've monitoring our players and have found that what they do most of the time is farming materials hopelessly, so we've added a new type of mission centered exclusively on boredom and repetition. No more having fun in life.
    • Bug hunting. This new type of mission is only for experienced players that want a challenge. Kill hordes of enemies while fighting against game freezes, crashes, having your character stuck, falling from the map, playing upside-down, etc.
  • New leaderboards. 50 new types of trivialities to compete for (no-lifers rejoice!).
  • New weapon that shoots nanospores: Nanospore Prime. Will need 50 orokin cells to craft. Non changeable colors.
  • New color scheme costing 150 of platinum: 80 shades of magenta. From too magenta to magenta-ish. So monochromatic you will need to calibrate your monitor to see the differences.
  • New rooms for your dojo. Because Tennos need a lot of space to relax. NEEDS MOAR EMPTY ROOMS.

Stay tuned for more things to come.




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I'm 100% fine with them getting rid of raid, although rescue should get gone too.

People seem to be thinking Escort is a new gametype that's getting added on top of the others, but it isn't. It's replacing the deception missions which where crap anyway.

I think part of the reason they are doing escorts is to keep rushing to a minimum in those missions.

Personally I hope Lotus comes in a drone version of those Spidertanks from Blacklight.

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Next in Warframe:

  • All old mission types removed except Spy and Rescue.
    • Spy will be improved. Now all 4 players must carry 20 datamases around the whole level, using both hands and one leg, hitting enemies only with one datamass which does 3 damage per hit, and having their speed reduced due to them weighting 150 Kg each.
    • The AI for the hostage in rescue mission will be greatly improved. Now s/he will be constantly throwing rocks at the player and calling him names. Sometimes s/he will be lost with no trace in the minimap and you'll have no other choice than walk the whole map following the hostage voice: "Dudes, I think it's over here!". When you find him/her s/he will be in a room full of traps nearly dying and cursing you for your incompetence.
  • New mission types:
    • Farming. We've monitoring our players and have found that what they do most of the time is farming materials hopelessly, so we've added a new type of mission centered exclusively on boredom and repetition. No more having fun in life.
    • Bug hunting. This new type of mission is only for experienced players that want a challenge. Kill hordes of enemies while fighting against game freezes, crashes, having your character stuck, falling from the map, playing upside-down, etc.
  • New leaderboards. 50 new types of trivialities to compete for (no-lifers rejoice!).
  • New weapon that shoots nanospores: Nanospore Prime. Will need 50 orokin cells to craft. Non changeable colors.
  • New color scheme costing 150 of platinum: 80 shades of magenta. From too magenta to magenta-ish. So monochromatic you will need to calibrate your monitor to see the differences.
  • New rooms for your dojo. Because Tennos need a lot of space to relax. NEEDS MOAR EMPTY ROOMS.

Stay tuned for more things to come.


This had me in tears! Too brilliant post! :D Kudos!

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Raid is one of the best mission types; getting rid of it is a horrible idea.


I agree 100%. Whats needed is greater mission variety, and *more* mission types (with new factions/races for enemies!), not less mission types.


Removing such a standard, core, tried & true mission type doesn`t seem smart.

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2. We’re doing more weekend events! 


3. THIS WEEKEND: Double Affinity Weekend !

Are we going to get community events each weekend or an alternation between community events and special weekends(like the affinity one),two of each per month?

Edited by Raxaphan
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Given my druthers, I would run raid more often, i mostly run assassinations to farm the materials i need to build new stuff. I play it less not because i dont like it, but because it has no rare resource drops. I have to agree with some other on this thread, add the new mission types, dont just replace the old ones. Besides, the old ones dont have startup bugs anymore, new mission types invariably have some bugs when they start, give us alteratives for the "while you fix that" moments. then phase out the older raid, after we are happy with its replacement.

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Please, don't remove raid. Just add the new mission types to get more variety, i don't think that replacing one mode for another is a good idea. Variety is king.

I agree. If the game modes are going to be reworked entirely then just give it a new name and keep both variants in. The more the better. Edited by ikarop
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Thanks for watching our Sound Q&A! Here is a list of some of the questions we asked, tune into our Stream to learn what our Sound Team had to say and check out some videos of how Warframe sounds are made!




PART 1: http://www.twitch.tv/warframe/b/438760539

PART 2: http://www.twitch.tv/warframe/b/438779288


Tulzscha: What equipment do you guys use when recording/mixing/monitoring? Specific models of headphones, microphones, other recording gear?


Se050239: Will the Corpus have an actual voice, instead of garbled gibberish?


Ignaesia: Will the Warframes ever talk?


Marabunta5: Boss Voices: Will each of the bosses get their own unique voices and sounds(IE: Phorid, Golem and like Lech Kril and CCG Vor) ? And Who voices Captain councilor general Vor? and Who is the voice of the awesome Lech Kril? 


SaltLight: What was the main inspiration for the voices of the boss and also for Vor? what language are they speaking exactly? was it english but played backwords or something?


Seldszar: Since the update 9 Lotus has a different voice at certain times do you plan to spend all dialogue with this new voice ?


Grandmaster-Builder5 When can we expect new Lotus recordings?


Mikey_t: What would you say the funniest thing you have done to make a sound for Warframe?


Theammostore: How long does it take to create sounds and how do you do it? Do you use instruments? Or is there just one really talented sound worker who just goes up to the mic and beatboxes all of the sounds? (sidenote, can anyone beatbox)


Botskis: Which vegetable makes the most delicious sounds?

Also, is there an "all in one" tool/object (other than vegetables) that you keep using over and over again due to its versatility?


Nickeltoe: When the grineer tile set comes out, I am sure there are windy noise and other typical desert noises.  How did you create these in the studio?  (Besides breaking vegetables)


Kroul: Is there any chance of "sound packs" becoming a cosmetic type item. For example you have the boltor's normal sound but you can equip a sound pack to change the way it would sound.


ZyloWolfzan: 1. What is currently your favorite enemy sound or voice clip?


Quazar123: When will we get elevator music? :-P


General questions about weapon sounds and how changes are decided on and made.


General questions about when more music will enter Warframe.



The end of the stream was Sabotaged by Sheldon & Steve! Here are the highlights of their visit:

1. Gamescom! We are giving away from Swag and giving our fans a chance to win some sweet gear. Come see us at Gamescom.


2. We’re doing more weekend events! So you guys know the Grineer Settlements are coming… but the locations won’t reveal themselves without Tenno Effort! Why would the Grineer reveal these Outposts to the Tenno? Stay tuned…. You may need to find intel about these Settlements before you can access them.


3. THIS WEEKEND: Double Affinity Weekend !


4. We’re changing a bunch of mission types


We’re removing Raid (it’s too similar to Capture as well as it is not a very popular game type).

In Raid’s place: Timed Survival-esque mode. You’ll be in a ship or location and must survive for as long as you can.

Scoring Systems for missions is also coming

We are changing Spy and Deception as well. They will be completely revamped.

In Spy (Intel) you will enter “Cephalon”, an Orokin Mainframe, and you’ll have to attack the virtual space.

In Deception (counter-intel) it will be an escort with an “Envoy” which is the Lotus in an high-tech drone. Although we know Escort missions are generally hated, the Envoy will help by boosting players. Staying in range of the Envoy benefits the group.

What happens to Void Raid keys? They’ll be changed under the hood, they’ll still work.


Addendum: Also on the cutting board is Rescue, tweaks will come there.


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I had a good time but 90% of the people came just to try for the Platinum and spammed the chat like 5 year olds. And the people doing the show turned it into a pink pants Circus. I think events we are going to because of interest in sound and technology they need to be serious. Honestly its not about Quantity it's about Quality. I really wanted to hear technical information and meet the people but now all I see is Pink Pants in game chat, lol. I just think there is a time and a place for everything. Offering a bunch of platinum it ends up 80% of the people came just for that. That's not what you want in an event like this. TY

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