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Ideas about improving warframe.


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Warframe is, in my opinion, one of the few truely great games, that offers something unique in a world of games. Playing through the game, the player have the freedom to choose how he or she wants to play, which mechanics should determin their gaming experience in the gameplay itself while Warframe servers great stories in the form of quests. It offers the chance for any player to do exactly what they want and most of the time when they want and there's almost always a point to keep repeating the same missions for hours. The loot progression based system in warframe, I believe that to be the single best example implemented in any game, at the very least for a very long time. But the game is not flawless, there's bandaids and poor implementations all over the game and I think the next update shouldn't be a new frame, it shouldn't be a new quest or a new world. It should be an update to solve the need for bandaids and fix the poor implementations.

Mods themselves is what gives the power. The frame doesn't matter, the weapon doesn't matter, if the mods aren't there to back it up, you're powerless. I think that is fantastic and how a modding based game should be. The talk about removing Serration, Hornet Strike, Point Blank and Preassure Point, I find that a very bad idea. Now before my reasoning to this, I'll say first it's not out of elitism or the desire to be better than anyone else, it's not from a desire to promote the market for ranked mods, it's simply a desire to keep the "progression" in "loot progression". Imagine for a second, that as a new player you get lucky and get an invite to a leveling session, 10-15 minutes later your weapon have the same base power as any other player in warframe and your effort in the game is minimal, you have no need to go loot anything, to get the base power of your weapons up. It's not a repeated grind for every single weapon that's getting removed, it's the overall progression towards getting stronger that's basically just getting removed, said roughly. Instead of removing the mods, I suggest the polarity of all mods with damage increase is getting a new polarity (double dashes for example) and all weapons get a new dedicated slot for that, a 9th slot. I think the cause of the issues about so many mods beeing a need in any given build, especially for secondaries, is there's too many mods doing the same thing. Straight up Damage mods and Multishot mods, why so many? Serration and Heavy Caliber gives the same Damage increase and one have a drawback, which applied to the right weapons, makes it better. But why so many? And while on the topic of loot progression, if you don't have a resource booster, farming kuva is just a horrible economy.

The bandaids that litter warframe needs to be removed. They're there because the base mechanic either isn't working correctly/well. Shield Disruption got nerfed for teralysts, even though it did exactly what it's supposed to be, yet Corrosive Projection is untouched, making all grineer lose what make them unique to fight. Infested Impetence, even though hardly used, is still a bandaid that removes the challenges of infested. And back to Shield Disruption, which is just a joke of a bandaid, because the corpus have large numbers of armored units anyway and none of the shields is any challenge to deal with, we don't even use the "correct" damage type against it, because of armor and armor bypass damage with no reduction to damage. Then we get Hunter Munitions. A mod that allows us armor bypass damage to weapons that have no slash in the first place, in case we hadn't found out about gas. Remove those 3 auras from the game would be step 1, then make each faction unique to fight, Infested and Corpus should not have armor, they are their own factions and should represent a unique fighting mechanic. Stop armor bypass and make dot damagetypes work the same, no matter the source. Shields could offer damage reduction, depending on their current level, so that a full shield offers x% damage reduction, while a shield with 50% gone offers y% damage reduction.

Finally, end game. This running joke with Fashion Frame being the true end game of Warframe, Devs you weren't meant to make it a reality! It is not a horrible game design adding missions too hard for new players. It is not horrible game design making items available only from those missions. It gives players something to work towards. I understand the desire to want to balance the game, so casual and hardcore players have the same progression and experience, but you can't balance 40 hours and 10 hours. Please just accept that fact and let us have somewhere to go with our powerful shiny frames. And please, add the same level 30 requirement to fissures that sorties have, but apply it to weapons aswell, not just frames.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Stop armor bypass

I would not argue against this if armor was constant and didn't scale with enemy level, but they do. This gives the grineer exponential EHP scaling while the other factions have linear scaling. This is why armor bypass is so popular. DE has already spoken out against the removal of armor scaling but change is always possible.

50 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

And please, add the same level 30 requirement to fissures that sorties have, but apply it to weapons aswell, not just frames.

This, in particular I strongly disagree with. Fissures are brain-dead easy even with level 0 frames and weapons especially with the minimum mod capacity. Adding a max rank requirement to them doesn't make sense to me.

In fact, I have a problem with sorties having a lvl 30 frame requirement - especially when most sortie enemies are so fragile that they get one shot by a melee swing, while doing too little damage to kill an afk tank.

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On December 11, 2017 at 12:38 AM, Mister-God said:

I would not argue against this if armor was constant and didn't scale with enemy level, but they do. This gives the grineer exponential EHP scaling while the other factions have linear scaling. This is why armor bypass is so popular. DE has already spoken out against the removal of armor scaling but change is always possible.

This, in particular I strongly disagree with. Fissures are brain-dead easy even with level 0 frames and weapons especially with the minimum mod capacity. Adding a max rank requirement to them doesn't make sense to me.

In fact, I have a problem with sorties having a lvl 30 frame requirement - especially when most sortie enemies are so fragile that they get one shot by a melee swing, while doing too little damage to kill an afk tank.

I am well aware of why armor bypass is popular, but that doesn't mean it's good game design. Grineer are armored units, Corpus is shielded units and Infested have neither, roughly, I don't think it's good game design mixing up the factions unique trades, especially when armor is as strong as it is compared to the others and it blurs the mechanics of the different factions and removing a lot of the unique aspects of fighting them. This is also the reason I think bypass damages should be changed to not be bypass, as it removes the uniqueness of the factions, armor isn't a problem dealing with, even at level 200, it's a matter of adjusting builds and selecting weapons up for the task, this is why we have status procs in other damage types than Slash in the first place. Corrosive Projection and Viral/Slash builds isn't the only way to fight grineer, I would argue it's just flat out cheesing.

The reason I see for setting a requirement of level 30 frames and weapons, is to stop leveling in those missions. When was the last time you public matchmade and stayed for longer than 15 minutes in a Survival? Relics on their own ruined what ever end game we had, with this, end game is burried. Having an actual end game that isn't making plat and buying skins would be benefitial to warframe. Tier 5 bounties on the planes being level 80-100, or make a new Tier of bounties on par with sorties and the same level 30 requirement sorties have. Those bounties I believe would be a good addition to warframe, obviously not with sortie rewards, but simply so veterans would have some place to go aswell. Catering to the newer members of warframe exclusively is just flat out wrong, we've been here for years and don't get content at the level we're at, not just a picture hidden an hour in the Index.

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I feel the issue is more related to enemy AI design and boss mechanics. Alot of the game is seen as just filler content because the real rewards come in farming exploits. This tends to skew the actual gameplay experience from the perceived gameplay that the Devs operate under, since most players have a different conception of the game. So instead of fixing the content they bandaid the stats.

Pointlessly Open and Empty is a perfect example of that; since I heard they changed they way those mods you mentioned worked against the Eidolon. Corrosive Progection and EMP aura will in fact help the Eidolon instead of debuff it; while the rest of the Grineer mobs still are affected the orignal way. This was their attempt at making a tough boss without having to figure out mechanically how it would fit with the rest of the Mobs on the map. It's little things like this which ended up with us having the units get mixed up with varying resistances. Shoddy game design really.

The biggest update would be to improve enemy AI across the board. I also agree that harder content should be made available for people who have hgh MR and are willing to take the challenge. They could create an alternative to Nightmare levels in which the difficulty scales with MR, or you are allowed to put in modifiers which makes the mission harder but the rewards greater.

I feel that procedural generation should be utilize more readily to create more challenging content for the end game. Create a system whereby we can setup up our own missions with our own conditions and then a level is procedural generated based upon your starting conditions. I came up with an idea recently that DE should make a affinity resource drop; an item which grants affinity to any un-leveled item that you can only win as an reward and are not trade able, similar to Endo. You can make this a reward for challenging missions. That way people can challenge themselves and take the affinity they won and put it towards something they are working on but can't use yet. I would say that they could put this as rewards for any mission but that would require a 180 degree change on level design, so I think the easiest way is to make a procedural generated mission system first for high MR people and then expand that out to the rest of the game. But I truly do feel the enemy AI and the level generation system need to be scrapped and replaced with something more dynamic, more sophisticated and challenging. I was thinking something along the lines of The Director AI in Left for Dead, and the Nemesis Boss System in Shadow of War. Mixing that in with truly unique procedural generated levels would make new content that is challenging without forcing the devs to use human resources creating it.

I would have rather seen them make procedural generated maps based on mission type than an open world map. So a capture happens on a long branched path and if your aren't fast and you don't pick the right path you might actually lose the target. OR Spy/Rescue missions happen on labyrinthine levels where you have to find the spy room/holding cell before you have to figure out how to get into it. Or defense/interception/mobile defense missions where the placement of the defense point and the mob spawns and environment are generated to have specific strategic and tactical considerations. With enemies which are intelligent and commanded to be as effective as they can be against the player by the AI.

This is why I don't really like POE and am concerned that the popularity in Warframe is being interpreted as "players want open world spaces" because I feel that's the worse direction to go to, making a "Skyrim-lite, except you got 3 friends now!!" experience. There has been alot of talk that DE wants to make Warframe more of a MMO. The problem is that POE is still just a 4 player map, it's not even close to a true MMO experience. AND WHY DOES NO ONE MENTION THE FACT THAT THE PLAINS OF EIDOLON IS IN FACT A VALLEY!?!?!? There is no point on the map where you see a flat space or even a flat space in the background, except the ocean horizon. So now I wonder what is going on in their minds as POE is not just tonaly off from the rest of the game but the whole thing from the ground up seems like a half assed rush job with very little planning or thought through. And apparently they spent a significant amount of time and resources focusing on this content and I'm playing the PS4 version which was released months after the PC. The archwing is a joke, the enemies are not challenging in the least, and plague star was the shallowest event ever to use on your newest and most popular content in the game(I still can't get over that you don't have to be next to the mixer to contribute the toxins; and that they used lephantis as a mini boss). So the only effort I see was they figured out how to design maps that don't require enclosed spaces for loading purposes. Which, as a veteran player, I don't think I ever heard anyone complain was lacking in the game.


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On 12/10/2017 at 2:26 PM, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Mods themselves is what gives the power. The frame doesn't matter, the weapon doesn't matter, if the mods aren't there to back it up, you're powerless. I think that is fantastic and how a modding based game should be.

Ew. No.

1. New players won't instantly be just as powerful as more experienced players on leveling to 30, because even with Serration etc. maxed an MK-1 Braton can't compare to say, Soma Prime.

2. There will still be plenty of reason to get mods. Mods would let you customize how your weapon handles (mag size, punch through, elements, and many new traits if we can free up space occupied by mandatory mods).

On 12/10/2017 at 2:26 PM, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

The bandaids that litter warframe needs to be removed. They're there because the base mechanic either isn't working correctly/well. Shield Disruption got nerfed for teralysts, even though it did exactly what it's supposed to be, yet Corrosive Projection is untouched, making all grineer lose what make them unique to fight. Infested Impetence, even though hardly used, is still a bandaid that removes the challenges of infested. And back to Shield Disruption, which is just a joke of a bandaid, because the corpus have large numbers of armored units anyway and none of the shields is any challenge to deal with, we don't even use the "correct" damage type against it, because of armor and armor bypass damage with no reduction to damage. Then we get Hunter Munitions. A mod that allows us armor bypass damage to weapons that have no slash in the first place, in case we hadn't found out about gas. Remove those 3 auras from the game would be step 1, then make each faction unique to fight, Infested and Corpus should not have armor, they are their own factions and should represent a unique fighting mechanic. Stop armor bypass and make dot damagetypes work the same, no matter the source. Shields could offer damage reduction, depending on their current level, so that a full shield offers x% damage reduction, while a shield with 50% gone offers y% damage reduction.

The thing about band-aids is that you have to both remove them AND fix the reason they are there to begin with. I also think you have a different idea of what constitutes a band-aid.

To me, Body Count is a a band-aid for the crappy base combo duration. Shield Disruption is not a band-aid; it's just pointless.

On 12/10/2017 at 2:26 PM, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Finally, end game. This running joke with Fashion Frame being the true end game of Warframe, Devs you weren't meant to make it a reality! It is not a horrible game design adding missions too hard for new players. It is not horrible game design making items available only from those missions. It gives players something to work towards. I understand the desire to want to balance the game, so casual and hardcore players have the same progression and experience, but you can't balance 40 hours and 10 hours. Please just accept that fact and let us have somewhere to go with our powerful shiny frames. And please, add the same level 30 requirement to fissures that sorties have, but apply it to weapons aswell, not just frames.


Sorties are already plenty "hard" (cheap) to the extent that T3 Sortie is frequently straight up not fun.

I do not support missions any higher in level (especially not with unique loot) until Warframe's high level content isn't just a OHKO fest where the name of the game is CC spam or invisibility.

I want to fight enemies who fight back, without running the risk of getting killed almost instantly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On December 13, 2017 at 10:38 PM, DiabolusUrsus said:

Ew. No.

1. New players won't instantly be just as powerful as more experienced players on leveling to 30, because even with Serration etc. maxed an MK-1 Braton can't compare to say, Soma Prime.

2. There will still be plenty of reason to get mods. Mods would let you customize how your weapon handles (mag size, punch through, elements, and many new traits if we can free up space occupied by mandatory mods).

The thing about band-aids is that you have to both remove them AND fix the reason they are there to begin with. I also think you have a different idea of what constitutes a band-aid.

To me, Body Count is a a band-aid for the crappy base combo duration. Shield Disruption is not a band-aid; it's just pointless.


Sorties are already plenty "hard" (cheap) to the extent that T3 Sortie is frequently straight up not fun.

I do not support missions any higher in level (especially not with unique loot) until Warframe's high level content isn't just a OHKO fest where the name of the game is CC spam or invisibility.

I want to fight enemies who fight back, without running the risk of getting killed almost instantly.

You're right in there's a difference between MK-1 Braton and Soma Prime, but there's also the difference in a Soma Prime without any mods won't compare to an MK-1 Braton fully decked out. This is why I believe a Damage mod in the deck is a good idea, it just should have it's own slot and not take away from the drain points no matter the rank of the mod.

Body Count is a band-aid mod and it's not only the 3 aura's I've mentioned, there's tons of them. But stripping factions of what makes them unique by simply equipping an aura, I don't find that okay in any way, at all. It's giving us a generic enemy instead and it's making each encounter the same, no matter which enemy we face off.

As to sorties being hard. Please, they are no different from a normal mission, just play the mechanics and play smart. Hard content should give good rewards. You don't want to fight enemies who can actually kill you when you do something stupid? Then stick with exterminate and let the rest of us have long run survivals, that's the great thing about warframe. But just because you don't support high level missions, doesn't mean no one else does and sitting saying Ew to everything? Grow up. There's no fun in sitting in a braindead mission for 4 hours and the challenge never comes around. If that was the case, everyone would just sit in 4 hour survivals collecting all the loot they could without having to deal with load times and stuff like that and when you've had enough hours in the game without any of it presenting a challenge, not even sorties, it becomes pretty boring.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

You're right in there's a difference between MK-1 Braton and Soma Prime, but there's also the difference in a Soma Prime without any mods won't compare to an MK-1 Braton fully decked out. This is why I believe a Damage mod in the deck is a good idea, it just should have it's own slot and not take away from the drain points no matter the rank of the mod.

No, at that point you may as well bake it into the weapon and avoid the problem of a PROGRESSION item being acquired through RANDOM DROPS. That's a terrible idea.

EDIT: Also, in what universe would someone have a modded MK-1 Braton and NOT a modded Soma Prime? Once you have the mods, you have the mods. And don't try to pretend that the stat differences aren't large enough such that the Soma Prime would need Forma to catch up to a MK-1 instead of just slapping on the requisite crit mods.

7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Body Count is a band-aid mod and it's not only the 3 aura's I've mentioned, there's tons of them. But stripping factions of what makes them unique by simply equipping an aura, I don't find that okay in any way, at all. It's giving us a generic enemy instead and it's making each encounter the same, no matter which enemy we face off.

My point was that I wouldn't really consider corrosive projection or shield disruption band-aids. I think they're problematic mods, yeah, but not really band-aiding any problem in particular.

7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

As to sorties being hard. Please, they are no different from a normal mission, just play the mechanics and play smart. Hard content should give good rewards.

That was kind of my point when I said "hard" (cheap). They're no different from a normal mission, and the only real skill gate is "do you have mods X, Y, and Z to enable CC-spam or tank-build A?"

7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

You don't want to fight enemies who can actually kill you when you do something stupid?

When that "something stupid" is "not pressing 2/3/4 constantly for 3 hours", no, I'd really rather fight something more interesting instead of shooting/hacking catatonic meat-bags that drop loot without fighting back. I want to fight enemies who can fight and potentially kill me, not enemies who will kill me if I let them fight.

7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

But just because you don't support high level missions, doesn't mean no one else does and sitting saying Ew to everything? Grow up. There's no fun in sitting in a braindead mission for 4 hours and the challenge never comes around. If that was the case, everyone would just sit in 4 hour survivals collecting all the loot they could without having to deal with load times and stuff like that and when you've had enough hours in the game without any of it presenting a challenge, not even sorties, it becomes pretty boring.

I'm not entirely against high-level missions, but I am against simply perpetuating power-creep by simply amping up enemy levels every few months with a new-new end-game simply because players and their new toys aren't feeling challenged enough. Instead, we should rebalance around the end-game that is already in place. Warframe's high-level content is just as brain-dead as its low-level content, but it gives some of you the illusion of challenge simply because you can die again.

I would rather see low-level (and consequently high-level) content reworked into something not brain-dead so that the game is fun to play from beginning to end instead of falling back on exaggerated stat scaling. But, you know, I guess I better grow up? Ok.

The players need to be subject to some broad-spectrum nerfs. We have too many easy-to-use "I win" buttons at our disposal, and over time we forget what it's like to play this game and not have them. Endless scaling was implemented to allow us to continue playing specific missions for endurance runs, but is supposed to force us out eventually. That means it's ridiculous for us to be able to scale infinitely (via CC and finisher damage) and keep up.

Until these nerfs happen, we can't expect to be challenged fairly. And I don't really have any interest in an unfair challenge; I'm tired of the cheese. I want something better.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
Missing quotation marks
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  • 4 weeks later...

Apologies for the late reply.

I get where you're coming from with the high level content being a spam fest, it is, but so is low level content and warframe is in large about killing hordes of mindless enemies who will mindlessly charge you. I'm not saying it's ideal by any means, but it's still a mechanic warframe have had since the launch and I think if that's getting changed, then the entire game itself changes into something that's not warframe anymore. We don't need to make bosses bullet spunges and we don't need to make high level enemies bullet spunges either for a challenging game. We also don't need to add overly complex mechanics to factions or add more enemies that have completely different mechanics than their allies around them, we do need to make the core mechanics of each faction universal across that faction. Example of what I mean would be; The Nox. While still having armor like the rest of the grineer, still having in large the same attack patterns as the rest of the grineer, it resists body damage and you need good aim and a headshot to do proper damage to it. An example of "bad" additions to factions would be the bursas. Corpus is shielded enemies, but the shield is just an "extention" of the healthbar with different weaknesses and does little to nothing to protect the health of the faction. Instead of solving this issue throughout the entire corpus factions and making shields protect from bypass damage types, the bursas got armor under that pointless shield.

As to the weapons, the entire nerf mentality is only going to add more weapons to the junk pile and the "useful" list of weapons is only getting rotated instead of getting expanded. Instead of nerfing the good weapons, the bad weapons needs a buff and while it's fine beginner weapons will never have the same potential as higher level weapons, the current gab is too big and the current list of "strong" weapons are too short. Rivens did not fix this issue very well, as only 10 or so weapons got to be really good, and those weapons require a riven so specific in the majority of cases, that the vast majority of casual players will never have any hope of getting their weapons up to level with players who can sink in hundreds of hours each week. This is another "issue" DE seem to have tried tackling, bridging the gab between hardcore and casual. It's not possible to bridge that gab, you cannot create a system, that successfully puts 4 hours up on par with 100 hours. In 100 hours you can easily make enough platinum to buy rivens as you want them, leaving the players with only a few hours of play time with the choice of having 1 riven they got really lucky to get or having the platinum they need for buying boosters, slots or mods they either don't have the time to farm or the luck to get dropped.

Looking at this from a pure business perspective benefitting DE, I fail to see the benefits of 1 player getting the riven he wants for lets say 1.000 platinum over the possibility of 7 players getting the mod they want for 200 or 300 platinum. Yes, the hardcore players will probably make less platinum, but lets be honest, who needs 10k platinum, really. If rivens came out completely blank from the sortie, no name or weapon catagory, you'd be able to craft the riven you need and "buy" stats for it with resources. An example would be you could buy the name on your riven, effectively choosing which weapon you want your riven to match, for something like 15k kuva, then you could buy the first stat for 5k kuva, the second stat for 10k kuva, the third stat for 15k kuva and the negative for 20k kuva, putting the total kuva need at 65k. It is not an unreasonable amount for a riven you've crafted and it would take a while to farm that amount. It would also make each riven awarded from the sortie worth more than just 323 endo. To manage this system from getting out of control and flooding the market and making all rivens loose their platinum value, I suggest lowering the drop chance of a riven. Next up comes the functionality of rivens. In their current multiplicative function they don't "breathe life in to unused weapons in the arsenal" for the most part, all they do is make your 5% crit chance of some weapons and 12% crit chance, still a completely pointless stat and with a lot of weapons not having a crit or status chance even worth modding for, then no riven is going to give them "interesting stats", it'll just be some pointless stats on a riven, forcing us to try and cycle for some very specific stats. We already have mods that works additively, why not make rivens work additively? And in such a way, that all other mods would work with the new stats of the weapon and not continue to add base stats like the sobek augment. Lets take Boltor Prime as an example, if you got a riven with 50% crit chance for that, but it worked by raising the base crit chance of the Boltor Prime to 55% instead of giving it in effect a 2.5% increase with, then Boltor Prime would be very viable for a crit build. Add status chance in the same way and your Boltor Prime would now be viable for a hybrid build. Instead of making rivens scale of popularity, they could scale of the base stats of the weapon you're trying to apply them to. A dread riven would only give you 5% additive crit, because of the already high crit value, making something like fire rate more valueable to roll, this way rivens would be most benefitial to use for the weakest stat on any weapon, thus actually improving the weapons overall perfomance and not just boosting the only strong thing of any weapon and in the case of some weapons not having any stats to actually boost.

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In all honestly, it doesn't matter what trash you use up until lvl 90+ enemies, excluding armor-broken grineer cause DE don't know how to balance a game after 5 damnable years. I get better performance with a Braton Prime fully decked out than a Soma Prime due to the slow as hell reloading on Soma plus better status to shred (kek, mod puns) through anything as long as I have viral on it. The weapon means nothing if you don't know how to mod or use it correctly. 

On 12/10/2017 at 4:26 PM, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

Finally, end game. This running joke with Fashion Frame being the true end game of Warframe, Devs you weren't meant to make it a reality! It is not a horrible game design adding missions too hard for new players. It is not horrible game design making items available only from those missions. It gives players something to work towards. I understand the desire to want to balance the game, so casual and hardcore players have the same progression and experience, but you can't balance 40 hours and 10 hours. Please just accept that fact and let us have somewhere to go with our powerful shiny frames. And please, add the same level 30 requirement to fissures that sorties have, but apply it to weapons aswell, not just frames.

Except nobody in this community has the balls or skill to actually progress past sortie 3/Kuva Flood level enemies. The few who still do this are, sadly, delegated to the older veterans from back when we went 2+ hours inside a Tower Survival or 100+ waves in a Tower Defense as keys were scarce. Void Fissures requiring a lvl 30 frame would be absurd and lock many players out of the leveling multi-tasking that we utilize while still providing support with Zenistar or at least one max-modded weapon. Applying the restriction to weapons would essentially be cucking every single player out of fissures and would make the game's prime farming obsolete. Just because you want a solid team doesn't mean you have to become an elitist, nobody likes those arsehats.


If you want true endgame, go and 2 man JV or 4 man LoR/NM. And even then it's a joke as the 'raids' (*pukes*) in Warframe are a paltry joke compared to Destiny, WoW and other games that actually require cooperation and legitimate skill. Warframe has no endgame due to the amount of broken combinations that exist in the game that cannot be enemy-AI-beaten until you reach lvl 150+, of which no pleb dares to challenge up to anymore. What I want is a revamped Nightmare Mode to where enemies are lvl 100+ and have the same original nightmare modifiers (killing time, environmental hazards, enemies explode on death, etc) or even a possible new star chart that is geared towards not only new lore but the veterans who have nothing better to do. Teralysts are the only 'endgame' farming left as it grants standing for Quills to unlock better amps to kill faster while giving access to Arcanes for your operator to amplify your gameplay slightly. Arcanes are the real endgame besides fashion as not many people have the patience or time to raid/learn how to raid.


As for your band-aid rant, none of it matters. CP is the only legitimate way to counter the trash balance DE has implemented for the armored Grineer while SD was worthless already until we found that it worked on the Teralysts. Infested Impedance is also completely worthless unless you're running 4 of them: the effect is nearly unnoticeable. The only way to 'bypass' armor would be to have a Destiny-like intrinsic perk on certain weapons that gave APR (armor piercing rounds while ironically do more dmg to shields), or HCR( heavy-cal rounds for knockback). Until DE fixes how armor scales, the only realistic and efficient way to crush the idiot grineer would be to abuse slash+viral or gas. And that doesn't even account for the melee weapons (Condition overload is godlike still).

Even if you can't SMOrc your enemies after a set level, you start to gain a semblance of skill in how you engage: tactics like blinding, cc or even going invisible with operator and void dashing to create an opening. Many players face-charge their enemies due to how poorly weak everything is pre-lvl 80 and once they get to higher levels with enemies that have more innate accuracy, hp and damage, they start to *@##$ and whine on forums about how imbalanced the game is simply due to a lack of skill. Not everything is "I choose you, Ember Prime! Use 4!" or Excal Exalted Blade (unless augment in that case it shreds everything in about 0.25s). DE has neglected 'endgame' to allow for players to get up to a level where it is impossible to win by being a gun-happy or melee-happy idiot and then provide feedback on how to re-balance the extraneous leveled enemies.



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On January 20, 2018 at 5:39 PM, PatternistSlave said:

I level in fissures.  Specifically endless fissures that give affinity bonus for staying a long time.  You have a problem with this?

Yes, because it kills any hope for getting a challenge out of those missions or staying longer than 3½ minutes, the hope that's already pretty low due to the quality of players. As @DarkFlameZealot said, Nobody in this community have the balls or skills to go for a true long run and the few who does is the veterans back from when we had towers and keys. The players who's been around long enough for DE to get a grip and stop catering to the lesser skilled players and give us something to do aswell. We got nothing apart from setting up a group with the players from back then and go for an actual long run, the rest of the time, we put up with new commers who has the biggest need of any to be top killer, to the point where counter productive behavior is ignored just in pursuit of that top killer position.

So thank you for killing end game and challenges, please go back to cod.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

it kills any hope for getting a challenge out of those missions or staying longer than 3½ minutes

I'm leveling in fissures because it offers a challenge.  If my teammates aren't properly geared?  Cool.  More challenge.  If they're leveling gear in fissures they're doing it for the affinity bonuses so will stay as long as possible.

2 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

veterans back from when we had towers and keys

This is who you're talking to right now.  I assure you it was a struggle to find those who would stay a decent amount of time back then as well.  There were always those Ash's that got upset when spamming 4 stopped doing damage and wanted to leave.

2 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

So thank you for killing end game and challenges, please go back to cod.

Funny.  Casuals to me are people that blame their teammates instead of carrying them.  But it is true that when I want challenge PvP is the best place to find it.

On a side note.  Your clear disdain for new players is rather disgusting.  New players are what keep a game fresh and healthy.  We were all new once.

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On January 28, 2018 at 2:21 PM, PatternistSlave said:

I'm leveling in fissures because it offers a challenge.  If my teammates aren't properly geared?  Cool.  More challenge.  If they're leveling gear in fissures they're doing it for the affinity bonuses so will stay as long as possible.

This is who you're talking to right now.  I assure you it was a struggle to find those who would stay a decent amount of time back then as well.  There were always those Ash's that got upset when spamming 4 stopped doing damage and wanted to leave.

Funny.  Casuals to me are people that blame their teammates instead of carrying them.  But it is true that when I want challenge PvP is the best place to find it.

On a side note.  Your clear disdain for new players is rather disgusting.  New players are what keep a game fresh and healthy.  We were all new once.

They will not be staying as long as possible, they will stay until their weapons is done and then that's it. Of course the vast majority of the warframe community is not aware of how affinity is allocated between the different weapons, which just slow their progress and make them leave after 20 minutes when their weapons can't kill anything anyway. And as for your claim about finding people who would stay a decent amount of time back in the days, it wasn't a problem at all, a survival would rarely be less than 40-50 minutes, now it's rarely going past 20 minutes. It was never a problem posting "hosting 2 hour t3/t4 survival" and get 3-4 hours from that and a proper challenge. I do not have a disdain for newer players, I have a disdain for the idea they have that end game is getting prime parts and rivens and most of all cosmetics, the notion of "game" in that sort of end game is lost, as there's no actual game play at a higher challenge than the rest of the game. Next time your in, try and carry your team more than a minute when all 3 of them is standing on extraction and they're done with their weapons being leveled.

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

I have a disdain for the idea they have that end game is getting prime parts and rivens and most of all cosmetics

So disdain for anyone that doesn't play exactly the way you do.  Got it.

56 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

a proper challenge

t3 was a challenge for you?  That's sad.

59 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

3-4 hours

Was fun for you?  That's even sadder.

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On February 8, 2018 at 1:56 PM, PatternistSlave said:

So disdain for anyone that doesn't play exactly the way you do.  Got it.

t3 was a challenge for you?  That's sad.

Was fun for you?  That's even sadder.

I don't think you got it, it really doesn't seem like it. But what is sad is your way of turning everything in to condescending crap spewed towards me, for having a different opinion than you about what is entertaining in a game. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

I don't think you got it, it really doesn't seem like it. But what is sad is your way of turning everything in to condescending crap spewed towards me, for having a different opinion than you about what is entertaining in a game. 

Well aren't you just the poor little victim.  What happened to all that big talk about how anyone not planning on staying 3+ hours in a public survival should go play CoD?

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On February 14, 2018 at 1:16 AM, PatternistSlave said:

Well aren't you just the poor little victim.  What happened to all that big talk about how anyone not planning on staying 3+ hours in a public survival should go play CoD?

Nothing about being "the poor little victim", it's about a constructive debate about how to improve warframe and here you come along, a tool so in need of being a badass, that everything about the game go completely by you and you're just sitting around being a cyber bully. How about you find something constructive to contribute with on how to actually improve the game in such a way items are obtainable and there's a reward for putting in effort instead of running around with an Ember for 20 minutes and getting the same rewards as people who's capable of going for hours and have learned all the mechanics of warframe. That's the entire point of this, improvement towards having both end game content that's worth learning warframe mechanics for and having a rewarding experience getting to that point. Improvement towards both casual and hard core players. But I see this is the wrong place to go for such a debate, as this forum is largely just DE suck ups who's hoping for a plat reward for being a moron.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

putting in effort instead of running around with an Ember for 20 minutes and getting the same rewards as people who's capable of going for hours and have learned all the mechanics of warframe.

And this idea doesn't require insulting people who take advantage of the added rewards for effort Fissures provide.  Namely Affinity.  "going for hours" in survival isn't particularly challenging either.  Seems like they are working on a "challenge mode" type of thing though with Dark Sectors.

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