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Left-handed / mirrored animations


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This is not important at all, and low priority

I appreciate the ability to switch the camera angle (default keybind "H"), because for some reason I have a lot of trouble playing with the default cam.

Suggestion in order to improve this feature even further:

Add the option to wield weapons with the left hand. Basically mirrored weapon stances and combos animations.

Thank you very much & have a nice day.

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Good suggestion, however I think that the animation team would have to double their workload since this isn't 2D animation you can flip, but 3D animation you'd have to duplicate.

But if you notice there are plenty of different-handed animations across the game. One of which being the Twin Sword animations, which always have the dominant sword (usually the larger one in a mis-matched pair) in the left hand instead of the right.

All-in-all though, it's just far easier to animate the same rifle/pistol/melee animations across all frames and simply re-gauge the proportions than it is to re-animate everything for ever frame.

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I don't think it is necessary for melee weapons to transfer hands, but more on guns 
because sometime is is hard to slice the pie on the left hand side

especially when your gun is obscured by the warframe and sometime you ends up shooting
the wall instead of enemies.




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