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13 Ways Warframe Should Change/Improve (not in order, just a list, not comprehensive)


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  1. Streamline tutorials. For new players that aren't interested in reading extensive information on the wiki (or anywhere out-of-game), the current tutorials are quite the turn-off. Especially the in-game plain reading tutorials that display the background diorama for too long when the player would rather just read streamlined text quickly. Better tutorials would also solve the issue of being unsure if the Foundry can craft multiple items at once (which given the long crafting times could also turn off players at first glance; I almost was but I trusted the word of others that there's something more with Warframe).
  2. Provide a build-up to more planet bosses. Currently, only Sargas Ruk, Tyl Regor, Ambulas, and Kela De Thaym have some proper pre-assassination interaction with the player (Tyl's is especially well done with the quest on Uranus) (Alad V hardly counts because I've met the Zanuka Hunter well after I've entered Sedna). Why the hell should I give much care on a single Lieutenant Lech Kril when there are probably thousands of other lieutenant-rank officers among the grineer ranks? Also, more interaction with planet bosses might give new players more reason to explore each planet at a steady pace instead of just blitzing through to Sedna/Eris.
  3. Segregate riven trading from trading with other items. The trade chat right now is a COMPLETE mess. This does demand more server space on DE's end, so I don't expect a separate riven chat to be a thing in the near future, but I'd still like for this to eventually become a thing.
  4. Despite the presence of rivens, actually make the super-bad guns better with patches instead of just giving them top-end riven disposition (this does not include starter weapons, of course). Why should we fight Vor on Mercury multiple times just to get a crappy Seer? We could just buy a Lex from the Market (not even needing a blueprint) for 50k.
  5. No more stances that severely sabotage mobility, especially the rare-tier ones (gold-colored mods). Slicing Feathers was a huge disappointment when I just kept getting killed by Detron Crewmen and Troopers with their shotguns. I'd just stand in front of them, whiffing at air with super-fancy and super-gimmicky melee combos, while they walk slowly backwards and 1-2 shot kill me.
  6. Kind of related to #5, but give us an ability to cancel multi-hit combos. It's at least a decent hotfix to using the bad stances that don't let us jump or roll into safety when the time calls. Animation canceling can take some work and could introduce new bugs, so feel free to take your time on this, DE.
  7. Universal cooldowns on all enemies that can disrupt our control of our characters (looking at you, Shield Lancer). This is a mob game, where it's 1-4 vs. 20+. When we expect insane stunlocks from high-level enemies, we would never use a frame that doesn't have knockdown resistance. End-game should have better freedom of choice with frames, especially solo.
  8. Customize minimap size and scale (especially scale for PoE). The size part is probably not that hard, but if possible, please implement a scale, too (aka the amount of zoom). Also, a north pointer in PoE and all future non-procedurally generated maps. Compasses are an ancient technology still used today for good reasons.
  9. More loadout slots (so that we can eventually dedicate a loadout for each warframe). Can be buyable with plat or unlockable with something, I don't care. We need MOAR because 5 purchaseable slots is just not enough. Also when viewing the Inventory, move the "buy more slots with xx plat" box to the far end instead of it being the first box we see. It's just better aesthetics that way IMO so that if we have an even number of slots, every column is full with the "buy more slots" box starting a new column.
  10. No more multi-layered RNG for uncommon/rare drops. It was painful to see the Ghoul codex fragments be completely scattered. It was probably the most uninspiring mini-event in recent days. Anything that's relatively rare to get should be put on some sort of guarantee (i.e. 4 rounds of Infested Salvage guarantees that you will get a rotation C award, which has a chance of being a Nidus part; would have been sh*tty if it was 4 rounds of Infested Salvage giving us only a chance at getting rotation C awards, which only gives us a chance at a Nidus part).
  11. IPS (impact/puncture/slash) mods should scale off of BASE weapon damage (instead of just the relevant IPS portion) so that they're not completely outclassed by the elemental mods, which DO scale off of base weapon damage. Ideally, this change should come with Damage 2.5 or Damage 3.0 so that slash isn't suddenly hugely buffed. Also, the actual values in the mods can be altered for rebalance if the current numbers would be too strong.
  12. Focus should supplement warframes instead of trying to feebly do their own thing. There's a reason why Zenurik is most popular, along with Vazarin's instant revives if our loadouts aren't too energy hungry. It's not that Zenurik is too strong, it's that the other schools don't do enough to help our warframes. When considering another major Focus rework, please don't nerf Zen (we can always poly farm and build many energy restores to replace Zen, which means we're stuck with 5 bad/meh schools instead of 4 bad/meh ones and 1 useful one); instead, give the other schools more synergy with our frames.
  13. And lastly, feel free to occasionally take one break from creating new content to dedicatedly fix what's already existing. We'll always welcome a big fix to improve the game experience, even if it means new content is delayed.
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1. Sure why not?

2.Again, agree.

3.Not needed. Filters exist

4.Not gonna happen. They don't prioritize old content, and do very few balance passes.

5.Not gonna happen. Stances are designed for rule of cool, not practicality.

6.Same as above. Still, you can dodge roll out of combos I think.

7.Knockdown resistance mods exist.

8.Good idea. Should be implemented.

9. Could be useful, I guess. I always used just 1 slot and swap my gear between missions.

10.Never gonna happen. If relying on recent trends, the grind is actually expected to get worse this year, with multi-stage crafting being  a thing.

11.Depends on how good IPS are. If they +/- are bad the difference won't be substantial regardless of what they scale off.

12.Not gonna happen. Focus is more or less done as is. 

13. Never gonna happen. New content is what keeps players in the game. Also, they don't have a good track record of doing this kind of thing, I doubt that attitude will change.


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15 minutes ago, Raspberri said:

Universal cooldowns on all enemies that can disrupt our control of our characters (looking at you, Shield Lancer).

I look at Ancients more than anything. Just keep your distance from Grineer charging at you with giant metal shields

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18 minutes ago, Raspberri said:

We'll always welcome a big fix to improve the game experience, even if it means new content is delayed.

New content is what's keeping this game alive and you want to delay it? People who have already done everything in the game don't care if old things are improved because they've already gotten past it. They want new things to play with and burn through. Keep players without anything to play with long enough and they'll eventually lose interest and just quit the game.

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1 hour ago, Futurehero said:

3.Not needed. Filters exist




Filters aren't great. A lot of text can breeze through in a short amount of time. Filters only allow you to see what will be posted, not what recently was posted. Furthermore, it hides, all text, including other things you might be interested in. If it included posts up to five minutes previous to the filter being set, then it might be a worthy tool.

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1 hour ago, Xion said:

New content is what's keeping this game alive and you want to delay it? People who have already done everything in the game don't care if old things are improved because they've already gotten past it. They want new things to play with and burn through. Keep players without anything to play with long enough and they'll eventually lose interest and just quit the game.

So you wanted the completely and utterly broken Damage 2.5 to be released last December? A vast majority of players appreciated the delay.

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