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Why People Quit


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Sorry if there are typos, sending from phone. I have had many friends from both steam and life who at best spent a month playing Warframe before they quit. In fact I have absolutely no friends who regularly play Warframe. I have spent a considerable amount of time convincing friends to play one of my all time favorite games because, simply put, it's more fun to play warframe with friends. The problem arises when my friends just get bored and quit. I have faced this boredom myself, when not being particularly active, or just being lost because there really is no defined motive for players. That is the very problem, the game has absolutely no structure; sure missions have to be unlocked one by one each scaling in reasonable level, but you can always just ask someone on the region chat to unlock a specific mission by playing it with you. Humans enjoy challenge and motive to face those challenges,the latter is not offered in warframe. I can endure the void of purpose in warframe, but not everyone can. There would be no detriment to my self motivated playing style if there was structure and direction added to warframe, but you will seem higher frequency of unabandoned accounts. And no I don't mean the stupid grade school level diorama that the DEVs call lore. Ok the lore feature may tell us research-able knowledge on the current state of reality in Warframe, but what do new players or players feeling lost, or players in general DO with that? The interface of warframe takes some adapting to, and is very confusing once a player gets out of the tutorial, stacked with the feeling of pointlessness the game exude, people flat out quit. A good start would be a complete rework of the current introductory sequence, make the tutorial fun, make it an actual tutorial and not some stupid lotus test, and when players get into the real game give them a sense of direction, suggest goals, fun gameplay techniques, and make a more noob friendly game, tell newcomers the features to the gam that aren't blatantly obvious, and extend the tutorial into theta me so when players are first figuring this out they have explanotory pointers. And further, figure out an overal purpose to the game and work on it. If it's to explore n amazin futuristic world then add planetary outposts with shops and local development, if the overarching t theme is to make a game with asuperb state of the art combat system the add more intricacy to combat, useful maneuvers, and responsiv bosses. Don't make the game for only those who are willing to piece together the components of what could be n amazing game.

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You're absolutely right. But just like you, many people forget this game is still in Open Beta. It will change alot until it's finally officially released.


The DE Staff, as well as the Masters and Grandmasters on this Community work on new stuff to be released, while all the other players help to improve everything that already exists. 

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boring because:

-no more point to play after explored all map and planet.

-most funny weapon be retrict by mastery rank and research in dojo

-endless defense no more point to play.

-Dojo? it can call a "haunted house" because no one there, only you with the voice of stalker and... :LOL. there is no social or activity in clan dojo.

-MMO but only 4 people, i think MMO is chat in region. :D



ALL thing, what could do?Just login and stay there and watching solar system :D.


PS:sorry my bad English.

Edited by legionufo
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It's always the same debates over and over again. If you watched the livestreams you would know that DE is aware of the current tutorial lack of actual usefull information and that they are planing on implementing more sections to the tutorial like a parkour course to learn the basic movements. Boredom is relative. I've already said this and I'll say it again, I'm almost mastery 7 and I still have plenty of motivation and I'm still having fun even without playing with friends (although I play occasionally with clan mates). Find yourself something to do. Every game gets boring eventually. I usally only play an online game for one month or so because it becomes repetitive.

Be patient. People seem to forget that DE is doing an amazing work considering the circumstances and that demanding more and more ends up forcing DE to rush things to keep us pleased (which is something I think no one wants).

Edited by J.C.Santos
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I don't care if their content team is working on another new weapon, they gotta focus 100% of their work into polishing the very start and basics of the game so all the noobs that click on the AD and start playing will KEEP playing. Then they can start adding some content. The only exception is additional tilesets and tiles because that's improving existing things.

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You're absolutely right. But just like you, many people forget this game is still in Open Beta. It will change alot until it's finally officially released.


The DE Staff, as well as the Masters and Grandmasters on this Community work on new stuff to be released, while all the other players help to improve everything that already exists. 

And the more and more people use this excuse the more and more I'm reminded the longer the game goes on in "beta" the closer we get to release and the more things look like a trainwreck waiting to happen because DE spends so little time actually fixing the major issues with the game and instead put way too much effort in dangling sparkly toys at the beta testers instead of using the feedback to make the product presentable for release. And with a PS4 launch coming soon I'm going to be prepared for the worst.

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And the more and more people use this excuse the more and more I'm reminded the longer the game goes on in "beta" the closer we get to release and the more things look like a trainwreck waiting to happen because DE spends so little time actually fixing the major issues with the game and instead put way too much effort in dangling sparkly toys at the beta testers instead of using the feedback to make the product presentable for release. And with a PS4 launch coming soon I'm going to be prepared for the worst.

Well, if you don't like it, don't play it. As simple as that. I myself like the game, with all the bugs and errors and boringness. If it even improves, I'd love that game more than my family (huh, not really but you get the idea).


Way too many people always see everything negative, learn to see everything positive! It's just way better for yourself and everyone else.

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Adding stuff to the game to sell plat != finishing the game.


That said, they are making pretty good progress on developing the content we have... and that keeps the beta interesting.  What is frustrating is the inability to stress the beta by having test-server style access.


By that I mean, if people say that X is overpowered, people should be able to test it without having to grind 30+ hours.  How can you reasonably call this a beta without the tools to test what's being put in front of you.


What this really seems to be is a "kickstarter" kind of development schedule.

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This game actually boring as of now. I've being playing Payday 2 lately, and its funny how you get bored of Warframe's randomly-generated maps withing few hours, but in PD 2 I don't get bored of the same maps. I think the case here is in the actuall gameplay, rather than maps.

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Well, if you don't like it, don't play it. As simple as that. I myself like the game, with all the bugs and errors and boringness. If it even improves, I'd love that game more than my family (huh, not really but you get the idea).


Way too many people always see everything negative, learn to see everything positive! It's just way better for yourself and everyone else.


Yes, because never criticizing anything and being "positive" has helped so many people in the past..

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I dislike drawing comparisons with other games, because it's often such a loose and metonymical exercise, but Eve Online, for instance, has focused a lot of effort on what they refer to as the new player experience, and new player retention. For a free-to-play game like Warframe, this is absolutely crucial. New players have very little attachment to the game when they first play it, and DE needs to really divert more resources to making sure these new players stay.


Granted, game development is a juggle, and you have people clamouring for attention at both ends of the spectrum; both the new players and those who have sunk five formas on each piece of gear they own. Catering to both parties at the same time is difficult, I understand that, but growth in the playerbase will pay dividends.


I absolutely agree with Jamescell. I tried the new tutorial, and even to a player with 200+ hours, it was disjointed and confusing. I could tell they wanted to create some kind of emotional connection with Vor, making him your nemesis, or such, but it just didn't take. DE's trying to take the first steps, to get the ball rolling, to motivate players to want to fight and beat Vor, which should hopefully give some momentum and help them keep going, but it's just not up to par yet.


And for the love of whatever deity you prefer, stop with the "It's a beta, don't complain" bullS#&$. We are here to deliver feedback and criticisms to make sure that the eventual release (if it ever comes, but that's another matter entirely.) is considerably better than what we have now. If we just fall to our knees and worship everything DE does, lots of blatant problems will persist.

Edited by SilentCynic
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Granted, game development is a juggle, and you have people clamouring for attention at both ends of the spectrum; both the new players and those who have sunk five formas on each piece of gear they own. Catering to both parties at the same time is difficult, I understand that, but growth in the playerbase will pay dividends.



Actually, I think its easy to please both new players and endgame players.

The way to do it is to have robust underlying gameplay systems that are worth the players time at all levels of play. I.e. creating a game that is played for the gameplay not the rewards, where its just "fun" to go and slice some Grineer for no reason whatsoever beyond slicing up Grineer.

A lot of MP games do that, you don't play Killing Floor to rank-up your character class for example, you play it to shoot some zombies in the face with guns, because its fun in of itself.

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This game had focus too much about hardcore and causal in it, Then it split the game like no other(nightmare mode is typical).

This game should be focus on fun, and happy feeling. Example instead of increase armor and hp, just add more AI make people can be their own hero, they can hack and slash, shooting like in starship trooper.


this game is good but that not enough, it need more than good, it need more fun more interesting to keep people stay with this game.

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Well, if you don't like it, don't play it. As simple as that. I myself like the game, with all the bugs and errors and boringness. If it even improves, I'd love that game more than my family (huh, not really but you get the idea).


Way too many people always see everything negative, learn to see everything positive! It's just way better for yourself and everyone else.

Just because someone is aware of the flaws of something, it doesn't mean they don't like it. I want Warframe to do well. This is why I, and many others, point out it's flaws and try to get DE to improve it. Turning the feedback forums into a hugbox is only detrimental to the game's progress.

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I don't care if their content team is working on another new weapon, they gotta focus 100% of their work into polishing the very start and basics of the game so all the noobs that click on the AD and start playing will KEEP playing. Then they can start adding some content. The only exception is additional tilesets and tiles because that's improving existing things.

Agree, but most of the people here just go crazy when they see new "content" in the form of weapons or frames. DE is forgetting that game without good replay value will die eventually. But hell, all of us know that better AI, bug fixes, frame and weapon reworks doesnt bring money, shiny new frames and weapons does.

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Yes, because never criticizing anything and being "positive" has helped so many people in the past..

There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and negative criticism. Constructive criticism marks the mistake in a friendly tone, suggests solutions and is acceptable, while negative criticism is pure negative, without any help at all, just complaining about everything without a solution.


People never seem to know that constructive criticism exists. They are only rude and harsh when something is not perfect.

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Just because someone is aware of the flaws of something, it doesn't mean they don't like it. I want Warframe to do well. This is why I, and many others, point out it's flaws and try to get DE to improve it. Turning the feedback forums into a hugbox is only detrimental to the game's progress.

And negative criticism isn't going to help DE either. Use constructive criticism. List the mistakes, in a friendly and nice tone, suggest solutions, etc.


You just complain about it. Without any helpful feedback. Try to let go of your harsh criticism and start putting something positive in it.

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And negative criticism isn't going to help DE either. Use constructive criticism. List the mistakes, in a friendly and nice tone, suggest solutions, etc.


You just complain about it. Without any helpful feedback. Try to let go of your harsh criticism and start putting something positive in it.


Sorry not going to do their designwork for them unless they pay me.

I'll gladly point out their failings but dont expect me to also fix them in a systemic manner. Thats an asinine notion to not only test, pay, and also fix their game for them by creating solutions. Thats their job.

Edited by Mietz
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Sorry not going to do their designwork for them unless they pay me.

I'll gladly point out their failings but dont expect me to also fix them in a systemic manner.

Well I can't help people who are narrow-minded on the pure negative side. Of course you don't have to/can't do their designwork! 


Let's explain it with an example:


A new infestation-creature is pink and doesn't fit into the game, because its legs are also too short.


Negative Criticism:

Why is this pink? It looks awful! And his legs rofl. It's like a hobbit or some kind of smurf. :D


Positive Criticism:

Wow, nice mob! But I suggest some changes, because it looks a bit wierd. Change the pink to something greenish/black and could you change the legs' size? It's a bit small and it just doesn't seem to fit into the game. :/

Edited by RhSDarkReaver
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