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Logical Reworks When?


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This topic is primarily about Snowglobe.



I've never been big on logic in video games unless they're blaring at the player. Snowglobe is one of those things. Why?


1. It's a sheet of ice surrounding a small area. For some reason you can shoot out of it but you can't shoot into it.


2. It's a sheet of ice surrounding a small area which you, the player, can walk in and out of. Enemies can walk in and out of it too but they're slowed as soon as they get into it. 


3. It makes ranged enemies go full retard. All they do it shoot at it and when they're shooting at it they don't even bother to try taking cover again. They just stand there waiting to be shot.



Snowglobe is the most illogical ability in the game. It may be practical, sure, but this ability makes absolutely no sense with how it works.

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Ignoring the fact that we're supposed to be space ninjas in full body powersuits still using ballistic firearms and swords to dispatch Space Nazis/Pirates/Zombies which have overwhelmed the solar system. Or that there are open-environments with atmosphere on planets and moons within the solar system aside from Earth. Seriously, what do you want Snow Globe to do that would make it logical?

1. If you couldn't shoot out of it, it would greatly restrict how the ability could be used. People would start using it as a mobile slow CC ability, and that would really piss people off when they are trying to use ranged weapons.

2. You're ignoring the tiny problematic fact that this ice can block any projectile, be it bullet, energy or a freakin' missile.

3. A legitimate gripe here. It would make Snow Globe a bit less cheesy if enemies didn't suddenly start looking at it as something that could never, ever hurt them... except that they kind of do that anyways, regardless of whether there is a Snow Globe around a player or not.

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I'm a Ninja with a rocket launcher and a big-&#! hammer. Are you talking about logic?



Oh, I'm fighting chicken-leg robots and I can create a ring of fire that covers a whole room.

Edited by Chris9428
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Instead of thinking Snowglobe as a sheet of ice, think of it as Frost creating some cover.   The enemies stand there confused because they've lost sight of their enemy and only see this large puff of snow.    They continue shooting at you in hopes of a bullet hitting you by chance.  I'd like to think of Snowglobe as a giant AoE blind.  The mobs who do enter the snowglobe get blinded by the snow and thus are slowed down. 

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