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Modding Gram For Infest Missions



here's my current build:

Gram: 1 points left
Pressure Point 9
Sundering Strike 7
[F:-]Molten Impact 6 (11)
North Wind 11
[F:v]Fury 5 (9)
Shocking Touch 11
[F:-] Rending Strike 5 (9)
[F:v] Focus Energy 5 (9)


I want to put Killing Blow in, since I've been lately charge attacking on ancients in Infest missions (or knock them down then charge attack)


which mod should I remove?


and for infests, especially Ancient, does Electrical damage does anything?


I remember that in the old Updates Elec does half the damage to Ancient, later it does normal damage, what about now?


Thanks for the suggests for the build of my Gram for infests :D

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remove shocking touch. it isn't really useful anyway at 30% max.


EDIT: and I see you already have Focus Energy. Just keep that if you want electric damage.

EDIT2: not sure about electrical damage against infested. but I think it's still not effective enough.

Edited by agung.up
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I see...
I still want the maximum amount of damage

so shouldn't I remove Fury instead? (If Shocking Touch still does normal damage to Ancients)

I haven't been swinging my Gram around alot

only knocking down and charge attacking

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here's my current build:

Gram: 1 points left

Pressure Point 9

Sundering Strike 7

[F:-]Molten Impact 6 (11)

North Wind 11

[F:v]Fury 5 (9)

Shocking Touch 11

[F:-] Rending Strike 5 (9)

[F:v] Focus Energy 5 (9)

Use this:

Killing Blow - 11

Reflex coil - 7

Molten Impact - 11

Focus Energy - 9

Rending Strike - 9

Reach - 7

Sundering Strike - 7

Smite infested - 9

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I see...

I still want the maximum amount of damage

so shouldn't I remove Fury instead? (If Shocking Touch still does normal damage to Ancients)

I haven't been swinging my Gram around alot

only knocking down and charge attacking

Gram still get bonus from fury. the wiki (yeah maybe wiki isn't the most reliable source, but bear with me) 

  • Charge Attack has 2 stages, each of them can be accelerated: The charging part can be accelerated byReflex Coil and slashing part by Fury.

i don't really know about pressure point. i still use it anyway.

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I see...

I still want the maximum amount of damage

so shouldn't I remove Fury instead? (If Shocking Touch still does normal damage to Ancients)

I haven't been swinging my Gram around alot

only knocking down and charge attacking


Well you also have to consider that all resistances increase with level.

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Well you also have to consider that all resistances increase with level.

So you mean eventhough I have Shocking Touch maxed on this, and it does additional normal damage to Ancients, in the higher levels it won't be much of a significant because the armor and resistance increased so much that a x1.0 wouln'd do more damage right?

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Just dont use Shocking Touch.


Fury does significantly increase charged attack time.


Use this:

Killing Blow - 11

Reflex coil - 7

Molten Impact - 11

Focus Energy - 9

Rending Strike - 9

Reach - 7

Sundering Strike - 7

Smite infested - 9


^This, but sub in Fury instead of Reach, or the Smite mod you're missing.

You're even better off swapping in Fury instead of one of the charge speed mods, you'll see a greater effect.

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Just dont use Shocking Touch.


Fury does significantly increase charged attack time.



^This, but sub in Fury instead of Reach, or the Smite mod you're missing.

You're even better off swapping in Fury instead of one of the charge speed mods, you'll see a greater effect.

Oh and, so pressure point is missing from many of your suggestions because it doesn't add any damage to charge attacks?

So Pressure Point is useful only for normal swings? (according to wiki though...)

else I think i'll swap Pressure Point out for Reflex Coil or maybe Shocking touch until I got that Smite Infest xD

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Pressure Point is good for regular attacks, slide attacks, and jump attacks.

+charge damage mods effect Charged attacks and ground executes.


Personally with a heavy weapon I tend to go either-or; meaning only the first line, or only the second. Either I use pressure point and dont use charged attacks (kill ancients with a ranged weapon), or I use charged attacks and almost never use regulars (much better for anti ancient meleeing)

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Regular attacks doesn't do.. much of a damage in higher level,

sometimes I just want to use Melee to save some ammos (like when there's no more than 5-10 enemies in the map with Vau's help)

so I guess I'll go with full charge attack mods by removing Pressure points then.

Thanks everyone xD!

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This is how i would go (i think you'll need at least 2 forma to work it out)


Killing Blow (MUST HAVE)

Reflex Coil (MUST HAVE)


Rending Strike (MUST HAVE)

Focus Energy (MUST HAVE)

Sundering Strike

Molten Impact

Smite Infested / North Wind


Gram has no rivals considering its speed, KD and momentum

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My 3x Forma'ed Gram loadout for Infested, spamming charged attacks:


V - Killing Blow max (6) 

-- - Molten Impact max (6)

D - North Wind max (6)

Fury max (9)

Rending Strike max (9)

Sundering Strike max (7)

Reflex Coil max (7)

Smite Infested max (9)


Total mod points: 59


This is also flexible enough for just spamming normal attacks should you wish to mod it that way: simply replace Killing Blow with Pressure Point, and Reflex Coil with Reach.

Edited by Tulzscha
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My 3x Forma'ed Gram loadout for Infested, spamming charged attacks:


V - Killing Blow max (6) 

-- - Molten Impact max (6)

D - North Wind max (6)

Fury max (9)

Rending Strike max (9)

Sundering Strike max (7)

Reflex Coil max (7)

Smite Infested max (9)


Total mod points: 59


This is also flexible enough for just spamming normal attacks should you wish to mod it that way: simple replace Killing Blow with Pressure Point, and Reflex Coil with Reach.


Impressive :O


that's exactly how i'd want mine to be (except for removing 1 of ur elementals and adding in Focus Energy)... so it's 3 formas...


meh... i want Gram Prime, i'm scared to forma it now tbh

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Impressive :O


that's exactly how i'd want mine to be (except for removing 1 of ur elementals and adding in Focus Energy)... so it's 3 formas...


meh... i want Gram Prime, i'm scared to forma it now tbh


Well for Infested I still wouldn't remove North Wind, the reason being you can do a jump attack and the freeze procs to everything caught in the slam radius which is pretty wide, can be a lifesaver in some situations. But yeah 3 Forma is enough. 4 Forma is actually the most you'll ever need if you want to include all the elementals (not taking Shocking Touch into account, because it's just garbage for the cost).


Gram is the first melee that I forma'ed, still my favorite compared to the other melees. :D

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My 3x Forma'ed Gram loadout for Infested, spamming charged attacks:


V - Killing Blow max (6) 

-- - Molten Impact max (6)

D - North Wind max (6)

Fury max (9)

Rending Strike max (9)

Sundering Strike max (7)

Reflex Coil max (7)

Smite Infested max (9)


Total mod points: 59


This is also flexible enough for just spamming normal attacks should you wish to mod it that way: simply replace Killing Blow with Pressure Point, and Reflex Coil with Reach.

asking for permission to use your build, dude. this one awesome. gonna build my mountain of forma bp now.

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My 3x Forma'ed Gram loadout for Infested, spamming charged attacks:


V - Killing Blow max (6) 

-- - Molten Impact max (6)

D - North Wind max (6)

Fury max (9)

Rending Strike max (9)

Sundering Strike max (7)

Reflex Coil max (7)

Smite Infested max (9)


Total mod points: 59


This is also flexible enough for just spamming normal attacks should you wish to mod it that way: simply replace Killing Blow with Pressure Point, and Reflex Coil with Reach.

fanatic! er... i mean fantastic o.o"! (and with just 3 forma! I used 4 @_@")

the only mod i'm missing right here is smite infest, so i think i'll put in Focus energy for now

why did you remove Focus energy in the build though?

how much does Reach help gram here? (acc. to wiki it says Gram hits 3 enemies, how much would Gram hit with maxed stretch? I use vau, so I can hang them in the air for a free melee charge attack)

btw why did you love Gram so much? (I actually have a hard time choosing between Gram, D.Ether and Orthos to be my main, Orthos lacks the knockdown so I put it out of the list, D.Ether has too small AoE for the slamming so in the end I choose Gram..)

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Infested take less damage (they're naturally resistant) to electrical damage, so I chose to leave that out. 


Reach is more noticeable for normal attacks as two of the three swings in the normal attack moveset already extend a good distance. I don't think Reach extends the AoE of the jump slam though, I see its still roughly the same radius with or without Reach.


I lurrrrhve my Gram as its a good balance between the high charged damage and multi-hit capabilities of heavy weapons, and the fast attack speed of longswords. Plus it has the least screenshake of the heavy weapons, always good for long play sessions so I don't get a migraine.

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I see I see @.@...

but there's still no data on how less (or normal/much) damage elec does to infest still huh :/... eh...

anyways Thanks alot! Lemme use your build with minor customization of mine >_<" (since I don't have smite infest..yet)

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Infested no longer take less damage to electrical damage  since update 8.3. It is still affected by armor though like fire and freeze do.

And it doesn't take any other additionaly damage to electrical damage either right? which is why elec mods should be useless to infests...

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