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Is This Game Only Fun In Bursts?


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So I started playing the game not long after open beta started. I played all the way until the Frost Prime BP event, pretty much maxed everything that interested me, then stopped. About a month or so ago, I came back and started catching up. Now, I'm just about maxed out again.


I have every mod that I'd ever need for any situation, most max-rank. I have every weapon in the game that currently interests me, most maxed and multi-Forma'd. I have 4 multi-Forma'd frames, all maxed. I don't really have much to play for anymore. Just running around killing stuff with nothing to gain, gets old fast.


I think I might end up taking another few-month break again, until the game gets a bit more meat on it's bones. It's like Warframe is only fun in 1-month bursts, then I run out of content and stop playing again. I hope this is only a beta thing, and not how the game is going to remain.

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Isn't that how it is with most games though?


I tend to get fed up with any game if I play it for far too long.

Most console-type shooter games, yes.


Most games, though, no.


I can play LoL for 5-6 months at a time before it starts getting stale to me. I've played WoW for nearly 5 years now.

Edited by Alure
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This game allows you to get burnt out far easier.


Considering there really is nothing to do but defense, more defense, defense, and then rush, it does get tedious.


Even games I hate *Gw2, Sc2* have given me more entertaining thrills then this game does, just because I feel like I actually have something to do on their games.



It's getting to be quite the dilemma in most players. How people are almost rank 12 I have no clue. I reset from boredom after 7 1/2.

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well you can also fancy yourself with artificial goals, like maxing serrations and hornet strikes for your weapon like i do right now.


i mean i have fun in Grineer MDs, however my main issue with the game that it's too simple.


whatever you do you will end up with very standart weapons loadout and frames loadout.


Even ancients are not a problem anymore.

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This game allows you to get burnt out far easier.


Considering there really is nothing to do but defense, more defense, defense, and then rush, it does get tedious.


Even games I hate *Gw2, Sc2* have given me more entertaining thrills then this game does, just because I feel like I actually have something to do on their games.



It's getting to be quite the dilemma in most players. How people are almost rank 12 I have no clue. I reset from boredom after 7 1/2.

I'm afraid that if I reset my account, I'd seal my fate on quitting for sure. Not from having a lack of stuff to do, but from the massive demoralizing loss that I'd take.

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Playing too much possibly? I've had this game for three-four months, am almost rank 6, and I've never gotten bored since I started playing. Maybe it's because I only play ~3 hours a day, IDK.

I have a bit more time than that a day to play.


I could also say that I play too much.


I have over 500 hours clocked since I started in earlier open beta.

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I'm quite burned out by this game too. Even though there are a bunch of new things since I last played (like the Nova warframe) I feel like it's just too tedious now to do the same thing over and over again for what feels like you'll be getting the same reward.

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Pretty much.

As there isn't anything "personal" in the game there is nothing to keep you playing. The reason you stay is the people you play with. Right now I'm doing some alert now and then and jump in on weekend-events. (Not this one though as it's more of a low lvl event that doesn't give you anything and secondly due to the connection problems.)


If there was some collectible lore or something to do other than just killing.

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I'm afraid that if I reset my account, I'd seal my fate on quitting for sure. Not from having a lack of stuff to do, but from the massive demoralizing loss that I'd take.

Well... I played about 10 minutes each day except for weekend events.

Now I play about 25 minutes a day. So I guess it helped. Haha.

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WF suffers from lack of things to do, so for me personally, I do play it in short bursts (1-3 missions) and then log many times.  Do not even get me started on trying to play missions in the Void in some easy fashion.


The same, same gets to me after a short while now.

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Well... I played about 10 minutes each day except for weekend events.

Now I play about 25 minutes a day. So I guess it helped. Haha.

I ran that aura alert about 2 hours ago, then logged myself. I didn't play much at all yesterday.

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People can easily burn though any content they release in a short period of time just because its a pve game.

You play too much. That about sums it up.

There is absolutely no problem with no longer playing and coming back later. That's free to play. Maybe next time they will have content beyond defense that will interest you longer. But if you feel there is nothing more to it currently, then don't force for some reason to continue.

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It's pretty easy to get burnt out if you've played some insane number of hours. No other game I've played has held me this long and it's entirely why I don't care much for MMOs. It doesn't matter how much content they have, I still get bored of it within roughly a months time. For being a third person shooter with fancy mechanics, I've done 260 hours so far which is pretty insane compared to just about any game I've played. It's not a game where you casually stroll about towns (or have travel time) or grind special instances, so it's not about total number of days that have passed, but the number of hours played. 500 is a lot of hours of playtime in a single game, regardless of what type of game it is. It's also not competitive PvP like a MOBA or classic first person shooters with gradual character progression.


In short, you've played a lot, which has nothing to do with the amount of days, weeks, or months that have passed. This game doesn't have nearly enough content to be something you play 8-10 hours a day, everyday.

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I'm burning out/only playing in short bursts b/c as others have stated, there's only a limited amount of stuff to do...  Clan update came out, had mats etc for the weapons, made those, and hit 30 with them all this weekend...  Setting goals like max rank X or Y isn't possibly either because Serration is max, as is hornet strike, vitality, redirection and every other mod possible including sentinel mods.  Only thing left is to try for ANOTHER maxed serration etc and crazy weapon mods for my sentinel weapons.  That being said most content that comes out is still easy.  I'm looking at you Nightmare mode.  While fun and adds a fun twist, it still doesn't add any real depth to the game.  Now it's like oh look... a mod... yay... add it to my 4k other mods sitting in my inventory...  Also with the MASSIVE pool of mods in the game, there isn't really "farming" for a mod I want/need like master thief etc.  Just praying to the RNG gods there... 


TLDR: Still a fun game but with most everything maxed there's not enough depth to keep me interested for long periods of time anymore.

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I think DE made a few bad choices with trying to keep this game fresh or the replay value up.


-If they would have made nightmare mode a real mode that you can do like the regular mode, where you start over, but this time with nightmare mode rules.


-If they would have put the clan weapons into the mastery reward instead of the clan research, and replaced the clan research stuff with dual mods that you need to get resources and bp's from nightmare mode.


-Instead of random alert missions, which are just the same old missions with a special reward at the end. Make them more like the weekend missions, where they are different from the regular with either play type of different enemies to fight. This makes it feel fresh instead of the same old same old.


-Instead of grinding for void keys in just the defense maps, let them drop at a really rare rate from normal missions or from boss fights. This takes the grind out of it and lets you just play and enjoy.


-More combat moves always spices up a game, if people could combo melee or have a few more options than just shoot and hack it gives the game a feel of more to do. They have given us the claws which give us a very small taste of that, but it go way further.


There is a lot more, but I hope you get the idea. They were shooting for a hack and slash shoot'em up game and they delivered one, but those types of games have always been a shallow game type. It is great for what it is, but it will never be more.

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Its fun until I have to farm for plastids.

HA! That.



What DE seems to really need is a player driven constant war that you feel like your constantly contributing to. The closest I've felt to actually contributing to something was the recent event where we teamed up with the Corpus to get the Grineer under control. The current system where we just kind of... wander the stars limits the 'ninja feel' of being a space ninja. Ninjas were creatures that struck out with purpose, and then blended into the woodwork so they could be unnoticed until they were once again needed to be called into action. We have a Lord, we serve a master, we are therefore, not Ronin. There needs to be some form of guidance or meaning in the game. A game without plot, as Warframe is at the moment, must have subplot at the very least to develop the player's interest. A battle system is only enough to hold a player until it's intricacies are examined down to the MGC (Melee Guard Cancel, look it up if you don't know about it) level. Once even one player has released such a thing to the community, which a discovery of this kind usually IS, then the only remaining draw is reaching the point where you can abuse it. After that, the battle system is something you manipulate to achieve a goal, however, goals are not only limited in Warframe at the moment, they are almost non-existant due to lack of plot elements. DE is at work solving the issues with their storyboard so they can release story content, however I doubt they'll be able to keep up with the Tenno's ninja clear speeds to develop meaning within their game.


I'll be putting up a post with a suggestion for how they should think about proceeding on giving their game continuous play-ability as opposed to the current system. It will provide those looking for meaning with a new layer of purpose to the game, and will draw in crowds by offering meaningful rewards on a regular basis, something Alerts completely fail to do, and usually only do when you aren't able to go get them.


I'll edit in the link here-ish.

EDIT: Here's your link! (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/91618-new-mission-system-concept-project-tenno-mercs/)

Edited by Arunasoul
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HA! That.

Resources are done best when I don't have to farm them. I don't mind running a few more missions as long as I'm getting what I need at consistant and fair rate as well as exp and whatever else I need. The problem is, you don't with plastids and a few other resources. It's disappointing.

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Resources are done best when I don't have to farm them. I don't mind running a few more missions as long as I'm getting what I need at consistant and fair rate as well as exp and whatever else I need. The problem is, you don't with plastids and a few other resources. It's disappointing.

Yup, which is why I'm suggesting this idea to the DE. I edited in the link already but just in case...



The system would add purpose and the ability to actually farm resources reliably. The concept even comes complete with a 'DE, tell the penny pinchers this to win!' section.


Had to add in a bit of a slap for Nightmare mode to. It's not hard, it's just an itch in your side making you think everything's harder. Better yet, vampire makes life easier! YAY FOR FAKE HARD MODE! :P

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