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Operator Mode Warframe Old Pose Revert (Collapse)


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Hello fellow Tenno, I have suggestion (hope this is the right place to post).

A long time ago before some mayor changes to the operator and focus trees there was a specific pose the Warframe assumed when switching to operator mode.

I have found some images online (not mine) to use as examples:

This first one is straight from the cut scene when first finishing the operator quests.


The Second is what it would look like in game (couldn't find a better picture).


These poses I liked very much personally because it seemed real that the Warframe would collapse since its operator has "left" it and it is after all only a frame and not a living being.

At the moment when we switch to operator mode our Wraframe simply assumes a frozen idle post standing upright, I understand this supports the the illusion that the warframe is still active which is why some enemies would still try and attack it. 

I don't know other than that what the reason was behind removing the pose, maybe to increase momentum for quick switching? But I still really loved the old collapse pose the warframe assumed. Am I the only one that feels this way? Would you want the old pose back? 

Thanks for reading and I am looking forward to reading the comments and discussing it with you.


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I think story-wise, the old pose was supposed to convey the fact the operator was 'new'(relatively) to controlling the Warframes. Hence the whole awakening thing.

After The War Within, story-wise, i think the pose is supposed to convey a certain mastery of the frame.

In the old pose, the frame just collapses in a heap on the floor, whereas in the new one, it is actually getting set into a more ready position.

Personally, it's fine as is. In either case, they both convey that the operator is no longer controlling the frame.

Edited by MillbrookWest
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1 minute ago, Fishyflakes said:

Yeah because I don't want to do a "stand up from kneeling position" animation every time I go back into my warframe. :facepalm:

I never mentioned a slow stand up animation, warframe are fast. In the time the operator switching back to the warframe he could allready be powering up and be ready for use, they are quite fast you know :)

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3 minutes ago, Mk_1 said:

I still like to think that the Warframe isn't just a metal puppet but is instead, a sentient being in a symbiotic relationship with the Operator. But that's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah and they dont have to be, but having stand up means their is allready some thought process? I think where we are now lore wise it could still work even if they are, they dont have much control or movement other than when the operator is using them.

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