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Does decision of putting unvaulted relics in bounties will ruin this community?


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6 hours ago, kambinks said:

It'll die down. Its just that people are capitalizing on Loki parts being expensive and want to rush selling before things gets normal. Additionally the ones that have to have the newest things as soon as possible but after the dust settles i think its a good way to add more actually good rewards on the bounties. Considering you can complete one as fast as a defense run or 5 minutes survivor its workable imo. 

Though I think the Lith Meso and Neo relics have very harsh drop rates but I guess its necessary so people don't burn out through content too fast.

Pretty sure they didn't adjust the lith/meso/neo drop rates because they just shoehorned unvaulted relics into current bounties without thinking much about it.

Edited by Urabask
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On 2/8/2018 at 2:36 AM, saradonin said:

It has been happening for quite some time.

Kuva siphons/floods - every 4 or 5 missions there's that one guy sitting at the entry waiting for others to do the job. Yes, I report them (collective weekly report), I'll countinue to do so, because so far nothing has been done to prevent this.

Bounties - same thing, but more common, every few bounties there's thay guy sitting at the gate or mining.

Neither "Play solo" nor "use recruitment" are the answer. These are just a idiotic excuses made to hide the issue and pretend it doesn't exist, to hide it where you can't see it, looking good, doesn't it? Well, it does, but it still smells, and it smells like sh*t. It's cooperative game and the public games are the very essence of it. One of the best things about Warframe is joining the random game with complete strangers and play together, talk, joke, sometimes even make friends.

I've seen the people sit there but it's worse when i go do anything and everyone is running and moving so m uch faster and i've been playing since the beginning. When my friends used to play before they all quit, i always moved a bit faster than all of them. With strangers (people I don't know outside of warframe or the internet and  the clans I have joined always run super fast like it's some freaking job) I can't keep up and it's not fun. I even made a build with all movement speed mods just to see if i could outrun them but there's always at least 2 who moves super fast. I hate it. it's why i quit before and will again. I want at least one friend to come back and play with me but i don't think all the content can be done with 2 people. the game always feel like a dead end. At least in diablo 3 where you kill for endless loot you can solo or duo all of it and it's great. This game it's just a big rush. I wish more people sat back being lazy because this rushing around stuff kills this game years ago for me, it does now too. I don't know how the devs think it's fun or they can laugh and have a good old time on livestreams but the reality is everyone is in a rush and i try hard i know all the advanced movement techniques and even with mods that weaken my build i can't keep up with this laggy af people.

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3 hours ago, BloodDoll said:

I've seen the people sit there but it's worse when i go do anything and everyone is running and moving so m uch faster and i've been playing since the beginning. When my friends used to play before they all quit, i always moved a bit faster than all of them. With strangers (people I don't know outside of warframe or the internet and  the clans I have joined always run super fast like it's some freaking job) I can't keep up and it's not fun. I even made a build with all movement speed mods just to see if i could outrun them but there's always at least 2 who moves super fast. I hate it. it's why i quit before and will again. I want at least one friend to come back and play with me but i don't think all the content can be done with 2 people. the game always feel like a dead end. At least in diablo 3 where you kill for endless loot you can solo or duo all of it and it's great. This game it's just a big rush. I wish more people sat back being lazy because this rushing around stuff kills this game years ago for me, it does now too. I don't know how the devs think it's fun or they can laugh and have a good old time on livestreams but the reality is everyone is in a rush and i try hard i know all the advanced movement techniques and even with mods that weaken my build i can't keep up with this laggy af people.

I think you should really try to get a friend to come back, assuming your friend has a similar play style to you. Almost all of the content in this game can be duo'd. Trials are the only thing I can think of that you are barred from as a duo, because you need four people to even enter them (and they are going on hiatus and getting a redesign anyways).



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