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How To Save This Game


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Having invested many hours into this game (though not nearly as much as many other players), it has already begun to grow stale. What this game is lacking is an end-game. At the moment, the only "challenges" are T3 Void missions and Nightmare modes...which are for lack of a better term..boring.


How to fix it:


-More bosses....And I don't mean more planets with single bosses. Im talking a WoW, raid style, 5 bosses on 1 map kinda thing


-More challenging bosses/boss rooms (the current bosses go through stages which is cooll...except they all totally suck and arent threatening at all.) Also, bosses should be in the kind of rooms you find in Void missions. Like...lasers and S#&$, except ones that you cant neutralize. WE WANT A CHALLENGE DAMMIT! 


-BIGGER BOSSES - not necessary but it would be cool.


-Another thought**** The jackal is the only boss fight I enjoy. Hes easy but I feel like more effort was put into making his animations and his room, apply this everywhere! BUT HARDER! HARDDERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Larger squads? I know lag might be an issue here


-There should be a meeting ground where players can collect, show off gear, etc. Again kind of like a town in WoW


-Balance the Warframes into more specific roles. For instance, Trinity should be worked to have a healing ability, or Rhino should be given a taunt ability as he is a tank. 


Im probably gonna get flamed, but personally I would love to see these changes as it would keep me and im sure many other players interested in the game. I know this is a S#&$load to ask for and as a programmer I can feel DE's development team's eyes bleed at my suggestions, but I honestly believe these are worth looking at.


I was right about getting flamed, try offering opinions or discussing, thats what forums are for, im in no way dissing the game im just throwing out ideas. stop being C***s

Edited by Aristocracy
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Having invested many hours into this game (though not nearly as much as many other players), it has already begun to grow stale. What this game is lacking is an end-game. At the moment, the only "challenges" are T3 Void missions and Nightmare modes...which are for lack of a better term..boring.


How to fix it:


-More bosses....And I don't mean more planets with single bosses. Im talking a WoW, raid style, 5 bosses on 1 map kinda thing


-More challenging bosses/boss rooms (the current bosses go through stages which is cooll...except they all totally suck and arent threatening at all.) Also, bosses should be in the kind of rooms you find in Void missions. Like...lasers and S#&$, except ones that you cant neutralize. WE WANT A CHALLENGE DAMMIT! 


-BIGGER BOSSES - not necessary but it would be cool.


-Another thought**** The jackal is the only boss fight I enjoy. Hes easy but I feel like more effort was put into making his animations and his room, apply this everywhere! BUT HARDER! HARDDERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Larger squads? I know lag might be an issue here


-There should be a meeting ground where players can collect, show off gear, etc. Again kind of like a town in WoW


-Balance the Warframes into more specific roles. For instance, Trinity should be worked to have a healing ability, or Rhino should be given a taunt ability as he is a tank. 


Im probably gonna get flamed, but personally I would love to see these changes as it would keep me and im sure many other players interested in the game. I know this is a S#&$load to ask for and as a programmer I can feel DE's development team's eyes bleed at my suggestions, but I honestly believe these are worth looking at.

50 hours later:

Forum full of "Cmon can't kill a Major Kim Jong-Il, he is too punishing OMG nerf him he oneshot my level 5 Loki, it's not a difficulty!11"

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Patience is what I've resigned myself to. As much as we'd like to demand new and better things, changes, fixes and the works, DE's staff is probably a bit divided right now working on different long term projects like developing for the PS4.


Granted, it would make sense to polish the game up a little more than current before devving for a new platform, but then again, not everything makes sense in Warframe.

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Patience is what I've resigned myself to. As much as we'd like to demand new and better things, changes, fixes and the works, DE's staff is probably a bit divided right now working on different long term projects like developing for the PS4.


Granted, it would make sense to polish the game up a little more than current before devving for a new platform, but then again, not everything makes sense in Warframe.

It's a different team set aside to get the PS4 port ready. Also, I took myself to believing that the reason so many things are taking a while is because the community is incredibly divided on what to do.

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i wasn't aware the game needed saving at all. seems perfectly fine to me

well it's not "fine", but it definitely have no need in saving.


we will see. maybe this aura system and dual mods are not that stupid after all and de have something stored for us.

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the community is incredibly divided on what to do.

Actually, that makes sense. There are a few subjects we can agree on (buff long swords), a few on which there is slight division (60-70% Volt needs buff, rest say he's fine), and then some which clearly ignite flames and divide us (pvp: fortunately DE has established that their stance on pvp will not change, so that's one decision they've made for us).


I can't speak for what happens on the design council since I'm not on it, but reading the peasants' forums is a constant flood of requests, suggestions, wants, ideas and the occasional outright demand. DE has assured us that they read and consider all of it while trying to maintain an overall vision for the game at the same time (they're adamant about sticking to lore-friendly content).


In short, if there's anything living in the U.S. has taught me, it's that democracy can be slow.

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There are some people (too many) who are completely fine with the game as is.  Which is destined to die and disappear as another 3rd person shooter everyone forgot about.


If things stayed exactly as they are now, I predict 5/10 reviews across the board and Warframe dismissed as a failed launch title on PS4.

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Some of your suggestions ring true, but they aren't actually helpful.


We already know the game has no endgame, no challenge. We already know we need more enemies and weapons. We already know many things need a serious rebalancing (I disagree that rhino should be given more "tanky" abilities. With the recent patch he's actually decent again at what he does). 


Just telling DE to make more stuff is neither insightful nor helpful. Especially since they tend to ignore big lists and focus on the tiny things they can change or add.

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Hope there won't be missions for larger squads before they rework the way hosting works or atleast the upload necessary to do so. Most of the time 4-player is already a pain to play if Host isn't chosen wisely beforehand.


Big bosses are already in the works, i think the new golem was mentioned to be several stories tall.


There are Dojos if you want a meeting ground. Anyone who doesn't want to meet you there probably isn't interested in you showing off.


Rhino isn't really a tank anymore (at least in later levels), I'd call him heavy allround support, he is tanky but not a Tank.

Also last time i checked Trinity allready had 2 healing type abilities (one of them being her ulti) and a energy regeneration-support ability, how much more specialisation do you want? Although i have to say i don't really enjoy  playing her without a full set of caster mods.


Furthermore to need saving something needs to be in peril first. Which i can't see Warframe to be in. Would this Game survive if it stays the way it is? Perhaps not, but that's not an issue at the moment, as this game won't be staying the way it is. It is still developing.

I guess the problem most people have with this thread is not it's content but the pomposity it is presented with.

Edited by Sharrack
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Eh, well bosses that aren't snorefests is well known and they're doing passes over all the current bosses.  That's something at least, but not nearly enough to save WF from being a flash in the pan which seems to be its current direction.  What DE really needs to do is get the basics right first (enemy AI, fix armor scaling, create interesting gameplay bc slaughter house 9 gets old after a few months of doing the same exact thing) and then start adding actual content with goals and objectives instead of meaningless chores we repeat over and over which all boil down to action games equivalent of killing 1 million boars. 

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This game has 3 million players. I don't think it's in danger of dying any time soon.


A lot of your wishes seem to revolve around 'more content'. Personally I'd prefer some more mechanics, like an improved stealth system, and a better use for Blocking than what we currently have (which is to say, no real use). The game always needs balance changes, and according to the recent Hot Topics post, they're working on exactly that. But balance, mechanics and content all take time, so patience.


Also, you've been at this game for a very short period of time. Howsabout you play for a few weeks and then get back to us?

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This game has 3 million players. I don't think it's in danger of dying any time soon.


A lot of your wishes seem to revolve around 'more content'. Personally I'd prefer some more mechanics, like an improved stealth system, and a better use for Blocking than what we currently have (which is to say, no real use). The game always needs balance changes, and according to the recent Hot Topics post, they're working on exactly that. But balance, mechanics and content all take time, so patience.


Also, you've been at this game for a very short period of time. Howsabout you play for a few weeks and then get back to us?

No, that's a common misconception.  This game has 3 million REGISTERED ACCOUNTS, not 3 million active players.


Broframe has 7.6k members, ~500 are active.  I brought 10+ people into this game, one of them still plays after a couple months and only when he see's an alert for something he doesn't have.  This game has no lasting appeal.  It is novel at first but the shine wears off rather quickly and it reveals itself to be the shallow beast that it is.

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 It is novel at first but the shine wears off rather quickly and it reveals itself to be the shallow beast that it is.

Exactly. This game is literally just grinding to unlock new weapons and frames so you can continue to grind to unlock new weapons and frames

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Also, you've been at this game for a very short period of time. Howsabout you play for a few weeks and then get back to us?

A couple weeks of solid play is pretty much all you need to breeze though a lot of the content sadly.  He's at least doing T3 voids and nightmare missions so he's not exactly &!$$ing around mercury or saturn.  As I said, the shine wears thin rather quickly.

Edited by Relkin
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Fair enough. What I find I'm doing these days is playing a few missions here and there. I certainly did grind through stuff at an epic rate until I got my first Frame to 30, but I think if you're determined to blast through content then there's not much to stop you. Consider moderating your play, or playing something else. I have a similar problem with books; I read them way too fast and they lose their appeal way too fast.


Also, consider that the game is really in Beta. It's hardly barebones, but it's a beta. DE has, in the past, acknowledged that there's a lot to do to flesh out lore, mechanics (Stealth and Blocking, for instance) and content. If the game as it currently stands is unsatisfying, then leave it and come back in a few weeks, months or whatever. At the very least you can have a curious poking about to see what's changed. To put it another way, if the game as it stands now was at Release, I'd agree entirely that it was bad, unfinished, lacking in things, etc. If nothing else, consider what you're expecting from the game.

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Fair enough. What I find I'm doing these days is playing a few missions here and there. I certainly did grind through stuff at an epic rate until I got my first Frame to 30, but I think if you're determined to blast through content then there's not much to stop you. Consider moderating your play, or playing something else. I have a similar problem with books; I read them way too fast and they lose their appeal way too fast.


Also, consider that the game is really in Beta. It's hardly barebones, but it's a beta. DE has, in the past, acknowledged that there's a lot to do to flesh out lore, mechanics (Stealth and Blocking, for instance) and content. If the game as it currently stands is unsatisfying, then leave it and come back in a few weeks, months or whatever. At the very least you can have a curious poking about to see what's changed. To put it another way, if the game as it stands now was at Release, I'd agree entirely that it was bad, unfinished, lacking in things, etc. If nothing else, consider what you're expecting from the game.

Oh trust me, I've been playing since CBT I'm well aware of its beta status.  What has me worried is the direction the devs are going in per their past updates and livestreams.  They seem to think that grinding bulletsponges for more weapons/frames = content. 


Generally I read books cover to cover in a day or two (huge book worm esp. when I was younger) so I don't really think that applies.  I mean what I'm trying to say, is that in my mind a good game will have you playing it often, a mediocre game you will pick and play a bit then walk away and not touch it for good while before you dabble in it again for a bit (repeating cycle) and a bad game is something you will play once then bounce.  With this said though! That is very much my opinion and I understand that different people have different consumption habits so it's not fair for either of us to apply it universally. 


What I really want is for DE to openly acknowledge certain very well known issues and pledge to fix them instead of ignoring them or outright telling us its not a problem at all (armor) despite vast outcries from the player base.  This behavior is what worries me the most because it is an ill omen of things to come... 

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This game has 3 million players. I don't think it's in danger of dying any time soon.


A lot of your wishes seem to revolve around 'more content'. Personally I'd prefer some more mechanics, like an improved stealth system, and a better use for Blocking than what we currently have (which is to say, no real use). The game always needs balance changes, and according to the recent Hot Topics post, they're working on exactly that. But balance, mechanics and content all take time, so patience.


Also, you've been at this game for a very short period of time. Howsabout you play for a few weeks and then get back to us?

I think the fact that ive been playing for a short time and am noticing problems is an even larger problem. If a player cant enjoy a game in the short term then they will leave. Thats part of why I think this game is in trouble, beta or not. And in terms of mechanics over content I also disagree. If you have nothing to look forward too then who the hell cares about how the game plays

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