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Fix the Dual Toxocyst Head Shot Buff Plz


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i really love the Dual Toxocyst  but i hate it now it's garbage cause you nurfed it and the head shot buff is like pointless i mean from 6sec to 2sec COME ON least give us 4sec not 2sec  REALLY! you guys do realize we'r not Jedi right. i spent lot of time making this weapon into a good build  now all the time spent on forma'ing all the plat spent on riven on catalysts gone in a one update it's now  just a big wast of time all that effort for nothing  i was using this weapon on my MESA .. it's very disappointing  now .. wish u would do something about this least make it 4 seconds   i mean 2sec's .. i mean fix this plz ...  i loved this game but so furious about the dual toxocyst nerf .. just try to make it bit better just a bit better . it's was a good weapon now it's like a old useless garbage truck 

Edited by Castiel3232
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well then that's it . not gonna use the dual Toxocyst i quit this weapon + others were turned to crp .. sadly there are no other secondary weapons for mesa akbolto p aklex p etc pretty much useless against lv 100up enemy's in in using peace maker  . i just had it for a week it can kill 150lv enemy now back to crp takes way too long to kill a lv 100up  even with rivens  meh ... seems spending time in warframe is pointless  had to wait 6day's +1day to get thous 6 forma + catalyst which are in the  dual Toxocyst now and it just was a pointless wast of a time ..SAD

Edited by Castiel3232
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 i am super sad about this weapon update now .it's  like going back to 0 again  need find a new weapon forma  buy rivens spent money then get crushed again by another crp weapon update then keeps on going . super pointless and wast of money ..

Edited by Castiel3232
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13 minutes ago, Castiel3232 said:

 i am super sad about this weapon update now .it's  like going back to 0 again  need find a new weapon forma  buy rivens spent money then get crushed again by another crp weapon update then keeps on going . super pointless and wast of money ..

Stop it. seriously.
stop the victim mentality. 

The game is still fun to play. Just because your mesa doesn't have an infinite fire rate boost doesn't mean you can't have fun with her,
You don't need to spend money, cut that crap.

Get some free forma. play the game.
Stop victimizing yourself. 

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nah man think i am done with this game .. DE should let people know before a week or too what weapons they gonna destroy .. i put so much effort to that weapon now it's sht .i just got it to a good damage level . if they keep this up they will loose  players .. if i knew 2 week or 1 week early never would have touched that weapon ..  today they just lost one  uninstalling this 

Edited by Castiel3232
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It's 3 seconds buff, yes, but 1 second is to compensate from the firerate the weapon has, so basically 2 raw seconds of buff for you to use. It's very annoying to use and no, I don't use it for Mesa. I used them because I liked the weapon. Please, go back to the previous state of the passive if you don't want to put the 6 second timer back because even 6 seconds non refreshable were better than what they are now. Only "decently" effective against groups of enemies in corridors.

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I think the short buff duration is a bit excessive for everybody who just likes Dual Toxocyst as a weapon. If this nerf was about Mesa they should have just hard-coded it into the game she couldn`t get that buff. 

There could be a minority within the minority who enjoys Dual Toxocyst to begin with, who is really into this challenge keeping such a short buff going, and if they are - enjoy! 

For everbody else they probably just killed that weapon? 

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7 hours ago, Castiel3232 said:

nah man think i am done with this game .. DE should let people know before a week or too what weapons they gonna destroy .. i put so much effort to that weapon now it's sht .i just got it to a good damage level . if they keep this up they will loose  players .. if i knew 2 week or 1 week early never would have touched that weapon ..  today they just lost one  uninstalling this 

They did let everyone know a week in advance. You should look at the Dev Worshop. The changes were listed there like a week before the update hit.

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7 hours ago, Castiel3232 said:

nah man think i am done with this game .. DE should let people know before a week or too what weapons they gonna destroy .. i put so much effort to that weapon now it's sht .i just got it to a good damage level . if they keep this up they will loose  players .. if i knew 2 week or 1 week early never would have touched that weapon ..  today they just lost one  uninstalling this 

Goodbye then. As for the update, the Dual Toxocysts feel so much better now, still wish it was 4-6 seconds to allow easier group to group buff sustaining but it's in such a better place now.

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