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Core Gameplay Suggestion!


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I know how DE can finaly do what they have been trying to do for a long time, making Warframe REALLY FUN. 
So, first things first, it's obvious to me that Warframe is supposed to be a dynamic game. And I've seen how the reworks of the frames were aimed to remove the "press one button and win" play style. And sure, the reworks can help to improve the gameplay, but I have a MUCH better way of dealing with this issue.

Just imagine that Warframe has the "Style" system implemented. It's a system that games like DMC Devil May Cry uses. Basicly it works like that: 
For exemple you are about to kill 10 enemies, and if you kill all of them just by shooting at them, you won't benefit from the system at all. But if you kill 3 enemies using melee, and then you use your secondary weapon against 4 enemies, then kill 2 more from shooting in the air, and then finish the last one by using a slide attack, you'll earn "style points".
"Style Points" are VERY usefull,  earning them gives you bonus affinity and drop chance of whatever you are farming (depending on the enemies you encounter). HOWEVER, if you start using only one way of killing enemies after that, the "style points" are lost.

I'll allow myself to explain in detail about how this would effect the gameplay.
Killing 5 enemies using the same weapon or ability, would give you one "style point", which grants you +7.5% affinity gain, +5% drop chance, +5% ability cast speed (if possible) and +10% weapon swapping speed 
Changing the weapon or the ability that you've used to another one and using it to kill another 5 enemies, will grant you another "style point". You can have up to 10 "style points".
If you switch back to the weapon u used initialy, and use it against 5 enemies the same way you did it last time, you do not lose or gain a point, it remainst the same. However, you can up your "style points" without changing the weapon at all! If you slide and kill, or kill in the air, or kill while attached to a wall, that counts as if you'd swap the weapon\ability, thus you get a point!
If you kill more than 5 enemies at the same time, you still get a "style point". But be careful, because you'll have to change your weapon or ability after that, otherwise you lose a point.
That means that you will not be punished for one shotting a LOT of enemies, but you better not use the same AOE straight away if you care about the points.

By the way, using another ability counts as a swap as well. So , if you are NIDUS, and you kill 5 enemies with your 1, you can throw your 2, use your 1 again, and for that you'll get 2 "style points" in total. That means that you are very lucky if your warframe has a cheap ability that can be used a lot of times.


I believe, that implementing this "style system" will stop people trading the fun aspect of the game with the farm efficiency. Because with it, EVERY warframe will be able to farm just as efficiently as a Banshee in the Hydron.

But what do you think about it? I'm really curious, I want to know what people think about this.

I'm super excited about this thing, so please share this post if you like the concept I wrote about.

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A few flaws

1. Nidus: he operates by trying to use his first ability on living targets as much as possible

2. Swapped into melee: can't easily switch back to a gun while your melee is out

3. Spectacle fighters aren't for everyone.  I'm serious: some people love DMC, Bayonetta, Nier.  Those games try to reward the player for looking call and 'mastering' their mechanics.  Loads of people like em, but they aren't for everybody.  The closest game I can think to that genre would be Black Desert.  

4.  You go into mid-air kills later on in your post and those aren't half as easy to do in Warframe compared to a spectacle fighter made for it.

5. Hard to implement: This would at it's most basic require a new script to run for every player in a mission.  In order to make it fun it would take a significant redesign of the combat engine.

6. Limits playstyle:  I know you're thinking that by forcing people to change up their play style you're making the game more fun and more diverse, but in reality, you're just forcing everyone to try and play in the same ultra-intensive hyperactive way.  Right now- without using a cheese strat there is plenty I can do to have fun in a diverse setting.  Speed volt with a melee,  Nidus doing a nidus, spamming hydroid's 1 and 4.  The way of playing that this sort of system promotes is mentally taxing in a game like Warframe.  It's stressful, and even in the games it exists in, it's optional.  Single player games offer these as score multipliers, ways to boost your ego.  You play through specially designed encounters where the amount of extra resource you may get is balanced to both average players who don't quite understand the combat system, and spectacle fighter pros can both play through a complete single-player experience.  In Warfame you're offering extreme bonuses to those who can keep up or enjoy this style of play; while leaving the rest of the player base in the dust.  I'm not saying press 4 to win isn't a problem, but I don't think the core gameplay loop needs to change.

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36 minutes ago, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

1. Nidus: he operates by trying to use his first ability on living targets as much as possible

2. Swapped into melee: can't easily switch back to a gun while your melee is out

3. Spectacle fighters aren't for everyone.  I'm serious: some people love DMC, Bayonetta, Nier.  Those games try to reward the player for looking call and 'mastering' their mechanics.  Loads of people like em, but they aren't for everybody.  The closest game I can think to that genre would be Black Desert.  

4.  You go into mid-air kills later on in your post and those aren't half as easy to do in Warframe compared to a spectacle fighter made for it.

5. Hard to implement: This would at it's most basic require a new script to run for every player in a mission.  In order to make it fun it would take a significant redesign of the combat engine.

About Nidus: He is actually going to only benefit from this change, because he would get reworded for using his 1 and 2 in combination. Because each time you use a different ability, it counts as a swap, which means that you get a "style point".

About being swapped into melee: you can kill 5 enemies, use an ability, and than killing another 5 enemies, use an ability and so on. That way you'll keep your points.

Spectacle fighters aren't for everyone: I cannot agree more. Unfortunately, people that still prefer the dull way of playing will not benefit from this system. But hey, they aren't forced to play in a dynamic way. I think that they would just play the same warframe, with the same affinity gains and drop chances. So , implementing the system would not affect them, at all. But that's kind of bad, because I wasn't considering the fact that not everybody will enjoy the "style system" :(

"Limits playstyle" - that's just not true. I'm not forcing people to change their playstyle, I'm just suggesting the possability of change. Because if people would not like to change the way they play, they will have their regular warframe on. The "style system" will not affect them. But if you think that the rewords are too good, they can always be tweaked! I just typed the numbers that I personaly prefer, I'm not a game designer, so maybe you're right, maybe the numbers are too high..
Anyway, you can think about it just as if I would suggest the "stealth" in warframe for the first time. Stealth mechanics can grant you bonus affinity as well, so it's pretty similar to my suggestion, and people are not "forced" to play stealthy, right? 

About mid-air kills: They are not so hard to execute. If you jump and aim, the warframe is falling much slower. And if you don't want to aim, you just get yourself a launcher, just like Zar or Lenz or whatever you prefer, and shoot randomly :D You'll get a kill for sure!

About being hard to implement: Yeah, I agree, it might be a pain in the neck... So, maybe I'm asking for impossible.

If you disagree with something, please give me more of your take on it, because I'd love to hear more!
(Sorry for my english in advance)

Edited by Rhamok
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