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Quartakk back to its original stats


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So... with the new update... Quartakk basically got reverted back to its orignal stats when it got released. I know many people don't even use the Quartakk but it's actually quite a decent  gun but here are the changes if you haven't saw them:


  • Mastery Rank increased from 9 to 10
  • Damage increased from 27 to 49
  • Reload speed decreased from 1.7 secs to 1.9 secs
  • Fire rate decreased

Fire rate went from 12.67 to 6.33

Now, that makes it about maybe 0.7 sec delay between each shot which doesn't sound like much but if you compare it to the old fire rate, there's a huge difference. As of now it is of course still playable but why make Quartakk back to it's old form? I'm not sure if this is a buff or nerf but I didn't see any problems with the previous Quartakk so why change it? Sure, the extra damage is nice but what is it suppose to be, a rifle or a shotgun?

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11 minutes ago, AcceptYourDeath said:

 Quartakk is essentially fine once you add fire rate mods. 

Even with regular Shred and Speed Trigger, you only get 12.03 fire rate and that already takes 2 mod slots when you can get more damage so adding fire rate mods are a bit of a waste.

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Damage increase is nice but it was already fine as it was. It's just that the fire rate is too big of a jump for that increase of damage. You were still able to do the same level of damage to enemies but at a faster fire rate. Sure it might just make an enemy take 1 less shot but that isn't much of a problem. Maybe I just don't see how much a 22 damage increase is worth which is why I'm complaining.

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I liked this Quartakk the most, at least it doesn't use Shotgun status calculation anymore and it ended up being one of the most reliable status dealer rifles at this moment. Slower fire rate with higher damage help the ammo econ. We don't really have slow-firing rifle like this that fares so well into late game and make its quite unique on its own. Don't make it another Sybaris

Edited by Yhtmahyll
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I prefer this Quartakk myself, the slow firerate and hard hit is right down my alley.

But I do understand how others don't like it, its for much the same reason I liked it less after the fire rate boost as such a big change may as well make it a different weapon. Which is exactly what I think should happen, the next wraith should be the Quartakk so that we can have both versions.

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The stats change was a mistake to start with, it didn't need a stats change, it needed a status chance calculation change which it got and now it's back to it's former glory (well, it got a couple of points taken away but the status chance being fixed helps a lot). It's a great weapon in the slow but powerful niche (without charging, just simple) which barely had options (Zenith still is very flawed, Grinlok is quite decent now), while if one wants to mash a button the Latrons are better than ever.

Edited by God_is_a_Cat_Girl
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