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Ember visual World on Fire serpentine trails feedback


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I realise this may just be me, but I would be remiss to not bring this up in the midst of an Ember rework. BUT.

For a very long time those 3 serpentine trails that envelop Ember and dance around you all the time when WoF is active are annoying me to no end. It's big, distracting, not really firethemed and, most of all, really not needed. WoF already has 3 very nice tells (that completely get lost in the serpents) with your upper arm and shoulders being on fire and sparks flying off you in intervals and meteors coming down all around you.

I would enjoy it so much more if those serpentine trails could just be retired and thanked for services rendered. Especially since WoF is active most of the time. Not sure what I expect from bringing this up, but leaving this here just in case there are literally dozens of us that will come out of the woodwork any second now to chime in with a heartfelt "Yes, finally someone brings this up!" into this thread...

I said, any second now?

*chirp chirp*

No? Ah well...

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