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Reason's Why This Game Is Dying - The Icing Is Wearing Thin - How Can We Save Warframe


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damn, this is a good thread, i really like the idea that the pace of the game needs to have some variety instead of running and gunning. it is really frustrating when some players just want to rush the boss while other players are trying to farm resources. therefore, if a really strong enemy would appear when the players are going through the mission too quickly, it will help out those resource farmers a lot. the stalker is a really good start. however, right now after i had unlocked some of the clan weapons, even the stalkers can't do much against me, and many time, i am hoping for the stalker to appear after i kill a boss. 


i also like the idea which the enemies should be hard to kill or the missions itself should be more creative. for example, missions could have traps that instantly take out half of our hp or emp your warframe such that it will have 0 shield and 0 energy for 30 secs. in addition, i do believe the ai in this game should be smarter, i don't want to see enemies that stand in the open and shoot me, or running straight at me when im firing my guns. however, i think replaying the mission 20 times just to learn how to get through it, is a bit too much. 

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come on ....


i understand that WarFrame End Game = do we have 1 ? oh void keys...


you understand the typical MMO game's, the end game system is a devourer of time


look on path of exile beta time was for like a year



Its 3am sorry ;P I did not read the last half of that sentence.

I thought something different.



Now to reference some similar games with decent - great end games which are not plain devourer's of time ^^


Look at dark souls, Vindictus, Dragons nest, cabal.


All of these games except dark souls, are basically instanced arena mmos.

They all have really great end games, to some extent, and keep the players interested.

Warframe needs something, something other then playing the same defence map over and over again.

And if you look at dragons nest ( amazing game )  Pvp is not as crucial as you may think.

Edited by pdxdubin
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DE fails to understand that this content keeps players engaged. And when the game opens out, and everything is already released, then I literally see no reason why anyone will want to grind through it all.


This may be your mistake. There will be no point at which "everything is already released".


I fully expect there to be more mission types, more tilesets, more unique locations, bosses with different mechanics, new enemies etc etc. As long as the game is making sufficient money DE will keep releasing updates.

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Well path of exile is a horrible example no offence..

Out of curiosity - why is it a bad example?

This may be your mistake. There will be no point at which "everything is already released".

I fully expect there to be more mission types, more tilesets, more unique locations, bosses with different mechanics, new enemies etc etc. As long as the game is making sufficient money DE will keep releasing updates.

There is truth to this. In a years time there will likely be stuff we weren't even aware we wanted.

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damn, this is a good thread, i really like the idea that the pace of the game needs to have some variety instead of running and gunning. it is really frustrating when some players just want to rush the boss while other players are trying to farm resources. therefore, if a really strong enemy would appear when the players are going through the mission too quickly, it will help out those resource farmers a lot. the stalker is a really good start. however, right now after i had unlocked some of the clan weapons, even the stalkers can't do much against me, and many time, i am hoping for the stalker to appear after i kill a boss. 


i also like the idea which the enemies should be hard to kill or the missions itself should be more creative. for example, missions could have traps that instantly take out half of our hp or emp your warframe such that it will have 0 shield and 0 energy for 30 secs. in addition, i do believe the ai in this game should be smarter, i don't want to see enemies that stand in the open and shoot me, or running straight at me when im firing my guns. however, i think replaying the mission 20 times just to learn how to get through it, is a bit too much. 


Traps, or enemy events that can really mess you up if you make a mistake.


For example the shield lancers are somewhat near what I mean by this.

You can see them run up to you, and they will knock you on your &#!.


in higher leveled maps though, I would like to see the enemies do more then just stand around and shoot at you, right in the open.

I mean.. its just kinda dumb lol


I would like to see a HUGE variety in enemies, but not so much of them at the same time.

When you encounter an enemy you should first look at what it is, what it does and how to defeat it.

Instead of just pointing and shooting at everything you see.


The best example I can give is dark souls, because every enemy, no matter the level, can and will kill you.

And you cant just face roll those things.


I heard there was a combo system for mele coming out? That sounds pretty cool actually.

And if we could actually make use of the dodge system, and release some mele enemies, I mean that would be fun.

I don't really know what else to add 

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This may be your mistake. There will be no point at which "everything is already released".


I fully expect there to be more mission types, more tilesets, more unique locations, bosses with different mechanics, new enemies etc etc. As long as the game is making sufficient money DE will keep releasing updates.


Good point, I agree with you there.


But the concern I had when I said that, is for new players.


For us, sure, the new content will be keeping some players involved, and we will look forward to new content to explore.

But for the new players, who have no idea what anything is, and have to choose from 100 weapons. 

I mean they won't have that "content rush" to feed off for a while. 

So they might just get bored, Who knows.


A way to fix this, is to remove the stupid mastery system, and let players choose what they want to do, and build things their own way.

The mastery system is just a lack luster way to influence people to spend money on the game, and that needs to get cut out. 

It can stay.. But an actual constant level needs to be added, something that is always increasing, even if your using the same stuff for a month's time.


It should all accommodate to something.


But yes, there will always be new content, hopefully like you said.

But that should not be the only thing keeping players interested in the game.


And well.. When pvp comes out ( its being worked on )  then things will probably change a lot.

But who knows, sorry for typing so much : D


Your right with your reply, but my brain works, but going and going and going and going, and finding myself into random topics that are not even close to what you are talking about.

But at the same time it helps me think about stuff, and expands my own understanding of the topic!



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Out of curiosity - why is it a bad example?

There is truth to this. In a years time there will likely be stuff we weren't even aware we wanted.


I misread the post, and thought he was comparing path of exile to warframe :3


But I just read it again and he was talking about the beta.  

However, in that same point, I listed some similar games that I think reflect on some possibilities for warframes end game systems. 




Also I want to kinda rephrase a mistake I made, by "everything being released" 

I was pushing more towards the core game play.. I don't know what else they will change.

Maybe a combo system or a functional block button, but Nothing else seems to be in the lime light atm.


The primary focus seems to be on dojo's and content updates, with is my cripe.

Not to lie.. I will probably but these dangly bits, I really want a scarf, And I will probably play the game for another week because of it.


But I wont be happy doing it :p

I am a sucker for cosmetic stuff, All the money I wasted on league of legends..

But this is not about me 

Edited by pdxdubin
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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but...


They should create boss battles like they would in an Adventure Game instead of an MMO. I feel that the boss battles would be more engaging, more fun and actually wouldn't feel like pulling teeth. Hell use wall running as a way to kill it or something, not just stand there and fire your gun until its dead, make it interesting

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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but...


They should create boss battles like they would in an Adventure Game instead of an MMO. I feel that the boss battles would be more engaging, more fun and actually wouldn't feel like pulling teeth. Hell use wall running as a way to kill it or something, not just stand there and fire your gun until its dead, make it interesting



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Look at dark souls, Vindictus, Dragons nest, cabal.


All of these games except dark souls, are basically instanced arena mmos.

They all have really great end games, to some extent, and keep the players interested.

Warframe needs something, something other then playing the same defence map over and over again.

And if you look at dragons nest ( amazing game )  Pvp is not as crucial as you may think.

played in all of these titles 


Dark Souls is not a MMO (Dark Souls = pc = easy mode no thx )

Dragon nest = log in for a week do nest , done (you need like 2-3 chars.) = brain less game for kids , i like to but is  :<

Cabal Online = game saved by TG , boring fram like all mmo's


POE =  not known company BOOM ! Great Game (but not for all)

Edited by jimomateusz
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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but...


They should create boss battles like they would in an Adventure Game instead of an MMO. I feel that the boss battles would be more engaging, more fun and actually wouldn't feel like pulling teeth. Hell use wall running as a way to kill it or something, not just stand there and fire your gun until its dead, make it interesting

If you mean boss-battles for 4+ people,I think it's impossible because in Warframe the host works as a server.there are no servers to support such a big groups.


Don't be mistaken,I support your idea like everyone else but for now,that kind of thing is impossible.

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Because I will not lie, this game is BORING as hell.  I

And yet you have 3000 posts in this boring game's forums.

You, sir, are the least interesting person in the world.

Edited by Inez
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I wouldn't say WF is dying, but you have a lot of good points.


I skimmed over the wall of text and the point I agree with you the most is the "zerg rush" feeling of the combat. While it fits the Infested, and, to some extent, the Grineer, the Corpus appear in far too large numbers. It would really benefit both the gameplay AND the lore if the Corpus would be "quality over quantity" - half the amount (if not less), but twice as powerful (if not even more). After all, they don't have or use cloning tech, and therefore they lack the numbers and the genetic defects of the Grineer.

Also, higher level enemies shouldn't just have more HP, more armor and more firepower. They should improve on ALL stats: reload speed, refire speed, burst size, accuraccy, RoF, movement speed, ability cooldown/dmg/AoE, preferred range (attacking from further away and keeping distance), et cetera.

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played in all of these titles 


Dark Souls is not a MMO (Dark Souls = pc = easy mode no thx )

Dragon nest = log in for a week do nest , done (you need like 2-3 chars.) = brain less game for kids , i like to but is  :<

Cabal Online = game saved by TG , boring fram like all mmo's


POE =  not known company BOOM ! Great Game (but not for all)


Well POE is a good game but its more of a diablo clone.. not that I want to get into that. 

However I still actually play poe occasionally. 


Dark souls.. well actually its about as much of an mmo as warframe :P


And the reason I referenced that game is becasue of the diverse boss fights, and enemy variation. as well as awesome depth.

But its not really in the same catagory.


Dragons nest, may not be any less repetitive but the game play is fun as hell, once you unlock all the end game stuff, its a great arcade game to play now and then, and it keeps you interested.



Cabal online was good in its prime, The pvp was really fun and some of the dungeons were super difficult ; p 




Warframe however..


there is really nothing but replaying the same missions over and over lol 


I still do it though but a few days ago it started getting really tedious

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And yet you have 3000 posts in this boring game's forums.

You, sir, are the least interesting person in the world.


I'm the owner of a large clan, our recruitment thread had well over 5000 posts on it, most of them being mine accepting people into the clan : p


And this post was very constructive good job. 

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and now show the prove that this game is dieing




Well the primary proof I have is my own opinion, and the like minded people of the forums agreeing with me and posting similar topics. 


The second point of proof I have, is the fact that our active members in the clan has decreased by about 40 - 50%

and this spans over all clans, showing that the general interest of the game is dying out.

However during weekend events the activity explodes, meaning people are sitting idol only waiting for content to come out, it is apparent.

However I am happy the events are now somewhat diverse, But i'm Not sure how long these will keep people interested either. 


The only proof you have is yourself, If you are still enjoying this game, then By all means, please continue playing.


While I was still new and unlocking everything I really had a blast, and there is no reason for people to miss out on that.


Its just the people who got done with everything who are bored, and there are simple ways to fix this.


all through this thread, and on the forums.  


Progression needs to be rethought and redesigned.  Something in addition to the mastery system needs implementation to show gradual progression no matter what we do, which will gradually increase our power slowly without the ability of using platinum to rush the process. 

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Well POE is a good game but its more of a diablo clone.. not that I want to get into that. 

However I still actually play poe occasionally. 


Dark souls.. well actually its about as much of an mmo as warframe :P


And the reason I referenced that game is becasue of the diverse boss fights, and enemy variation. as well as awesome depth.

But its not really in the same catagory.


Dragons nest, may not be any less repetitive but the game play is fun as hell, once you unlock all the end game stuff, its a great arcade game to play now and then, and it keeps you interested.



Cabal online was good in its prime, The pvp was really fun and some of the dungeons were super difficult ; p 




Warframe however..


there is really nothing but replaying the same missions over and over lol 


I still do it though but a few days ago it started getting really tedious

and leave POE alone its good :P


Dragon nest for me is like : money making pig (i like it but i do love hard game's )

Cabal Online was very easy game (top 10 Blader Eu Jupiter) i almost solo FT 2 


ofc i agree that WarFrame end game = its like do we have 1 ? xD

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Warframe is very similar to Phanasty Star Universe. That game did not retain players because they could not deliver the icing. However, I want PvP in Warframe. I'd love to enjoy a good S&D in Warframe. Just my opinion.

Well ;P Phantasy star is kinda the opposite ya, the core of the game was great, it had fun game play, and epic boss fights and everything.

But they never really came out with content other then the initial game, However I did not spend much time playing it so you probably know more then I do about it.


Warframe has so much potential, it just needs that "one thing" that keeps people addicted,


Something super awesome and fun and rewarding.  Maybe tenno tower o,O

: D 




pvp will probably save this game, And I hate to say it but this game is just built for it lol

Although not everyone likes pvp, so if they want to continue to make money, the pve elements need to be just as strong. 

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That was good read! +1


I am starting to hit that stage now, ~230 hrs play now. I nearly have all frames (just need to craft parts for last 1) and nearly have all the weapons I want, but it is getting tiresome.


I know that the randomly generated maps is a neat idea, but it must make certain things very difficult to implement, e.g. enemy snipers using proper sniping spots. Some premade maps could be a good thing, especially with some scripted events, and I really like the idea of having tough raids.


You're comments on pace are very true. There needs to be some badass that makes you S#&amp;&#036; your pants and change tactics. Stalker is good for newer players, but once you have good gear he is just a minor hinderance.


As far as mastery goes, I totally agree. I have mentioned it on several threads that there are so so many other ways that we could earn it without having to use every weapon. Not too big a pain to get to rank 7, which is all you need now, but when they start introducing stuff for the higher ranks it will become a PITA to use weapons you don't want to (looking at you long swords).


I haven't got any bright ideas for end game atm, but I'll get my thinking hat on. You never know I might have a moment of inspiration :)

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