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Reason's Why This Game Is Dying - The Icing Is Wearing Thin - How Can We Save Warframe


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Get this moved to feedback where it belongs and will be read by devs.  Devs don't read this section per the sticky you apparently didn't read...................................................................


 Don't sweat it. It'll get handled. I'm just waiting on some stuff and then it'll likely get moved. Until then feel free to keep trying to give good feedback here. 

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Get this moved to feedback where it belongs and will be read by devs.  Devs don't read this section per the sticky you apparently didn't read...................................................................


Rebecca said she's taking notes. also


"Additionally, we are addressing the issues, they have been emphasized around the office today, will have more to report, likely in next weeks Livestream or a post."


So they do listen somewhat.

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Rebecca said she's taking notes. also


"Additionally, we are addressing the issues, they have been emphasized around the office today, will have more to report, likely in next weeks Livestream or a post."


So they do listen somewhat.

Is that why Raid is being removed and Armor isn't being fixed?

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That's right.. I want to start off with a simple metaphor which I will use to describe the game.


A cake.


Now every time DE releases a new weapon, or a new map, That is just "icing" icing that is super tasty and which we all want to have.

It is like an addiction, to rush through and get all of the new content as soon as it comes out.

And this is now DE makes there money, Plain and simple.


Now the issue with warframe currently, is that the "core" of the "cake" is bland and stale..

The initial game play is repetitive and boring.

Enemies are easy to kill, and no matter how strong you get, you will always be able to face roll enemies like nothing.

Bosses are not challenging they are not innovative, And most mission types / game modes are ONLY played when.


Now forcing players to go through and play content that they "don't like"  Just so that they can complete an alert, is not appealing, it is cruel and not satisfying.  And I often find myself repeating the same defence mission over and over, 

Because honestly I don't see what else there is to do.


Once players unlock a majority of the content they find themselves at the top of the chain.

Now once they find themselves here, there will be "nothing" to do but replay old missions, or hang out in clan chat.

The thing that is keeping us appealed to warframe is the content, being released often.  It gives you the week or two of casual game play drive, to go out and earn that weapon, or mod so that you can use it in the future.

You probably often tell yourself "I should get this now, so that I will have it all ready when the time comes I need it"

The time will never come, You are forced currently to build weapons and warframes that you don't actually want, to increase your mastery rank. 

And the only way to continue to increase the power of a weapon / frame, is to use forma.  And this does not even contribute to mastery...


What DE needs to do here, is fix the initial core elements of warframe, without releasing the same stuff frequently.

They need to stop trailing people along on the illusion of content, Just releasing a weapon here and there.

It will get boring, we have enough weapons currently, and this will not continue to keep people hooked into the game.

Not if the core of the gameplay is boring and stale.

The "drive" for power is what keeps us interested, Like in most games, the thing that gets us through the grind, is the end content.


The ability to "show off" to new players how good you are, and to participate in HIGH LEVEL END GAME CONTENT


So once again, metaphorically. This game is like a cake.


We are currently eating the icing, bored to death, over looking the stale taste of the actual cake.

With the mind set that in the future, all this work will pay off for something.

And honestly considering that all we ever do is spam defence missions and kill everything with the same old weapons,

There is not much of a "Bragging" factor in warframe.

it may sound cocky but bragging rights is really important in any online game, otherwise why would you play it?


The Drive for power 


I want to go into details about what I mean by this.

In most games you play, you start off somewhat weak, With a large horizon of expansion and upgrades in the future. 

Now for the most part, if the game play is lacking and you had all of the abilities, items, weapons already unlocked.

Your just going to go through all of the content quickly and get bored with it.

In most games. 


Now in most mmo games there is also pvp.. Which is a HUGE drive to struggle through bland gameplay and repetitive content.

However warframe does not have any pvp it has no end game content whatsoever.


And TONS of suggestions and ideas have been posted on these forums, but I see NO AMBITION from de to actually improve on these things.

Recently I saw the post about remaking some game modes and removing raid's?  I mean.. Its a good start.

and survival sounds nice, But honestly it won't really make much of a difference.


But Like I said, The ride to the top... That is what warframe is.  A grind.  Like with most games, 

It is fun, unlocking and experiencing new content, like any other game it keeps you interested.

But USUALLY after we unlock a fair amount of stuff, and put 300 hours into the game.

You would expect to see some more drastic differences in game play. 



What is actually boring?


Some of you may be caught up in the loop still, the majority of the player base is still playing through most of the missions, and unlocking content, enjoying the exploration side of warframe.

and that is nice.

but what is not nice.

Putting A lot of money and time into a game with no end content.

There are those of us, 1000's of us who are sitting in the lobby waiting for something cool to happen.

Hardly being able to play more then 3 defence missions in a row without falling asleep.


Because I will not lie, this game is BORING as hell.  I'm sorry.

but the reason i'm tying this up is because I want to hopefully inspire someone out there to post a thread or an idea of there own.

Give DE some feedback, or hopefully DE themselves to read this and understand what we are going through.


Details now...


Enemy variety 


Now this is a BIG factor in the boring game play, there is no variety or need of a strategy, Most enemies are pretty much the same. Some of them shoot fire, some of them shoot scorpion claws, and that is all fine and dandy. 

But when your shooting enemies down without even thinking about it, as if its target practice.


There is no immersion there.  None.. It gets too repetitive. 

Now there are some ways to fix this, some ideas I had.


Quality over quantity: I Feel that the zerg rush style of enemies is too half &#!, It really does not feel like your doing anything, and really belittles enemies into boring zerg's.


Sure you die here and there, but that is just because there are so many things shooting at you, that you usually cant even handle what is going on.

And that's not fun.. You cant learn from that and you cant really counter it.

So Like I said There needs to be less enemies, spawning every 2 seconds.

There should be half as many enemies, and they should be much stronger then they are currently.

Weak points should not be as easy to target.

And the AI of the enemies is already great, its almost there.  I would just like to see a little more variety, other then ducking and standing out in the open shooting you.

( Standing out in the open Shooting you )   I mean honestly.. Its like the enemies in this game are mindless idiots who just want to die

LESS ENEMIES, more strategy.  I want enemies to be able to really MESS YOU UP if you make a mistake.


Additionally there is no pause in game play pace.. Its so steady it is tiring.. 


I mean its like a very linear type of action, There are no breaks in pace, no high octane moments.


I want to see some HUGE MUTANT grineer, Meta Boss type thing, That is VERY powerful, and breaks up game play.  

I will go into details on this in a separate section. 



Pace of Game play

Now this is another big factor, The game play move at a snails pace.


There are no highlights currently other then the stalker. 

And when the stalker comes and you freak out, that is WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, and I want to see more stuff like this.


The game needs to be broken up from the generic run and gun style, There needs to be more random events, 

Random mobs.

Or rare enemies.

Like I said, Maybe if you start progressing too quickly, a giant mutant grineer will come out and start beating you around like a bag of potatoes.  

And there also needs to be more variety in enemies, we already have those stupid ground slamming grineer things, but they really don't change the pace at all.

DE you need to go extreme on this, I want to see grineer rolling up in tanks and one shotting team mates,

Higher leveled missions should not be a cake walk, and the rewards should not be either.


I want to replay a mission 10-20 times to learn how to get through it.

I mean honestly when was the last time any of you have failed a mission other then defence..



And about random events, I want to see more of them, Some really cool things, that only a select few people will see.


Mastery Rank and progression


This also needs to be thought out.


If I don't want to buy ember, then it should not effect my mastery rank, I mean honestly everything we do should attribute towards mastery.  Some people may like how it is, but then again.

Maybe there are people out there who like ash, and want to keep playing him, and using the same weapons.

What if they "like that" and they enjoy that about the game?

We keep getting all this extra affinity, and if its not going towards leveling weapons or warframes, then it dam better well be going into mastery.


The time we put into this game needs to show for something, without forcing people to buy all of the boring weapons on the market place, ( which we have too many of )  Just to rank up to 11.  

I don't want to buy a cleaver, why should I?


Now, Progression.  Other then mastery, it really does not exist.

There is hardly any progression in warframe, when literally you can just buy everything off the market place.

Now sure DE makes the money, But that player is going to go through content so quick, there just going to get burnt out.


There needs to be a balance ( like void gear ) of content that cannot be bought, and must be earned.

There needs to be a challenge in this game, something for us to strive towards.


Maybe instead of whole planets, DE you should actually release DUNGEONS OR RAIDS

and not the current raid, I actually mean a NON RANDOMLY GENERATED raid, that will actually be well thought out, and difficult to beat.

I want to see scripted events, and great scenes and highlights of game-play.


Oh I am not organizing this very well.. ( someone will quote this )

Anyways, yeah, I really hate complaining without giving ideas, so in terms of progression.



Lumi has a thread about this, going into some more details / personal ideas / concerns.

Check it out if your interested.


Core system:

Maybe the tenno inside the warframe has its own set of mods?  Like a "core" that expands to all your weapons and warframes.

And this core has a set limit, maybe 100 levels. And they need to be VERY DIFFICULT to level up.

And on the core, we can level up attributes, like base health, and armor, and damage and speed.

etc etc, so that we can actually build our warframes, and be more individualized. While using warframes as like actual armors, or bonuses, Or ability sets.



I'm going to cut this off here, since no one will probably read up to this point,

I really do like this game, and I think it has room to become very innovative.

But I don't want to see DE getting stuck in the same pattern of releasing content just to keep players drawn in.

That is the taboo of online games, it happens a lot, and players hardly ever stick to those types of games.


Now here is the TL;DR

its your job as a community to help make this game better, you need to put your neck out and give some ideas,

And DE needs to start addressing these. 


New game modes, concepts, systems and elements of warframe.

I have seen so many ideas, so far. and they need to start being put into consideration.

Because in the future, if all we see are new helmets, and warframes, and capes, and dangly bits.

That is just an expensive cover up, hiding the bland core elements of game play.

DE you need to take a step back now, and look back into the core of this game, instead of just releasing the same old content every now and then.


And I hate to throw this out there, but I would really hate to see pvp being the only thing keeping this game above water.

I would not complain, But honestly if like steve said, They made it so we can duel outside of clans.

The game is going to turn very competitive, and builds are going to start popping up everywhere.

That's fun and all, but it will REMOVE and destroy most of the core pve concepts that have been built into the game.

And I think that these need to be improved first before Warframe moves into competitive game modes.


I know this post may not be the most easy thing to read, or go through but yeah.

Just a rant that I have been wanting to type up for a little while.  


Please if you are going to comment, keep it constructive, lets discuss other things that are bothering us, and discuss the specific issues you have with the game.


and we will hopefully make a thread that addresses everything about this game that defines the term bland.


The cake is a lie.. 


Thanks :3 




Another well thought out Rant thread, going into some specific details 

This is about key things specifically that you may find bothersome about this game.



Similarly in this thread I wanted to address some of the deeper / core issues of warframe.

So read them both, and lets hopefully give some of our own personal input in each thread.

So first you create a thread yesterday evening saying how awesome DE is and how great a job they've done with Warframe and then today you claim the game is dying???


Sounds like you're just kissing some serious butt in an attempt to get what you want.

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So here we have a long thread with several thought-out ideas all pushed into one series of text. Instead of in the feedback forums, it is a discussion thread, because people still think that poster traffic equals developer exposure.

These large drama-queen threads do get exposure, as all the moderator and DERebeccas's comments show.

Having a title like "This Game is Dying" is unfortunately what gets noticed. It discourages more rational talk and sane thread titles.

On a side note, my clan has more active members than two months ago. It looks like the game is doing well to me.

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Raid one of the easiest type of missions to play for rewards. Now, it might be redundant for you, but thats just you.


So, that's why you like raid?  You like it because it's simply the easiest type to play for rewards.  You don't like it because it's fun to play (it isn't)?  You don't like it because it's interesting (it isn't)?  There isn't something else about it that draws you in and demands that you play it?  No, it's just because Raid is the resource pinata, isn't it?


Sorry, but that doesn't make Raid very compelling.  There are/will be other game modes for you to play if all you want from the mode is rewards.  Capture is a great example, since it's just about identical to Raid.

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I agree with you, while I do still enjoy playing the game, it needs some work. I would love to see cool accual level dungeons with a badass boss that you need to use the environment to interact with the boss so you could use your cool end game content weapons to kill. Possiblly even a pvp system based off tenno going over planetary war senarios where you can choose to snak into a base/ run to a base guns blazeing and try to captre something or start a base destrustion or kill a vip. Stuff like that would be amazing for this game. I want badass bosses that test our skill with this games beautiful versatility where you need skill with your tenno and your weapons to beat and a PvP system that allows us to take all the roads this game offers for us to win it. Thats the warframe i hope for down the line.

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Well there are more people then that.. 


Now honestly I could do a really to the point thread, but that's just not my style :P  

Excellent response! 99.2% of the time when I give somebody constructive criticism on the internet they attack me as if I'm attacking them and not trying to help. You are obviously one of an intelligent mind and not some 15 year old kid that thinks he knows everything. Now I will read the rest of your post today and comment. 

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Nimbat, on 09 Aug 2013 - 05:01 AM, said:snapback.png

As a clan leader with 60-80 members i constantly have to weed out inactive ones and replace them with new folks. People are starting to burn out FAST on Warframe and there's only so much we as a clan can do to keep people busy.


The Void was a gamechanger when it came out as it provided TONS of gametime. Same with the dojo. However adding more rooms and missions to void won't help, since the place has been done to death (I'm still missing reaper blade after 100+ runs...)


We need another gamechanger. I don't mean new maps and tiles. Something completely new akin to void and dojo.

...or pvp (infinite content), but since the majority of the playerbase rejects pvp I will stop here.


exactly but pvp will probably be a good fun thing to do in the future.



Ayarai, on 09 Aug 2013 - 04:34 AM, said:snapback.png

While I agree that there are plenty of things that DE could do to spice up the core gameplay experience, I can't help but to wonder how exactly they could address the "lack of endgame content" (which is certainly a common complaint on these forums).


Some of the things that usually get mentioned in the threads that are talking about the endgame are incredibly difficult missions or creating some big & complex boss encounters. But would either of them really solve anything in the long run?


When looking back at MMORPG's and their endgame, how many of us did actually enjoy that endgame because the content was genuinely fun to repeat over and over again, or was it that the fun actually came from playing with your guild/friends while hoping that the boss would happen to drop that next piece of loot you wanted?


Well Its not so much about end game content, as it is the initial core gameplay


Just adding some end game stuff will not fix the underlying issues.


As I said the game play variety is still and bland, 


And the progression system is so hard pushed towards the market place, and spending money.



I understand they need the money, but in most games experience actually goes towards some end goal or level cap.


DE needs to make level ( not mastery ) specific areas, which actually show for their difficulty, 

I want to see elite enemies and giant enemies and I want to actually die.


The need to use cover and not actually stand out in the open killing everything is important.


Energy and shields need to be looked into, armor.


Right now we can just spam skills non stop, like its nothing.


That needs to be addressed, or this level of gameplay needs to be reserved for max level players.


Its not about end game content, its about the entirety of the game which needs to be polished a little bit.



PROteinxstack, on 09 Aug 2013 - 06:24 AM, said:snapback.png

-shrug- I played all the CS games competitively for years (recently retired).  Same maps, same strats, same weapons, tons of fun.  Why?!?  Because of the community and the vast difference of the outcome from game to game.  In a single player game this is hard to achieve because the AI is static and doesn't encourage ingenuity.


Heres the flipside:


My wife and I play Halo Reach coop endless firefight and love it.  Same enemies, same maps, same strats, same weapons.  Why is it so fun?  Its challenging and we hardly ever win.  It takes skill to eliminate an elite wave on nightmare and you feel like you have really accomplished something not many people have easily.  The enemies are unforgiving, brutal, and seemingly evil.  I don't get that feeling here that they don't care about anything but destroying you.


Warframe AI hides behind cover, runs away from you, and is pretty cowardly at best (even the melee units seem scared).   Maybe make the melee units rush you faster, dodge, roll, throw grenades more often, flank you faster, surround you, set traps, etc.


Why is Dark Souls so hard?  The enemies are cheap, catch you off guard, and if you aren't careful, totally humiliate you.  Maybe nightmare mode should be more like that?  Thanks.


DE:  Don't be afraid to make the enemies into really big jerks.  We like to fight enemies that make us angry!



Very well said,

We need a challege, and we need to reward player skill and timing.

Make us actually use our brains, and use the dodge mechanic. 

I want to see enemies CHARGE AT ME or blow me up or try and cut me in half.

But I don't want to see a million of these enemies, I only want to see one or two, here and there to really pace out the game play 


And I like exploring, some of the maps are designed SO WELL,  but I would also like to see the maps not being recycled over and over again..

Often running through the same chunk of a map over and over, because it was recycled gets really boring really quick :

Maybe shorten the levels and reduce the amount of enemies, while increasing there power.

If we do this 


then people who like to rush, will be more inclined to just sit back and enjoy the mission.


Don't make it drawn out and boring, make it fast and exciting, and make the enemies really challenging and fun to play against.



Ced23Ric, on 09 Aug 2013 - 06:59 AM, said:snapback.png

So here we have a long thread with several thought-out ideas all pushed into one series of text. Instead of in the feedback forums, it is a discussion thread, because people still think that poster traffic equals developer exposure.


Do you want to help shape this game? Put it in Feedback.


One topic per thread. Post why, what is bad how and what can be improved doing what else. These monster threads bury their ideas in a pile, and all the +1 in the world will not take a rant from GD into feedback that can be worked with.


I do put things in feed back, but I want to generally discuss the underlying issues of this game. 

And as you can see there is a fair amount of constructive discussion, which is more so important then the OP of the thread.

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I feel like this is relevant for this discussion, a quote from a DE_Steve post yesterday:

"When we started this thing last March I would have laughed if you said people would put 100 hours in. It's terrifying to see how much time some of you have invested in Warframe. I'm not sure where the cynical stuff is coming from "Its Beta!" or "Devs Gotta Eat!" stuff come from - both are true, but we don't try hide behind those. We tend to agree when stuff sucks and publicly so.

The burnout, raging or otherwise, definitely is a problem. I don't have the magic bullet because the answer is hard: diversity. But we're keenly aware of it and we know that our life depends on fixing it. Update 10 won't make it vanish but it is heavily influenced by it - diversifying mission types vs. reskinned button pushing. Surfacing dueling more. But the biggest gains are going to come from hard work - to add systems that gives Warframe more sandbox-style qualities.

I hope you get a bit of relief from burnout with the new location coming. We've reworked RNG and added new enemy types... but for our elder players who see much of this as reskinning - yep, we're guilty of that. But rest assured your voice has been heard. If its too little, too late, sucks for us to lose you, but I understand."

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1jy9kl/anyone_else_suffering_raging_burnout/cbjmkjl




Made me sad.. : ( 


Like you say, just one step at a time, and that's all we need to do.


A lot of us are still playing this game, even though were bored out of our mind, we cant put it down.

Something about the game is still drawing us in, and we believe in it.



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So first you create a thread yesterday evening saying how awesome DE is and how great a job they've done with Warframe and then today you claim the game is dying???


Sounds like you're just kissing some serious butt in an attempt to get what you want.


Oh I posted that thread after I posted this thread because I felt like an &#! hole saying that I am burnt out 


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Btw I did not really intend this for feedback..

I am actually compiling a list of all the major points / concerns that are being addressed in this thread, and I was going to start a simple constructive thread in feed back for DE to actually hopefully easily read through.

This thread was intended to generate discussion so that I can pull ideas and concerns out of it : D


If that makes sense ;p 

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The initial game play is repetitive and boring.



The core gameplay is figured out very early in the game, if you dont like the core gameplay you dont like the game. Which just brings up the question............. why are you playing?

The game is just going to build up from that core, they are not going to flip the table and create a whole new game.



Now forcing players to go through and play content that they "don't like"  Just so that they can complete an alert, is not appealing, it is cruel and not satisfying.


People need to stop using this "forcing us" excuse because that's childish. Really, you are acting like a kid sitting in a table with mom trying to feed him peas he doesnt want. DE, isnt doing that, DE creates content they think is satisfying to some degree and they put it out. It's up to you how you go through it. That's it... there's nothing else to say about it. I just finished opening all of Europa, like, two days ago because i was looking to do Nightmare missions, i fully opened all of Pluto about a couple months to get Excalibur. I've been playing since January of this year. It's up to YOU, YOU decide how you go through it. And if dont even feel like going to through then you shouldn't be playing the game. It's that simple. Is there a game in this planet that satisfies with every stage, section, etc, it has? I'm pretty sure you have played games that arent 100%.... what do you do in those game? Pretty sure you plow through to get where you want to have fun.


Let's stop acting like DE is a taskmaster having you peel potatoes cause that is silly.



Once players unlock a majority of the content they find themselves at the top of the chain.

Now once they find themselves here, there will be "nothing" to do but replay old missions, or hang out in clan chat.


You mean like basically every game where you level up?

This is another critique that is strange here in Warframe, they get slammed for things standard in every game out there. It's weird. There's this , what i call, "movement" where the face of the video game industry must be changed from this game. This, for some reason, is where the battle lines have been drawn to fight this war.


In a F2P third person shooter that's like a year old.



You are forced currently to build weapons and warframes that you don't actually want, to increase your mastery rank. 

And the only way to continue to increase the power of a weapon / frame, is to use forma.  And this does not even contribute to mastery...


If there are so few things in this game that you like, again, i don't even know why you are playing this game.

Is extremely strange that you dont like repetitive stuff while at the same time you, apparently, dont fell like moving away from a few weapons and Warframes. Because, you know, using those few choices over and over is..........repetitive.



What DE needs to do here, is fix the initial core elements of warframe, without releasing the same stuff frequently.

They need to stop trailing people along on the illusion of content, Just releasing a weapon here and there.

It will get boring, we have enough weapons currently, and this will not continue to keep people hooked into the game.

Not if the core of the gameplay is boring and stale.


Again, if you dont like the core you dont like the game.

DE will only expand from the core, they will not remake the core to something else.


The "drive" for power is what keeps us interested, Like in most games, the thing that gets us through the grind, is the end content.


The ability to "show off" to new players how good you are, and to participate in HIGH LEVEL END GAME CONTENT


What keeps YOU interested is that.

I dont care about showing off to random strangers in the internet.

I actually like new frames and weapons because those provide new ways to tackle the enemies, new strategies, etc.

I just got the torid and i built a whole frame to basically work with that weapon specifically. I used mods that would complement a poison nade throwing thing, which meant not putting in focus, flow, and all that regular crap. And you know what? I had fuuuuuuuun.


If you are looking for high level end game content to...............show off to new players you are going to have to wait because, you know, the game is in beta. The first ever Warframe tileset out side of the original was released in February, i think. You guys seem to forget this. This is not a game that have been in development for 4 years. This thing is happening right here right now, right here, right now, right here, right now.


So you either wait or move on, it's that simple.

It's a F2P game so coming back should not be that hard.



We are currently eating the icing, bored to death, over looking the stale taste of the actual cake.

With the mind set that in the future, all this work will pay off for something.

And honestly considering that all we ever do is spam defence missions and kill everything with the same old weapons,

There is not much of a "Bragging" factor in warframe.

it may sound cocky but bragging rights is really important in any online game, otherwise why would you play it?


If you dont like the game you shouldn't be playing.

I just opened up the Corpus weapons so i will now be using a whole set of new weapons.

And i dont care to brag, it's a video game, man, who cares?

Oh, you did wave 100 in Pluto.... that's nice, now i am going to go over here and play with my new weapon.


The Drive for power 


I want to go into details about what I mean by this.

In most games you play, you start off somewhat weak, With a large horizon of expansion and upgrades in the future. 

Now for the most part, if the game play is lacking and you had all of the abilities, items, weapons already unlocked.

Your just going to go through all of the content quickly and get bored with it.

In most games. 


Now in most mmo games there is also pvp.. Which is a HUGE drive to struggle through bland gameplay and repetitive content.

However warframe does not have any pvp it has no end game content whatsoever.


And TONS of suggestions and ideas have been posted on these forums, but I see NO AMBITION from de to actually improve on these things.

Recently I saw the post about remaking some game modes and removing raid's?  I mean.. Its a good start.

and survival sounds nice, But honestly it won't really make much of a difference.


But Like I said, The ride to the top... That is what warframe is.  A grind.  Like with most games, 

It is fun, unlocking and experiencing new content, like any other game it keeps you interested.

But USUALLY after we unlock a fair amount of stuff, and put 300 hours into the game.

You would expect to see some more drastic differences in game play.


pssssssst..... it's beta. How old is this game? Like a little over one year old? And im talking about releasing it to the public. This game also is centered around PVE so throwing PvP criticism just says, one more time, that you dont like the game and instead of trying to make it better you just want to make it your type of game. Not gonna happen.


What is actually boring?


Some of you may be caught up in the loop still, the majority of the player base is still playing through most of the missions, and unlocking content, enjoying the exploration side of warframe.

and that is nice.

but what is not nice.

Putting A lot of money and time into a game with no end content.

There are those of us, 1000's of us who are sitting in the lobby waiting for something cool to happen.

Hardly being able to play more then 3 defence missions in a row without falling asleep.


Because I will not lie, this game is BORING as hell.  I'm sorry.

but the reason i'm tying this up is because I want to hopefully inspire someone out there to post a thread or an idea of there own.

Give DE some feedback, or hopefully DE themselves to read this and understand what we are going through.


Details now...


You idea of why X and Y isnt on the game yet are simply your own theories.

Just wait for content and if you are not happy with what is coming there should be point where you see the game is not going to move in your direction. This game has been clearly stated to not be PvP, Steve said in some article about some E-sport thingy so that might be a light at the end of the tunnel but that will get done when it gets done. You telling DE to do it faster isnt going to magically make something appear. 



Enemy variety 


Now this is a BIG factor in the boring game play, there is no variety or need of a strategy, Most enemies are pretty much the same. Some of them shoot fire, some of them shoot scorpion claws, and that is all fine and dandy. 

But when your shooting enemies down without even thinking about it, as if its target practice.


There is no immersion there.  None.. It gets too repetitive. 

Now there are some ways to fix this, some ideas I had.


There is enemy variety... if you think there isnt because you can plow through them that's another issue completely.


The Grineer have 3 melee types, 4 trooper types, 4 special types, 4 heavy types, and the roller.

That's a good number of enemies.


Quality over quantity: I Feel that the zerg rush style of enemies is too half &#!, It really does not feel like your doing anything, and really belittles enemies into boring zerg's.


WIth this agree, i dont like the huge mass thing but the problem here is that the AOE is dominant so you lower the numbers they also need to rebalance the AOE. Or maybe just take it out entirely and just have it be a fourth mode.



Pace of Game play

Now this is another big factor, The game play move at a snails pace.


There are no highlights currently other then the stalker. 

And when the stalker comes and you freak out, that is WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, and I want to see more stuff like this.


The game needs to be broken up from the generic run and gun style, There needs to be more random events, 

Random mobs.

Or rare enemies.

Like I said, Maybe if you start progressing too quickly, a giant mutant grineer will come out and start beating you around like a bag of potatoes.  

And there also needs to be more variety in enemies, we already have those stupid ground slamming grineer things, but they really don't change the pace at all.

DE you need to go extreme on this, I want to see grineer rolling up in tanks and one shotting team mates,

Higher leveled missions should not be a cake walk, and the rewards should not be either.


I want to replay a mission 10-20 times to learn how to get through it.

I mean honestly when was the last time any of you have failed a mission other then defence..



And about random events, I want to see more of them, Some really cool things, that only a select few people will see.


This section makes no sense.

You say that games moves slow.... but just before this you say how you can plow through enemies which suggest a fast game. And your suggestion to change the snails pace is to introduce super duper units that will slow the game down?



Mastery Rank and progression


This also needs to be thought out.


If I don't want to buy ember, then it should not effect my mastery rank, I mean honestly everything we do should attribute towards mastery.  Some people may like how it is, but then again.

Maybe there are people out there who like ash, and want to keep playing him, and using the same weapons.

What if they "like that" and they enjoy that about the game?

We keep getting all this extra affinity, and if its not going towards leveling weapons or warframes, then it dam better well be going into mastery.


The time we put into this game needs to show for something, without forcing people to buy all of the boring weapons on the market place, ( which we have too many of )  Just to rank up to 11.  

I don't want to buy a cleaver, why should I?


DE wants to lock some stuff behind certain walls. This is the method and i dont think it will change that much if something else is added. But thanks for thinking about the dude that want to repetitively use the same weapons and frame.


Now, Progression.  Other then mastery, it really does not exist.

There is hardly any progression in warframe, when literally you can just buy everything off the market place.

Now sure DE makes the money, But that player is going to go through content so quick, there just going to get burnt out.


There needs to be a balance ( like void gear ) of content that cannot be bought, and must be earned.

There needs to be a challenge in this game, something for us to strive towards.


Maybe instead of whole planets, DE you should actually release DUNGEONS OR RAIDS

and not the current raid, I actually mean a NON RANDOMLY GENERATED raid, that will actually be well thought out, and difficult to beat.

I want to see scripted events, and great scenes and highlights of game-play.


Oh I am not organizing this very well.. ( someone will quote this )

Anyways, yeah, I really hate complaining without giving ideas, so in terms of progression.



Lumi has a thread about this, going into some more details / personal ideas / concerns.

Check it out if your interested.


From all that you have said so far it looks like you are really looking for an MMORPG.

And a....... you have to understand that this is not an MMORPG.

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Well Neither of our points are invalid, and like you said it is "my" personal cripe with this game. and most of what I said is personal opinion.


I cannot speak for the rest of the community, and I stuck my head out when I posted that.

But considering that so many people agree with me, and are posting similar threads about this, you cannot lie that there is a severe burn out going on.

and all at around the same time.  


Don't get me wrong, I still play this game because I enjoy the community I have, and I have invested too much time in it to just move on. 


Your post was very well organized, and It shows the other side of a spectrum that is still there.


You and many others "are still interested in the game" 


And that's good, but this thread is speaking for me, and a good majority of other people who are stuck in the same boat.

But everything you said is true, For some people the game is still fun, and they enjoy what is there.



Also by the pace of game play, I do not refer to the speed at which I can rush through the enemies and kill them.

Game play pace, is more about the repetition, the constant of moving through and killing enemies.

There are hardly any high lights, nothing to look forward too or expect.  Or to be scared of

It is generic linear game play through and through,

When the stalker appears some times, things pick up, and that changes the "pace" of gameplay to a snails pace, as you fear for your life.


Its a small thing but it really makes an impact on that single game that you are playing.


But then again, DE is apparently aware of this issue, and I am sure they have people very well capable working on it, trying to find a solution.


It does not have to be a "complete re work" just something innovative that will give us a reason to get super into the game. 

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