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Broken Scepter Mechanic Buff


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So with the next line of weapons on the chopping block being Melee can we buff the Broken Scepter to desecrate bodies within 5 meters of the body you're currently desecrating.

Currently you're stuck in the capture animation and are unable to move as you just stand there getting a SINGLE health/energy orb over the course of 2ish seconds. With this buff health and energy conversion would be far more reliable and frames with channeled abilities would have an easier time maintaining energy.


Edit: The other popular suggestion in this thread so far being that you auto-desecrate on kills/channeled kills.

Edited by (PS4)Chris_Robet
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

I completely forgot about that not going to lie. I still need to go and farm that mod lol.

Mostly not worth the slot on anything not Nekros, but id like to see such a buff to the one of a kind weapon, especially if ita range was reach affected, could see it being a serious complement to a pure caster Nekros, or really any pure caster.

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personally it should auto desecrate when an enemy is killed (or channel killed) by the Scepter....it is currently quite useless to use due to it reusing the capture mechanic and thus locking us in a vulnerable position....apart from that im fine with how it is currently, except that it should be based on what the user needs at the time of desecration instead of based on enemy type.

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I love the idea that killing enemies would generate the orbs. Currently I have a riven for this just waiting to be kuvad to usefulness so I would even be down for channeling kills generating this especially as you could use the energy orbs dropped as a sustain for channeling.

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3 minutes ago, CapnToaster said:

Maybe a channeled kill with the scepter could guarantee an energy orb to drop.

Kinda counter productive, 5 energy base per hit, highly unlikely to 1 hit at any level you'd NEED energy that bad, toggling it for the last hit would require single target focus, and likely still hit more that 1 target... end result, either lottle energy gain or a net loss, so why bother? Wouldnt mind if it was just a weaker (lower range) health/energy focused desacrate (animation while holding staff, same speed, no mod/mat loot).

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Just now, DarcnyssWolfe said:

Kinda counter productive, 5 energy base per hit, highly unlikely to 1 hit at any level you'd NEED energy that bad, toggling it for the last hit would require single target focus, and likely still hit more that 1 target... end result, either lottle energy gain or a net loss, so why bother? Wouldnt mind if it was just a weaker (lower range) health/energy focused desacrate (animation while holding staff, same speed, no mod/mat loot).

Then perhaps this could be the first weapon with lowered channeling cost? Bring it down to 1 energy per hit.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

Then perhaps this could be the first weapon with lowered channeling cost? Bring it down to 1 energy per hit.

That'd make it of questionable value, becuase even at 1 energy its still per hit, you will either single focus a mob to melee to death (hitting who knows how many others in the process), all for 25-"cost" energy. But then you'd "possibly" be able to sustain channeling through multiple kills which could then give near unlimited energy with little risk thanks to life strike being of little draw back (making it 3 energy at best). Add in that you're not the only one who could benefit from the energy drops. Interesting idea, but still of questionable/niche value.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

And I'll take that over what we have currently. Seriously though put this on a rage/lifestrike tank and then you'll be pretty hard to take down.

I have no doubt, I originally forma'd the scepter for use on Valkyr in combo with Health Conversion, until I had the two together and realized how impractical they actually function together. Namely the scepters slow speed with HC's low timer. So I agree, it'd be far better than it is currently. However, having to actually kill with the scepter pushes it more towards a tanks melee and less of a squishy casters. With a low range (but reach affected) health/energy only desecrate (guranteed health orb, precent or crit chance based energy orb), one could melee kill or ability kill and still reap the benefits of the scepter like you (kinda) can now. Have it maybe (big maybe) affected by attack speed mods to speed up the "casting". Just some thoughts to add.

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1 hour ago, DarcnyssWolfe said:

I have no doubt, I originally forma'd the scepter for use on Valkyr in combo with Health Conversion, until I had the two together and realized how impractical they actually function together. Namely the scepters slow speed with HC's low timer. So I agree, it'd be far better than it is currently. However, having to actually kill with the scepter pushes it more towards a tanks melee and less of a squishy casters. With a low range (but reach affected) health/energy only desecrate (guranteed health orb, precent or crit chance based energy orb), one could melee kill or ability kill and still reap the benefits of the scepter like you (kinda) can now. Have it maybe (big maybe) affected by attack speed mods to speed up the "casting". Just some thoughts to add.

Yeah that's probably a better way of adding it but knowing DE they like to take the easiest route when it comes to things like this.

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