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Chance This Event Will Fail? Pretty High I Think.


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no personal reward so i don't care. did one fake corpus "void" mission, stopped playing. why spend my playtime grinding pointless low level corpus missions that don't drop anything i want? it's the same junk that's been around forever. not good for exp, no void keys, no void drops, no extra resources, no nothin'


it's not like they won't release that new tileset along with its rewards eventually either way

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To summarize, we're farming for... The right to farm something else. Except we'll get that regardless.


Honestly, I find the entire premise of this event negative, holding content hostage when players are already wearing out the game is simply not a good strategy.

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Broframe here, we're going for the Trophy, I think Asuro and all the other big clans will be too, we'll carry you lazy folks like we do every other time.


I love you. sGs will be doing our part for those who would rather complain too.

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Why ever not? If you are "grinding" already you should be willing to "grind" to get some new content. The selfish attitude of people is stunning.

The problem isn't that people are selfish, the problem that EVERYTHING in warframe is a grind. EVERYTHING. If you remove the grind, you remove 90% of the time spent in game. All games have SOME grind, but there's something at the end, be it raid missions, harder bosses, SOMETHING. Here, right now, we have endless defense, and T3 keys (kinda... only if you kill everything, but ammo boxes fix that problem) and T3 defense as the "endgame" or "reward"/challenge for spending so much time grinding.

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The selfish attitude of people is stunning.


are you kidding? this is a f2p video game i kill some time in every now and then. i'm not running a soup kitchen here


i pity anyone who grinds that S#&$ among the other tens of thousands of players and actually feels like they're "making a difference"

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are you kidding? this is a f2p video game i kill some time in every now and then. i'm not running a soup kitchen here


i pity anyone who grinds that S#&$ among the other tens of thousands of players and actually feels like they're "making a difference"


Woah woah woah... By signing into the game you are now obligated to farm content over and over until your fingers and eyes bleed, buddy.


You shoulda read the user's agreement




I guess the soup's on you.

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Nothing for top 100 = I don't care. 


On top of that it sounds just like the last event, which I found incredibly boring and disliked getting the 250 points, so I won't even bother with this because I really don't care for cosmetic crap. 



I doubt it'll fail though. 

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Broframe here, we're going for the Trophy, I think Asuro and all the other big clans will be too, we'll carry you lazy folks like we do every other time.

I'm in a ghost clan, and achieved 2000 pts on the last event.

Why the hell are you assuming that we're doing nothing?

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He said lazy folk.  

Why is this even an argument?


Lazy?  I mean....really?  This is a @(*()$ game.  If it's not fun because it's tedious/monotonous/stale, why the hell should I bother?


This event provides 0 incentive to participate.


1.  They're going to release the tileset and enemies anyways.  This is a complete farce, they're not gonna spend all this development time to just NOT release them.

2.  It's boring and monotonous.  Grinding for the sake of grinding for content where you do more grinding.

3.  Statues/badges.  Who honestly cares?  The only bragging rights that you get out of it is "We wasted this much time on a pointless event just to get this stupid dojo cosmetic item that ultimately no one cares about".

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I'll do a few,but only that,because the lag is unbearable. First run sent me to an entirely different mission...

Second run couldn't get to extraction because doors only opened when you walked AWAY from them.

3rd and 4th got through ok,if a bit slow,made my key and went.

5th run,couldn't pick up items,had to abort....

6th....there was no 6th....Every time I tried to join the alert I went to a blank screen.



Oh and if the point tracker is any indication (as it was in the last event) the badge will look exactly the same as the last one.....

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Broframe here, we're going for the Trophy, I think Asuro and all the other big clans will be too, we'll carry you lazy folks like we do every other time.


 That isn't how you spell 'Lose to the glorious, handsome and highly desirable Warbros clan.'



 Warbros will snag #1 in 1k+ and the Community will win the event. Just like the whole community has always worked together to win.




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Not even bothering attempting it..Yet another tiresome grind for no reward other than a new tile set and what ever, that we will undoubtedly have to grind on like the rest



Not everyone is off work yet. That being said. I hope we do fail this event.



...I don't see the point of this. My point was that there isn't much motivation to run it, not "OMG so hard to earn points for the event!".


The rewards suck really.


edit: 4 per tenno, or 4 total? 4 per tenno is better, but still, no reason to encourage more people to run it, unless they REALLY have missed out on their daily/weekly grind.



no personal reward so i don't care. did one fake corpus "void" mission, stopped playing. why spend my playtime grinding pointless low level corpus missions that don't drop anything i want? it's the same junk that's been around forever. not good for exp, no void keys, no void drops, no extra resources, no nothin'


it's not like they won't release that new tileset along with its rewards eventually either way



are you kidding? this is a f2p video game i kill some time in every now and then. i'm not running a soup kitchen here


i pity anyone who grinds that S#&$ among the other tens of thousands of players and actually feels like they're "making a difference"


This. All of this. This is the issue with the human species, in a nutshell. "I don't get anything? F**k you too!"


Whatever. I personally enjoy the fact that they integrating expansion into the lore and gameplay, rather than just spitting it at us. It feels like the community actually does something to help better and advance itself, despite its rotten apples.


Hell, be glad they're not doing what some developers do. Burnout Paradise created a whole new area to play in...and then charged money for it outright.


It could be far, far worse, people.

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Broframe here, we're going for the Trophy, I think Asuro and all the other big clans will be too, we'll carry you lazy folks like we do every other time.


Community moderator here, I'm going for a less toxic forum, I think DE staff and the other officials will be too, we'll weed you acidic folks out, like we do every day.

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This. All of this. This is the issue with the human species, in a nutshell. "I don't get anything? F**k you too!"

Right, once people have been grinding for so long, they give up. I've been grinding in WF for roughly ~270 hours, think after that, after getting ALMOST everything finished, that MORE grind for nothing would suck? There is a good reason why the event is subpar in some peoples eyes, and better in others.


Whatever. I personally enjoy the fact that they integrating expansion into the lore and gameplay, rather than just spitting it at us. It feels like the community actually does something to help better and advance itself, despite its rotten apples.

Sure, lore is great, but rewards for participating are nice too.


Hell, be glad they're not doing what some developers do. Burnout Paradise created a whole new area to play in...and then charged money for it outright.

You mean kinda like the void? True, it wasn't COMPLETELY gated, but when it released it was hard to get a key, it was almost impossible to get a T3, mostly because of how the drop tables were.


It could be far, far worse, people.

But it could be better. The wrong attitude is "Well, it could worse, so I won't voice my problems with it." Warframe Devs have shown they're WILLING to change if enough people tell them what's wrong and why.



Isn't that almost implying that the whole community doesn't do anything except those who're in a big clan?

In my eyes, it is.

Yeah, kinda looked like it to me tbh.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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So a new tileset is finally introduced,.. Nice, good job...


Waite,.. So we need to grind our asses off as usual to get acces to it?!,..


not cool, the grinding/farming is beginning to seriously bother me in this game,..


DEs stated several times in livestreams, that they were aware that the game was laggin in content,


and centered way too much around endless grinding,..


yet i see absolutly no effort to rectify this problem?!


Think i need to go play other games for 6 months, and then maby come back...

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