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Why This Event Is Possibly The Worst Yet.


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The Event is kind of gimmicky. It's a capture mission with tedious prerequisites added on. It's not the Dev's fault considering what they're working with now. There are plenty of Threads that concern Warframe's poor replayability, but nobody seems to notice the problem until we have an event like this where we have to do the same thing numerous times to avoid punishment. It's not that the event sucks, it's that it reveals some of the most irksome underlying problems that Warframe has. 


The Devs have seen the "cells" thread, which I think is a step in the right direction. If something like that were taken into account, we could have a lot more fun. For example, we can do a variety of things. Instead of "Do X and Y and Z for A", it'll be, " Tenno, we need your help. You can help in a variety of ways, but all of your actions must be for this greater picture." They can implement challenging alterations of every game mode and have a certain "weekend event cell dossier", and we can choose the ones we like and feel like we're helping in the best way possible.


Either way, I'm pretty hyped to see the new tilesets and content. Get cracking, guys!

Edited by Paprika
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As someone who isn't in a clan, this event just feels completely pointless. There's no interesting story stuff to it, there's no actual reward at all.


Yes, we'll unlock a new tileset and some new bps, big woop... The tileset itself should've been used with the event rather than as a "reward" for the event. Completely underwhelming. The alerts are nothing new. I'm not saying there has to be huge individual rewards for the event but there has to be something for the individual player.

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- Making the necessary items alert only and two different ones is very frustrating because it means instead of having fun with my friends doing event missions, or playing the game I'm just doing the usual, checking the twitter feed when I remember to do so, and if I see an alert, and if my friends are all available then we do it. Not to mention that for 6-7 days it's practically guaranteed that alerts will only give out these "event items", making a system riddled with horrible rng basically a complete wash for the duration. Completely wrong approach, no offense.

This can help you https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/87501-warframe-alerts-informer/?p=962723

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Disappointment. We need to get keys to do regular capture missions and what we get for it? Nothing. Its simply make 1 run so you get emblem and let top10 clans complete event. During fomorian event even though reward wasnt all that useful, we had new enemies and new map which made it interesting. Arid fear... nothing. Unless they gonna introduce phase 2 with attacking these outposts with at least carrot on a stick as a reward it might still be good.

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Oh good, another spoiled brat OP, complaining how a bit of complexity is bad concept.


Guess what, corpus void keys take 1.5min to produce. That's a long time, wow. I know, I know, your ADD can't handle that.

Guess what again, each key costs 2k to craft. The exact same amount of credits you get from completing the alerts for both parts.


Stop QQing now and either put out or get out.






I'd downvote this if I could, for sheer stupidity and utter pointlessness.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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Oh good, another spoiled brat OP, complaining how a bit of complexity is bad concept.


Guess what, corpus void keys take 1.5min to produce. That's a long time, wow. I know, I know, your ADD can't handle that.

Guess what again, each key costs 2k to craft. The exact same amount of credits you get from completing the alerts for both parts.

It's not the complexity, it's not the time or cost of making keys.  It's the lack of an exclusive reward, and the fact that their's nothing new.


Reward, I have a Vandaltron and 5 Ammo Mutator mods, what can I point to when this event is over?  We all get the tileset, those who didn't bother with the event, those who did 1 run, and those who gave it their best.  By that logic I should have a Frost Prime (without farming the void for it), I wasn't here for the Fusion MOA event, but if everyone gets the reward for this event then I want all the previous rewards too.


Every previous event has introduced a new enemy or objective, this one is just 2 alerts and a capture mission, with a trip to the market and foundry tossed in.  What if the Fusion MOA event was just "kill one Corpus Crewman"?  What if the Grinner informer event was just "Destroy 20 Lancers"?  What if Slingstone was just a regular Mobile Defense mission?


The only thing new is the fact that that target now has a weapon, which would be quite awesome except that he dies in half a second.

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It's not the complexity, it's not the time or cost of making keys.  It's the lack of an exclusive reward, and the fact that their's nothing new.


Reward, I have a Vandaltron and 5 Ammo Mutator mods, what can I point to when this event is over?  We all get the tileset, those who didn't bother with the event, those who did 1 run, and those who gave it their best.  By that logic I should have a Frost Prime (without farming the void for it), I wasn't here for the Fusion MOA event, but if everyone gets the reward for this event then I want all the previous rewards too.


Every previous event has introduced a new enemy or objective, this one is just 2 alerts and a capture mission, with a trip to the market and foundry tossed in.  What if the Fusion MOA event was just "kill one Corpus Crewman"?  What if the Grinner informer event was just "Destroy 20 Lancers"?  What if Slingstone was just a regular Mobile Defense mission?


The only thing new is the fact that that target now has a weapon, which would be quite awesome except that he dies in half a second.

So 2k credits and 1.5min of making the key is too much for you?(I'm not counting farming because that had to be done for the last event too)


Also, why do you feel entitled to a reward in form of new equipment? You're not the one who dictates how the game will develop, or what lore will be implemented.

Basically, they took away equipment rewards, put in lore rewards and all of the sudden you feel let down? That's the mentality of a whiny kid if I'm not mistaken. Stop giving the kid candy and give him a recipe for candy instead and he'll throw it in the trash crying how he wants candy.

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So 2k credits and 1.5min of making the key is too much for you?(I'm not counting farming because that had to be done for the last event too)


Also, why do you feel entitled to a reward in form of new equipment? You're not the one who dictates how the game will develop, or what lore will be implemented.

Basically, they took away equipment rewards, put in lore rewards and all of the sudden you feel let down? That's the mentality of a whiny kid if I'm not mistaken. Stop giving the kid candy and give him a recipe for candy instead and he'll throw it in the trash crying how he wants candy.

Cause i want to feel like when i was younger. During christmas you opened boxes wondering what toy will it be. Beautiful days. Now im getting pair of socks or something like that. I wont care at all about it being a religious holiday if i see nothing that special about it.

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To sum up what everyone has been saying for or against the event, it is pretty much mote point,as of right now 7:04am (Pacific Time Saturday) the bar stands at 37% in a six day long event the only way we will fail, even with low participation, is the DEVS on purpose delay the alerts, which in my opinion would be quite underhanded, so for us to fail I think is a mote point. In my own opinion the only reason I like this event is it seems the reins of the mods and resources have been let go and stuff is dropping like candy. So while this event for me is a big yawn, I'll gather resources and mods while I can. 

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I love new content, don't get me wrong.



But with the sea of awesome ideas from this forums (the Run! mode from F3AR, the Cells idea, etc) and the complaints about alerts and items reliant on them....they choose to add more alerts, with weird prerequisites?




Looks like a lot of phantom changes too.  My Loki stands differently (I don't like it) and the fonts on my HUD are different (like that though).



Just an interesting update I guess....



EDIT:  Just noticed the new "remove all" button for mod selection screen.  Another good improvement.

Edited by Bakercompany86
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So 2k credits and 1.5min of making the key is too much for you?(I'm not counting farming because that had to be done for the last event too)


Also, why do you feel entitled to a reward in form of new equipment? You're not the one who dictates how the game will develop, or what lore will be implemented.

Basically, they took away equipment rewards, put in lore rewards and all of the sudden you feel let down? That's the mentality of a whiny kid if I'm not mistaken. Stop giving the kid candy and give him a recipe for candy instead and he'll throw it in the trash crying how he wants candy.

Where did you get the idea that I think 2k is too much?  I clearly said the problem has nothing to do with the cost.  Please read more carefully before replying.


As to why I feel entitled to an exclusive reward?  Perhaps you've heard of incentive, well where's my incentive to continue this event?  Lore is not a reward, it's just story telling, and it's not exclusive to those who complete the event.  What if you did a T3 defense and you found out the prize was a paragraph about the void (something which could be read on the internet without beating 15 waves)?

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Oh good, another spoiled brat OP, complaining how a bit of complexity is bad concept.


Guess what, corpus void keys take 1.5min to produce. That's a long time, wow. I know, I know, your ADD can't handle that.

Guess what again, each key costs 2k to craft. The exact same amount of credits you get from completing the alerts for both parts.


Stop QQing now and either put out or get out.





I'd downvote this if I could, for sheer stupidity and utter pointlessness.


Your reply really qualifies as a textbook definition of trolling and flamebaiting, and if you expected any kind of thoughtful response to your insults, you're sadly mistaken.


I'm happy to entertain any polite opinions that differ from my own. I'd be an idiot to think I'm always right. But I have no patience nor desire to entertain someone that is just insulting for the sake of saying "nuh-uh".

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Your reply really qualifies as a textbook definition of trolling and flamebaiting, and if you expected any kind of thoughtful response to your insults, you're sadly mistaken.


I'm happy to entertain any polite opinions that differ from my own. I'd be an idiot to think I'm always right. But I have no patience nor desire to entertain someone that is just insulting for the sake of saying "nuh-uh".

If I remember correctly what you're doing right now is called being a hypocrite as obviously you do have the patience and desire to entertain me, simply because you actually replied. Btw, ironically, your reply entertained me. Again, hypocrisy.


As for my comment being the textbook trolling, I call em as I see em and reply in the same manner.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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Some points here have validity while some points I would disagree with. I think DE is generally getting better with these events, there are some key issues with this one. The one that comes to mind immediately is the hassle involved with actually playing co-op in the void. It breaks immersions from going from alert to alert, to crafting....to sitting just outside the void spamming the chat for 15+ minutes. And sure, these void missions are super easy. I've easily soloed them because I didn't feel like waiting for people to respond to my message, invite them, rinse and repeat two more times. But that has been mine, and many other's greatest problem with these events: The lack of competitive co-operation, what is supposed to be a key aspect of this game. 


My second point, which was brought up in the op, is the lack of personal motivation. Now don't get me wrong, I cant wait for the new Grineer dessert tileset and I'd love to get my hands on those new weapon blueprints but, coupled with the length of this event, the lack of individual rewards does nothing to make me prioritize my participation over my normal farming. There isn't even really anything new in this event. Its just farming the same old missions for 'points...?'

Now before anyone makes the first incision, I'll fess up to it myself. I'm a greedy bastard. I just can't see the doing the same tedious thing over and over and over and over........Sorry record skipped....for the sake of the community, especially when the community seems to be trucking through it just fine. Now you can say I have the option of not participating, and yes, currently I am taking that option, at least until I see we are in any danger of actually failing it, which I do not foresee. But that loops me on up to my first complaint, a lack of competitive cooperation. 


Last event took out the cooperation by making the competition too intense, this one seems to take the competitive out leading to a lack of cooperative motivation. 

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Why this one sucks?

Rushers got their dream! They can rush and ruin everything for everyone else! YAY FOR THE RUSHERS!

Everyone else...got the shaft. If you are not a rusher trying to do this, you are pretty much ****ed.

Edited by Kalenath
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Worst part: rewards for points not announced for event originally, but tacked on later. Did not know about rewards for points until browsing forum from work on sunday. So now I have to get 95 points tonight when I get home to get all these event-exclusive mods that weren't previously announced.


I HATE event-exclusive weapons/mods. I missed the Vandaltron too, the only truly good sniper rifle.

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nothing is really wrong with this even except one thing tbh, you cant achive 100 pts solo unless you feel up to the task of doing 300 missions which effort-vise would probably count as much as the top 10 (again, effort-vise, not no of missions)

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wonderful. Now they added rewards that are actually good, which solves the problem of there being no incentive. But it exacerbates the issue of how bad the event itself is....now I have to jump through all these annoying hoops to get these mods otherwise let's face it, I'll have to put in another 300 hours of gameplay to maybe see one or two of them...





I'm sorry if I come across as the person who just won't be satisfied, but this is only a half measure. Fixing one part of what's wrong with the event, with the collateral of making the rest of it even worse to bear....




Edit: but a big thank you to the devs for the mods as rewards, they are definitely worth getting and they will motivate me to actually participate.


I always hope I don't come across as too harsh or impolite, as I really do think that this game is great and the devs are awesome and they will do great things with the game in the future.


Judging from the many awesome things they have done so far I am confident that they will avoid doing events and things like this that are below their usual standard of quality and I will keep looking forward to what they make for us. :)

Edited by LuxAngel7
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You know, since this is my first event Im just going to throw this out there. I think it is pretty good and as a beginner its nice to see that everyone can participate at any level of skill, but with that said I don't think it was smart to also release the transfusion option at the same time, because of the many frustrating mod issues it has caused. I want to continue playing in the event but when every single mod i pick up is not added to my inventory / I can no longer improve or equip ANY of my mods it really backs me into a corner. Not for the sake that I wont be able to complete missions, its that it removes a MAJOR COMPONENT from the entire gameplay expierence. So if anything i think that should be a realization to the design team. If there is a chance of breaking a MAJOR COMPONENT by adding some new mechanic simotainiously with the event, it will cause major issues in enthusiasm and overall wanting to participate in said event.


Just a thought, not hating.


TLDR: Thought event was alright, not stoked that adding a broken component ruined enthusiasm to continue playing event.

Edited by Ravnok
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After getting my 100 points, I'd say there are only two particularities that I don't like about this event:


a) Heavy focus on rushing. There's NO point in exploring void ships, you'd pretty much want to run through as fast as humanly possible.

b) Difficulty, which is pretty low (20-ish level enemies?), and fixed.


Besides that, it's pretty fun. Definitely much nicer than the blimp-shooting, although somewhat sub-par to Sling-Stone (at least difficulty wasn't perma-low in Sling-Stone).

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After getting my 100 points, I'd say there are only two particularities that I don't like about this event:


a) Heavy focus on rushing. There's NO point in exploring void ships, you'd pretty much want to run through as fast as humanly possible.

b) Difficulty, which is pretty low (20-ish level enemies?), and fixed.


Besides that, it's pretty fun. Definitely much nicer than the blimp-shooting, although somewhat sub-par to Sling-Stone (at least difficulty wasn't perma-low in Sling-Stone).


Although I do agree with you about both points, I must say that "rushing" is basically a more realistic and I dare say more appropriate approach to certain, if not all, warframe missions. You get in, do the job as fast as possible and you get out.  Especially when there are timed events set for rushing like the current one.


On the other hand I understand the need and legitimacy of exploring (hell I like to explore sometimes as well) but there I think DE should design certain missions that way so that people that like only to explore get their fun or at least get enough variety in deciding what kind of mission they want to play. 


Finally I think both sides should get their merits but through the DE's creative game development solutions, not as a subjective opinion of the players.

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