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Titania's Razorwing Blitz: Misleading (But in a Good Way)


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My first impressions of reading the mod's description was very skeptical, a decent buff but one that doesn't last long at the cost of more energy than it is worth. However, upon actual use with proper modding, I was actually very impressed with just how good the mod is. Because Dex Pixia (the dual pistol primary) is a status monster with basically infinite ammo, more fire rate is welcome, but the process in obtaining and keeping this buff turned out to be not so bad.

  • When this mod was first released, I still had exactly zero warframe augments. I didn't even know that their effects could be altered by their neighboring mods that affect ability attributes. The speed buff and fire rate buff are both affected by ability strength, which should already be high even without the mod, so there's good mod synergy here.
  • Duration was my number one concern, but it doesn't appear to work like the Berserker mod, where the attack speed buffs are individual. The "Stacks up to 4 times" part misled me this way when I read it, but it turns out that absolutely everything stacked. The duration for Razorwing Blitz will hold the full stack of buffs until the timer runs down to 0, which is really good.
  • As amazing as the buffs are, playing to Razorwing's strengths, the core issues with Razorwing sadly do not go away. Diwata (the melee weapon) is still fatal to its own user due to collision with terrain resulting in damage, exacerbated by the increased speed. Also, the Razorflies cannot be respawned or refreshed without fully deactivating Razorwing, which means to get them back, the buffs from this augment (and all the energy used to obtain them) must be lost. Because Titania's 2 and 3 could probably use some reworking of their own (especially the 2), perhaps someday one of those abilities could be reworked into just directly summoning Razorflies, regardless if Titania is in Razorwing mode or not.

All in all, a great augment. Rarely am I impressed enough with a strong but balanced mod (higher practical energy costs) that leads me to making a full feedback post.

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What I think they should do is have the buff persist if you go out of Razorwing, not apply mind you, just persist so you don't loose it if you have to recast because of razorflies, to revive a team mate, hack a console/drone or capture a target.

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My only worry on a rework of her 2 is that they'd lose the thematic gold that is her 2. Really they just need to merge the auras into one and have the additional pulls just unlock more of the effects on it. Oh and make it scaling. While I love being able to dump range, I'd happily trade having to build some range for having duration and strength scaling.


Otherwise, preach. I personally don't mind the razorflies being dead..... it's more as Belgabor said- the X key being unusable. But also transference, and pets (can't kuva farm without the former, don't want to kuva farm without the latter; and I'd love to have a dog that digs up energy orbs while I'm providing air support).

And honestly the risk of the melee weapon would be tolerable if the damn thing wasn't absolute garbage stat-wise. Waaaay too low crit or status to make any semblance of a good build possible. If only we could trigger Arcane Contagion from it, it would at least be able to be useful.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Unless I am traveling or trying to chew through a particularly tough enemy, I only use Razorwing Blitz to force myself to release the trigger on my Dex Pixia. 

It is really useful when I start to get overwhelmed on Interceptions or other static point missions. One or two CCs and then all the bad guys die. 

All of my Razorwing builds still have this augment.

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