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You Did Good The Last Event De, But This One Is Bad.


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So far the event is "play between two "special" alerts for about an hour" Then you just make keys and do a new capture mission which is pretty much a better version of the datamass missions simply because you can just capture and do what you want with no forced pistol play.


It is boring, and honestly no rewards besides the chance at BPs is sad, especially since these new weapons are nothing special compared to what we already have.


Hope we win, but I'm not seeing any want to do this over and over and over when we're allowed because the alerts popped up finally. I know I don't want to sit around just waiting for an alert play for an hour doing the same mission over and over. Already done that plenty getting BPs and materials for frames and such...

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I personally find this event very underwhelming. The Fomorian event had something to work for. Hate to sound greedy, but seeing that the Tenno are just simple mercenaries who work for the Lotus corporation: "What's the benefit for us?"


Another badge for simply doing 1 run and a new map that we're going to get anyway (as you spent time, money and resources on it already)? No tiered rewards or anything; just a badge and another junk statue for the Top-1 Clans?


Sorry, but I'm not going to bother with this event as there's nothing remotely interesting about it at all in my opinion. In fact it's tedious. You have to wait for 2 specific mission alerts, then BUY a blueprint, craft a consumable key and do another mission for 1-2 points. And then you can do it all over again?


I got 3 points and that's enough for me. I don't about yet another badge that anyone will get after 1 run as I can only display 2 at a time anyway. Unless you want us to look like boyscouts or something.

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The little timer say "6d" so it looks like we have a have more than just the weekend to finish. I could be wrong on the time we have but I couldn't find  a clear end data in any of the information. I am fine with the event, I do not particularly care how DE introduces new content and the fact they are making lore for it is great.

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The point of this event is to provide a lore based intro of the new tileset. I don't think it was meant to be particularly special or anything. 

Lore can be placed any way they wish, requiring us to win at the same mission over and over again, is NOT a smart way to do it. The majority of us already done this sort of thing getting BPs or materials for BPs.


If this was JUST for lore I would prefer another video, or more in the LORE section than a paragraph or two.

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The little timer say "6d" so it looks like we have a have more than just the weekend to finish. I could be wrong on the time we have but I couldn't find  a clear end data in any of the information. I am fine with the event, I do not particularly care how DE introduces new content and the fact they are making lore for it is great.

Which seems like their "THESE ARE MEANT TO BE ABLE TO BE FAILED" threat is moot. we are already at about 9% maybe even 10% and it is day one only been two hours of us allowed to obtain the key parts....This even will be done quickly unless they toss in those "hidden" formian ships as some spiced up bit of the event, even then all this is, is a grind to unlock a new pretty area with new baddies, with a chance at getting some new BPs for guns that don't even compare to what we already have.

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I LIKE an event that isn't "OMG YOU NEED ____ POINTS TO GET ONE-TIME REWARD!!!"


And I like the fact it looks like it is a 6 day event.


Thank God they seemed to listen to me during the Fomorian Event where I said "Please please give us WEEK events instead of WEEKEND events."


Looks like something we can pluck at, as long as we make steady progress.


It is better than the frenzy of "OMG MUST STAY UP ALL NIGHT LONG!" type deal.

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I LIKE an event that isn't "OMG YOU NEED ____ POINTS TO GET ONE-TIME REWARD!!!"


And I like the fact it looks like it is a 6 day event.


Thank God they seemed to listen to me during the Fomorian Event where I said "Please please give us WEEK events instead of WEEKEND events."


Looks like something we can pluck at, as long as we make steady progress.


It is better than the frenzy of "OMG MUST STAY UP ALL NIGHT LONG!" type deal.

No you just have to be on for the hour or so that the alerts are there if you want to do it yourself. Or you could ya know just ride on friends or clan mates to get your points and such.


This event is bad no matter how long we have to do it. It is still just a GRIND.

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No you just have to be on for the hour or so that the alerts are there if you want to do it yourself. Or you could ya know just ride on friends or clan mates to get your points and such.


This event is bad no matter how long we have to do it. It is still just a GRIND.


So you're complaining about the fact that you can hop in capture missions whenever you have a friend or clanmate who has a key made without having to grab the materials to make one yourself? *blinks*


No matter what kind of event DE does, it WILL be repetitious and "grindy". There's absolutely no way it is going to be anything different; there's a % meter that must be filled or depleted and it is done by repeating a few actions over and over again.


That's how every single event has been thusfar, and that's just how it works.


Now there's an event that doesn't REQUIRE you to stay up all night over two days to get a shot at something.


Informer Event? You got a Snipetron and Snipetron Vandal. If you were a no-lifer, you might have gotten a Primed Chamber. The people who got those did some 3,000+ kills. If that isn't grind, I don't know what it is. If you weren't a No-Lifer, or you tried to be and failed, you just got the same thing that anybody who did 20 kills got: the two guns. Oh, and you got the satisfaction of not having a magical +125% damage (or is it 150%?) to the first shot of the already overpowered SVandal.


Fomorian Event? You were forced to go out and kill Infested for a Corruptor. If you did it with friends/clanmates, you had to do a Fomorian at least 25 times (that isn't grind?) and if you did it PUG-style, you could be in for anywhere between 80 to 25 runs, which is even more grindy. Not to mention, the fact you probably wound up having to farm lots of corruptors of your own, and you'd have to hope other people magically brought the right corruptors.


This event, you can do some, you can do just three, whatever. You don't have to do it all at once, there's no race to the finish unless you happen to be a clan trying for a statue, you can just do 1-2 captures a day (it only takes 30min or so).


As far as "Waiting for an Alert", they are giving us SIX DAYS. Surely, while doing your other Warframe-related activities, you can do an Alert 2-3 times, and then when the other alert pops, do that one 2-3 times and then make a couple keys. It doesn't cost you anything.


What's so grindy about that?


If all of your "OMG NO REWARDS!?" people would get off your lazy duffs and act like real Tenno, I bet that % bar would be full before Day 3 if every Tenno out there would take the 30min for 2-3 capture runs would just go out there and do it once in awhile.


It gives you more variety, it gives you a temporary diversion from Defense Defense Defense Void Void Void Defense Defense Void Void that you always do any other time.

Edited by Xylia
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Got 2 points, then one of the two alerts was gone so I was gone aswell.


It was okay but nothing I haven't seen before in Warframe.


The event is on for 6 days. You will see more alerts. They last for more than an hour, which gives you plenty of time to get a few components.

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Got my 3 points, I'm done for now. I'll probably spend my remaining 3 keys sometime during the event, but i'm not farming any more than that.

This event just seems to be a step backwards compared to the Fomorian Event. It's alert-based (an extremely hated part of the Artifact Defense event), there are no personal rewards and incentives, it's STILL top clan only who gets anything out of the event (my clanmates have practically given up after looking at Warbros' score, and it's pretty depressing to me when I compare it to how enthusiastic they were with the Informer event or even the Fomorian event), and it is still a lame grind. I actually preferred running around random missions hunting Fusion Moas and Informers compared to this complicated mess.

I feel like they made this event just to give the Settlement a little bit of lore, or to buy themselves time to finish the Settlement content. Kinda disappointed :/

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I'm all for new content and lore but this isn't how you do either. I don't really have a problem with the event as it is, but the "rewards" don't make any sense. I don't  think there should be a mandatory event before content releases. It really starts getting insane when we talk about what happens should we fail. We don't get these new levels...seriously? Don't get me wrong I'm not against the idea of failing events as long as we aren't talking about new content on this level.


This event feels shoehorned and forced why not just release the levels, there doesn't have to be more then a line or two of text about it for lore if you must have it. Maybe I am the only one but this event feels so forced like they had the levels and someone decided they just HAD to have the event. Maybe that isn't the way it is I really don't know that is just what I think. 

Edited by Ditrysteve
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I'm all for new content and lore but this isn't how you do either. I don't really have a problem with the event as it is, but the "rewards" don't make any sense. I don't  think there should be a mandatory event before content releases. It really starts getting insane when we talk about what happens should we fail. We don't get these new levels...seriously? Don't get me wrong I'm not against the idea of failing events as long as we aren't talking about new content on this level.


This event feels shoehorned and forced why not just release the levels, there doesn't have to be more then a line or two of text about it for lore if you must have it. Maybe I am the only one but this event feels so forced like they had the levels and someone decided they just HAD to have the event. Maybe that isn't the way it is I really don't know that is just what I think.

I like the concept of the event. Player is the one who decide whether the new content got released or not. Moreover, the timespan is noticeably longer - 6 days compared to traditional weekend. This is another point that I agree since more players can participate.

I believe that the source of discontent is the fact that there is not enough carrot on the stick. Not enough reward for oneself and therefore, no motivation to do it for the community.

This one isn't fail-safe and I'm anxious about how it will turn out.

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The point of this event is to provide a lore based intro of the new tileset. I don't think it was meant to be particularly special or anything. 

Even that was poorly done. Corpus protects their enemies so we cant just murder them all. Ok i understand thinking behind corpus. But why are we pushed to genocide...

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I like the concept of the event. Player is the one who decide whether the new content got released or not. Moreover, the timespan is noticeably longer - 6 days compared to traditional weekend. This is another point that I agree since more players can participate.

I believe that the source of discontent is the fact that there is not enough carrot on the stick. Not enough reward for oneself and therefore, no motivation to do it for the community.

This one isn't fail-safe and I'm anxious about how it will turn out.


Do you really expect a week-long event for an entire tileset, something they have already made/are in the process of doing so (-> spent significant manhours on it), to fail? Seriously, people need to calm down and think it through. This event is failsafe beyond belief.

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Even that was poorly done. Corpus protects their enemies so we cant just murder them all. Ok i understand thinking behind corpus. But why are we pushed to genocide...

That is the entire lore of warframe, something bad happens --> genocide.


And from what I can see, we are already at 42% and the first day isn't even over. By tomorrow morning, we are going to be at 100% with almost 5 days left in which we won't have anything to do. They clearly didn't give us 6 days for this event because there is a lot to capture, or because they want more people to participate, it's just that the new tileset isn't ready until next week, so no matter how fast we finish, the so called reward is still at least one week away.

Edited by Kohira
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Do you really expect a week-long event for an entire tileset, something they have already made/are in the process of doing so (-> spent significant manhours on it), to fail? Seriously, people need to calm down and think it through. This event is failsafe beyond belief.

DE already stated that if this event somehow failed, the tileset will be delayed and another event will re-introduce it in the future.

It's depend on us whether this event is going to fail or not.

Calm your mammary gland, Tenno.

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