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Dojo Grid System


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Question 1: DO we really have to tear down the dojo? Im not inclined to tear it down if we can get it back up to the same size within a day. took me and my clan weeks to finish our dojo. and we are expanding still.


Q2 why is the dojo soo laggy now?


Q3 Will the old and new art styles mix?  (As I AM NOT GOING TO TEAR DOWN WEEKS OF HARD WORK. )

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took me and my clan weeks to finish our dojo. and we are expanding still.



 Will the old and new art styles mix?  (As I AM NOT GOING TO TEAR DOWN WEEKS OF HARD WORK. )

"Older versions can be destroyed for a  full 100% refund allowing you to reconstruct with the new versions. All Platinum used to rush rooms is included in the Clan Vault."


"Older version of the Clan Hall can be converted to the new Clan Hall instantly with no cost, if it is the only room in the Dojo (destroy all other rooms first). You must remove all Decorations in the Hall before converting."



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Yeah that much i know. but we used NO platinum So we still have to wait godless amounts of hours(I mean days and weeks.  to rebuild the dojo.   (I did read the blasted notes wich is WHY i am asking this, ) and add to this we have 5/6 rooms awaiting mats. we cant abort that and all they need is Forma. i havent seen forma alerts in ages.  this new system is a nice screw up and screw you. in the face of smaller clans. and to those who dont use money in their dojos.

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Im sure they can update the dojos. I for one cant and wont tear down the dojo.  Too much work has been invested in it. i want an update function so we DONT have to tear down the dojo. We have only invested  little plat in rushing. purely to get our first lab so now they want us to wait days (12 or 24H for deconstruction.)  then to rebuild it. considering the size of our dojo it will take 2 or 3 weeks for it to be rebuild DE. Update function please or REMOVE the Grid system. Add an option to the consoles to "update" the rooms or update it during  a Hotfix.  you are not considering the hard work people have put in to this. would you like to tear down something you worked hard upon? Would you like to throw it away?

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Or at least give us a 1 time full reset option for the whole dojo. Just tearing the old stuff down from "dead end to dead end" with a 2 hour delay for each step will take quite some time already.


That's why I already made a reset Dojo Thread in first hand... I can imagine it would be very hard to implement an update feature if at all, since the room-sizes completely changed from the old grid.


Not only are the connector pieces a little bit smaller, which means some rooms won't fit next to each other anymore, some others changed in size too, like the reactors, which more than doubled their width and cutting their length in half, also the halls have totally different dimensions and some multiple doors now, meaning it's nearly impossible to update some of the dojos some clans may have, because you couldn't do some of the layouts with the new grid some clans did with the old grid. The pieces just wouldn't fit together the way they did before. I already experimented a little bit last night and some configurations don't work anymore and now others do that didn't work with the old grid.

So scrap the idea of updating the dojos... It will not work for every layout. For some layouts maybe it will; depending on how "tight" you put the rooms together, but for most it will not. Not even speaking of elevator stuff, which makes it even more complicated. The only thing is tearing down that thing to nothing and trying to rebuild it with a lot of trial and error since the possible arrangements of rooms has to be researched yet again... Not including the rooms they have delayed to be updated in future updates, which means even more madness >:P

A reset feature would be fine, or any feature to cut the rebuilding time drastically for clans that already have dojos.

- Medu

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There should be an option to auto convert the dojo into the new one if it can fit with the new dimensions. If you can't fit then the option to demolish the entire thing at once.




Or maybe a one-time for each clan to rebuild that thing without timers as long as you have ressources left in the vault. When there's no ressources anymore, then the build-times are re-enabled. Would solve it too without time being wasted, especially for clans who never donated any platinum to rush anything.

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Dojo system is still in alpha stage - changes are inevitable and building anything at this point is at our own responsibility. Starting from a scratch is good decision - you will avoid building incompatibilities in future (old pieces have different dimensions then new and don't fit new grid). I already wrecked my little dojo - took less then I thought. It's rebuilding it that pains me.

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Anyone found if the research stays around if you destroy the old tiles and build the new ones instead.

 I know you could destroy the old ones and rebuild them retaining the research that was already completed or started, but no idea if changing the tiles will do the same or not.

Edited by Loswaith
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Anyone found if the research stays around if you destroy the old tiles and build the new ones instead.

 I know you could destroy the old ones and rebuild them retaining the research that was already completed or started, but no idea if changing the tiles will do the same or not.

Research stays as if nothing was destroyed. If there is research currently going on, it will still count down even if you destroy the lab.

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-sign- We're only a very small clan and its taken weeks to get the dojo to where it is. We've only just got the 3rd lab and obstacle course down. Not rebuilding it unless we can do it in an anfernoon

Without rushing rooms (ie costing platinum), you wont be able to reconstruct it in a single afternoon.


Keep in mind though you will only have to wait on build times, not collection of resources again as you get the full amount back on rooms, to freely use on any new construction.

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Without rushing rooms (ie costing platinum), you wont be able to reconstruct it in a single afternoon.


Keep in mind though you will only have to wait on build times, not collection of resources again as you get the full amount back on rooms, to freely use on any new construction.

Oh yeah I get that. I was just hoping for a 1 time dojo reset with an insta build of any room you previously had under the old tileset. 


Also am i correct in saying that they've still not updated all the tiles? I believe the Obstacle Course and possibly the dueling arena havent been updated to the new tileset yet so anyone rebuilding their dojo now will have to do it all again when that happens (well, those rooms anyway)

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I think room delete shouldn't have a queue time at all. At least not till the Dojo system is at a definitive and complete stage of development.
Why punish players for such things? Adding timers to the deconstruction of rooms doesn't add any difficulty or skill prerequisite to the game, it just adds pointless annoyance.
+1 I hate the first room and to destroy everything to upgrade it would take a long time (20 rooms x 2 hours each, that would require me to be on the game every 2 hours for 2 days straight without sleep, or 4 days straight with sleep, or a few weeks with sleep and work (A normal person))..


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I too am holding off on grappling with this. I`ve plopped down numerous decorations with specific function for the sake of easy navigation through these halls... what *I* would love to see is a "Tear Down All" option that gives you a full refund for all rooms and any objects you crafted therein (i.e. cargo containers).


Doing this sort of thing manually, one item/component at a time, is going to be absolutely demoralizing, nevermind taking forever. Its already demoralizing knowing that - for my Clan - we were so close to finally initiating research, and now we must tear down and rebuild.


Until a Dojo is converted to the new grid layout, I also would like to reinforce the absolute necessity of getting full refunds for every component. For the moment, I think I`m going to hold off on Dojo work until such things are finalized... in case we find ourselves altering the grid system once more.

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I took the clan dojo down in a couple of days.

The incentive was knowing there was a lot of construction material in the sections built before clan size resource scaling.


The result was 72 forma to mess about with and a lot of materials.

So now I create a dojo less thought of practicality in mind and basing it off a budget.


The sooner you get it over and done with the less whining you will be doing.

Edited by VER1
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DE never mentioned in their update that you would only receive partial refund for the removal of all decorations, which has to be done prior to actually deleting the rooms...no, instead they stated a "full 100% refund"


Of course they will say they were referring too the actual room deletions offering back 100% so, strange that they never bothered to mention that you would incur a loss at having to remove all decorations prior to deleting the rooms... how does all this work out at a full 100% refund again ?


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