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TennoGen Needs a Preview System for the Community.


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I'll keep this simple.

I purchase 3 TennoGen Skins for Ash which is not refunded sadly. I fine with that for I understand Terms & Conditions. However, Digital Extremes need to come up with a way to allow the buyers to preview the skin or try it on before purchase. Just like the same way people have fitting booths at stores to try on clothes, the community needs one for TennoGen and ingame Skin item. Now yes, we can already preview a full body skin before making a purchases for a certain warframe. However there is no way to mix and match skins or helmets together before purchase. For example, the only way for me to see how the TennoGen [Ash Carabid Helmet] looks with the TennoGen Skin [Ash Bai Hu Skin] I have to purchase the "SKIN" first. Yes let me clarify this! You have to buy the full body skin first to see how another helmet looks. Even if you brought the [Ash Carabid Helmet] first, you still can't see what that helmet look like on a skin item that you haven't purchase yet. I believe this is really discourage to some of the people in the community who  wants to buy items or even plat for cosmetics. The only way I witness to ensure  people to buy an item is either through a youtube video of other players showing the skin or seeing someone else in game with that skin and helmet equip. Yet, everyone is not going to buy every item, plus show every variation of skins and helmets together. For that reason alone, we need a place or a button that allow freedom mode to let us see the skins and helmets together. Just like the captura mode DE has made, maybe in that mode we can put on items and skins to see how they look. I would personally like to buy more items from TennoGen and platinum but sometimes afraid of the outcome. This idea is to ensure anything that people are spending their money on is reliable.  I hope others agree with me or have other ideas to add to this forum. Please assist me in this and inform DE to bring this topic onto their livestream on Twitch to talk about it future. Have a bless day Tenno. 




Forgive me for this is my first time doing a Create New Topic. I was inform by [DE]Candice to come to the forum and make a topic about it. 

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I thnk you are proposing a very good idea here. After all, fashionframe items is most likely a very big part of DE's income, so spending some manhours to let us preview things thoroughly (with mixing and matching fully allowed) sounds like it would be a good investment, for DE and the players alike.

Edited by Azamagon
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From the sounds of it, this is what you want:
-The ability to select any pieces of customization while in the customization menu in the arsenal. This includes: attachables, helmets, skins, colours. 
-Only when trying to leave the arsenal by any means will you be promoted to purchase the things. Declining will revert all un-owned items from being added*.

*This actually manifested as a bug a while ago, when using a console exploit to view Chroma outside the Arsenal; you weren't able to take him on missions, or keep him, but the exploit allowed you to wear any warframe within the Orbiter. This was before Second Dream.

-This would grant players the ability to examine customization in-depth, and would be able to do this in private (be it Captura or the Orbiter, but never in public spaces). This increases chances for investment from formerly conservative purchasers.

Edited by Koldraxon-732
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Yeah, this is a nice idea.

I really want to see how the Saryn Napellus helm looks like with her prime and orphid skins. Same for Ember Magesty and a few others.

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1 hour ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

From the sounds of it, this is what you want:
-The ability to select any pieces of customization while in the customization menu in the arsenal. This includes: attachables, helmets, skins, colours. 
-Only when trying to leave the arsenal by any means will you be promoted to purchase the things. Declining will revert all un-owned items from being added*.

*This actually manifested as a bug a while ago, when using a console exploit to view Chroma outside the Arsenal; you weren't able to take him on missions, or keep him, but the exploit allowed you to wear any warframe within the Orbiter. This was before Second Dream.

-This would grant players the ability to examine customization in-depth, and would be able to do this in private (be it Captura or the Orbiter, but never in public spaces). This increases chances for investment from formerly conservative purchasers.


Wow, I did not know about this bug at all. Yea I don't want hackers or any type of glitch or bypass for people to exploit items in the game. I just want a platform we can view all items together without having to purchase first.  

Also you said attachable items and that is something I didn't even think about.  Some of the Armor Sets can only be few stuck in a 3D camera angle that circle around which we have no control of. Sometimes the bundles that come with weapon skins we can't even see on the weapon first.  Plus the market use default Excalibur as a Model without showing  our actually equip warframes. 


Yes I believe the players only able to see it in Captura mode will help not only help us but also DE to make it easier for any bugs or loop holes for the items to stay on. We will have to leave the Captura Mode and anything that was added during Captura mode is automatically remove back to the default set up the players had on  when they enter Captura mode. 

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