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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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42 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

As for it affecting PC more than PS4, not really my concern.  You fight whatever battle you need to in order to keep it how it is on PS4 and I'll continue mine for it to be changed on PC. 

And there is the actual lack of regard for the game shown right there. The selfishness is pretty amazing, even for a PCMasterRace devotee.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)mickeyjuiceman said:

And there is the actual lack of regard for the game shown right there. The selfishness is pretty amazing, even for a PCMasterRace devotee.

Not fighting every conceivable battle simultaneously is selfish?  If you think it should remain untouched on console even if it's changed on PC that's entirely divorced from this post.  You are free to create your own thread whenever the time may come.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)mickeyjuiceman said:

Ah, I missed the [PC Only] bit in the word salad title. My apologies.

I would need to be privy to any information regarding Warframe on console in order to even think that it was necessary to add such a thing.  You're asking me to answer a math problem before I know what the math problem is.

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1 hour ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Most of this has been addressed in this thread already, it's incumbent upon you to do your homework at this point if you care to join the conversation as an informed participant, as I don't care to repeat or explain positions which I already have done so; often multiple times.  I realize the thread is almost prohibitively long at this point, but it's exhausting confronting identical arguments repeatedly. 

You have grossly misrepresented positions here as well as offered nothing more than hand-waving dismissals of any opinion in opposition to you own.  My posts are feedback, not truth claims, you seem to be missing this rather apparent distinction somehow.

As for it affecting PC more than PS4, not really my concern.  You fight whatever battle you need to in order to keep it how it is on PS4 and I'll continue mine for it to be changed on PC. 

I have not misrepresented any positions of anybody....and I challenge you to come up with one single example of me doing so.  

You keep saying that you have addressed these issues but you haven't. I have read all your posts...and you in fact spend more time saying you have addressed them than actually addressing them. And when you actually do address them none of the arguments you bring forward escape the level of this subjective gem that prompted you to start the thread in the first place: 


I'm very excited to see slide attack spam brought into check so the game will be more enjoyable for everyone just trying to have a good time, and not just 1 out of 4 players on the team spamming slides.  100% enjoyment is a pipe dream, but 25% of the team having a good time can definitely be improved upon!

So your position is simple. You do not enjoy other people using a certain tactic. In order to increase your own enjoyment you want to reduce the enjoyment for others flat out...instead of choosing any of the other options available to you. At no point do you argue that maiming strike is in fact an inescapable problem that unbalances the game without using subjective arguments rooted in your own sentiments or that are not easily avoidable.

So no...you have NOT in fact addressed these problems. Regardless of how often you mention that you have. 

Now...I am not dismissing your experiences. If you say you have an issue with MS and CO then I will not begrudge you that opinion. It is fine you have issues with it and think it should not exist. 

HOWEVER...when you are coming to a forum in order to, as you yourself have stated several times now, to force your own subjective notions of how others should play the game just to make it more enjoyable for you while, at the same time, refusing to use the several options available which would completely shield you from ALL of the problems you have...then you will have to do a lot better than merely listing your subjective likes and dislikes because nobody can work with that.

In fact the opinions positioned in the central arguments you make are worthless for any objective discussion beyond you telling us how you feel. NOT because you have those feelings...but because your proposed solution creates the exact same experience you have for others and thus they cancel each other out. They are egocentrically driven. You need to have an argument that exceeds the personal experience and is not easily counter posed with an already existing solution or an alternative experience for something to be an actual problem. If it doesn't then the only conclusion is that there really is no problem beyond your own perceptions and experiences...certainly not a problem.that requires such incredibly drastic solutions as demanding nerfs...which in this game and the wider gaming world have proven to often reduce the quality of games. 

Several other arguments that are brought up involve game balance. Which is of course rather silly. Complaining about this very specific combination in the context of a game where we have frames and abilities that can be spammed to wipe out entire levels with one button push is silly. It really is. Not to mention that pretending this highly selective and specific nerf would improve the overall game or balance of the game instead of just your experience is actually rather disingenuous....since the entire issue is of course rather more fundamental and tied to enemies, in game economy and earn potential....but also by the fact that this game is by its very nature unbalanced and supposed to be unbalanced. So not even these arguments rise up from the level of subjective selectivity.   

And sine you have failed in the entirety of this thread to bring up such an argument...the reality is this: 

1) You do not like MS combo's
2) You do not want to play solo or in pre-made teams
3) You find your own experiences to be more important than the experiences of others
4) You don't care if your solution creates imbalance for other platforms.  
5) You have not put any effort into comprehending the complexity of the issue or the effects of your selfishly driven and motivated solutions.
6) You want others to not be able to enjoy something you do not enjoy 

Now...that is not misrepresenting your position. That IS your position. 


Edited by (PS4)BOSS_TPH76
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3 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

I would need to be privy to any information regarding Warframe on console in order to even think that it was necessary to add such a thing.  You're asking me to answer a math problem before I know what the math problem is.

Yet you offer and demand solutions to the math problem without knowing the full extend of it. :clap:

It is exactly this...exactly this...which is the actual problem here. You have a feeling and thus you act. Because nothing else really matters beyond your personal perception.  

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13 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

I would need to be privy to any information regarding Warframe on console in order to even think that it was necessary to add such a thing.  You're asking me to answer a math problem before I know what the math problem is.

Then WTF were you crapping on about, then, given that admission of complete ignorance?

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

I have not misrepresented any positions of anybody....and I challenge you to come up with one single example of me doing so.  

That you lack the capacity when perusing the thread to see that, once again, ALL of this has been addressed ad nauseam is not my problem to solve.

Everything posted is feedback, not a truth claim.  Full stop.  Fin.  El Endo. (Spanish for "The End").

I'll accept your challenge, though, for funsies.

"Asking for arguments not founded in "it is a problem just because we say so" or "it is a problem because I don't like it""

Complete misrepresentation.  Just because you hear "blah, blah, wah, wah, sniffle, sniffle" when I or someone else has described the negative impact of <thread title> on our gameplay experience doesn't make it any less valid.  It only makes it less valid to you.

The rest of your post gets the snip because it's more hullabaloo about subjectivity and objectivity that you feel you're entitled to some kind of proof that <thread title> is a negative force in the game.  See: feedback, opinion

Where is your objective evidence that <thread title> is perfectly fine?  You can provide no such thing because it doesn't exist, the same as objective evidence that it is not perfectly fine doesn't exist.  How many times must I define things such as feedback, opinion, truth, subjectivity and objectivity before you will understand it?  Dictionary time is over.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

Yet you offer and demand solutions to the math problem without knowing the full extend of it. :clap:

It is exactly this...exactly this...which is the actual problem here. You have a feeling and thus you act. Because nothing else really matters beyond your personal perception.  

As you simultaneously do the same thing you're accusing me of, which is keep it as it is on PC so that it doesn't affect your experience on PS4 even at the expense of PC gamers' enjoyment.  Kudos.

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You guys reckon Slide attack would be fixed if instead of Arc'ing in a wide AoE it simply extended the range straightly forward just as Sparring weapons do?

-It's convenient for single target,
-opens up a path when sliding,
-90% maiming strike would work magnificently without rendering any existing enemy position completely meaningless at any level, naturally it would still be possible to OneHit K.O a singular powerful enemy, but most popular weapon can do that so it's only fair,
-combos would be a much better choice as intended as they'll have wider arcs and would stack up the multiplier more efficiently,
-it scraps the idea of most Macros being used.
-It fall back down to the same level as Charge attacks and Wall attacks and doesn't clear rooms in one millisecond anymore.

That way Maiming strike stays good.
Range stays good.
Macros can kindly gtfo.
And people aren't happy because I just killed the entire Spin2Win spam.

(I just killed Focus farming as well, woops)
(Probably killed whips in general too, oh well guess they'll deserve a buff and new stances now)

But hey, I probably missed some sort of mythical technique that people will use, so do tell me what you think 'bout it.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

You guys reckon Slide attack would be fixed if instead of Arc'ing in a wide AoE it simply extended the range straightly forward just as Sparring weapons do?

-It's convenient for single target,
-opens up a path when sliding,
-90% maiming strike would work magnificently without rendering any existing enemy position completely meaningless at any level, naturally it would still be possible to OneHit K.O a singular powerful enemy, but most popular weapon can do that so it's only fair,
-combos would be a much better choice as intended as they'll have wider arcs and would stack up the multiplier more efficiently,
-it scraps the idea of most Macros being used.
-It fall back down to the same level as Charge attacks and Wall attacks and doesn't clear rooms in one millisecond anymore.

That way Maiming strike stays good.
Range stays good.
Macros can kindly gtfo.
And people aren't happy because I just killed the entire Spin2Win spam.

(I just killed Focus farming as well, woops)
(Probably killed whips in general too, oh well guess they'll deserve a buff and new stances now)

But hey, I probably missed some sort of mythical technique that people will use, so do tell me what you think 'bout it.

Ah refreshing post, some suggestions.  If I had to pick one thing that's the main culprit I'd say it's the range, but I imagine there are a number of ways to approach it when they inevitably get around to fixing it.

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1 minute ago, Vindicus8235 said:

That you lack the capacity when perusing the thread to see that, once again, ALL of this has been addressed ad nauseam is not my problem to solve.

Everything posted is feedback, not a truth claim.  Full stop.  Fin.  El Endo. (Spanish for "The End").

I'll accept your challenge, though, for funsies.

"Asking for arguments not founded in "it is a problem just because we say so" or "it is a problem because I don't like it""

Complete misrepresentation.  Just because you hear "blah, blah, wah, wah, sniffle, sniffle" when I or someone else has described the negative impact of <thread title> on our gameplay experience doesn't make it any less valid.  It only makes it less valid to you.

The rest of your post gets the snip because it's more hullabaloo about subjectivity and objectivity that you feel you're entitled to some kind of proof that <thread title> is a negative force in the game.  See: feedback, opinion

Where is your objective evidence that <thread title> is perfectly fine?  You can provide no such thing because it doesn't exist, the same as objective evidence that it is not perfectly fine doesn't exist.  How many times must I define things such as feedback, opinion, truth, subjectivity and objectivity before you will understand it?  Dictionary time is over.

* In all debates the onus of evidence is on the one arguing for change. This is the burden of proof. Read into it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philoso

* You do not merely post feedback you ask for a nerf based on that feedback. Hell...you aren't even posting actual feedback but position every feeling as fact. It isn't. It is fact for you. The difference here is that you are the one trying to get DE to impose your feelings on others. 

* What you describe is not misrepresentation...and doesn't even conform to its definition. Turns out that dictionary time wasn't over. 

* I have never said your feelings are invalid (having actually quite literally said the opposite. Irony). I am saying your arguments that this is objectively overpowered and deserving of a nerf are based purely on subjective perception and fail to rise above that highly selective and easily avoidable subjective experience. HUGE difference.  

* I am expressing that you have offered nothing to substantiate your claims that this is an actual issue beyond you trying to convince us that this is how you feel. You have failed to show it being an actual problem beyond that. Since you however persist on the fact that it is an actual issue that rises beyond subjective sentiments...I am stating that you should deliver actual arguments to that effect because that is how that works. This in no way, shape or form comes anywhere near feeling entitled to your proof. Your position is exactly how I described it until you do actually deliver such arguments. 

* I do not need to provide evidence that X is perfectly fine...you are the one who wants to change it. This, again, is how the burden of proof works. YOU are trying to convince US that it is not perfectly fine.

* Objective assessment of your own arguments state that your perceived problem is entirely solvable by other means than an nerf (<<<get this, understand this, comprehend what it means). This does not invalidate your feelings...it does invalidate your draconic solution


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28 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

As you simultaneously do the same thing you're accusing me of, which is keep it as it is on PC so that it doesn't affect your experience on PS4 even at the expense of PC gamers' enjoyment.  Kudos.

Not at all. For one...you talk for yourself and not the PC community. Second...all of the arguments I made about the nature and quality of yours still stand because they are not dependent on the platform but, get this, on the quality of the arguments. Third, so far all your have described as "problems" are entirely and easily avoidable. 

So nope. Not even close. But nice try. 

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il y a 9 minutes, Vindicus8235 a dit :

Ah refreshing post, some suggestions.  If I had to pick one thing that's the main culprit I'd say it's the range, but I imagine there are a number of ways to approach it when they inevitably get around to fixing it.

Yeah range is a weird one to look at.
When I think about it, it's not really all that powerful, it's slightly convenient on some stance, basically allows you to hit 2-3 enemies instead of one.

The real criminal in all of that is the massive chain of combo that a singular Spin attack has : Range reaching 15+ meters in hit distance ( Riven with 180%+ range extention along with Primed Reach ), the wide horizontal Arc'ing of Spin attack along with the 2x damage multiplier, the freedom of spam attached to Melee speed and Forward velocity, the existence of two mods that stacks damage crazily on each other.

There's absolutely nothing in the current Melee model or even weapon model in general that would reach anywhere near that combo in a single hit.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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44 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

You guys reckon Slide attack would be fixed if instead of Arc'ing in a wide AoE it simply extended the range straightly forward just as Sparring weapons do?

-It's convenient for single target,
-opens up a path when sliding,
-90% maiming strike would work magnificently without rendering any existing enemy position completely meaningless at any level, naturally it would still be possible to OneHit K.O a singular powerful enemy, but most popular weapon can do that so it's only fair,
-combos would be a much better choice as intended as they'll have wider arcs and would stack up the multiplier more efficiently,
-it scraps the idea of most Macros being used.
-It fall back down to the same level as Charge attacks and Wall attacks and doesn't clear rooms in one millisecond anymore.

That way Maiming strike stays good.
Range stays good.
Macros can kindly gtfo.
And people aren't happy because I just killed the entire Spin2Win spam.

(I just killed Focus farming as well, woops)
(Probably killed whips in general too, oh well guess they'll deserve a buff and new stances now)

But hey, I probably missed some sort of mythical technique that people will use, so do tell me what you think 'bout it.

Sparring weapons are not meant for actual combat. Most weapons are not sparring weapons. Swords, axes, staves, poles, pole arms, whips...are specifically designed as arc weapons. This is how they function. Removing the arc from arc weapons is a bad idea. With arc weapons comes the ability to hit multiple opponents. Charges attacks and wall attacks are objectively awful in this game. The combo system is really bad. 

Macro's will still be used.

People won't be happy because you just killed melee in warframe as a viable option. 

As to your next post...Rivens are unobtainable for the fast majority of players. And god rolls are rarer still. So really they are fluff.

The assumption here is that something should not hit a specific distance because other weapons not using a specific mod combination don't do as much damage...is ...rather obvious. It fails to show however why spin to win is an issue..and it fails to show why it needs to be addressed. 

You mentioned something about room clearing...yet this proposed solution is highly specific and leaves untouched all abilities and weapons that essentially do the same. 


33 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Ah refreshing post, some suggestions.  If I had to pick one thing that's the main culprit I'd say it's the range, but I imagine there are a number of ways to approach it when they inevitably get around to fixing it.

Of course you find it refreshing...it agrees with you...and like you assumes there is an actual issue that needs to be changed or that you just need to play solo or in pre made groups. IN other words...it absolves you from actually having to take responsibility for your own enjoyment. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

* In all debates the onus of evidence is on the one arguing for change. This is the burden of proof. Read into it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philoso

* You do not merely post feedback you ask for a nerf based on that feedback. Hell...you aren't even posting actual feedback but position every feeling as fact. It isn't. It is fact for you. The difference here is that you are the one trying to get DE to impose your feelings on others. 

* What you describe is not misrepresentation...and doesn't even conform to its definition. Turns out that dictionary time wasn't over. 

* I have never said your feelings are invalid (having actually quite literally said the opposite. Irony). I am saying your arguments that this is objectively overpowered and deserving of a nerf are based purely on subjective perception and fail to rise above that highly selective and easily avoidable subjective experience. HUGE difference.  

* I am expressing that you have offered nothing to substantiate your claims that this is an actual issue beyond you trying to convince us that this is how you feel. You have failed to show it being an actual problem beyond that. Since you however persist on the fact that it is an actual issue that rises beyond subjective sentiments...I am stating that you should deliver actual arguments to that effect because that is how that works. This in no way, shape or form comes anywhere near feeling entitled to your proof. Your position is exactly how I described it until you do actually deliver such arguments. 

* I do not need to provide evidence that X is perfectly fine...you are the one who wants to change it. This, again, is how the burden of proof works. YOU are trying to convince US that it is not perfectly fine.

* Objective assessment of your own arguments state that your perceived problem is entirely solvable by other means than an nerf (<<<get this, understand this, comprehend what it means). This does not invalidate your feelings...it does invalidate your draconic solution


*I think I mentioned this two or three hell maybe four or five times now, but I'm not trying to prove anything.  See: feedback, opinion

*Yes, I'm throwing my hat in the ring as one voice among many calling for changes to <thread title>.  You're trying to get DE to impose your feelings that <thread title> is ok upon me.  What's your point?

*You claimed I said something that I didn't say.  The very definition of misrepresentation.  You're right, dictionary time is still a go.

*You have never said it directly as your dismissive attitude does all of the speaking for you.  Here you go using objectively again.  <thread title> is overpowered.  Opinion, subjective.  <thread title> negatively impacts my gaming experience in Warframe on a daily, nay, hourly basis.  Fact.

*Give me an example of evidence you would accept as valid in showing that <thread title> is overpowered.  There is nothing I could provide that would qualify so to continue asking for it is asinine.  Superman is very strong because he can lift houses and S#&amp;&#036;.  Yea, but Hulk can lift planets and has infinite strength based on how angry he is so ha, see Superman isn't so strong afterall!  Boom gotcha!

*I'm trying to convince you of nothing.  Unless you own DE, then let's talk.

*I do not need to conform to an environment with a broken game mechanic (slide attack spam) that forces me to play solo to avoid them, the outlier must be brought in line instead.

No string of characters that you can type will make <thread title> stop ruining games for me.  My feedback on the matter shall flow until Warframe shuts down, I move to another game or slide attack spam is fixed.  It's really that simple.


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il y a 16 minutes, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 a dit :

Sparring weapons are not meant for actual combat. Most weapons are not sparring weapons. Swords, axes, staves, poles, pole arms, whips...are specifically designed as arc weapons. This is how they function. Removing the arc from arc weapons is a bad idea. With arc weapons comes the ability to hit multiple opponents. Charges attacks and wall attacks are objectively awful in this game. The combo system is really bad. 

Macro's will still be used.

People won't be happy because you just killed melee in warframe as a viable option.

Of course you find it refreshing...i agrees with you...and like you assumes there is an actual issue that needs to be changed. 

Yes, and naturally Stances are where those Arcs are at.
The current system with that combo completely nullifies the need for anything else other than Pole-arms and whips mod spin combo.
Melee weapons in any game aren't created with the idea of breaking through walls 20 meters away from your original hit, lets not go that way.
Charge attacks and wall attacks are indeed awful, they require some look at, however we cannot ignore that Spin attack is largely over-stepping it's bound as compared to ANYTHING in the melee system.
Yes naturally, but if you remove one part of the issue, it diminishes the amount of users.
That is a BOLD claim ( Ah, get it..? Bold ) Melee is still highly viable even with spin spamming gone.

Status stacking, armor removal and anything that applies to regular firearms modding doesn't only applies to guns.
If anything, melee has Finisher within stances and on warframe abilities, channelling's extra damage to deal with heavy units or straight up multiply your damage if you're energy efficient as well as the Melee combo to hit ever further within the rank of damage.

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

Not at all. For one...you talk for yourself and not the PC community. Second...all of the arguments I made about the nature and quality of yours still stand because they are not dependent on the platform but, get this, on the quality of the arguments. Third, so far all your have described as "problems" are entirely and easily avoidable. 

So nope. Not even close. But nice try. 

And yet you pretend to speak for the PS4 community by acting like my all powerful feedback and the control I have over DE to make changes on PC is self-serving at the expense of your entire PS4 community.  It's quite humorous, and mildly entertaining, how oblivious you are to the levels of hypocrisy you display.

The platform quite simply is unimportant to me.  Warframe on PS4 might as well be another game in another universe to me.  You have zero empathy for my PC experience with the game and yet expect me to reciprocate with kid gloves?

I could also say that the problems you have with my problem are easily avoidable.  You could simply not play the game anymore, then you don't have to worry about it at all.  Problem solved.

So yea, nice try indeed.

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44 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Ah refreshing post, some suggestions.  If I had to pick one thing that's the main culprit I'd say it's the range, but I imagine there are a number of ways to approach it when they inevitably get around to fixing it.

Plenty of players have given suggestions here. There are 18 pages of discussion but only the points that agree with you are important of course. /s

Refreshing is when someone brings intelligence to this thread filled with nonsensical arguments about a mod that has only one single downside: Restricting party members from getting "fairness" in a mission where kills are literally the least important aspect of said mission

You disregard consoles, but their input is actually massively important due to lack of macros. They have a macroless Maiming Strike and their feedback of the mods performance under those conditions are extremely important to this discussion.

I don't want this mod nerfed. I think that part is crystal clear. I have been playing for 3 years now. I don't want to see pre-maiming strike/condition overload (whiners don't stop once they get a taste of victory, see Saryn, Ash, Banshee, and Ember about "P42W ruins my experience", so CO is next after Maiming Strike, maybe Primed Reach) meta ever again. Back when I started playing, players only used weapons for coptering. After the parkour changes, this is when the polearm meta started.

I would like variety in my melee weapon choice, and Maiming Strike has done that. I don't have an interest in whips and polearms often. I paid almost 2,000 platinum for a perfect Guandao Riven. Sure it is effective, but Maiming isn't to blame, and neither is any other mod/stat I use. The reason Maiming Strike is overpowered to this like minded group of people is because you complain someone does a level <70 mission more efficiently and takes away from your experience. I can garentee you that changing the interaction with the mod and Blood Rush while completely leaving this mod alone will solve your problem if content is higher level.

Thinking you can fix the guy stealing your kills by taking away a single toy is just ignorant and quite honestly dumb. You can't curb efficient players, and the only way to fix this "problem" is not playing with them.

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18 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

*I think I mentioned this two or three hell maybe four or five times now, but I'm not trying to prove anything.  See: feedback, opinion

*Yes, I'm throwing my hat in the ring as one voice among many calling for changes to <thread title>.  You're trying to get DE to impose your feelings that <thread title> is ok upon me.  What's your point?

*You claimed I said something that I didn't say.  The very definition of misrepresentation.  You're right, dictionary time is still a go.

*You have never said it directly as your dismissive attitude does all of the speaking for you.  Here you go using objectively again.  <thread title> is overpowered.  Opinion, subjective.  <thread title> negatively impacts my gaming experience in Warframe on a daily, nay, hourly basis.  Fact.

*Give me an example of evidence you would accept as valid in showing that <thread title> is overpowered.  There is nothing I could provide that would qualify so to continue asking for it is asinine.  Superman is very strong because he can lift houses and S#&amp;&#036;.  Yea, but Hulk can lift planets and has infinite strength based on how angry he is so ha, see Superman isn't so strong afterall!  Boom gotcha!

*I'm trying to convince you of nothing.  Unless you own DE, then let's talk.

*I do not need to conform to an environment with a broken game mechanic (slide attack spam) that forces me to play solo to avoid them, the outlier must be brought in line instead.

No string of characters that you can type will make <thread title> stop ruining games for me.  My feedback on the matter shall flow until Warframe shuts down, I move to another game or slide attack spam is fixed.  It's really that simple.


* Do you or do you not in your OP ask for a nerf and adjustment of the mechanic? I will answer that for you: 



Please address this egregiously overpowered combo of things for the health of the game.

So the onus to argue that with actually substantiated arguments is on you. 

* I am not imposing anything on you. You impose the issues on yourself by refusing to use the methods available to you to avoid them entirely. Instead you want to take away any options for others. 

* I never claimed you said something you didn't say. Everything I said you said you have actually said...and actually proved you said it. Reread the definition of  misrepresentation and apply it in the correct way.  

* You are not claiming feelings...you are positioning your feelings as facts. Facts that lead to a conclusion that everybody should conform to in your opinion. 

* Jesus. You are really bad at this analogy thing here aren't you? Because that makes absolutely zero sense. I have also already given you the parameters of any argument I am willing to accept: they have to go beyond your subjective and selective inconvenience and which is not easily avoidable by you yourself. 

* Yet you make the thread in the off topic forum. 

* You have failed to show the game mechanic is broken. This has been the entire point of why I am arguing with you. You consistently claim something is just because you feel it is and NOT because you actually provide evidence it is. 

* You are not forced to play solo. You can also choose to play in pre-made groups. IF you choose to play in PUGs you need to accept other people play what they like and how they like and you feeling entitled to dictate what they can and can not do because it upsets you is beyond ridiculous. 

* I really hope you move to another game. You know...for the good of the game. May I suggest D2...that is the result of people like you whining about their feelings about things. You'd fit right in. 

Edited by (PS4)BOSS_TPH76
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1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Plenty of players have given suggestions here. There are 18 pages of discussion but only the points that agree with you are important of course. /s

Refreshing is when someone brings intelligence to this thread filled with nonsensical arguments about a mod that has only one single downside: Restricting party members from getting "fairness" in a mission where kills are literally the least important aspect of said mission

You disregard consoles, but their input is actually massively important due to lack of macros. They have a macroless Maiming Strike and their feedback of the mods performance under those conditions are extremely important to this discussion.

I don't want this mod nerfed. I think that part is crystal clear. I have been playing for 3 years now. I don't want to see pre-maiming strike/condition overload (whiners don't stop once they get a taste of victory, see Saryn, Ash, Banshee, and Ember about "P42W ruins my experience", so CO is next after Maiming Strike, maybe Primed Reach) meta ever again. Back when I started playing, players only used weapons for coptering. After the parkour changes, this is when the polearm meta started.

I would like variety in my melee weapon choice, and Maiming Strike has done that. I don't have an interest in whips and polearms often. I paid almost 2,000 platinum for a perfect Guandao Riven. Sure it is effective, but Maiming isn't to blame, and neither is any other mod/stat I use. The reason Maiming Strike is overpowered to this like minded group of people is because you complain someone does a level <70 mission more efficiently and takes away from your experience. I can garentee you that changing the interaction with the mod and Blood Rush while completely leaving this mod alone will solve your problem if content is higher level.

Thinking you can fix the guy stealing your kills by taking away a single toy is just ignorant and quite honestly dumb. You can't curb efficient players, and the only way to fix this "problem" is not playing with them.

Plenty of players have given suggestions here. There are 18 pages of discussion but only the points that agree with you are important of course. /s

I've been quite fair and patient.  Your sarcasm is unwarranted.

Refreshing is when someone brings intelligence to this thread filled with nonsensical arguments about a mod that has only one single downside: Restricting party members from getting "fairness" in a mission where kills are literally the least important aspect of said mission

Playing the game is the most important part of playing the game to me when I'm playing the game.  Can't play the game with slide attackers in it.

You disregard consoles, but their input is actually massively important due to lack of macros. They have a macroless Maiming Strike and their feedback of the mods performance under those conditions are extremely important to this discussion.

They can take it up with DE, they don't need to make any case with me.

I don't want this mod nerfed. I think that part is crystal clear. I have been playing for 3 years now. I don't want to see pre-maiming strike/condition overload (whiners don't stop once they get a taste of victory, see Saryn, Ash, Banshee, and Ember about "P42W ruins my experience", so CO is next after Maiming Strike, maybe Primed Reach) meta ever again. Back when I started playing, players only used weapons for coptering. After the parkour changes, this is when the polearm meta started.

K?  You can classify any negatively perceived feedback as being part of this slippery slope you're on about.  I don't necessarily want to see the mod nerfed either.  A significant reduction of base range on whips and polearms would likely suffice.

Thinking you can fix the guy stealing your kills by taking away a single toy is just ignorant and quite honestly dumb. You can't curb efficient players, and the only way to fix this "problem" is not playing with them.

Tsk tsk personal attacks are not nice, please refrain from using them.  I only ask once.



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