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Slide Attack/Maiming Strike/Whip and Polearm range -- an absurd mixture of overpoweredness


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9 minutes ago, MechaTails said:

(Don't know who you're replying to)

The ignore list isn't a fix, it's a functional realistic temporary solution, more realistic than expecting the devs to do anything about it anyway.

(I have this frame of mind because this is the experience I've had from reporting bugs and being completely ignored.)

My ignore list is huge, and I absolutely run into less meme strikers/horrible human beings now than before. Yes, it's an ongoing process, and it's imperfect, but it works.

It probably does.  I'm not doubting that over time it would start to show results, but something about it just feels wrong to me.  I guess I could use it as a temporary solution, and clear the ignore list once they get around to tuning slide attack properly.

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57 minutes ago, WindigoTG said:

Why does a dictator with maming strike has the right to impose their will and dictate the rest of the team how to (not) play?

their not tho. thats the thing. Your more then welcome to leave the match and go play solo or invite like minded friends if you dont want to play with Spin 2 win players. 

same way im not forced to stay with a Limbo in a Public game outside of Sorties. i can leave and restart the search. 


why isnt the same option not available to you? the problem isnt the mod or play style its your line of thinking. its not their fault you dont like the play style and refuse to go play solo to avoid it altogether. you literally dont need any of that kind of stuff to clear things in the game. id know since ive cleared everything short of trials. and even then they are going away. (on consoles atleast) so im now just working on raising my MR by farming and building all the stuff i need. to hit MR25. and i only joined the game in November last year Officially. created and played the game back in 2014 but quit a few days later when destiny released. 


why is it ok for people like Vin to dicate how others play while at the same time doesn't like to be "dictated" to how he should play? literally no one is forcing you to stay and play with them. you should know full well whatever you get yourself into with Public games is because of YOU for joining it in the first place knowing full well what could happen. 


i dont even have MS. couldve likely gotten it when the acolytes were here. but thought it wasnt that useful of a mod at the time since i was still a newb. but now i greatly regret it. more then likely going buy some platinum with the Gift card i just bought when i went to the store to get a birthday card for my grandma. so thought id get a card for some plat. so ya. likely going buy the mod off someone here in a moment after im done on the forums. then i can be on the way to joining the bandwagon. 

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DE screwed themselves this time round

They knew it was overpowered yet they release the modifier into rivens.

They acknowledge it was overpowered in devtream 100(scott saying inb4 we nerf the S#&$ out of it) they released the mod during the acolyte event during CHRISTMAs!!.

Now if they nerfed it, plat whales people who sacrificed their christmas are gonna riot.

And the last thing a freemium game business would do is to piss off people whi have shown themeselves to be willing to invest a lot money in the game i.e buy and spend a lot of plat on maiming strike rivens

Edited by VortexInfinity
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54 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

You don't even realize the hypocrisy in this statement do you?  You understand that when you play as a slide attack spammer, you are quite literally dictating how 3 other people in the game get to play.  That is, they barely get to play at all.  Try to commiserate.

1) come into a game with spin 2 win players. 

2) Open menu and click abort mission and hit yes.

3) set lobby status from public to solo.

4) repick the mission and restart it. 

5) no more spin 2 win it players in your game= Profit. 


like to tell me again with a straight face how they are dictating how you play the game? anyone with common sense would tell you they are not. 

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31 minutes ago, (XB1)Madinogi said:

why is it ok for people like Vin to dicate how others play while at the same time doesn't like to be "dictated" to how he should play? literally no one is forcing you to stay and play with them. you should know full well whatever you get yourself into with Public games is because of YOU for joining it in the first place knowing full well what could happen.

Don't overreact. He is not dictating anything for petes sake. He gave an opinion and made a suggestion. I happen to disagree with him, but to claim that he is trying to dictate how you play is ridiculous. The only people who can dictate how you play, are the developers. OP has as much right to post on these forums as you or anyone else does. That includes posting his opinions or offer feedback and suggestion based on his gaming experience. None of which makes him a dictator. 

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The self-righteousness of nerf-crusaders never ceases to amaze.

On one hand OP claims spin attacks are “ruining” the game and thinks he can dictate whats best for everyone, then on the other is appalled by people trying to tell him what to do. Oh the irony.

I suppose we should just nerf Equinox Maim? Saryns Spore/Miasma combo? Or perhaps Mesas Peacemaker? After all, they fit under the OPs category of “ruining the game”. Or better yet, lets nerf beam weapons like the Ignis again. I mean it has insane range and is capable of melting enemies instantly. Pffff I don’t want that, it “ruins” the game for me. I don’t like seeing other people have fun, you all have to cater to my needs and mine alone. (Sarcasm)

Sorry to say Vindicus8235, but if you go public, you are simply going to have to be quiet and deal with the public. Just like it is in real life, you have zero right to command random people you don’t know to do what you want.

I personally hate the Volt speedsters, but I know that they have fun doing what they do. Simply find another mission without the thing you don’t like. Calling for a mass nerf because you expect your vision of the game to be met is not going to work. No one owes you jack-squat.

The best calling card of a self-righteous nerf-crusader is the oh so classic “I really think this will help the game” line. 

I hate it when people talk loudly on their phones when on the train, does that give me the right to tell them to put their phones down and to never answer their phones in my presence? Even if I claim “it’s better for the overall quality of the journey?”

Answer; No.

4 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

I welcome civil debate on most topics.

A key word there is “most”. It should be “all”. But thanks for admitting that you’re not being civil on this particular topic.

A civil person would not have just openly dismissed everyones posts. Further down the line if they’ve got not substantial arguement perhaps, but being outright dismissive and using that backwards logic “If people don’t agree with me, that means I’m right”, makes it even clearer that you’re not interested in a civil debate. And you wonder why people are “attacking” you.

3 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Don't overreact. He is not dictating anything for petes sake. He gave an opinion and made a suggestion

He is dictating. Have you not seen the way he replies and structures his posts? Acting like he knows whats best for the game and using the false logic that because people are defending it, that’s a “sure sign that it is broken”.

The hypocrisy is plain to see. He cannot handle being told what to do, while similtaniously doing that to others.

He is ignoring the most sound advice which is to simply ignore it and move to another mission.

There are people/builds I absolutely despise in this game and I’m sure you have a few pet-hatreds for some things in the game too. But does that give us right to start calling for nerfs and acting like we know exactly whats best for the game. No it doesn’t.

We suck it up and deal with it. Such is life.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

There are people/builds I absolutely despise in this game and I’m sure you have a few pet-hatreds for some things in the game too. But does that give us right to start calling for nerfs and acting like we know exactly whats best for the game. No it doesn’t.

Yes, it does give you the right to post your opinions on the forum. These forums don't belong to you or me, or to the OP, they belong to DE. As long as your post stays within their rules you absolutely have the right to post whatever you want. It's a bit ironic that you are blaming the OP for dictating, while you are the one telling him he has no right.

9 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

We suck it up and deal with it. Such is life

That's a defeatist attitude. If everyone did that, nothing would ever change and people could get away with everything. If you always just "suck it up" people are gonna walk all over you.

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4 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Yes, it does give you the right to post your opinions on the forum.

Opinions. Not demands. OP is in the latter.

4 minutes ago, rune_me said:

That's a defeatist attitude.

No, it’s realistic. There are some things in life you literally do have to suck up and deal with. Taxes, health insurance, 9-5 jobs, people who annoy you etc etc

If we had all had a Viva La Revolution attitude, then nothing would get done, ironically.

I nor you, or anyone else has the right to go up to random people and say “I’m not going to be a defeatist and be swayed by your refusal, you will do exactly what I say, when I say it.” 

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7 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Yes, it does give you the right to post your opinions on the forum. These forums don't belong to you or me, or to the OP, they belong to DE. As long as your post stays within their rules you absolutely have the right to post whatever you want.

That's a defeatist attitude. If everyone did that, nothing would ever change and people could get away with everything. If you always just "suck it up" people are gonna walk all over you.

But for small things like this? Sometimes it's not worth the effort to stand up for something minor. 

I disagree with the idea of knee-jerk nerfs. In this case I disagree with the idea that maiming strike needs a nerf because getting one, is a check and balance for it. Either grind for it, or pay for it, and the cost is worth it both ways. 

But to continue beating the dead horse every time this issue comes up gets redundant after some point... XD

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Just now, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

No, it’s realistic. There are some things in life you literally do have to suck up and deal with. Taxes, health insurance, 9-5 jobs, people who annoy you etc etc

Taxes, okay I'll give you that one.

We have free health care where I live.

I used to work 9-5 jobs and hated it. Now I don't, because I refused to just suck it up and deal with it. 

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1 minute ago, sleepychewbacca said:

But for small things like this? Sometimes it's not worth the effort to stand up for something minor. 

Yeah I agree. I to just quit a game if I don't like one of the players. Just saying that "suck it up" is not always good advice.


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9 minutes ago, rune_me said:

We have free health care where I live.

Consider yourself lucky. I do not.

9 minutes ago, rune_me said:

I used to work 9-5 jobs and hated it. Now I don't, because I refused to just suck it up and deal with it.

And I am very happy for you that you were in a position to do so.

However I am not, so for now at least I have to suck it up and deal with it. Walking away from my job now because “I’m not a defeatist” would only end with me being in a hell of a lot of financial trouble.

So once again; we do have things in life we have to suck up and deal with. Maybe in not in the same areas evidentally, but that sentiment lasts through life.

If I started going round telling people to cater to my own personal needs, I’d have no friends or job or any nice life for that matter. It would be the same for anyone.

Edited by (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01
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I like maiming strike + bloodrush combo. Cheese is always a good thing. I pair meme atterax with wukong for cheese with a side of cheese. 

If maiming strike is being nerfed, lets also nerf banshee because all you need to do is 44444444444.

After that, pls nerf equinox.

Then nerf saryn pls.

Zarr is pretty powerful, lets nerf that along with lenz.

Oh yeah, you know what else, hirudo basically keeps you invincible if you use oberon phoenix renewal, wukong, or valkyr.

Oh yea, another good nerf is the new zaw weapons, those things are op af.

You know what else to nerf? Lets nerf glaive throw, that thing can nuke rooms like nothing else.

Opticor has it long coming, along with Lanka. These two weapons are basically what everyone brings to eidolon fights. They're too powerful since they're meta.

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15 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Just saying that "suck it up" is not always good advice.

In cases like this, I’m afraid it is. This is on the same level as being annoyed that someone is chewing gum out loud.

And since it’s so petty, there are plenty of things that fit into the OP’s category of overpowered and it can be used to justify many other nerfs.

Putting up with things you don’t like is a life lesson and the sign of an adult. “Sticking it to the man” doesn’t solve much most of the time.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

However I am not, so for now at least I have to suck it up and deal with it. Walking away from my job now because “I’m not a defeatist” would only end with me being in a hell of a lot of financial trouble.

Wasn't actually suggesting that you are defeatist for doing your job. I apologize if I gave you that impression.

And just to go off topic one last time (but then this thread is probably not going anywhere anyway): I also didn't actually just quit my job from one day to the next. I worked with software development in a booth, 9-5. I figured that people who worked with server administration pretty much kept their own hours and could do most of their work from home. So I learned and studied more about servers, while still maintaining my regular job, until someone hired me. Then I quit.

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I had more typed out but realized the essence of the argument can be dispelled as it was on the first page, this time with more clarity.

This is Warframe. There are 34 unique frames that can be coupled with melee and ranged weapons with varying degrees of synergy, all of which can be modded. It is inevitable that there will be players and play styles that conflict and builds that just seem overpowered (sometimes they are). In public games there should never be an expectation for how the three other players will play as well as understanding that some may have come highly optimized for the mission. No one should feel pressured to play one style or another and a person shouldn't be faulted for using an effective build.

There should also be some reasonable consideration before going so far as calling for nerfs. In response to the OP.  Ranged mods synergize well with polearms and whips, there no's doubt about that. There are also mods that allow for extraordinary amounts of damage, well in excess of what is needed for the mission. The original post called for a cap on range, however, the conversation moved to Maiming strike. The possibility of a riven should also be considered. This build can be successful losing any one of those mods (even MS). While some think MS is up for consideration, I am certain that range will not be touched so you may want to consider coming to terms with that. A lot of people enjoy their polearms (especially +300% range plague kripaths.....)

Edited by YsanneIsard
Redundant wording
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1 hour ago, VortexInfinity said:

DE screwed themselves this time round

They knew it was overpowered yet they release the modifier into rivens.

They acknowledge it was overpowered in devtream 100(scott saying inb4 we nerf the S#&$ out of it) they released the mod during the acolyte event during CHRISTMAs!!.

Now if they nerfed it, plat whales people who sacrificed their christmas are gonna riot.

And the last thing a freemium game business would do is to piss off people whi have shown themeselves to be willing to invest a lot money in the game i.e buy and spend a lot of plat on maiming strike rivens

I don't agree with what you are saying.  I participated in the Christmas event and I don't care if I make platinum off of my 4 maiming strikes.

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Mesa and Ivara also need nerfs big time. Mesa just nukes everything, and ivara can go perma-invis. I thought we didn't want that with the naramon nerf. Rhino is also silly with his toggleable invincibility buff. 

Oh yea, and limbo also deserves nerf BIG TIME. YOu can literally kill all cams with his cataclysm, and walk past lasers. Also, need to defend something? No problem, it's defended for 90 seconds until you need to recast.

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11 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Wasn't actually suggesting that you are defeatist for doing your job. I apologize if I gave you that impression.

Your post definitely came off as that. Thank you for the apology.

Your situation is similar to mine. You actually did have to suck it up and work in something you despised at one point in your life. Hopefully one day I reach your position and will be able to drop a karma bomb on my boss without consequence. 

Going back to your previous post; I’m not dictating over the OP, I’m simply telling him I do not have to cater to his demands, nor does anyone else which 100% true. He’s free to try and dictate over others, but it isn’t going to work. 

What he hates, another person likes. One mans junk is another mans treasure.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Going back to your previous post; I’m not dictating over the OP, I’m simply telling him I do not have to cater to his demands, nor does anyone else which 100% true. He’s free to try and dictate over others, but it isn’t going to work. 

I agree completely with that. Only DE can dictate how we play the game. You are free to play it anyway you want.

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Another "Oh no it's so broken it one -shots Level 30s"

My Sentinel can one shot Level 30s, everything can. Stop judgement of OPness based on how it performs against low level enemies. 

Maiming Strike is efficient, but not broken against ~Level 100, and performance against anything lower than that shouldn't be a Benchmark for Nerfs anyway. Low Level stuff is easy for any weapon and Frame and we're supposed to be clearing rooms of low level stuff, that is a basic Design philosophy of a HORDE Shooter/Looter.

Also stop acting as if being efficient/simple and fun is mutually exclusiv. It's not, especially not in a Grind based Game. 

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2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

I agree completely with that. Only DE can dictate how we play the game. You are free to play it anyway you want.

Now, if only everyone could come to that opinion... :crylaugh::crylaugh:
It's not like reforming a squad with new rando's isnt hard right... 

Oh wait, no I forgot. remaking a squad is very difficult rocket science. 

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