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The Miter: More Disappointing Than Duke Nukem Forever


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I feel this weapon may have suffered from the same problem as the Ignis.

It's just not working as many of us expected it to.

Scott has indeed let us know it is being worked on to have an AOE effect rather than fie like a gun.


If the Miter is going to stay with bow mechanics, charge should deal more damage and slice through mobs since the Miter suffers from delay with click fire which a bow has little of.

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Don't worry...because they'll release a Miter Prime, which will fix all the problems associated with the base model.....


They won't, because there has never been a precedent of Grineer weaponry getting Prime versions, only Tenno ones.

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I feel this weapon may have suffered from the same problem as the Ignis.

It's just not working as many of us expected it to.

Scott has indeed let us know it is being worked on to have an AOE effect rather than fie like a gun.


If the Miter is going to stay with bow mechanics, charge should deal more damage and slice through mobs since the Miter suffers from delay with click fire which a bow has little of.

Source for Scott's comment?

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I got the Miter this weekend and did my best to use it and get it leveled up enough to be useful but there was just so much wrong with it that I swapped it out for another weapon. If it gets some love from DE and they change the way it works I will be back to using it. The dual Gremlins are a new favorite however which took some of the sting away from my disappointment in the Miter.

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The Miter turned out tobe just a Glaive, but worse and with limited ammo. 


IMO the last thing that the game needed was another charging weapon. The Miter would have beenmuch more fun if it was semi automatic instant fire gun. Much like the latron, wich i don't like but firing a saw blade is different :D It's awesome. Now it is solid boredom.



So my suggestion:

- Much less damage

- No charging. Just click, cklick, cklick.

- Maybe, just maybe some puncture (1... 2 enemies at the max). But no nessesery.


Those changes would serve 2 main purposes :

1. Make viable option for a primary weapon

2. Make it actual fun to use.

This weapon would continue to suck with high damage and it would suck more with lower damage. Even without the charge, if this weapon can't puncture, it's no good. Charge, no puncture, bounces off a single target and goes elsewhere hitting nothing else. This weapon needs to rip through enemies regardless of it's damage. It makes zero sense that a saw blade bounces off flesh. The puncture mods aren't up to snuff for this gun. This gun needs to be reworked from DE so it can rip through multiple enemies. The charge on the weapon would then be more justified.

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After getting the Miter and using it for a bit I have to say it definitely needs some work.

In my opinion, it really doesn't need a charge mechanic and would be better if it worked more similarly to the Eviscerator guns- with possibly lower damage but a higher RoF. The ammo pool should be changed to that of the rifles as well.

Also, as people said it would be much more useful if it continued to ricochet off of walls but punctured through enemies instead. This would make it more mechanically unique, since right now it's basically a disposable Glaive launcher.

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I also read an intereting suggestion in the Wiki. Someone there suggested that if charging is kept as a mechanic for this weapon (wich) i highly diapprove of) it could be tied to the number of blades it launches.


Just found it as one of the many possible solutions. One thing is clesr - in the current state the Miter is... well "more disappointing than Duke Nukem Forever" as the topic states. And that was a disaster.



Although i don't expect some sensible changes soon.

Edited by zombaio
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Agreed, i was totally looking forward to gettin my dirty hands on this weapon,

from the second i saw it in that weekend event,..


i got it, used it for like 2 missions, and sadly put it right back in my inventory again,

probaly never to use it again, unless somthing serious happens, buff wise..

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Lots. DE works on exceptionally fast time tables compared to many other gaming companies, especially considering Warframe is still in Beta. This thread is for feed back, not criticism. Please try and be positive and polite!


Criticism IS feedback. The only time you're exempt from criticism is when you're not putting something out for the public to see. Even MORE expected when you slap a pricetag on something.  Please do refrain from sticking stars and smilyfaces all over their report card. They might start to think that they're special.


'They release the first design build of things for us to test'

No. They release broken S#&$ that isn't very well thought out.  Charge mechanic? Does nothing, at all. Doesn't increase the speed or modify the damage. Doesn't cause the blade to go through multiple targets, nada.  We shouldn't have to be their idea team. We shouldn't have to all scream ' DE WHY WOULD YOU RELEASE THIS THING ENTIRELY BROKEN? HOW ABOUT X"


They're a game company. They should go 'hey how about a saw gun." "What's it do?" "Give it a charge mechanic...um, it'll do xyz" "Okay get that put together and ship it out" THen a couple days later people on the forum are going on and on about how it was a bad decision, and they can opt to change the way it performs.


That's completely different that just putting something out with 0 thought, and expecting your paying customers to do your work for you. Atrocious.


I farmed this stupid thing in a buggy, broken, and incredibly lazily  drag n drop bossfight. Took around 20 runs. 15 barrels. 1 handle, one blade, one whatever the other part was, 2 bp's.  Then i leveled the thing to 30 and put a catalyst in it.


Why should i be expected to go through hoops like that to access broken content. If it's not at least sort of usable? Don't release it.

Edited by InsomniacOvrLrd
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Criticism IS feedback. The only time you're exempt from criticism is when you're not putting something out for the public to see. Even MORE expected when you slap a pricetag on something.  Please do refrain from sticking stars and smilyfaces all over their report card. They might start to think that they're special.


'They release the first design build of things for us to test'

No. They release broken S#&$ that isn't very well thought out.  Charge mechanic? Does nothing, at all. Doesn't increase the speed or modify the damage. Doesn't cause the blade to go through multiple targets, nada.  We shouldn't have to be their idea team. We shouldn't have to all scream ' DE WHY WOULD YOU RELEASE THIS THING ENTIRELY BROKEN? HOW ABOUT X"


They're a game company. They should go 'hey how about a saw gun." "What's it do?" "Give it a charge mechanic...um, it'll do xyz" "Okay get that put together and ship it out" THen a couple days later people on the forum are going on and on about how it was a bad decision, and they can opt to change the way it performs.


That's completely different that just putting something out with 0 thought, and expecting your paying customers to do your work for you. Atrocious.


I farmed this stupid thing in a buggy, broken, and incredibly lazily  drag n drop bossfight. Took around 20 runs. 15 barrels. 1 handle, one blade, one whatever the other part was, 2 bp's.  Then i leveled the thing to 30 and put a catalyst in it.


Why should i be expected to go through hoops like that to access broken content. If it's not at least sort of usable? Don't release it.

Beta is beta. This is where this stuff happens. This is why it's not release.

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Why should i be expected to go through hoops like that to access broken content. If it's not at least sort of usable? Don't release it.

With Miter they could of been expecting to have a few more days due to that event scheduled for 6 days to work on it and the one we got was a placeholder. They did the same thing with the lab weapons and Sobek and there is no reason to think Miter is any different. So many different topic about Miter I wouldn't doubt it that DE will fix it by next week.

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Yeah, I'm quite upset about the miter. 


Dev's if you read this, sorry its so harsh... I just feel like I've been slapped in the face after farming the bosses for god knows how long, on the original release... before the drops, the boss invincibility, and black screens were fixed.... So yeah... a slap in the face...




Was I the only one under the impression that it'd be like the eviscerator's miter? You know, shoot bursts of saw blades like a rifle, hit for insanely high amounts of damage...  




So honestly whats the point to the miter? If it uses the sniper ammo pool, I take it it's supposed to be a sniping tool... yet I've seen Frisbee fly both faster and straighter than the blades from the miter not to mention the 'meh' damage... So... why does it exist? Furthermore the appearance is hardly of a precision weapon... i.e. where do you put your second hand to brace and steady the weapon? Looks like a cut off shotgun that shoots saw blades...




What's the point of the clip if you have to charge every blade? I've just found it annoying to have to reload when you find a sniper ammo drop... The clip is literally two sniper ammo drops and since theres no ammo over flow: (when you have max base ammo and your clip is not full, when running over ammo, your base max ammo temporarily increases to the amount missing in the clip. The point being when you find sniper ammo, you don't have to stand there waiting to reload, in order to pick the ammo up.)



Why is the charge time so long? The time to spin a blade should be significantly faster than the time it takes to draw a bow (it's mechanical for one)...


The bounce

What? How is this supposed to be useful in any way?  I've seen footballs bounce with more predictability...


The whole point behind the physical design of a saw blade is to dig into something. The last thing a saw blade should do, is bounce (provided the blade is spinning in the same direction as the angle on the blades teeth, fleam I think its called? (if it moves in the opposite direction it will not dig into anything)). Furthermore, if a blade were designed to bounce, the energy used to bounce would retract from the energy used in impact damage on what ever it hits. I.E. Rubber bullets, in real life (KISS version, being soft inadvertently makes them bounce, if you designed a metal bullet that'd bounce, it'd have the same effect as a rubber bullet). Then theres the whole appearance to the blades themselves... Sorry miter design artist, I feel like I'm ripping into you.



Bounce replacement Suggestion

If the blade projectile kills the enemy it strikes, it continues to go through onto the next enemy, i.e. penetrate. As if the blade cut through the enemy aka a 'through and through'. If it does not kill the enemy it hits, it embeds itself in the enemy it hit, like an arrow.






The only claim to fame that I can see the miter has is innate serration... Is this correct, or am I missing a reason to use this weapon?



All of this though, just emphasizes the need for a way to test weapons out before you waste the time farming or the money for them. I.E. let people test any weapon (rank 0) out on the same map used for the mastery rank promotion tests. Had I seen what the miter played like, I wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot poll.


Should I have read the wiki closer or looked at a youtube video? Sure... but I shouldn't have to... Especially considering the eviscerator's appearing to be what the miter would be.



Again, this is all my opinion... Take it with a grain of salt.

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Beta is beta. This is where this stuff happens. This is why it's not release.

True, but the justifiable expectations become grey when micro-transactions become a part of things. Right now, it would appear that DE values quantity over quality more. They put out weapon after weapon but how many are really viable in end game? Should they not all be viable in some way? A hairy and debatable question sure... Ok, so what about warframes? Shouldn't they all be viable? How many need serious tweaks (*cough* nova nerf *cough*) and yet all we see are new warframes and new content? All of this content though, is accessable via a credit card. 


Look at the ideology of say... Riot who makes League of Legends. To say they obsess over balance is a serious understatement and yet they allow players to purchase champions (equivalent to warframes) with real money. Yet they


Now look at diablo III's auction house. Look at how much serious work, effort, and pure luck you need to get equipment to drop, that you can just buy so easily with a credit card.


Between the two, I'd personally have to say, that I feel like DE's ideology aligns more closely to blizzards Diablo III... Especially in regards to the rarity of potato recipe rewards... Look at the amount of farming that has to be done... verses the alternative of just whipping out your credit card... So yeah... when money becomes a part of the picture, beta becomes irrelevant to acceptable quality.



Sorry, getting off track...

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