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The Path of the Tenno... it leads to the Loadout, or the Starchart.


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As it stands  now, i realy like the Focus System. I like the mechanics, the Bonuses, the drawbacks from getting in to battle with just one school active, even the Grind, thats all fine.

But there´s one annoying Thingi: i´ve to switsch into the emokiddy-mode every time before i start a mission with an other loadout (given the case i need to play with an other path) and in some cases, just forgetting to switch can kinda ruin the mission. Abort. switch. restart.

i know i know, thats my own fault. and yes, thats not a big deal nor is it a problem.
But it could be so much easyer:

Give us the possibility to assign that one path to a specific Loadout, so every time we switch to another loadout slot, there will automaticly be the right path.

Or at least give us an option to switch focus while in Starchart, like we can do it with loadout slots.

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I feel like the easiest way to handle the Focus School is to make it selectable after you enter a mission.

Give Operators a separate Emote tab than the Warframe one, and then add a custom Narta emote for each of the 5 Focus schools.

Each Narta would be like the original martial-arts Nartas (rather than the Octavia style dances). Upon completing the Narta (10-15 seconds?), your Operator would swap their focus school. Thematically, each School is described with regards to a different fighting style, so these Narta emotes would each represent the school's style. Effectively, you're doing a quick exercise to shift your stance and your tactical mentality (a concept that has been used many times, like D&D).

This system would allow you to change your tactics mid-game, preventing the annoyance of entering the mission with the wrong school. It could open up paths to new and interesting tactics, and it could give a way to refresh charge-based abilities. It'd be more rewarding for players who have mastered multiple schools, and generally just be easier to deal with. You'd be forced to stay alive for the entire duration of the Narta, in order to change, so it's not something you could really abuse, and passives, charges and other abilities would most likely just cancel and swap as soon as the new school becomes active.

The issue with linking Focus School to loadout is that it would work well for some people, but would actually make the entire issue worse for others. If you go into one mission as Zenurik, but then quickly try to change your loadout to a different frame, you don't want to accidentally be forced into Madurai for the mission because you forgot that the loadout had Madurai equipped.

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb PatternistSlave:

but more annoying now since there's no way to switch in Cetus.

There is. Switch to operator in cetus and open arsenal. 


vor 9 Stunden schrieb Xarteros:

Give Operators a separate Emote tab than the Warframe one, and then add a custom Narta emote for each of the 5 Focus schools.


Thats also a good idea. But the operator should be vulnerable while the Narta. So you have to be save and canot swich way to easily al the time. 

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