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Gag concept Warframe. You probably shouldn't look until April 1st


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Armoria, The Final Bastion.  A Warframe of Deceiving durability.  Careful when you use her, Tenno.  If anyone even reads this flavor text up here, Have a Happy Easter and April Fool's day!  If you read a day early, know this is in good jest as I say Shame!  Shame on you!!!

Shields:  1500 (2550 at rank 30)
Health:  1500 (1500 at rank 30
Armor:  5  (25 at rank 30)
Energy:  100 (150 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed:  2
Aura type:  Madurai
Other Polarities:  Vazarin (3), Naramon (2), Madurai (1)
Passive:  Damage to shields increases her armor by 25% per 10 points missing.  Damage to her health when her shields are up increases her max energy by 50% of the damage (diminishes by 5% for every 10 points of shields missing.)  When shields regenerate, her armor bonus falls back to normal levels.


Armor Splitter (25)  Armoria summons her power and strips 5/20/50/80% armor off of all enemies with in a 5/10/15/20 meter radius of her and adds it to her self and allies within range.  If she or an ally is missing health within its radius, the armor is used to heal the ally.  Enemies with Shields take 100/140/210/320 damage.

Shield Buster (50)  Armoria Shatters the shields of all Corpus in a 5/10/15/20 meter radius of her and deals 25/50/75/100% of the remaining shields drained this way as damage as Magnetic to all corpus that are affected.  Instantly destroys Nullifier bubbles and all enemies that come into a 10 meter radius of the afflicted enemies take 100/200/250/275 electric damage over the next 4.5 seconds.  Armored enemies with armor become magnetized and attract incoming fire from other enemies.

Status Calm (75) An aura forms around Armoria that radiates 4/8/12/30 meters off her that protects allies from all status conditions that is reflected back to the initial caster as 200/400/600/800 Finisher Damage.  

Ultimate Sacrifice (100 + All your shields and 50% of your current health)  Sacrifice Armoria's safety by overloading her system and having a 50 meter explosion that deals 500/1000/1500/2000 Blast damage.  If at full shields and health it has a 100% chance to slash proc that will diminish for every 100 shields missing down to 10%.  Range can only be dropped by mods.  Any allies that are downed get resurrected with 70% of their health and all their shields.  This ability can trigger her passive.


Have a safe and fun Holiday everyone!

Edited by Olianu
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