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Weapon Ideas! (PICTURE)


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I was casually playing Warframe and felt for changing my melee, and I felt for scythe kind of weapon, but all the scythe in the game are small normal ones, so I was thinking, "Why isn't there a polearm sized one, like "Death" has?". So it got me thinking and I came up with a kind of "epic" looking one, a bit anime feeling inspired, so I draw some and final product is the one below (it's bad, just an example, dont hate), please write below what you think, and also other ideas or examples.

The Example:


Not beautiful, it was a fast one and I'm not good at drawing, but you get the Idea.

Edited by Doggeday_xD
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Hate, Stalker's scythe, is close to the traditional scythe, but still hasn't been given PBR treatment as is with Pre-Hunhow Stalker and his arsenal.

Given the increased frequency of Stalker's use, be it via Stalker Mode or the buffs on his weapons, I'd like DE to PBR said gear, maybe give it a mesh buff in the process.

Also, scythe Zaws were shown in one of the Devstreams (aside the Nikana Zaw example), but I agree, we need more scythes, and the Primed one we have already aswell as Hate should be given quite a buff because the new scythes would be more powerful than them, so I'd think.

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20 hours ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Hate, Stalker's scythe, is close to the traditional scythe, but still hasn't been given PBR treatment as is with Pre-Hunhow Stalker and his arsenal.

Given the increased frequency of Stalker's use, be it via Stalker Mode or the buffs on his weapons, I'd like DE to PBR said gear, maybe give it a mesh buff in the process.

Also, scythe Zaws were shown in one of the Devstreams (aside the Nikana Zaw example), but I agree, we need more scythes, and the Primed one we have already aswell as Hate should be given quite a buff because the new scythes would be more powerful than them, so I'd think.

Yeah But still, those scythes in game are on handed, and kinda small imo. I wish there was a big one, like guandao size which is two handed. Havent seen much about the Zaws, never been really in to those cuz I've heard they are weaker.

Edited by Doggeday_xD
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20 hours ago, Okamibanshu88 said:

isn't the infected scythe two handed?

It is, but, tbh, it looks kind of crappy, and it's pretty bad. What I'm really going for is a big one, like think "Hate", Stalkers scythe, but big like the guandao. Wouldnt that be insane?!

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6 minutes ago, Doggeday_xD said:

Exactly! That would be super sick!

another i'd like to see would be perhaps a chain sickle scythe? forget what they are called. i could swear i saw one in the game, but it would be like a whip, but with blunt and slash damage :P

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