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New warframe


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Hei guys. I was wondering how DE releases new frames. And i was thinking of another health only frame (name: Porter) based on teleport and melee weapons sumoning abilities (and a frame that can only use melee weapons, no guns if i go a little further, so a melee specialist).

Base (lvl 30)

Armor 300

Energy 200

Health 550

Shield 0

Sprint speed 1.00

Something like

1st: Tap is a simple blink with 13 m base distance affected by range, to the place where the players reticle is pointed at (7 energy unaffected by efficiency).

Holding the button leaves a mark where you look at and on holding the button again you teleport back to that place youve marked (10 energy unaffected by efficiency).

2nd. Launch a barage of summoned melee weapons (one for each enemy), impaling enemies in a cone affected by range (length and wide) and stripping armor. (20 energy)

3rd. Shoots chains from himself targeting, impaling enemyes in his proximity for some dmg that he gets as health and pulling them into his proximity (melee range) (30 energy)

4th. Summons 1 melee weapon that he trows on an enemye for high dmg (50 energy and it only depleets when you throw a sword, not over time).

PASSIVE: Healing factor like Nidus and every impaled enemy from ability 2 and 3 gives x health back.


It can even have some nice augments like:

1. On blink release a smoke screen that stunns enemyes for x seconds

2. Same but 2 weapons for each enemy

3. Beside the initial dmg, deal extra damage on enemyes based on the lenght they were pulled from

4. On hitting an enemy it automaticaly launches at the next nearest enemy.


(I may EDIT the post if and depending on how the rsation goes)

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Gemoroda:

 (and a frame that can only use melee weapons, no guns if i go a little further, so a melee specialist).

Incredibly dumb idea. Warframe is a shooter first and foremost, it whould go against a lot of mechanics, like Lephantis bossfight.


On another note, the abilities are incredibly bland and boring.

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20 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

Incredibly dumb idea. Warframe is a shooter first and foremost, it whould go against a lot of mechanics, like Lephantis bossfight.


On another note, the abilities are incredibly bland and boring.

Man, i get what you re saying on the first part, wich is not  argument since there are sorties that forces you into only melee (trowing the shooter part away). Plus there are melee weapons that shoot two. If you need them tho i allso taught of at least let him use bows as first and knifes as secondaries. As for the second part borring abilities, anything is better not borring than a lott of 1 button frames like banshee for ex...

Edited by Gemoroda
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vor 23 Minuten schrieb Gemoroda:

Man, i get what you re saying on the first part, wich is not  argument since there are sorties that forces you into only melee (trowing the shooter part away). 

Those are exceptions from the rule.

Ever heard of the saying 'the exception that proves the rule'? think about it!

vor 11 Minuten schrieb Gemoroda:


Because it negates several mods, abilities and some other features of the game.

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yeah i think this is bit bland myself. You mention teleportation, but he only has one teleport ability. and you say he's a melee frame...yet you seem to skip over ash and Excalibur. Honestly, something along the lines of the first one being a teleport, the second being a teleport strike/grab of some sort, maybe the third focusing on summoning up a series of five floating swords that attack anyone near your warframe. And teh final one being 'arsenal' summoning a random melee weapon every 10 seconds or so, ending in a giant weapon/sword whatever, and doing a launching ground slam for some sort of aoe damage.

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I find it quite balanced more or less and a frame able to sustain itsself as a only health frame like nodus and inaros. And maybe yiu dont like it but maibe there are others like me that in a frame world where allmost all frames are "stand in the middle and press a button" would like a frame based on mobility cc and damage in an active kind of way (oposed of things like banshees 4 embers 4 etc) and the sword thing is about animation and thematics... think of thor ragnarok, helgas teowing swords

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