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Simaris Hunters?



So I had an idea.

What if (once you get above an A- in Onslaught and have finished War Within), Simaris is so impressed with your performance that he wants to Synthesize you?

You could have a team of Helios drones show up like other syndicate invasions while in mission, but instead of trying to kill you, they try to Synthesize you. Maybe a timer or status bar to show how much time you have to kill them or their progress in scanning you?


Then you get booted from the mission, and a new quest pops up:

Escape from Sanctuary


Access to Warframe lost to Simaris


You, with Ordis's help, break into Sanctuary with your Operator. Once inside, you find and enter your Synthesized Warframe. Then fight your way to Ordis's exit portal.

Or you could just buy your Warframe back with Simaris standing. If you're not a very good player, or your Operator sucks.


I think it would be a neat (and in character) addition to the Onslaught. Maybe only for those that do Elite, though.

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10 answers to this question

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14 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

I doubt Tenno would allow Simeris to exist within their relays should he be hostile to them.

Are the relays the Tenno's property? I guess Maroo's relay is hers, but I thought the Relays were some kind of common market place with different factions co-existing in peace.

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4 minutes ago, tprx said:

Are the relays the Tenno's property? I guess Maroo's relay is hers, but I thought the Relays were some kind of common market place with different factions co-existing in peace.

Even if that's the case we have enough firepower to pacify Simaris, or anyone in the relays.

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4 minutes ago, tprx said:

Are the relays the Tenno's property? I guess Maroo's relay is hers, but I thought the Relays were some kind of common market place with different factions co-existing in peace.

Pretty sure they're owned by Tenno. All the signs are written in their calligraphy, both Grineer and Corpus deploy their strongest assets to destroy or conquer them, and Vay Hek annihilated several during Operation: Eyes of Blight.

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9 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

Pretty sure they're owned by Tenno.

Doubt so, as the tenno are suppose to be "just awoken" from their long deep sleep? (sth lore). How can an entity whom is sleep own a property that just got built, or not fully conquer by either faction/syndicates?

Those tenno words (?) can be banner to cheep and show support to tenno, and lure them to join force (hence syndicate).

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The simulcrum or whataver is suppose to be a digitial environment...it should not be possible for operators to appear in it...  but I take it they can appear in the simulcrum and onslaught?  

Otherwise I like the story.   SImaris is constantly saying it is a shame that he cant add you to his collection lol.  

Another cool story could be that Simaris has been taking scans of you as you go on all of these hunts for him....and now he has created a doppleganger and he periodically sends it after you to get more data or see what happens when its hunter vs hunter.  It would happen repeatedly because he is constantly refinining his data from you and your fights.

Maybe Simaris dreams about leaving the digital realm and he needs a sythentic body to do it and thats what his scans have all been about. 

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On 2018-05-17 at 3:31 AM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

And they start out nuetral until individual tenno piss them off.   

Indeed they do. Just like Simaris would be neutral until you impressed him enough that he wants to keep you.

I do like your version of having a copy of yourself coming after you to test your skills in the field. Especially since it gets around the issue of having to auto-fail the mission. Didn't really like that, but couldn't pull back enough to see a way around it once Simaris Synthesized your Warframe.

Other than finishing as your Operator, of course. Not always possible. 

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I wonder if this could be added to the Conclave, too...

A game mode where you have to Synthesize other Warframes (top ten from the Elite Onslaught leader board, maybe), with Simaris standing for each scan, and Conclave standing for the Tenno who scans the most targets.

It'd probably have to be no traps, but the target wouldn't need to have the random powers most targets have. Just their Warframe abilities.

But that might be pushing things a bit, with all the other content due out.

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