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Most Popular Frames? :)




I just bought Rhino but I do also have the parts for the Vauban. And now i wonder if you guys can give me your top 5 most used frames list :) Just for fun, cause I don't really like to have a frame that everyone else is using... I want my own special style :)

I know WF is pretty varied with which frames players a using, but feel free to write which 5 frames you think are being used the most now. Write as much as u can :) Plz spend your time :D


BTW I write my own list down here


1. .Nova. A good allround frame that offers u really powerful abilities.

2. .Rhino. Mostly a heavy frame that got nice powers and is good for both defensive tactics and offensive tactics.

3. .Excalibur. Easiest frame to use for beginners based from info. The warframe ideal.

4. .Vauban. A pretty speedy frame for his size with the (in my opinion) funniest powers (traps).

5. .Ember. Female frame with offensive fire abilities!


Frost/Prime could've been instead for Ember...

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24 answers to this question

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1. Loki. Absolute best when paired with powerful gears. Invisible all day / switch teleporting with your decoy / disarming da Grineer etc. :D

2. Saryn. A semi-tank packed with an addictive spore-poppin' ability/ epic AoE Ult with almost no cool down animation.

3. Frost. The cryopod savior with his ever-useful globe as well as a panic Ult that temporarily freezes all enemies.

4. Excalibur. Probably the most all-rounded frame you can get - High damage at a low cost, stun effect, relatively decent Ult - you name it.

5. Banshee. The most co-op ish frame with the ever-handy Sonar, as well as Sonic Boom which keeps Toxics away from your Pod; oh and its Ult is pretty awesome as well - Stunnin n killin like there's no tomorrow.

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1. Loki. Absolute best when paired with powerful gears. Invisible all day / switch teleporting with your decoy / disarming da Grineer etc. :D

2. Saryn. A semi-tank packed with an addictive spore-poppin' ability/ epic AoE Ult with almost no cool down animation.

3. Frost. The cryopod savior with his ever-useful globe as well as a panic Ult that temporarily freezes all enemies.

4. Excalibur. Probably the most all-rounded frame you can get - High damage at a low cost, stun effect, relatively decent Ult - you name it.

5. Banshee. The most co-op ish frame with the ever-handy Sonar, as well as Sonic Boom which keeps Toxics away from your Pod; oh and its Ult is pretty awesome as well - Stunnin n killin like there's no tomorrow.

Most popular, not most useful.

But I agree.

And Necro is soon to be flooding the halls of Dojos, outposts and ships alike.

Edited by MageMeat
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1. Excalibur.
He has no particular strengths, being such a middle of the road Frame...but he also doesnt have any weaknesses. He is strong against everyone, weak against nobody. He is also the most common starting frame, so he is statistically used more than anyone else.

2. Loki

I dont like Loki, but thats only because i can't play him well. He isnt a bad frame by any means, i just suck with him.

3. Rhino

a Huge bit of people just want to be tough and dish out damage. They think this is the best way to go. (Its not, but thats not what this list is about)

4. Frost/Prime

Since a LOT of Defense is played, this is pretty much the most common frame.

5. Vauban/Nova

Both Vauban and Nova are pretty new, so there are still lots of people who either just got them built, or the new hasnt worn off them yet. Both are awesome at low levels, awesome mid level, but Nova falls behind a bit when it comes to high level stuff. Vauban never falls off.

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Ash all day. I use him whenever I feel like it, and doesnt matter the mission, well used I can go on any type.


Now the most popular I see around are:


1. Vauban (after Nova lost the new frame oh so friggin awesome lets test it, I have seen many more Vaubans, again)


2. Nova, MP makes it a quick frame on defense missions.


3. Rhino, after his overhaul he is both useful offensive and dfenesive, making him popular again


4. Excals, because its the all round starter frame, so you get to see many


5. Ember, after her changes Ive seen plenty on infested maps, and also on other ones she became quite frequent cause of her overheat.


These arent my faves, just what you asked for, the most frequent. Id put in also Frost, if you go more to Grineer and Corpus, other than that, all other frames arent that much used.

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1. Whatever I feel like using at the time

2. Whatever I feel like using at the time

3. Whatever I feel like using at the time

4. Whatever I feel like using at the time

5. Whatever I feel like using at the time


agreed i have all warframes and i just decide what im going to use for the day.. Everyday

Edited by DiBBz
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Nova is everywhere right now. I've had several full Nova parties but I have never experienced a full party of any other Warframe.

Two excals, two excal primes~

Also,,,I can't post a photo of it cuz I can't use that extension on this community? tumblr_mpiubeDvDw1ru3coyo2_1280.jpg

Nevermind...got it~

Edited by omagawolf
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And now i wonder if you guys can give me your top 5 most used frames list :)


confusing coz title sez most popular

anyways my list:

1.) LOKI (no idiots allowed frame) -  for me the most versatile frame of all(and probably the most under rated), since all of its skills aren't either offensive nor defensive but rather utility. with switch teleport and decoy you can either be an offensive tactician or a defensive asset. with invi you can survive in most scenarios. loki is not for the boring and lazy type of player where you press a button and everything just dies. LOKI is a frame for the creative players!

2.) Nova (no brainer frame)- nova is an offensive force to be reckoned with specially with defense modes, just ulti your way out of any situations! BOOM!

3.) rhino (semi no brainer frame)- although many see rhino as just a tank, its actually a supportive frame. with its iron skin it draws aggro away from teammates and to himself, with roar he pumps up his teammates attacks giving higher damage output for the team, and his ulti (although deals medium damage in a large area) actually important because of the stasis that it puts it enemies in giving more time for teammates to pick out the target of their choice


4.) frost (no idiots allowed frame)- frost is ideal in defense missions specially its snow globe (except on infested missions in which case avalanche is the skill to be). its also cool because its not a no-brainer frame! coz you cant just place globe anywhere coz its going to be a pain for your teammates not being able to spot and kill enemies from a distance


5.) banshee (semi-no brainer) - one of the most useful support frames in late game due to its sonar that lights up weakpoints, this frame can support players by telling them where to shoot and support to frames because it can also help in the DPS. although its a semi no brainer coz all you have to do is press the skills to activate and then just pick out your enemies.

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-The first frame I wanted back in closed,the first frame I crafted and the only frame I probably will use till the end of days(that being the Warframe servers shutting down).While his glorious days are over the artistic appeal stays.



-Sure decoy becomes pretty useless on high-level missions,switch teleport is at best used once every 5 missions and radial disarm a double edged blade but invisible running circles around your teammates remains one of the most fun things to do even today.



-Mostly for nostalgic resons of back when her ulti actually did dmg.

Having said that,a lonely tear rolls down my face every time I activate my ult and cant even kill lvl 30 heavies with it.

Though sonar is still a nice asset.


4)Frost Prime

-Pink candy crystals!



-Again mostly for nostalgic reasons of closed beta and him annihilating room after room.

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