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Every Single Thing Is Slower

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2 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:


Read. My. Post. 'recieved the broken UI update', not 'recieved the new UI.' I choose my wording quite carefully. Address my point, please;

This does not change that we, the PC gamers, have been telling them for almost a month that this change needs to be submitted completely, or not at all; the hybrid state, as it is now, has already driven players away, and will continue to do so until it is corrected.

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2 minutes ago, WolvenEdge said:

Read. My. Post. 'recieved the broken UI update', not 'recieved the new UI.' I choose my wording quite carefully. Address my point, please;

This does not change that we, the PC gamers, have been telling them for almost a month that this change needs to be submitted completely, or not at all; the hybrid state, as it is now, has already driven players away, and will continue to do so until it is corrected.

They've 'received the broken UX update', not the 'broken UI update'. The UI still functions.

UI is the App giving you things to interact with, UX is you interacting with those things. Key distinction, as your wording was incorrect.

Confirmation bias does not make something fact.

As reported by Steam charts, the point as which people were driven away seems to have gone completely unregistered:


Warframe has been trending pretty consistently, even when viewed on a finer scale.

I'm sure some people were put off. This tends to happen whenever you change anything. Every update has threads of people saying how 'X' thing is the end of their existence, and other hyperbolic statements (i recall once there being a compliant for the most obscenely tiny change, but i can't recall exactly what ti was for save for it being absolutely insignificant!).

But rightly, the UX is not in a happy state. But its not as if DE aren't working on it. The UI isn't 6 months away, for PC its a few weeks. Console a few weeks after that - likely fast tracked with its own bespoke update containing just UI elements.

If a few weeks is enough for all trust to be lost then people are extremely fickle. 

As an aside, i trust DE with my payment details... i can't say i place trust in them over UX, or UI changes...

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Khyron42 Prime said:

Foundry and Arsenal suffer most. Every. Single. Thing. In every. Single. Interface. Is excruciatingly. Painfully slow.


This update is astonishing. Do you guys even playtest your console updates? This is amazingly bad, and it affects almost the entire game. It's not like "Oh man, they changed this one tiny detail and ruined it!"

Every intelligent porting decision you made in your UI vanished *all at once*. Every single thing I do is frustrating, where TWO DAYS AGO it was quick and intuitive. 

Your game is currently unplayable on consoles, and you made it that way *on purpose* 

I can't even figure out where to begin. Controllers go with consoles for a reason.. IF they wanted us to use a keyboard and mouse I would play on the PC version of Warframe. Some functions are ok.. just some.... but the other 99% of this (insert the book of badwords here) UI is nothing but TRASH! I came damn near close to taking Warframe off my 4 and sending in 4 a refund on the plat that i feel has now gone to waste over this (insert 4 letter word here) !!!! You took a good running UI and turned it into a burnt broken down junkyard crusher bound Pinto!!! WTH?!? I can see small changes here and ther but Forcing this PC layout onto consoles??? you have to be outa your mind.. if All the DE's want is to dig a hole this is how you do it.. now jump in and cover your selves up and feed the hamster and get it working right.. revert back to the old UI.... Hell we cant even use the touch pad to move the cursor around.. why the !&@* would i go buy a mouse to use on a CONSOLE???!!!???!!! this XBOX and PS4 Interface is BullSpit!!

I play Console so i can sit on my ass on MY couch holding a controller after work.. NOT GOING TO ANOTHER DESK USING A FLUC'N MOUSE!!

Revert back OR lose another player.... period 3 yrs of greatness shot to S#&$ over this update... your ui is trash.. the person who came up with this idea needs to be fired and kicked to the dam curb.

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26 minutes ago, MillbrookWest said:


Point on UI vs UX. I've taken game design classes in the past, and User Interface was used to refer to both... apparently a mistake that even leading magazines on the subject make. =w= Doesn't actually matter, as the UI was changed as well; the button prompts for the now-nonexistant shortcuts were removed from the Arsenal, as a quick example, which is indeed part of a broken/removed ux feature. The semantic skirmish is tiring, you are hanging tightly onto technicality, even though you make it perfectly clear that you do indeed understand my post in spite of these 'glaring issues'. Thank you.

My point still stands. For those statistics to be perfectly relevant (in the case of the steam player statistic) you would also need to know how many people were playing with gamepads of various sorts, and the number of people who left as proportionate to both kb/m users and gamepad users. As an overall, the change is minimal, but observable (around May 16th, the peaks become far more rounded, and the lower player count drops below the 60k line for the first time since March on the chart)... but as the statistics cannot be perfectly relevant to the target audience, the overall drop can be considered moot, even though it may otherwise have made my point.

What I cannot find, however, are statistics on the number of Xbone or PS4 players in such a format. Nearly every player that I have seen post on the forum is less than happy about it, and either implies or outright states that they are leaving the game, if not for good, then until the UI/X is fixed. For completely accurate data, one would have to be able to sort out what portion of players post on the forums, and then, taking into account the numbers of positive and negative feedback posts, along with the threats of what amounts to boycott, extrapolate that proportion out over the entire fandom.

I'm not up to that, as it's nearing midnight here, so I'll take the lazy route.

For my evidence submitted; read the forum thread I noted in my first post on the matter. For convenience, I will post it again here;

The vast majority have been less than charitable (maybe three posts that come to mind saying they liked this particular change, out of more than two hundred. A little over one percent), and this is only the main thread; the Art, Animation, and UI (oh dear, where shall we report on the UX?) section is practically clogged with further threads of the same leaning (hint; almost universally disliked) on the same subject. The Reddit threads aren't any better.

This update was handled poorly, and an unknown amount of players have left, the majority of them likely having played on console, where I have no data other than forum posts, of which it appears to be the majority.

No one has died, no existences have ended, no harm has been rendered other than to pocketbooks and pride; any further is entirely a strawman on your part.

Do you find my presentation satisfactory, sir?
I'm going to bed.

Edited by WolvenEdge
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8 minutes ago, WolvenEdge said:


That's a lot of words to simply say you can't corroborate your side of the argument...

You are basing your sample on a single source, wherein the data is heavily biased towards a single outcome. The thread isn't a praise us thread. It's a tell us what's wrong thread, by nature, you aren't going to get many positively raving posts.

As i said in my post however, even on a finer scale, there is next to no change. The peaks and troughs show no indication of players being driven away (on PC at least):


Numbers are pretty much the same from the start of March to the start of June. I used a greater range to better represent the trend, as Warframe typically trends downwards between updates.

There's no correlation between your evidence:

and this statement:

1 hour ago, WolvenEdge said:

This does not change that we, the PC gamers, have been telling them for almost a month that this change needs to be submitted completely, or not at all; the hybrid state, as it is now, has already driven players away, and will continue to do so until it is corrected.


As an additional aside: Resorting to ad hominem, might i add, shows a lack of integrity. The strawman nature of the posts was to avoid the rather obvious generalisations you've added in your posts (as i made similar with some hyperbolic remarks). But clearly, this update is somewhat personal for you... 

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5 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

That's a lot of words to simply say you can't corroborate your side of the argument...

What was that about ad hominem? Fine, I'll bite.


5 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

You are basing your sample on a single source, wherein the data is heavily biased towards a single outcome.

Says the one using a single source himself, from the platform least effected by the change, a source that cannot be sorted in any way to make the data relevant, as I already stated; your own source cannot corroborate your argument because we don't know how many controller players there are related to kb/m users, though it's likely for gamepad players to be the minority on the PC platform.


5 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

The thread isn't a praise us thread. It's a tell us what's wrong thread, by nature, you aren't going to get many positively raving posts.

Wrong; the thread is a feedback thread, it does not require that input be positive and negative. I also said;


6 hours ago, WolvenEdge said:

The vast majority have been less than charitable (maybe three posts that come to mind saying they liked this particular change, out of more than two hundred. A little over one percent), and this is only the main thread; the Art, Animation, and UI (oh dear, where shall we report on the UX?) section is practically clogged with further threads of the same leaning (hint; almost universally disliked) on the same subject. The Reddit threads aren't any better.

So no. I don't have a single source, and the entire Art, Animation, and UI section isn't solely there for complaining, as there are happy threads as well.
Just not about this. Welcome to the land of having used the wrong term, and, again, of having not actually read my posts, sir.


6 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:



And on the next episode of Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.... I've already covered that this data is not specific enough to show the change in demographic required to support either of our points, especially as it is of the platform least affected by the changes at hand. Repeating a dead argument isn't going to help your case.


6 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

There's no correlation between your evidence and [your] statement

This one I'll need to take a bit of time on. I have a thread to dig through again, and a rather large multiquote to set up.


6 hours ago, MillbrookWest said:

As an additional aside: Resorting to ad hominem, might i add, shows a lack of integrity. The strawman nature of the posts was to avoid the rather obvious generalisations you've added in your posts (as i made similar with some hyperbolic remarks). But clearly, this update is somewhat personal for you... 

Ooh, shots fired.
So pointing out argument flaws and mistakes is now ad hominem? Are you sure this is a stance you want to take, Mr. UX? Meanwhile, accusing me of a lack of integrity is ad hominem; the definition of attacking the person, not the argument. If you wish to address my use of sarcasm, then feel free to do so directly.
This update is far from personal, as I myself use mouse and keyboard; as I have stated multiple times in multiple threads. If I neglected to state such before in this thread, then that would indeed be my bad.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a very long multiquote to set up. I shall return.

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On 2018-05-17 at 9:45 AM, Retchid said:

LB ( I meant thumb stick) no longer lets you scroll down the Menu - Can we have it back 

Navigation does not work - no scroll in the top menu pressing LB or RB and does not show missions at all (crashed) initially works with mouse but then locks

Other than that seems to work ok in foundry and arsenal

But the Navigation is a game breaker



On 2018-05-17 at 9:58 PM, HeadOfNights said:

I can only play this game with a gamepad and there's nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than having my crontrols not work how they've always worked all of a sudden. Having to move a cursor through menus is so much more cumbersome and uncomfortable that simply navigating up or down with the d-pad or the stick, really slow too. It's really annoying to have this sort of change forced onto everyone isntead of there being a way to switch it on and off, it literally stopped me from playing tonight because of how erid it feels. Please either revert it back to how it used to be, or just add an option to opt out of it and have the old D-pad/stick navigation.


On 2018-05-17 at 10:14 PM, Hiro198007 said:

I agree with what has been said above and want to add one important point

The new contloller navigation makes modding 10x more time consuming. We all know modding is such a critical part of WF game exlerience and this is almost deal breaker for me. I really have to choose between using mouse/keyboard (which is very unlikely for me. I dont usually play PC games that dont offer controller support but WF is kind of special to me, i have to admit) and giving up WF. I really hope the old controller navigation gets back


On 2018-05-18 at 6:45 AM, EtchDestroysTheSun said:

The new controller interface is slow, ponderous, imprecise and the button-use changes are baffling and arbitrary.  It is trash.  I'm not even going to play until it gets rolled back.  And if it doesn't, I guess I'll get those 16GB of hard drive space back, so there's ONE upside.


On 2018-05-18 at 6:56 AM, JoeJelly said:

The change is quite simply terrible, its fine to implement a new experimental change and give players a choice of using it. But to force this new system which now takes 10 times longer to perform simple actions is crazy, especially since the old style worked flawlessly.

I wont be playing much until its fixed, and the previous setup is made available again. 


On 2018-05-18 at 5:04 PM, Maelthric said:

The new virtual cursor is a HUGE step backwards. I literally cant mod anything in the arsenal. It shouldnt be this hard when the old UI worked just fine. It takes much more time and effort to move cursors around than the old UIs method. It is slow clunky and inefficient. I cant play the game like this.  Please allow us to toggle the virtual cursor!


And the chat text box is broken almsot laughable if it wasnt making me angry. Itsl.like a twisted amalagam of mouse and controller input that has no logic .

Im done with Warframe until all this is sorted out. And I love our game...but this is just bad and TBH i am really pissed.


On 2018-05-18 at 7:46 PM, ClockworkDirge said:

Can we please have some way to revert back to the pre-update UI in the settings? At the very least as an accessibility option? I have a disability that affects how my hands work, and found the old UI much easier to navigate the menus with than the new version. I appreciate your efforts to make the controller UI more streamlined and increase functionality, but this kinda alienates people who chose to use a controller and really appreciated the old UI because it was friendlier to use with conditions that affect hand-eye coordination. 


On 2018-05-18 at 9:01 PM, HeadOfNights said:

another thing that makes this change REALLY AWFUL and slows everything to a crawl, why was removing the face buttons on the arsenal menus necessary? did someone really think that dragging and imprecise cursor and having to click each one manually was faster that just hitting the button for the thing that you want? Pleaaase revert this or add an option to switch back to the old mode, it's really making me not want to play at the moment.




On 2018-05-19 at 12:36 AM, Dangerbone said:

The virtual cursor and transition from keyboard/mouse to controller is far from seamless. The gesture is appreciated but it makes the UI feel awkward for KBM+controller players. Prior to this implementation I could simply hit my "T" key to bring up chat, type something, and get back to the game by hitting esc. Now I have to click on the chat box to use my keyboard, it's a bit less intuitive during combat. Beyond that I often have to hit a button on my controller twice for a yes/no selection to register. Once to switch to virtual cursor mode, and again to actually select the desired option. Prior to the update it took one hit of the A button to say yes or one hit of the B button to say no. Also for some reason A and B  (don't use a Playstation dualshock, so I don't know that config) aren't standardized to A(yes)/B(no) like almost every other game that has controller support. I've gotten X(yes) and B(no) for the Skip Cutscene prompt and X(leave) and Y(stay) for endless missions. Prior to the update this was natively in the A(yes)/B(no) format. I know this is a minor gripe compared to the other stuff but it adds another layer of jank to an already janky implementation. 

It feels as if the console controls were just tacked onto the PC build without thought towards how players that switch between KBM and controller operate. While I can't speak for everyone, I use my keyboard and mouse for menus and chat while I use my controller for gameplay. I also find the automatic changing between controller menu icons and native icons distracting; a way to lock the UI to the default KBM format would be nice. Beyond that an option to disable the virtual cursor altogether would be much appreciated, as it actively hinders how I interact with Warframe which makes me want to play less. I don't enjoy having to adapt to crummy UI implementations when the previous system worked better. It's great that DE considers controller players on PC but this UI change is unintuitive garbage.


On 2018-05-20 at 4:08 PM, DementedSlasher said:

Some people like the new Controller update. A lot more don't, I personally hate it to the point I haven't been playing even half as much as normal. I don't think the feature should be removed. However we should be able to decide if we want to use it. I personally suggest a toggle feature.


On 2018-05-23 at 9:17 PM, Kalnareff said:

It's beyond bad.

Not only the cursor is a bad idea from the get go but now it tries to switch in between controller and keyboard hud all the time, while I use the mouse to select stuff I now have to press O on my ps4 controller twice to go back to the previous window, and if I barelly scratches my mouse it goes back to the KB&M hud again, making it extremly tedious to navigate.

Please forget about the "Fanciness" of this new controller HUD and roll back to the old system OR allow us to toggle it off at least.

The unintuitivness of it doesn't makes me want to play the game at the moment.


On 2018-05-24 at 5:06 AM, Sawney said:

I too hate the new setup. Give me the option for dpad controls. Also the login screen no longer gives the option to hit x to enter password. I play with controller to not have to ever touch my keyboard. The random lb rb not working makes the mod and foundry menus a nightmare to navigate.  X not a to confirm cutscene skip ect. 

This game is not Destiny 2 don't try to be like them. Got that game in humble bundle and refuse to play because of their virtual mouse cursor. Now it infects my go to game. Not cool. 

The shrines update was perfect. You gave us actual functionality. Everything was working superbly. The way it is now is horrible and worse not asked for. 


I used to be a huge fan and supporter of this game voiced very much through my wallet. I have regularly kept a over 1k purchased plat balance in game. I have every weapon and frame I've ever earned or bought including mks with all the 12p slots that goes along with that.  I now feel great negativity very much connected to my waste of 20 bucks for the tennocon virtual ticket. I bought the package mainly for the baro access that is now useless to me because of not wanting to play with the new menu controls and therefore my chances to earn ducats. 


I am right on the verge of uninstalling and never looking back. Which is a shame because I have a lot of fun for 2 years but a bonehead move like this that destroys my QoL I find personally unacceptable.


On 2018-05-24 at 9:37 PM, F1ameBlade said:

I have a few physical issues that force me to play most games with a controller layout or an emulated one. This game was a shining beacon of light in the giant sea of PC developers who are obsessed with KB&M controls. I believed the developers were on the consistent path of improving those controls. I recommended this game to many people who ranged from controller enthusiasts to people with severe physical disabilities. It seemed like they "got" us.

Boy do I have egg on my face. I wish I could remember everyone I've recommended so I could apologize.

There was a time when the menus felt lightning fast. Even for people with a controller. However, this new artificial mouse cursor clearly shows a plan that does not have the controller player's interests at heart. I can learn to adapt. That's nothing new. But what was once a feeling of hype and wonder at every mention of the new UI update, has now been replaced by a feeling of embarrassment. Controller players on the PC are not unfamiliar with the artificial mouse cursor. In every other game it feels cheap, unresponsive, and unintuitive. It screams "I realize a portion of my community is large enough to warrant resources dedicated to navigating menus, so I'm going to give them the bare minimum support for that." To be honest, maybe I'm not as surprised that DE would decide to go in this direction, as I am disappointed that it would even be an option.

Don't get me wrong though. I still enjoy the game. Wouldn't have logged in to post if I didn't. I would have just uninstalled and moved on. The only real effect that this is going to have on me though, in the long term at least, is that I am not recommending this game to new controller players. Ever again. Even if these changes are totally reverted, it shows that there is a broken philosophy at the core of the controller UI development. I can not in good faith tell someone that DE would never take away their preferred way to control the game. I can not tell someone that their time is well spent on a game that could at the the drop of a hat take away features that I gushed and raved over. I can not agree with someone spending money on a game that will possibly have an even more controller unfriendly UI in the next coming months.

So that's all from me. All the possible ways to fix this have already been stated. Adding a revert option. Giving back the ability to scroll through the menus and then use a key press to jump to another part of the menu. Ect. I'm sure that there will be some kind of fix for this in the future. Whether it be near or far. But I will caution that this "throw it out and see what sticks" design process has and will continue to hurt the full potential this game has. Its a sad sight to see and I wish good luck to the other Tenno in a similar position and I really hope, for all of our sake, that this minor hiccup helps you to learn before your team releases the grandiose UI update in the near future.


All of the above were onlly from the first three pages; after the release dropped for PC. At least thirteen people have either much reduced their playtime, or stopped entirely within the first couple of days, on pc.
Are you still going to hold the position that my sources don't correlate to my position?

The next are from pages 5, 6, and 7. Two and roughly a third of a page after the update dropped on consoles. Less time, fewer pages covered (meaning more comments in a far shorter amount of time, that should tell you something) and almost as many comments to the extent of 'I'm either leaving or greatly reducing my playtime because of this.'


20 hours ago, (PS4)syowr said:

It went live on ps4 this morning and it's really bad.

Clan chat is just full of people complaining about it and a bunch are just putting the game down till its fixed. A bunch of us are even gonna meet up on Destiny2 *shudder*


20 hours ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

It passed cert and is active now. And it is dreadful. Not going to be playing much until this gets changed, and if it's true that they aren't planning on implementing a way to choose the old system I'm just going to move on. This was unasked for, unnecessary, and is a total impediment to getting anything done on a console system.


20 hours ago, BiTheWay said:

What. The. H311? That is horrible, terrible, no good, news! I hope DE catches never ending flac on Twitter because of it. I hope people make such a big stink about it that DE is FORCED to do something about it. Just like DE forced us into using something that was never asked for and unnecessary.


Now, I am depressed. For a hot moment, I thought I had a respite from dealing with the PC Virtual Cursor nightmare, by playing my PS4 account. Not any more.


20 hours ago, (PS4)Niashi said:

I'm sorry DE, but this is just bad. Really bad. There's no muscle memory to retrain here. Just an outright bad decision. The reasons it's bad have already been said over and over. If I wanted to play Warframe with a cursor, I would play it on the PC. There was literally nothing wrong with the way the game operated on controller. I have tried so hard to ride out this wave of one bad decision after another that has been made lately. But more and more this game is just becoming ruined. I have tried giving you benefit of the doubt over and over again, and each time I am still left scratching my head as to why you do what you do. I loved this game very much and now I think it's time to move on. I will continue to follow what becomes of these choices you make and I can only hope that it inevitably doesn't lead to the end of this game. You have asked your players what they want, they have answered and you have ignored them repeatedly as of late. If you come to your senses and undo this travesty, I will gladly return. It upsets me feeling like my current 3 month boosters and plat purchases and prime packs that I've purchased aren't enough incentive to keep me here. I will let them rot and expire without enjoying them because I just can't play this game in it's current state. I beg you to please reconsider what you're doing here and really ask yourself what kind of game you want this to be and ask yourself is it the same game your players want.


20 hours ago, (PS4)RWalls91 said:

First post, but I just have to give feedback. PS4 player, Mastery 25 playing for 337+ days.

This new cursor is terrible. Not being able to press different buttons to quickly navigate in arsenal to upgrade, appearance, abilities etc. slows it down. I find myself sticking to the d-pad to try and circumnavigate the changes. Right thumbpad no longer turns war frame around unless left thumb stick is hovering over it which is just a pain. And that's just my first impression. I'm a controller player, I don't want to be forced to play with a virtual mouse. If I wanted a mouse based gameplay I would play on PC. Please change ASAP, because dedicated as I may be this "feature" makes me want to shut the game down.


19 hours ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

Haven’t played it yet, but my fiancé is at home, upset because everything takes four times as much to do.

 We’re not pc players, so I don’t understand why this is being forced upon us. Hoping there will be a future update to implement a toggle on/off? 

 I don’t even want to play the update when I go home now. I’m pretty disappointed. 😞

Edit: He’s been playing around and the controls are clunky, and the holding a mod to attach it takes a lot longer. I’ll edit more when I play it.
Edit 2: Yeah it’s just.. horrible. I don’t even want to play because everything takes twice as long. Why the need to click,’drag and place? There’s absolutely no reason, especially when we’re using controllers. I get you want it easier, but it shouldn’t be forced.
 I don’t wanna stop playing this game; I love it. Please consider making it better, by fixing it or adding a toggle option for Josè who don’t want to use this 😞


19 hours ago, (PS4)bauer5266 said:

Well, it's terrible at best. I have players quitting the game left and right because of these changes.

 It takes us 6-8x the amount of time to do anything in the menus now, chatting in game is now time consuming, modding takes more time and 2 hands now.

Why are our quick shortcut keys gone? (Triangle, Square etc to be able to move around efficiently.)

No more Triangle in the arsenal to quick select, have to wait for the cursor to float to the next object, drag and drop is a PC thing, we don't use a mouse so why do we even have this feature?

Chat must be highlighted to move up and down in it, I use that chat 24/7 as I run an Alliance and need to moderate the chat so now my work is doubled just trying to read everything.

Must now use 2 hands to scroll up and down in menus like Options, when before you could just keep pressing down and the menu would go with you.

Lastly, I have motion sickness and this game has never triggered it before, but now with the floating menu cursor gliding everywhere and not snapping directly to menu items I am triggered nonstop now.

Proposed Fix:
Give us an option to turn this new cursor feature on and off in the Options menu please. Bare minimum give us an option to instantly snap the cursor everywhere we want it to go using the D-pad, not floating it gently over because that wastes time.

Link to my forum about this:



17 hours ago, (XB1)N4G4z said:

Xbox player here, yeah the new UI is very very very very very bad for controller users, we loose a lot of time on basic stuff now, it is really a pain in the a*s and I'm very upset about the idea of playing with this crappy UI until it's getting fixed


But why would you even change it ? Who among the controller users complained about it ? Never saw anyone complaining...


17 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainForehead said:

I love this game, but the UI has turned from quick, smooth & intuitive on a PS4 controller, to slow, awkward & frustrating. I'm posting when I had my sights set on an evenings gaming. That frustrating 🙂

It's a significant barrier to play.

Please give us the option to choose


17 hours ago, (PS4)HaloPrime97 said:

This is the first time for me writing something in this forum. Normally I was always fine with all the changes you guys made (except the removal of the Raids. If there are laggy Eidolons, why can they stay but not the Raids? Nevermind tho)

Sorry for my bad English, but I'm really really really disappointed right now.

I never had such problems with a controller before. The cursor is really awful.

At this point I don't even want to play anymore, tbh. I just log in and log out, until it gets fixed.

The former UI was perfectly fine. I don't even get, why you suddenly wanted to change it.

Of course, progress is great and it's nice, that you try new stuff.

But so far I never saw anyone complaining about the UIs. Why change something good into... This... Horrible new thing?

I feel bad for complaining, but it's just really awful. :^(

I really hope you change it back soon.



16 hours ago, (PS4)Sunday_Dawn said:

i dont think ill be logging back in till this is fixed if i wanted a cursor i would be playing the PC version as it is now is slow and clunky navigation take forever having to now hover over somthing to open sub catagorys then move over to that and select it we are not PC gamers so why give a mouse pointer and not allow us to use a mouse do the same to PC players make it so they dont have the cursor and have to navigae with just arrow key is a like situation


16 hours ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

Guys, pretty sure Megan said they can’t go back, and that they can only go forward. So I guess a toggle option is not a thing.

Which is upsetting. I’m literally terrified of modding my gear or fashion framing since my new cursor skips and jumps (yes, I have adjusted speed..), and I’m afraid I’ll hit the wrong thing.

 That, and it’s so incredibly slow. 

DE, I’m disappointed in you. I’m disappointed you forced this on console. I can only hope you figure out a way to please everybody, because I really don’t want to quit a game I love.


I haven't edited these in any way, other than to pack them into a multiquote and paste them here. You can even dig through that thread I gave you (twice) and find them yourself. It's not that hard.

Please bother to actually look at a source (and read a post) before being dismissive?

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1 hour ago, WolvenEdge said:














All of the above were onlly from the first three pages; after the release dropped for PC. At least thirteen people have either much reduced their playtime, or stopped entirely within the first couple of days, on pc.
Are you still going to hold the position that my sources don't correlate to my position?

The next are from pages 5, 6, and 7. Two and roughly a third of a page after the update dropped on consoles. Less time, fewer pages covered (meaning more comments in a far shorter amount of time, that should tell you something) and almost as many comments to the extent of 'I'm either leaving or greatly reducing my playtime because of this.'














I haven't edited these in any way, other than to pack them into a multiquote and paste them here. You can even dig through that thread I gave you (twice) and find them yourself. It's not that hard.

Please bother to actually look at a source (and read a post) before being dismissive?

The thing that interests me the most is just how many people who have never bothered creating a forum account have done so because of this. Despite plenty of questionable changes over the lifetime of the game they just dealt with them, never bothered to complain, and just kept playing, but this is the change that drove them to the forums. Not a good look DE.

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after my post i went back onto the game and found i could use a keyboard and mouse to play the game fully downside on a keyboard what button is squere whats x so its not as bad as first thought but i logged in today and i still hate it play defence to round 5 then logged off this needs undoing or i feel warfame is done and thats a shame because the actual game is amazing and i so wish it was still playable and as for sorting out upgrades please kill me .......

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Myself and my partner are still playing, although at a much less enjoyable experiance. My main dislikes are the removal of button shortcuts to mod / upgrade and the rotation in customisation is pretty much broken. When using the navigation, because of the zoom now attached to the right stick i find myself battling with it auto zooming in and out due to default controller deadzones. Again, the setup before this implementation was perfect, it had got to the point where everything had been optimised, then this happened. 

I came back to playing because, i can only assume that maybe this setup is here to stay, and has been brought in because the next big update will require a virtual cursor for a particular new feature.

I still love the game, ive never put this many hours into something in a fairly short time, and i wish i played it sooner! Im just going to have to get used to this slower control system i suppose!

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On 2018-06-09 at 9:15 PM, JoeJelly said:

Myself and my partner are still playing, although at a much less enjoyable experiance. My main dislikes are the removal of button shortcuts to mod / upgrade and the rotation in customisation is pretty much broken. When using the navigation, because of the zoom now attached to the right stick i find myself battling with it auto zooming in and out due to default controller deadzones. Again, the setup before this implementation was perfect, it had got to the point where everything had been optimised, then this happened. 

I came back to playing because, i can only assume that maybe this setup is here to stay, and has been brought in because the next big update will require a virtual cursor for a particular new feature.

I still love the game, ive never put this many hours into something in a fairly short time, and i wish i played it sooner! Im just going to have to get used to this slower control system i suppose!

Why are you settling for less? Console controls should be console-friendly. These are not and they are seriously hurting the gameplay experience, everything is slower, and unresponsive. The D-Pad control being absent feels awkward on the menus and the cursor takes longer. Now we need to use both sticks to do anything on the panels for nearly everything revolving your warframe. This new UI looks exceptionally console-unfriendly, and with these new continued changes i don't think things will get better. 


I question why they made this so obnoxious. I don't play this game to fiddle with menus as my primary gaming experience. As it is I only log in for my dailies and to see if anything I need is on alert. Either way I promptly log out since doing most upkeep on my mods, my frames, my dojo, my decorations, and nearly everything is now a painfully slow and horrible experience. 

I hope they can turn this around but at this point I have lost a lot of faith in DE. The new update with the upcoming new UI better blow me away for me to forgive and stay. I doubt it though considering they're doubling down on this mess that no one asked for. 

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I reaalllyyyy miss the old UI. Just wanted to vent my nostalgia and sadness that the old UI is gone. The old UI was so fast, so slick and unlike our current abomination, so very RESPONSIVE. It worked plain and simple. BTW, I'm a PC user w/Controller. And no Kb/M is not an option for me.  I can forgive mistakes, but it's hard to swallow this seemingly BAD decision when DE hasn't attempted to show what we have to look forward to. 

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