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Alternate And New Faction Designs


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Hey, I added some concepts for some Corpus units (along with plenty of Grineer and Infested units) in this thread:



Here's a taste:



Doesn't really fit the style of Corpus. They're merchants, not a military super power. They have robots for that.



Also, arch, the Templar looks great. Not sure about the green and yellow though. If you can, try to make the transition between parts (eg. the legs and boots, the legs and "skirt", the arms and gauntlets) more distinct. Right now, they flow together too much, and no amount of color contrast will fix that. Also, the Inquisitor is awesome.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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Doesn't really fit the style of Corpus. They're merchants, not a military super power. They have robots for that.



Also, arch, the Templar looks great. Not sure about the green and yellow though. If you can, try to make the transition between parts (eg. the legs and boots, the legs and "skirt", the arms and gauntlets) more distinct. Right now, they flow together too much, and no amount of color contrast will fix that. Also, the Inquisitor is awesome.



Thanks man. For the model, yeah I know its a bit blurred. I come to a crossroads of sorts, do I make armor and boots simalar to old metal armor, or something else? They are only inspired by the Knights Templar, the tech from their robotic devs are still used to make their gear.


So I will make each part more distinct.


I thought about a cape, but scrapped it. Looked odd. Then the devs went and created these weird scarves, so now maby they could have streamers flowing behind them, I mean maby 6 - 8 scarves pastened in the armor. Dont know, just a thought.


The coloring, yes I dont really know what to do here. Any suggestions would be awesome. The reason I went with the orange armor is the following.


The Hyena, the Ospreys and the Moas all use a hard alloy that are orange, blue, black and light blue I think ( railgunner?). This is in my mind material gathered in the Void or from Orikin derelicts in the system.


So I thought if the Corpus would make a Elite unit, what would they use? The same stuff they allready has in massproduction seemed logical.


The blue glow from the Corpus environment allso makes everything a bit discolored.


The Crewmen use colored suits to mark rank. The robots seem to do the same. But its a bit boring to keep doing all units after the same mold. Possible, but desirable? The Grineer have lots of diversity by now, even though they to use color.


As for the models in the link posted, yes a bit to Grineer military for the Corpus. Less is more seem to be their tune. Good ideas though.

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Weapon Suggestions post.


I wanted to get some ideas for weapons  I have in my head out there, so here goes.



Freeze-glove and freeze-gun. Slows Tenno movements, damages.


Shockwave grenades. On impact knows Tenno to the ground. Essentially its like the shockwave Moa attack in grenade form.


Railgun-rifle. Accurate and very deadly.


Stasis field projector. Creates a field like Frosts bubble only Tenno inside have reduced speed and cannot use any powers. Short lifespan obviously.


Laser-edge Orthos. This is the Corpus version of the Orthos. The dangerous part being of course that it cuts right through shields just like the laser doors do.


Shoulder cannon. Think Predator lightguided plasma cannon. A melee unit would be able to be equipped with this without being so vulnerable from gunfire.



Ok thats it for now :)

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Lemme leave this right here for your perusement: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76967-the-aegis-corpus-elite-tenno-hunter-units-new-boss-aegis-commander-minnow-borealis/


I'm hoping that in the next few days, around trying to get a tad more writing done, I can at least get the 'pilot' suits designed out and ready for scanning, and then I can fight with how the armatures work from there.

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Lemme leave this right here for your perusement: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76967-the-aegis-corpus-elite-tenno-hunter-units-new-boss-aegis-commander-minnow-borealis/


I'm hoping that in the next few days, around trying to get a tad more writing done, I can at least get the 'pilot' suits designed out and ready for scanning, and then I can fight with how the armatures work from there.

Very cool! I directly got Aliend loader- mech in my minds eye as a base armarture. The size and function fits the idea well and can be outfitted with parts depending on the need.


Good job!

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Doesn't really fit the style of Corpus. They're merchants, not a military super power. They have robots for that.


These are simply more armored units who also possess more tactical skill than a typical crewman. Also, I made "soldiers" of sorts thinking of Sgt. Nef Anyo, where 'Sergeant' is a military rank. So I was made to believe that the Corpus, within their enormous manufacturing/merchant empire, has some form of military. Also I don't believe that mere "merchants" would go to war with the military superpower of the Grineer.

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Mm, the balance of military, mad scientist and trade guild is a tricky one.

The Corpus lore should soon get some news with Alad V.

Your units arent bad, but maby too similar to Grineer soldiers.

Even sgt is in a boxhead suit, this must soon change.

I would think the soldiers work with robots and cybernetics, relying on their ais and laserguns.

That being said, I too made two more soldiertypes in inquisitor and Templar.

They could perhaps to be said to be quite diverse from the Crewmen.

But hey, the Corpus need diversity, so keep it up. Maby do a colored version?

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These are simply more armored units who also possess more tactical skill than a typical crewman. Also, I made "soldiers" of sorts thinking of Sgt. Nef Anyo, where 'Sergeant' is a military rank. So I was made to believe that the Corpus, within their enormous manufacturing/merchant empire, has some form of military. Also I don't believe that mere "merchants" would go to war with the military superpower of the Grineer.


It is obvious that they are not at war if you pay attention to the lore from the events. The Corpus work with the Grineer. They don't like them, but they aren't going to try to destroy their own clients. Also, there isn't any evidence of open warfare.


And arch, I'll respond to yours when I have more time to type.

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We have no evidence of Corpus military conflict, but they obviously have Seargents and therefor a hiersrchy.

This is most likely a branch dedicated to controlling robots, and smaller Elite plutoons doing strike missions.

Like Void missions, raids of Orikin derelicts, and receuitment of new slaves, I mean followers.

Some core fighters obviously are needed like Anyo, hence my two units.

I do not think they have many troops, rather few overseers, techs and constructors with a vast army of robots under their command.

Your thoughts?

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by the way very nice units and stuff, i'm adding links into the endgame discussion in the gameplay forum.  here's the link:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/92326-we-need-endgame-and-a-challenge-what-do-we-expect-for-warframes-future/ though they won't be on the front page till the op gets to them :P


Arch, what are the specific abilities that Templars employ?  Inquisitor abilities? thanks!

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by the way very nice units and stuff, i'm adding links into the endgame discussion in the gameplay forum.  here's the link:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/92326-we-need-endgame-and-a-challenge-what-do-we-expect-for-warframes-future/ though they won't be on the front page till the op gets to them :P


Arch, what are the specific abilities that Templars employ?  Inquisitor abilities? thanks!


Well I am not descided on this yet, and any ideas ou might have are welcome. But my initial thoughts was the following.




They are dominating and controlling rather than rush attackers. Since they are used to enlist new Corpus recruits they need to subsue and control, or kill if necessery. They must allso be ready to deal with  traitors and enemies. Basically they are Missionaries and Inquisitors rolled into one.


To that end they are equipped with a power Shield, are armed with an Ice-Gauntlet of Orikin design to slow and imobalize victims.

In the other hand they carry a Testla Staff. This one has two forms of attack like Tenno melee weapond.


The regular attack targets one enemy more or less like a rifle, but with shocking properties and damaging to Shields.


The Charge attack is a visual loadup so Tenno have a chance to interrupt it, is chainlighning if multiple Tenno are in range. Or a more powerful burst of AoE Damage, sapping shield and doing big damage. This is no place to get caught.


The Inquisitor is not a Heavy, more of a support caster, and are vulnarable to melee. They are likely to have crewmen bodyguards and Ospreys for protection.




The templars are Elite Corpus fighters, excell in close Combat and carry Shield bracelet generators that regenerate. The shild give them much protection from the front, but makes them weaker when flanked.


The armor they wear are of Orikin origins, giving much better protection then the Crewmen. The battlesuits they grants them more speed and they have a movement pattern close to what you expect a Tenno to have.


As for weaponry they are divided into categories, like the Grineer have a base unit but different weapons.


Corpus Laser-bladed Orthos. Cuts right through Tenno shielding and does a good deal of damage. They can and will do chain-attacks wich can stagger and knock to the ground if not interrupted.


Corpus longsword. Laser-edge weapon similar to what the Knights Templar would have used. Fast attack speed, ignoring Shields and possible to send a Tenno flying backwards. Charge attack stuns and damages shileds.


Corpus Railgun. This is a modified version of the ones mounted on the MOA. The shot is deadly and does high damage. Kan kill a Tenno with low or no shields. Visual cue before the shot so attentive Tenno have a chance to find cover before the blast.


Shockwave launcher. Heavy rifle that sends projectiles that detonates a shockwave like the shockwave MOA.


This is what I had in my head for now.


What do you think guys? All feedback is good feedback.

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As a faction that revolves around brainwashing, religious tech lore, trade and wealth, they tried to create proxies to keep them safe. It failed.

The Tenno and Grineer are to powerful. Not to mention raiding Void and Orikin derelicts and stations. And the Infeasted are spreading.

I do not contradict that Corpus is at its heart a Trade Guild who are obsessed with technology and the control of others.

However, in things have changed since the Tenno started waking up.

To me at least, branching out and adding a private army for protection of traders and engineers, is quite logocal.

Im happy to discuss either faction. Prove me wrong why dont you to ;)

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Hi! I really enjot the artstyle of the game. The factions however need some diversity.

The Grineer have gotten some new units, but still keep pretty much to the same mold.


The Corpus really need some new designs. There is no difference between them other then color.


So, as a first concept I did an overpainting of the Sniper.




Any concepts or ideas you might have on the factions, post away! :)


And you have my support.

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