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On 2018-11-27 at 8:57 PM, Lantel said:

Thank you! I'm about to start my application once again, but the survey won't let me attempt to reapply. Could I be given a second chance with that?

Sorry for the late response. I'll get on top of this right now.

EDIT: You should be good to go now. Sorry for the huge delay!

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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Hello everyone!! I am as excited as ever to finally be back to the land of the living, and with my return I bring news, art and exciting announcements. So let's waste no more time and dive right in.

Some of you will probably notice that BAM! We have an official logo now! I decided to step my game up and make us look a little more professional. Additionally, you'll see a little later on that I've got logos made... for every RP that's currently active! Honestly it was just a fun side project, but I think it might help hype up some RPs a little more.

Recruitment Update:
Keep those recruitment applications coming, Tenno. January approaches fast! Also, we've had a few applicants not submit proper things... if you realize who you are, contact me to arrange an application wipe so you can reapply properly. If you don't, you won't be considered!


Seasonal Event:
Come Christmas Eve, we will be opening up our server to visitors for a much longer period of time than what we did for Halloween! From December 24th, 12 AM EST to January 2, 12 AM, we will be allowing anyone and everyone to drop in and see what life is like on the other side. Similarly to our Halloween event, a limited-time Invitation link will be posted on this thread for all to use.
Our goal is that people will be able to interact better with us due to it being the holidays, and also increasing the time that people can stay in for. Hope to see many of you there!

Possible Regular Recruitment Scheduling.
DISCLAIMER: This is not fully approved yet, but a speculation of how we can do things in the future.
So I've been toying with the idea of accepting two applicants in a literal seasonal style- 2 applicants per season. This will mean 2 new people can join every 3 months, for a total of 8 new people per year. What do you people think? Is this too often to be accepting new people, or too little? More info on this in the future as well.

Fast Art Showcasing!
Everyone's been pretty busy as of late, so here's a quick but cool look at the artistry of some of our members.

First up is an awesome piece by myself that depicts Vuko receiving a hug from Kapak's operator. Note: this is non-canonical asf.

Next up, and on a far more serious note, we have Lekalis and Leveret giving each other some bro action with their fists. It may be a bit hard to see Levret without stepping back looking at the picture from a little farther away. Sick lighting effects though, eh!

Oh Void, there's actually a surprisingly huge-arse amount of content that's occurred in RPs since I left off. I will do my best to summarize what's going on. But before we do, let's tie this segment into the art a bit and take a gander at the new RP logos! (Note: in future newsletters, I'll be using smaller versions of the RP logos as opposed to the "RP STORY by Character" format that you've seen in previous ones.)

Hope you all like 'em! I worked pretty hard to create these actually, despite them looking relatively easy to create. Now, let's get on with the stories!

With all immediate threats gone, Vuko begins to wander through the halls of the mysterious facility. After quickly dispatching the few other nearby Corpus staff members who mill about, Vuko ends up unsuccessful in a venture to destroy some security cameras watching the halls. It triggers laser gates throughout the pathway, impeding Vuko's progress while simultaneously summoning turrets from the ceiling. The weapons seem to be a fusion of Grineer and Corpus technology...

Sonera wants to take the dying man and escape the ship, but the others argue it's safer to stay in the bridge where they have a bottleneck to force the Infestation into in case they came for them. Elax the head Guard says if they sit tight, Obsidian Dice (the Corpus gambling company that owns the ship) would send rescue ships due to the amount of money that was aboard.
Some further exploration around the Bridge reveals a hole chewed through the wall, where something must have came through. Additionally, one of the Corpus Crewmen picks up a chilling signal- a Grineer Galleon had just warped in nearby. Things are getting tense as civilians and Crewmen get antsy, responding only to Elax firing a laser into the ceiling.

Kára the Valkyr fires a Ripline into a hole in the wall, and tugs. It yields something surprising- water, sandy at first, but eventually clear and fresh, pouring from the hole to fill the basin below. It seemed like it had been clogged by a chunk of stone. Atela tries to open up another hole in the room that mirrored the one that Kára had opened, but unfortunately it seems like that other pipe-hole had been damaged by the ravages of time.


Once reunited with the Warframe-operating Cephalon, the trio ventures into the dark, mysterious corridors of the ship. They find no traces of Chegar, or the evil Clogori who is masterminding this entire operation. Kapak leads the group towards where he supposes the center of the Infestation is by using his own knowledge of the nanite-based plague, thinking that Clogori or other important things may be found there. The Infestation is strangely unreactive to the presence of the three Warframes.
As the trio encounter a room bridged by three catwalks, Leveret picks up a mysterious transmission. It isn't entirely clear, but there seems to be two voices conversing?
"Intruders... -ing in on check-... DCV-... Orders?"
"Retrieval... Cephalon prep- FE-01 instance-... continue to track..."
"CH-01... -complete, beginni-... central... controlli-... detected... hive, maintain-..."
"... DCV-1R... -everet... unknown additio-... Diverting... surveying area-..."
"Merely need-... -delay... retrieval team... one hour... prepare containme-..."
"Continue... divert... -export data to-... DCV-... in the flesh... do not kill-... priority... fascinating propert-... great hazard..."

The three monsters watch as the children descend into the mysterious hole, and are quick to follow them discretely. Hopefully it would lead the ravenous little things to food!
Stahk's mind suddenly clears itself as the needle is extracted from his flesh. He suddenly remembers himself as Operative Stick for a particular organization... one that the mysterious man who had stabbed him with the needle was from. The man in question is revealed to be 'Dr. Deco'.
Frez wanders over the the Strength Challenge after collecting his Floof, and decides to give the Faux Kittag a swing. Leveret's Operator and the Grineer woman watch as the Corpus tries his hand- that is, until a delightful little girl finds the Grineer's prosthetic legs to be incredibly fascinating.

Majority of the attendees to this peculiar event are now connected, that is, except for the mysterious unresponsive Tenno Landing Craft that has been continually orbiting the spaceship for the past hour. Inari voices her concerns of making sure everyone gets out alive, and to make sure that everyone remains in touch. They divide up into groups: the Steel Meridian "Iron Legion" squad who had come in the Vaykor Bolkor are charged with investigating the docking bay nearest to the back of the ship. Naelynn is sent to work with the mystery person and explore the old bridge of the ship, and Inari tasks herself with Geordie, who will together explore the front docking bay.

Kamos and Atela venture forth using the Ivara's cloaking abilities to bypass the sight of any, unwanted observers. They finally decide to split up to cover more ground. Kamos will continue to move for the bridge, the primary objective. In the meantime, Atela will traverse through a blast door nearby, with the goal of performing a sweep of the surroundig area.
Isa sees a vision from the past of an Excalibur fighting off a deadly horde or Infested monsters. When the visions pass, she finds that the blast doors barring her own way forward opening.
RED observes the surrounding area by herself, checking all the paths available for her to use.

The group of Tenno and Cephalon alike aboard the space station they had been called to are taken by surprise- broken Moa proxies on the floor spring to life, and begin to shower the group with a barrage of lasers and energy weapons. After dealing with the enraged, zombie-like robots for quite some time, Svytoj the Cephalon managed to broadcast a bizarre message to the proxies, causing them to suddenly gain passivity and halt their attacks for the most part. The doors to the room threaten to slam shut, but the combined Strength of Kamos' Rhino, Leveret's ice and the help of others, they manage to hold the door open long enough to evacuate the room. Once they do, they allow the door to slam shut, like an animal forbidden from eating for days. They group recollects themselves to plan where to explore next in this seemingly cursed place.
In Kawamo, Kapak decides to agree to help Disruptis with what he wanted, and Isa (despite her usual skepticism) reluctantly agrees as well. Disruptis calls in the other Tenno he had recruited, revealing a very much alive Vuko, as well as Garhul, the Kubrow of a late friend of the members of the Orokin Remnant. Kapak, for the first time in months, is overjoyed with seeing more familiar faces, and takes some time to catch up with the Tenno and massive, gargantuan Kubrow. Once settled, Disruptis gives some light details on the situation regarding the nearby Grineer camps who had the Kawamo prisoners. Disruptis springs a surprise piece of info however, saying that it would be for the best if he didn't plan this excursion himself!

And that's all for this week! Whew! Does feel good to be back, I tell you that. If you guys liked this newsletter, drop one of them fancy Reactions in the bottom right corner, and leave a comment in the thread! I'll see you guys next week, or earlier if any of you have questions about anything. Stay awesome!

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3 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Seasonal Event:
Come Christmas Eve, we will be opening up our server to visitors for a much longer period of time than what we did for Halloween! From December 24th, 12 AM EST to January 2, 12 AM, we will be allowing anyone and everyone to drop in and see what life is like on the other side. Similarly to our Halloween event, a limited-time Invitation link will be posted on this thread for all to use.
Our goal is that people will be able to interact better with us due to it being the holidays, and also increasing the time that people can stay in for. Hope to see many of you there!

Sweet! Question regarding this. Will people be able to stay and RP or will they have to leave/be kicked once the event is over?

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1 minute ago, LightningsVengance said:

Sweet! Question regarding this. Will people be able to stay and RP or will they have to leave/be kicked once the event is over?

Unfortunately you won't be able to. Think of this event as an "Open House" of sorts for the server. The idea is to allow people to get a better idea of what they might be getting into! At the end of the event we'll be removing all visitors.

The reason why we don't allow visitors 24/7 for the whole year is because many of our members prefer to have a smaller, more intimate community. Hope you understand!

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Those banners are looking amazing!

In regards to the event, will the backlogs for the RPs be visible? Even if it's only recent entries, I'm interested in finding out what the source material looks like; the summaries we've gotten make it sound like a good read.

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8 hours ago, Vosenedich said:

Those banners are looking amazing!

In regards to the event, will the backlogs for the RPs be visible? Even if it's only recent entries, I'm interested in finding out what the source material looks like; the summaries we've gotten make it sound like a good read.

During the event, you will be able to read the chat logs of all of our active RPs from the very beginning! However, due to the big boss Disruptis' security precautions, we do not grant access to our google drive to visitors, which means people will be unable to read RPs from the past that we've finished.

Not to worry though- we've got 11 currently active RPs for you to peruse through, and some of them are incredibly long! Should be enough to keep you busy 😉

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Just a quick drop in from me- I’m currently on my way home from vacation, so sadly I’ll be breaking the weekly status of the newsletter again. I feel terrible, but there’s no feasible way for me to get back to it until next week- Christmas is coming up too!

However, don’t forget that our Christmas event is happening still, and VERYYYYY SOOON™️!!!!!!!!! Remember to check in this very thread Christmas Eve for an invitation to our Discord- come one, come all!!

Our server will be open for all to visit right up until the end of New Years’ day!

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We're adding a brand new activity for newcomers to participate in during our open house!

The Alternate Reality Tea party is an RP that will be open during the duration of our holiday event. Any newcomers are welcome to try their hand at RPing alongside our characters. This will allow everyone to get a better of idea of how things work!

Join now and participate in the fun up until January 2 at 12 am!

Yes this is essentially a free weekend trial

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WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Issue 12! Yellow Edition


Hey guys! It’s me, Disruptis. Surprised? Merry Christmas!


I’m commandeering this newsletter so I can let Kapak out of the editing dungeon for a bit of fresh canadian air. He’s already done so much for the server, he deserves a break every once in a while.


Doesn't help that this editing room was made completely out of mouldy stone bricks! You can practically feel the delightful little spores clinging to your alveoli. I mean, the food we ration nowadays is almost 100% blue cheese because the rest of it moulded, but those delicacies never reach your lungs like this moss does! Man I tell ya.


Hope you enjoy this special version of TotA newsletters that I’m going to coin “The Yellow Edition” just because I’m writing this and anything I say now is pure fact.

Server Open House Updates
So first on the list of topics, the special RP thread we created for the visitors is thriving! To clarify, it’s part of an AU, so it’s not official in the TotA RP universe’s timeline. Which is good too, because we break a LOT of continuity by bringing our characters in. But hey, it’s a party! I won’t bother posting update synopsis because when the visiting period is ends at the beginning of Jan 2, we will upload a link to the complete story here! Exciting!~ Or if you can’t wait, join the server now at https://discord.gg/rbtFFSJ and read it yourself! The alternate reality tea party continues...
[Image in spoiler]






Recruitment Updates
So, previously we had advertised that by the new year, we would be taking on two members.That amount is now three! Is that a good idea for us? MUCK IF WE KNOW LMAO. It’ll be great nonetheless, and the lucky winners will start in an RP thread hosted by none other than @Almighty_Jado himself since I’m too busy hosting three others and participating in another two. Additionally, our newcomers from last time will be joining them too.

Also, because of all above developments, we will be pushing acceptance letters to January 7th. I know we sound like some cheap game development publisher now but thank you all for your continued patience.

Art Corner
So this week, Lekalis the god of art himself dropped another wave of quality art on top of us! He's even got a signature in these ones now, so he can prove it's all his. Hope ya'll weren't stealin' art.
Without further ado, here are the recent editions:
[Images in spoiler]











RP updates, so I speak
Oh shoot, that means I have to actually catch up in Fortuna Et Ops. Welp, I needed to do it anyway. Also, keep in mind that the presence of the alternate reality tea party has slowed progress in other channels 😂 since we want to interact with you guys so much.
Vuko thinks quick. He draws an explosive arrow and positions himself behind one of the closest turrets, hoping he can have the others score some colateral damage. His plan succeeds and rips the turret to shreds in a matter of seconds, but it was a little too fast. His shields took chunks of damage before he blew the second turret to smithereens with the arrow. Now quickly running out of time and in a tight spot, but temporarily safe spot behind cover, he switches tactics. He blows the nearby window open and gets sucked into space right before the blast doors close. Unfortunately this leaves him spinning like an electric beater, but he cleverly counters that by closing his eyes and relying on navigator to secure a line from him to the station. Finally, he swings over to the nearby landing bay while admiring the view of the gigantic station.

[Image in spoiler]




The surprise galleon looms ominously closer. All attempts to communicate with it fail, until everyone begins to hear a harrowing space shanty over the only connected transmission.
...until Sonera decides to run her liset straight into the thing.

Cyrus deduces that the water must run down tiny grooves at the edge of the basins and activate some sort of hydraulic system. Kára jumps on the hypothesis and suggests that they start bailing water over using the corpus crewmen’s helmets. Halcyon is appaled at the notion but Cyrus, a griseled engineer, sets himself to work. They successfully shovel enough water to open the doors to the next room!


The roar of water grew louder yet again as the next room was revealed. It was larger than the first, and...in slightly worse condition. The walls were mostly intact, but a chunk of ceiling had, at some point, broken free, smashing the floor open to reveal the rushing water far, far below. There was a curved rim at the edge of the gap and an ancient looking bucket with a tiny scrap of cord tied to it. Along the walls on both sides were murals again, these ones each depicting three Martian figures carrying jugs of varying shapes and sizes.

In one corner was a pile of old jugs, again in varying shapes and sizes, though many were damaged and two were just heaps of shards. How ancient they must be!
The side walls barely had a meter's worth of ledge left, and the floor was completely missing from the far wall, leaving a sheer drop in front of the second sealed door. There was no sand in this room, as it appeared to have been sealed off from the ravages of the near-constant sandstorms outside.~

[Images in spoiler]




Kára (my character btw ^.^) immediately freaks out about the damages already incurred and sets to work scanning the room for posterity, while Atela approaches the room much more cautiously.


Svytoj hacks into a decrepit jackal overgrown with infested nearby to investigate. He finds recordings about training logs referencing three primary Telos subjects: FE-01, AL-01, and TE-01. Despite this the log only showed two warframes: a new Oberon and a mysterious Nidus.

Kapak infers that the location they were currently in was some sort of testing zone. The group move in to the next room where testosterone levels seem drastically reduced to discourage aggression. However, the technocyte strain seemed to eat into the railing and walls itself, corroding the metals away.


"This isn't good. Technocyte must be absorbing a ton of metal from the ships. It could be used to really up the toughness in Infested organisms... Might be part of the whole Infested Warframes project that it looks like we're dealing with. Tougher armour, you know?"

The three little infested creatures land in a pitch dark room with moist air. The cold temperature makes the trio shiver, trying to adjust their eyes to the darkness. Just as they begin to make out the shapes in the room, a blinding light flickers on!


Shouts a high-pitched, yet demanding voice.

To mitigate the risk of giving away stuff Dr. Deco and the newly christened operative “Stick” are discussing, I’ll just post the one short paragraph that came from them this week. ((These are also both my characters :P))


“So,” Stick continued, now downing the provided drink like it was merely water, “Why in grofit’s sake was I pulled early?”

Dr. Deco held both arms out wide in a grandiose gesture. “The future, Stick. The future,” he waved down a waitress in hope of securing another round of drinks. “Except this time, you’re on a different side. We… ‘traded’ for you.”

“What?" Stick interjected in confusion, "what do you mean? Are you not COE anymore? Who would RU even trade to?”

Dr. Deco: A sly smile parted the doctor’s lips. “A lot changes in a decade, Stick. There’s been a few things that have brought the con’ closer to its enemies...” he leaned forward on both elbows “...and you’re going to find out when you work for them.”

Stick’s limbs quickly fell numb. Pure terror splashed across the operative’s face as he looked up into Deco’s snaky eyes. He mouthed two words. They wouldn’t.

“You’re being loaned to the confederation, Stick. Drink up.”

Meanwhile, the strength booth operator offers to give Frez another free chance at winning the mystery box after his unfortunate failure, but only if he hands over the floof he won. He contemplates this, but passes. Kinsey, on the other hand, is having an amazing time bragging about their own accomplishments Frez failed to beat. At the same time, a little curious girl approaches Rakko, Kinsey’s tall grineer escort, and bombards her with questions.

Astra’s orbiter splurts out a long string of binary audio transmission and everyone basically just readies up for the call to arms. As I said: focusing on the AU tea party.



Whatever memories there were in this place, they landed in the hands of one who was blind and deaf to them. Isa caught glimpses. She heard distant echoes of battle and an ominous growl, but that was it. Whatever message behind any of it was, whatever details there may have been, were lost to the Tenno. She strode through the door, paying barely any heed to the ghost sounds other than a passing thought regarding them as mildly interesting.


((Quick announcement, if any of you have been confused about the double timeline happening here, I have the first chapter of the main story split up into two threads which different people are participating in. The newcomers in one and the Orokin Remnant Veterans in another.))

The group on the aptitude station plans for each member to take certain positions when exploring new rooms, while trying to keep the lively Sonera from running off anywhere. Afterwards Sonera takes lead in directing the party to the second mysterious assembly line room.

Meanwhile, Vuko steps up to the plate of leader as Disruptis desperately tries to feed the group information without making suggestions. He’s not sure if some sort of mental problem arose during his quirky regeneration process, but he’s not willing to elaborate further on the fear. Vuko ends up throwing out the proposition to capture a squadron for interrogation, or hacking into a nearby bases data vault for info on where the moving prisoners are located. They consult the “map” for possible locations.

[Image in spoiler]



But the thing, drawn by Disruptis himself, isn’t exactly that informative.



Phew! Now I know how Kapak feels when he writes these. I got caught by the ctrl+z bug at least twice and had to re-copy everything over from my planning document. That and the text formatting is tiring. Let me know if the spoilers were better for you guys than straight up leaving the images embedded in the main, I just wanted to make it easier to scroll. Hope you guys enjoy your free time on the server, and have a happy new year!


Edited by Disruptis
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Special thanks to Disruptis for working on this week's newsletter!

Just a quick notice to those who may be concerned: In order to help cut back on space in the main post, I will be deleting the exact copies of the Newsletters and replacing them with links to the posts in the thread. This will hopefully simplify things and make the main post less text-wally.

Remember, we pick out three applicants by December 7th! If you haven't yet applied, now is a good time to do so!

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Hmmm... have I used that one before? I might've oh well, too late, it's been pasted into this week's newsletter and YOU'RE gonna deal with it.
I am back ladies and germs, and with me I bring good tidings and all that jazz. Our winter event has sadly come to a close, but we all had a real blast! I'm enclosing a link to the google doc that holds the full record of the AU RP, and if you were a participant, you may see that things may have not all been exactly as they seemed.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wInY16VZB7XP2-8xfTlwKrz5H11Xp3jPEkYp68mKuMo/edit?usp=sharing <-click this link to read the event in full!

No art this week... well actually I lied, we got one piece by me, but other than that things in general have been a bit rough this week. Several of us, myself included have been left reeling from disease as well as general New Year's festivities. So anyways, here's a picture I did in my spare time over the Winter!


This illustration depicts my OC, Kapak (right), in confrontation with the despicable and infamous Tarnas (left). I'm banking on an event like this to occur soon enough in the Project Telos RP that you can find in the RP Update section of the Newsletter.

Recruitment Update:
The time is nigh! In 2 days we'll be accepting three talented people to join our ranks! After that, there will be a brief downtime while we reset all of our recruitment bots and spreadsheets. Then, business will be back in order! I'm estimating it'll be around May that we'll be accepting our next two people. Good luck all!

Oh shoot it was also Lev's birthday. Happy birthday to that guy!

RP Updates!
Vuko's Warframe is waning under the pressures of the energy within and the emptiness of space without. With cracks beginning to span all across its carapace, Vuko leaps from his hitchhiked ride and lands inside the landing bay, and begins scouring the hangar for a suitable escape vessel.

The ships appear to... miss? The Tenno Landers seem to disappear from all sensors and visuals, and the group of survivors within the bridge slowly recover from the shock of still being alive. In the following silence, Frez, Sonera and the others hear muffled voices and footsteps in the cavity above the ship's bridge. The Wukong readies itself to face whoever comes through the ceiling, whether they be Corpus, Grineer or even Tenno. Frez readies his own weapon to defend himself.

The group enters the room after Kára and are quick to take notice of the extensive damage dealt by time. As the group begins to try and figure out what (and if it is even possible to complete) the puzzle that this room once housed. In the distance, explosions sounded out- Geordie is convinced it's Sar Gaff, the Grineer 'Archeologist' after the treasures within these ancient structures.


Within moments, Kapak senses a change in the concentration of pheromones in the air. Aggression! An Infested behemoth, a Juggernaut crashes through the ceiling and lands in the midst of the three, the Infested Valkyr from earlier standing atop the foul creature. The Juggernaut launches its spines at the group, but Leveret's Ice Armour and EM Brunt manage to divert the damage enough for Kapak to shrug off the hits and charge headfirst at the monster, weapon in hand.

In response to "WHO'S THERE?!", the Infested beings shriek in alarm, unleashing a cacophony of terrifying noises that had no business being anywhere other than in the oldest, most rotted Orokin Derelicts of them all. In a flash, the three bound around the area in random directions at top speed, partially blinded, swiping at the air with their long fingers. Saliva sprayed from their maws as they frothed in panic.

No progress due to various holiday activities.


As the group aboard the space station follow Sonera, the group on Earth settles on the plan and are about to put it into action. Kapak dodges a question from Vuko about the whereabouts of the late Kuve O'Helix, saying that they had best move quick to operate under the advantageous cover of darkness. Garhul the giant Kubrow puppy plays with a finger Kapak had snapped off of himself earlier to give to the furry beast as a treat. What a big cutie 🙂


And! We! Are! Clear! Whew, now that's more like it. Always feels so satisfying to finish these up. I'm sorry that things have been kinda slow this week, but this can always be a weird time in terms of business for peoples' lives. Hopefully I'll be able to bring y'all much more information next week when we welcome in two- no, THREE people to join our ranks.

As a side plug, I'd like to congratulate @Mataeru on starting Catalytic Revival, which is a more table-top RPG approach to Warframe RP. If you're looking for a more Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder style approach to Warframe RP, I highly recommend going there. Mata can actually be considered the grandfather of Tales of the Awakened! If you decide to visit, just tell him Kapak sent you 😉

Now, go back to your homes and eat some peanut butter, and I'll see everyone later. Peace!

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33 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

I am back ladies and germs, and with me I bring good tidings and all that jazz. Our winter event has sadly come to a close, but we all had a real blast! I'm enclosing a link to the google doc that holds the full record of the AU RP, and if you were a participant, you may see that things may have not all been exactly as they seemed.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wInY16VZB7XP2-8xfTlwKrz5H11Xp3jPEkYp68mKuMo/edit?usp=sharing <-click this link to read the event in full!

I love every word of that epilogue to the RP, surprisingly wholesome actually. Thanks for the awesome time, and I recommend anyone who comes across these in the future to jump right on the opportunity to participate, they are absolutely wonderful.

Edited by Vosenedich
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10 minutes ago, Vosenedich said:

@Almighty_Jadowill you be announcing when the group has chosen the "winning" applicants, or have/will you sent/send an invitation privately and leave the announcement for the next weekly update?

Winning applicants will be direct messaged in order to maintain privacy (it's up to the accepted applicants whether or not they'd like to share their success in joining). Acceptances haven't gone out yet simply because I've had a rather hectic morning, but they'll be out within the hour.

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