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Should I Use Fully Moded Hek Or Sobek ?



I already have a fully moded Hek and these are the mods I have on it:


Multishot +120%

Damage +90%

Fire Damage +90%

Freeze Damage +75%

Electric Damage +90%

Armor Piercing Damage +90%

Reload Speed +30%

Magazine Size +50%


I want to add Accelerated Blast (Fire Rate + Armor Piercing) and Blaze (Damage + Fire Damage) but then I'm going to have to remove the reload speed and magazine size, which will make the shotgun reach the maximum damage possible, but it has only 4 bullets and really slow reload speed.


but if I forma'd Sobek and gave it the exact same mods, I can easily take off the reload speed and magazine size, since it has 20 shots in the magazine ..


but the thing is the base damage for Hek is better (hek is 140 while sobek 100).


I already have 8 Forma's I can easily mod sobek to the maximum, but I don't want to do it if hek is going to be better ..




so what do you guys recommend I should do ? Hek or Sobek ?

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HEK gives more burst damage, and if you're looking for sheer overkill power, HEK is your choice. However, Sobek boasts increased utility and is still on par in killing power, though you have to shoot twice against higher leveled enemies(7x+, I assume).


tl;dr: HEK for overkill; Sobek for utility and ease of use. And you might want to switch elements when using Sobek as it has a really slow reload speed.

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I've leveled both, and even though my Sobek isn't fully modded yet; I'm enjoying it much more than the HEK. I plan on replacing Fire Ele mod and keeping the reload speed on mine, because the +DMG from Blaze also applies to the Fire DMG on the Blaze mod; so at max you end up with +96% Fire DMG; which effectively replaces the maxed Fire DMG mod.

Edited by Eulo
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You want to get Blaze in your build permanently, as the damage increase also affect all the elemental damage. Swap Incendiary Coat out for Blaze, as there is also fire damage in it.The Charged Shell becomes a kind of elementary slot that is filled with the effective element against your enemies, so Incendiary Coat for Infested, Charged Shell for Corpus or Accelerated Blast for Grineer. This will provide you with the best damage while keeping the utility. Without the increased magazine size, the Hek loses a lot of Viability.


This build results in the following average numbers for a single shot/klick (Multishot and Crit have all been taken into account)


Hek (Incendiary Coat or Charged Shell in elemental slot)

Damage per Pellet: 462

Full Load: 3235


DPS: 7117


Sobek (Replaced Ammo Stock with Incendiary Coat, Charged Shell in elemental slot)

Damage per Pellet: 703

Full Load: 2812


DPS: 7030


Hek (Replaced Incendiary Coat with Accelerated Blast in elemental slot)

Damage per Pellet: 429

Full Load: 3001


DPS: 10563


Sobek (Replaced Ammo Stock with Incendiary Coat/Charged Shell, Accelerated Blast in elemental slot)

Damage per Pellet: 661

Full Load: 2645


DPS: 10580


These numbers don't take resistances and weaknesses, Armor and damage fall-off (is the same for both) into account.


You see on paper, both weapons provide somewhat the same DPS. The Hek will give you greater Burst, meaning you can one-shot stronger enemies, while the Sobek provides you with a bigger Magazine, meaning you won't have to reload as often and thus get a higher sustained damage.


I took the Hek, because of the Burst and it feels a lot more ammo efficent. Also it traveled a long time with me and I got pretty used to it. Also I reload quite often manually, which is often a waste of Sobek's increased Magazine Size. But the Sobek still lingers in my inventory and waits to be re-used some day. Both weapons are fun and it is hard to decide between them. Just take what you feel more comfortable with.

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Hek is semi-automatic, so it loses a bit of its fire rate in use. That's why those DPS calculations aren't that accurate.

Can't click fast enough? Also being semi-automatic let's you handle the recoil a lot better, resulting in higher accuracy and thus more potential damage.

Edited by Denvert
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Multishot +120%

Damage +90%

Fire Damage +90%

Freeze Damage +75%

Electric Damage +90%

Armor Piercing Damage +90%

Reload Speed +30%

Magazine Size +50%


From that, ditch Reload speed and one of the elementals (freeze/fire/elec) to fit the nightmare mods. Also, you only have to use +40% mag capacity to reach 6 shots/clip.


I personally prefer the Hek because of 2 things - semi-auto fire means I waste less ammo shooting dead bodies that are blocking the target, and the tighter spread makes headshots against heavies waaay more effective.

Edited by Darzk
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I have put four forma into my sobek. Accelerated blast, flechette, point blank, blaze, hells chamber, freeze damage and fire damage with an ammo murator.

Things a beast. Happily two shots lvl 110 grineer and takes out the heavies just fine.

Imo sobek has better high level potential due to higher rate of fire and clip base.

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