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The Bugle’s warframe concept ideas


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Heyyoooo, Hows it going?

I've actually been reading your ideas/concepts as they've released as you tend to have very unique takes on ideas I've seen before and some really unique ones I haven't. As far as they go I really like how you imagine your concepts (with the Porcupine Frame being my favourite). The only criticism I'd like to give you is that a small change to the way you layout your ideas could really help people to get into them a bit more. 

I notice when you right the descriptions of abilities and some other things you tend to input information/stats mid-sentence and this can be rather jarring to read as a viewer. I notice because I use to do this really badly myself until a friend of mine helped find my best way of displaying my thoughts without the clutter. I highly recommend you check out this link for an Idea of what I mean because if you could display your concepts in a cleaner way I do think people would really like them and find it easier to get into them:



Template Discussion: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/621292-warframe-concept-template/

Good Templates I've Seen: 
Lazarus (Mentioned in the above link): 


This Concept is made by the user in the template discussion link. Whilst it is a concept they have fully fleshed out and thus not everything is relevant to everyone, the ideas and tricks they have used to cleanly display their information is very nice and pleasing to look at. Just a few ways to make a post look snappy and catchy. 

Shameless Plug: 

This is one of my more recent concepts. This is just for reference on a different style, not trying to show off I swear. I just personally like to have all the information viewable but clearly sectioned into different areas. It is very busy visually compared to the aforementioned concept but it is still easy to see the different sections and trees that expand from each other.


Anyway, this is all the criticism I can give as concepts are just that; ideas we have that we want to share so feel free to do that as you wish. I just think that people really like to be told great ideas in the best way possible and if you can effectively share your ideas, i think they could be very popular once people start to notice.

I wish the best of luck to you and hope to see more of your creativity in the future.


- Twisted

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Just added Monachus, a monk who excels at close-quarters combat!


Also added Mistis, a master of the arcane arts! (Prefers being called a wizard)


AND Polyush, an octopus-themed frame!


And Callidus, who strikes from the shadows and draws fire from the heavy hitters!



Edited by (XB1)FlawlessBugle68
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Today I have added more frames!

We have Prasius, a warden who stands for justice, protecting allies and giving enemies their fate!


And we have Insidious, wielder of corruption!



Edited by (XB1)FlawlessBugle68
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