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Gripes So Far


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Not counting bugs (surprisingly few, mostly cosmetic).

1) Training. Once a day? Why is this limited? I'll explain why this is irritating. I play on two different computers--one at work, one at home. Usually I grind low-level gear/weapons/frames at work during lunch, and have lowbie stuff equipped. At home I usually grind out high-level areas with my higher level equipment. Well, the game doesn't properly remember what gear I had equipped, so I often go into an area with mis-matched gear and have to suck it up, or I get spanked and I end up having to quit out and try again. Well, with training, I did this, and lo and behold my lowbie gearset got destroyed and what I'd been looking forward to after a long day, ended up being a wash. No biggie I'll just load up my high end stuff and go kick some &#!. Oh, I can't. Well, not only do I now not want to play the damn game, but I'm motivated enough to come here and tell you why it sucks.

2) The wrench. Put it on the weapons when I'm in the weapon selection screen, deciding what I want to use. Along with it's level. No, I don't want to swap endlessly between each weapon, then click into each one to see what I have equipped on it--I just want to see everything at once. It'd be really nice if I didn't see EVERY weapon there, twice--because yes, I have literally bought them all, and now the extra stuff, which should be in it's own tab...isn't; and it's annoying.

3) The same applies to warframes. In addition, why can't I see my life/shield totals per warframe; and which abilities are actually unlocked? Click the wrench. Add it all up. Punch my screen. Don't play. The closest I can get to any of this is on the inventory screen, which isn't consistent with the other screens--and only gives me ranks, and the number of mods (why is that even useful?).

4) Missions. I truly detest spy. Where you pick up 4 datacores, and I can't use my primary weapon nor can I use paired handguns. So much so, that I wait until someone else is doing that mission, then I'll go do it and let them deal with the stupidity. Yes, I have 2 hardpoints for handguns, 1-2 hardpoints for melee weapons, and 1 hardpoint for a rifle--but I don't have a hardpoint to stick this datacore onto so I end up dropping it because I assure you, playing without my primary weapon is tedious as hell. Yet, I can easily bust out the two handed hammer and frag S#&$, without dropping the datacores?

5) In-play Inventory system. I can't say I've ever used it. It's clunky. Can we even bind items to 1,2,3, etc? Hit I, then click something? Guys, you ever play any shooter where you open your Zelda style inventory, block your view, disable your ability to fight, and then get an ammo box out by clicking it? Yeah, if you did, I assure you those games failed miserably.

6/7) Selling /planetary inventory system. I hit level 15 before I even knew this existed. Or that I could sell stuff. I've run into cockblocks that seem intentionally designed to make me spend plat (cough, the entire foundry process) but I assure you I have no interest in playing 125 defense missions just to get enough mats to buy a Rhino helm, which sadly, the blueprints don't tell you you need the helm, chassis, AND blueprints to build (lying by omission is a no-no in real world, why is it in your game if not to generate plat sales?). Sadly, I can't actually buy anything useful. Since I bought all the warframes, and all the weapons...I'm missing dozens of mods across them, and I increasingly find myself not wanting to play because I cannot translate plat or credits into mods so I can avoid running 125 defense missions just to find myself with worthless mods for weapons I don't want to use.

8) Weapons. Here's my take on the rifles.

MK-I Braton. Is this a joke? There's also a Braton, which does considerably better damage but you can't upgrade from the noob Braton to a real one? So any experience or mods are a complete waste of time.

Braton. Says it's accurate, but meh, I find it only accurate if the enemy is engaging me in melee. And it still freaking misses. I'm not a fan primarily because it doesn't spray out bullets, it just spits them out. Feels more semi-auto than auto.

Strun, Boar. Great on infected, terrible on grineer. Or I can just use anything else and not have that problem.

Latron. It's a winchester. Annoying as hell. Click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click. Thanks, but I'll pass. It's also underpowered. All it has going for it is you can fire forever. Or, I can use a real gun and just kill everything.

Burston. Great, it's a M-16 on 3 round burst. Permanently. Wow, is it annoying, and inaccurate. If you wanted to remind me what firing an M-16 on 3 round was like, congratulations. I hate this weapon.

Snipetron. It is very nice for sniping, but man it sucks on ammo even with sniper scavenger and ALL head shots. Sorry, are these the new super 100 cal bullets that weigh 2 pounds each? Why can't I carry more by default, so I can actually kill more than 20-30 mobs before I have to swap to pistols?

Boltor. Well, thank goodness most of the mobs stand still periodically so I can crush them with this. Useless on moving targets, but that's ok. I like this, though hitting moving targets sucks.

Gorgon. I really have a hard time playing anything but this, because it's so good in comparison to the other weapons. Snipetron runs out of ammo, the boltor can't kill 20 guys with one clip...the gorgon does everything but snipe at extreme range.

I'll briefly talk about the melee weapons.

I charge up, I get countered. It's annoying as hell.

I prefer the Furax or the Fragor, because when I charge it up...and run in while doing so, I usually don't get countered, and the enemy usually dies.

With the new longer reload times (yes, I noticed) I just give up when there's one enemy left and all of my guns are out of ammo, and I just beat their face in.

Even more briefly on the pistols.

I use akimbo furis or bolto, because everything else just doesn't drop enemies quickly, which is what I need backup weapons for.

9) Warframes.

Mag. Crush is good, the rest are useless.

Ember. World on fire has a terrible description. Is that to you? One enemy? Multiple enemies? Who knows. I think I have it, but usually by the time I get enough power, I just use fire blast (see end comment on warframes for why).

Frost. Freeze is useful. Ice wave is crap--it's too short and if the enemy moves, it does nothing. Snow globe is another joke shield. Avalanche is another 'wipe everything out aoe'.

Loki. Worthless.

Trinity. Great, a healer for those boss encounters that don't need healers. What's the point?

Rhino. Rhino Charge. So, unlike say, Excalibur, which actually kills stuff...it doesn't unless you hit it, spin around, then hit it again. Sometimes, it takes 3 tries. I'm sure Iron Skin would be useful, but taking cover and letting your shields recharge seems so much more useful. Radial Blast. More short-ranged crap I don't need. I like to call those melee weapons. Since I can't get my shots interrupted, I'll just use my guns until melee is viable. I'm sure Rhino Storm is good for clearing rooms, except...I've seen Rhinos die doing it. When I use my aoe room clear on my other warframes, the mobs don't knock me down and kill me.

Nyx. Mind control doesn't impress me. Psychic Bolts do, but you can't spam them, so they suck. Chaos seems good, but why use it when I can just a better warframe with a real room clear? Absorb, meh. I don't have it yet, because the &#! wooping I take with no shields has put me off from leveling this piece of crap.

Ash. Shuriken. Aka Ice Wave, see above--except you can't see it unless you miss. Smoke Screen, teleport...yeah, so? I need these, why? Blade Storm. Room clearer, assuming it works properly.

Excalibur. Says it's for noobs, lol? Slash Dash. Pew pew, stuff dies. Radial Blind, I just find annoying because as a Warframe player, having my teammate blind me, is all kinds of stupid. I mean me, the person, blind because there's this massive white blob on my screen and I can't see anything. Super Jump. Useless. Am I supposed to use this to get to the secret areas I can get to anyway? Radial Javelin. Room clear, nice power.

So, all the warframes need:

A spammable basic power that does damage.

Some kind of fun power I can use every so often.

A utility or buff power I can throw up and forget about.

A room clear.

The recharge rate and drop rate of power balls is so uneven, I really just give a damn about any power except the room clear (and thus, I give a crap about any warframe without a room clear). I then train all the mobs I can to one location, and then blow them all up. Not particularly challenging (though it is fun, except when they can't path properly and just machine gun me to death).

Extra stuff:

Essentially, the message is: irritating or completely pointless mechanics that takes AWAY from the experience and makes me not want to play your game, is the theme here.

I'd really like better explanations of how things work. Wall climbing? Cool, I watched a video of it on youtube from someguythatdoesntworkatdigital. Still have no idea how it really works. Am I supposed to guess? The Ziplines are stupid, they don't take me to secret areas or really do anything other than 'hey this videogame can do X!'. I'd like to see how much power an ability costs for each warframe, if possible--and seeing things like 'current damage/clip' on weapons would also be nice.

I'll stop for now, as I'm sure that's plenty.

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1. Training? You mean the thing you do to level up once you've acquired enough mastery points? Not sure how that is in any way difficult at any point in time. It's not like you're going up against heavies.

2./3. UI is still in the works and a lot has been brought up. A lot of clarity is necessary and the devs already know it. I believe they hinted at some UI revamp by Update 7.

4. You can use paired handguns, it just doesn't appear you are holding two (since it is mechanically operating as a single weapon regardless of what is in your hands). You can also use your primary, you just need to switch to it and it places the datamass on the floor which you can pick up later if you're in a tight spot.

5. In-game inventory definitely needs work. Although you can't just bind 1-4 like a traditional MMO because those are already set to use your frame abilities. Just need a separate hotkey or something.

6. Foundry is the way people get things without paying plat. Not sure what the problem is, as most of us just farm bosses to drop the blueprints and farm enough resources to make it. There isn't a whole lot of explanation, however, and the tutorial is sparse as to how it works. Another drawback being that blueprints in the market don't really tell you what is required to make the specific item, which would make it pretty obvious to people that you need special parts (chassis, systems, and helmet) to make frames. You're really not losing much buying the blueprints though because its not hard to make credits.

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What training? You mean ranking up? I've noticed the game tends to remember what Tenno had what melee weapon equipped, but not so much the guns.


UI issue. It is somewhat odd that the marketplace meandered into the arsenal.


UI issue. Could use a summarization panel.


Devs should fix this and penalize 2-h weapon use (longer wind up time or clumsy swings) while carrying the datacore. That and the double ammo issue when dual pistols are equipped and carrying the datacore.


Consumables should be removed imo. If I'm carrying all these spare ammo boxes... why isn't it tallied up with my total ammo to begin with. Restores value to the ammo capacity mods.


Could do with a quick UI tutorial to guide the new player through the various functions of their inventory.


Foundry process is for those who don't want to spend platium for warframes/weapons and/or building weapons/orokin blueprints earned from alerts with [?] rewards. Seeing as how you decided to buy all the warframes and weapons rather than building them via the Foundry, I fail to see the issue here. Being able to buy the mods you want would be dancing along the edge of pay-to-win, a hard-sell idea to the current community.


MK-I Braton

The starter gun. Leveling it up works towards account mastery. Mods on it can be removed. Failing to see the issue here


Upgrade of the MK-I Braton for a relative cheap cost. Accuracy feels fine in controlled bursts, capable of quick focused bursts to the head on targets across a bridge. Spray and pray is also possible, a nice touch given it's a gun most new players will be accustomed to early on.


Great on infected, great on Grineer with mods.


Takes getting used to for the recoil when scoped. Then it becomes just mowing down lines of targets in quick succession. I wouldn't mind a damage bonus buff for headshots given how the recoil turns off many players from it.


Ranged shotgun with mods.


Supposedly there's a bug that limits the max ammo capacity. I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm constantly meleeing and only sniping high priority targets anyways.


Not much that most don't already know. Didn't really have any issue with the Bolto family given all that target movement prediction practice as Recon in GA.


Imbalanced with the ability to just use ammo consumables from the inventory. Meh.

Melee Weapons

Enemies only counter if you're still charging and standing right next to them AND they're not already targeting another Tenno. Not sure why you're so hung up on getting countered for trying to [one shot]/[deal sudden heavy damage to] a target.


Lex, Aklato, and maybe even Bronco would like to have a word with you.


I'll let someone else handle this cluster. Especially Loki.

Edited by Cakes
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Given the nature of humans, and especially humans on the internet, this could very well be a troll. HOWEVER, I am going to respond in the slim chance that it isn't. And my god, do I hope it is.

1) What on earth are you even talking about here?

2 and 3) This is an ongoing discussion with several threads, which you can SEARCH for in the forums.

4) Sidearms are far from useless and you can bash people with melee. Or, you can drop it and pull out your main gun! Just hit F man!

5) Are you CONSTANTLY in combat since you are unable to use it? Get behind cover and use it. Takes you a second. A SECOND.

6) Selling mods is easy as hell, you have to be blind to not see the "Sell" icon. This is not simply a shooter, you are SUPPOSED to farm items in this game! Mods wont just fall into your fat lap because you fail to realize that.

8) Increasing the level of any weapon (and indeed warframe) in turn increases your account level. Not worthless. You can REMOVE the mods you place into weapons. It also sounds like you have AWFUL aim. Aim at the head! The Boltor is a FANTASTIC weapon as long as you get used to it, which takes only a few moments. Lead the target and anticipate where they're headed. It's called skill.

About the melee weapons... Imagine if you will someone tries to charge up an attack DIRECTLY in front of you. Would YOU stand there and take it? NO! You would bash them in their face to interrupt it, JUST like the enemies do. You have to time and aim your charge attacks. That's called skill.

9) It sounds to me that you want all warframes to be the same! What's the bloody point of that? Mag's abilities need some tweaking, but they are brilliant. Frost's Snow Globe a "joke"? It's the best ability in the entire freaking game. Loki can create a temporary distraction which allows for more hits, he can become invisible, to allow for more free hits, he can teleport to bring an enemy to your team, him closer to enemies, or closer to where ever he want to be AND he can basically kick their balls with the disarm.

What on earth possessed you to become a Grand Master if you have SO much beef with the game itself?

I'm staggered at the levels of ignorance, immaturity and general stupidity of your post.

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The foundry prices are pretty outrageous. How many hours on average does it take to make a new frame without paying anything?

I farm-built 8 frames since I started, so assuming I spent my total play time to farm the blueprints and materials I'm looking at roughly 12 hours game-time for the components and blueprints in addition to the 12 hours real-time crafting and 3 day real-time assembly time for each of my warframes.

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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you aren't being condescending as this is the internet, but I sure feel condescended towards.

1. Training? You mean the thing you do to level up once you've acquired enough mastery points? Not sure how that is in any way difficult at any point in time. It's not like you're going up against heavies.

I would have thought so too. I hit level 4 with a level 15 suit (not my strongest) with level 6 weapons (again, not my strongest; which are 20's). I died when the 6th guy spawned and I'd only dropped 1. If they scale to my strongest level, then I should know that. 1-3 were, well, pussy mobs and it was a cakewalk. I hit 4, and they suddenly destroy me?

4. You can use paired handguns, it just doesn't appear you are holding two (since it is mechanically operating as a single weapon regardless of what is in your hands). You can also use your primary, you just need to switch to it and it places the datamass on the floor which you can pick up later if you're in a tight spot.

This is some really terrible commentary.

Obviously I can't use paired handguns or my primary and carry the thing around. Did you even bother reading? You just restated my complaint back at me as if what I said wasn't actually a complaint!

6. Foundry is the way people get things without paying plat. Not sure what the problem is, as most of us just farm bosses to drop the blueprints and farm enough resources to make it. There isn't a whole lot of explanation, however, and the tutorial is sparse as to how it works. Another drawback being that blueprints in the market don't really tell you what is required to make the specific item, which would make it pretty obvious to people that you need special parts (chassis, systems, and helmet) to make frames. You're really not losing much buying the blueprints though because its not hard to make credits.

Sure, my detailed explanation went over your head. In short, the system sucks.

To rebut your casual explanation of why it's good, when it really isn't:

I get the Boltor blueprint. I just bought it using creds.

I tried 50 missions to get me a 2nd neurode and 150 alloy plate. From the systems that drop it. I gave up after 50 missions and just bought the damn thing. I hate to tell you this, but since I have to endlessly grind my warframes and weapons, I expect mats to drop for me so I don't have to grind those too.

I'm glad Cakes was about to build 8 frames in 12 hours game-time. I call bullS#&$, but hey maybe he knows a website that lists where everything is that you need to get your stuff, because I still have absolutely no idea where any helmets or torsos are. And frankly, I stopped giving a damn a long time ago--if you got it that easy, fine...and I haven't gotten jack S#&$ for drops. So few that I just figured the system wasn't even implemented properly, or someone incompetent did it; and I just bought everything with plat. So who knows. Again, worthless game mechanic drives me AWAY from the game. That's the problem--it's especially bad if one player easily gets everything they need in the amount of time I spend in 2 days playing over a month and I get absolutely nothing. That's not "frustrating", that's "oh really? well F this game".

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You might have had a more enjoyable experience if you actually got involved with the community. There are a lot of helpful guides made by players to help others understand some of the complicated stuff like wall running or give them a guide to drops. It also offers an outlet for you to find possible work arounds to simple in-game issues that other players have found.

Clearly you are angry, but placing the blame isn't making this conversation go any better. Nor is being rude.

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Amazingly ignorant post.

Given the nature of humans, and especially humans on the internet, this could very well be a troll. HOWEVER, I am going to respond in the slim chance that it isn't. And my god, do I hope it is.

You troll well. I'll enjoy making you look the part you've chosen.

1) What on earth are you even talking about here?

Was it hard to follow my English? I ran into level 4 with some low level weapons, and I got annihilated. Then I can't try again, for, a day. An entire real world day. This is stupid.

2 and 3) This is an ongoing discussion with several threads, which you can SEARCH for in the forums.

Oh no, the forum police told me I better search. Well, I have MY opinion and I'm not a sheep willing to +1 some idiots incoherent thread. Thanks for the useless advice, but I refuse.

4) Sidearms are far from useless and you can bash people with melee. Or, you can drop it and pull out your main gun! Just hit F man!

That's what you got from my gripe about a mission? That I think sidearms are useless? Amazing troll, really, by pretending like you can't read or comprehend english, you not only mounted a high horse but looked foolish doing it. I wonder if you even play this game, says you are a GM but sure doesn't seem like it.

5) Are you CONSTANTLY in combat since you are unable to use it? Get behind cover and use it. Takes you a second. A SECOND.

I don't run out of bullets when I'm out of combat. +1 for being foolish when commenting.

6) Selling mods is easy as hell, you have to be blind to not see the "Sell" icon. This is not simply a shooter, you are SUPPOSED to farm items in this game! Mods wont just fall into your fat lap because you fail to realize that.

What does farming mods have to do with anything? Run defense mission with 4 people, spend 10 minutes, come away with 10 mods. Yeah, I know, and your point is...you don't read? The controls tell me my inventory button is I, I hit I, and I see a 8 square box with an ammo box in it. I then go to my arsenal screen, and I see that same box open; now called 'gear'. With an inventory button at the bottom. Why would I click it? Isn't item popup=gear? Don't understand how poorly documented=confusion yet? Well, I just explained it. Why would I ever hit that button? Oh, because the arsenal screen doesn't actually display my inventory, it's called GEAR despite the general way videogames work, when you hit your bag/inventory/whatever button, your inventory of items you don't have equipped shows up. It's poorly labeled and not thought out. Like your post, but thankfully, the devs can see the problem and fix it.

8) Increasing the level of any weapon (and indeed warframe) in turn increases your account level. Not worthless. You can REMOVE the mods you place into weapons. It also sounds like you have AWFUL aim. Aim at the head! The Boltor is a FANTASTIC weapon as long as you get used to it, which takes only a few moments. Lead the target and anticipate where they're headed. It's called skill.

About the melee weapons... Imagine if you will someone tries to charge up an attack DIRECTLY in front of you. Would YOU stand there and take it? NO! You would bash them in their face to interrupt it, JUST like the enemies do. You have to time and aim your charge attacks. That's called skill.

Really? Where is this documented? What IS my account level? How is it calculated? Where is this documented? Shall I search the forums? Why aren't in-game tool tips actually in-game explaining even the most basic of this? I have excellent aim, and saying the boltor is fantastic when it's been belittled all across the forums is amusing. How about you search? It's called skill? Lead the enemy? You mean, put up a stream of bolts and hope he runs into it? If the AI doesn't randomly decide to shoot you. Or if your host has a bad computer and they blink around. Or someone else shoots them, or your first bolt scores a knockback and they stop running. Or your second does.

As to interrupts, sigh, you're just bad. I can literally NEVER get a charge off unless I run away, stand 1.5 feet from them, then step forward when there's a half second of charge time left. That's not skill, that's S#&$ty AI. Shame you don't recognize it. Now explain to everyone how it's fun, in a co-op game, to have to run away, stand there, get shot, charge up, then move forward and hope the enemy doesn't sidestep or move up, so your fully charged attack which you have NO CONTROL OVER WHEN IT GOES OFF, lands in the middle of the enemy and does absolutely nothing. While they continue shooting you. Then you run away, stand there, get shot, charge up, and oh yeah this is a freaking stupid game mechanic.

9) It sounds to me that you want all warframes to be the same! What's the bloody point of that? Mag's abilities need some tweaking, but they are brilliant. Frost's Snow Globe a "joke"? It's the best ability in the entire freaking game. Loki can create a temporary distraction which allows for more hits, he can become invisible, to allow for more free hits, he can teleport to bring an enemy to your team, him closer to enemies, or closer to where ever he want to be AND he can basically kick their balls with the disarm.

Actually I want the warframe abilities to be stuff I use. Maybe you didn't notice, but the difficulty level of the game is EASY. I can run a Latron and a Bronco and abuse boxes and cover and kill 200 enemies without ever running out of ammo. Sadly I don't enjoy playing 1 level for 2 hours to do it. So I want the game to go faster. And be more difficult. You can use Loki, and like Mags non-room clearing ability, and really, I don't care if you like snow globe. Your opinion means very little to me, because it's so wrong.

If I can kill all the enemies in groups of 20 without any real problem, then the game isn't actually difficult. So I can see where there are useless powers for my skill level. This is probably higher than yours, but really, who cares if you are bad at PVE? I don't see the relevance, other than you have mistaken thoughts about what's effective. Why screw around with loki when I can just run Volt, and destroy everything? Why bother with any of mag's "need tweak" abilities when I can just run +200% power range, and annihilate 40 enemies with one press of 4? Ever play a defense mission with a maxed out mag? It's incredibly boring. Oh hey, all 40 enemies just died. Whew, glad I'm here to farm experience. Getting mods to sell isn't everything.

So I want powers I can reliably use, because if you want this to not be a dull game, I need more than rifle/pistols/axe. I can't even swap rifle/pistols/axe to something else when I'm in a level, if for no other reason than to swap my boredom factor or make up for what everyone else is running. Know how annoying it is when 4 people run snipetrons? Yeah, that's fun.

What on earth possessed you to become a Grand Master if you have SO much beef with the game itself?

That's your business? If you think this is "SO much beef" then your tolerance level for criticisms is that of a fan boy, and we should part ways now as you won't like anything I have to say if you think my opinions are so worthless.

I'm staggered at the levels of ignorance, immaturity and general stupidity of your post.

Yeah, same to you, sadly.

Nice to meet you, thanks for trolling me.

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12 hours game time of farming for the blueprints and materials necessary for each warframe, at 8 frames that totals the 96 hours of gameplay my account profile lists. Sorry for the wording choice, it may have confused some readers.

If the relatively high drop rates in Warframe make you rage, then these RNG drop based games may not be to your style

Edited by Cakes
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You might have had a more enjoyable experience if you actually got involved with the community. There are a lot of helpful guides made by players to help others understand some of the complicated stuff like wall running or give them a guide to drops. It also offers an outlet for you to find possible work arounds to simple in-game issues that other players have found.

Clearly you are angry, but placing the blame isn't making this conversation go any better. Nor is being rude.

I've been playing for a few weeks, what, pray tell, should I be doing when playing a new game?

Reading forum posts? That explain all the bad things so I can avoid it and thus not bring attention to it?

Well, I'm pretty sure I just paid to be a beta tester, so I'm sure as S#&$ not going to sit down, read the forums, understand there are 1258 problems and all I need to do is read 137 forum threads to catch them all.

Being angry doesn't make my comments wrong, or not useful. I'm at my most focussed when I'm angry, because my anger never gets the best of me (see, I don't actually punch walls).

Wall running shouldn't BE complicated. It should just work, and be fun. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be making video games. This isn't a console game, it's a PC game. Read a guide to drops in beta? Where's the fun of that? How is that even helping beta test? Do you guys just not get beta testing isn't about power leveling, reading guides, and "beating" the game before it's even launched?

I came in blind, to beta test a game I saw as having enough potential to warrant 250 of my dollars.

The end results are listed above. They don't need another pretend power gamer showing everyone how to kick it up a notch and beat the game.

They need honest feedback on how casual players will view their game.

Which right now is, it's a lot of flash, a lot of bugs, and a lot of really bad S#&$ going on with no explanations for why.

You think new people are going to read forums to understand why the game sucks?

Surely, you jest.

They aren't going to spend a dime, they are going to uninstall, and they are going to bad mouth the game to their friends; and this results in the death of a game.

This is why the game developers need people like me--willing to play their game blindfolded, just as casuals do, and tell them how it is.

Right now, it's terrible. And *I* like the game, but from a casual viewpoint, this game sucks.

Let's think about why.

Useless powers.

Guns that have vastly different capabilities.

AI is bad.

Some warframes are tough and can take it, others fold like a butterfly.

I don't care what expert or advanced players can do. All you and I can do is stretch the boundaries of the game.

Casuals never hit those boundaries, and that's what I was playing as. How does the game feel and play if I just play it?

It's incredibly frustrating, then fun, then incredibly frustrating, then fun.

It should just be fun. All the time, not a portion of the time.

Casuals get &!$$ed off, they won't come back an hour later--they might come back a week or a month later, if they come back at all.

That's bad for the game. That's what the devs need to know. I don't really give a damn what YOU think, because this post isn't FOR you. It's for THEM. Their game is cringe worthy in way too many areas. This is closed beta? Well, most MMO's in closed beta aren't really IN closed beta. They are in 'test the server back end and tweak stuff'. Well, the game needs a @(*()$ overhaul not &!$$ant little tweaks then a launch that fails because there's too much stupid S#&$ still in the game because I should just read the forums to really truly understand just how awesome the game is despite it's 1257 major flaws.

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12 hours game time of farming for the blueprints and materials necessary for each warframe, at 8 frames that totals the 96 hours of gameplay my account profile lists. Sorry for the wording choice, it may have confused some readers.

If the relatively high drop rates in Warframe make you rage, then these RNG drop based games may not be to your style

Did you just give me the fanboi "if you don't like it, leave" crap?

Some community. If you don't like the game, shut up and leave? Amazing.

Yes, you said 12 hours for 8 frames. So in 96 hours you got enough mats for 8 frames, and in 50 hours I couldn't get 1 neurode and 200 plate alloy.

Get it yet? If I was a casual player, and didn't read where the "best" drop rates are, I'd have quit.

That means loss of revenue, and bad reviews, which leads to more loss of revenue.

I didn't spend 250$ to get feedback from expert players I don't know and don't care about, to tell me all I need to do is not ever play an MMO again.

Seriously, been playing since Everquest. You think this game is tough? You're kidding, right? Every game has RNG, period. Do two epic quests on 6 characters in that game, and when YOU hit 5,000 hours; you'll be able to talk down to me. Until then, save that condescending nonsense for someone who cares.

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No need to play the self-righteous victim. If you can't facilitate basic communication with forumers then you are just as useless as the people who play this game just to play it, not to test.

Whether you see it or not, your anger is influencing your dialogue and could very well be warping your original intent.

Good luck.

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There are plenty of people who have dissected each point. I'm just going to give an anecdote:

I have three warframes now. It took me roughly 3 days to gather up everything for Trinity (Mind you, I was a newbie-ranked Loki and US player who had to wait for Aus friends to farm). It took me roughly 3 hours to gather up everything for Frost (I had already played the game enough such that I only needed alloy plates, rubedo, and Controlmodule/neural sensors once I got the BPs).

I'm sure I got fairly lucky with my Frost. It only took me 10 runs for the full set of blueprints.

I also play on multiple PCs and have never had any of the issues you have explained here... not like any of them seem to influence gameplay that much to begin with.

This just seems like a bunch of whining, honestly. "I don't want to run 125 defense missions.." A) It took me about 20 defense missions to get all the Rubedo for Frost, starting at only 23 Rubedo and B) You don't have to do defense missions. You can do boss fights for fun/extra credits from BPs or maybe exterminate missions or whatever you find fun. If your response is "Well doing any of the missions is not fun" then why are you playing? XD If you don't like the style of gameplay... ???

Dunno. Seems like a bunch of whining to me. Anyone else getting that same vibe?

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There are plenty of people who have dissected each point. I'm just going to give an anecdote:

I have three warframes now. It took me roughly 3 days to gather up everything for Trinity (Mind you, I was a newbie-ranked Loki and US player who had to wait for Aus friends to farm). It took me roughly 3 hours to gather up everything for Frost (I had already played the game enough such that I only needed alloy plates, rubedo, and Controlmodule/neural sensors once I got the BPs).

I'm sure I got fairly lucky with my Frost. It only took me 10 runs for the full set of blueprints.

I also play on multiple PCs and have never had any of the issues you have explained here... not like any of them seem to influence gameplay that much to begin with.

This just seems like a bunch of whining, honestly. "I don't want to run 125 defense missions.." A) It took me about 20 defense missions to get all the Rubedo for Frost, starting at only 23 Rubedo and B) You don't have to do defense missions. You can do boss fights for fun/extra credits from BPs or maybe exterminate missions or whatever you find fun. If your response is "Well doing any of the missions is not fun" then why are you playing? XD If you don't like the style of gameplay... ???

Dunno. Seems like a bunch of whining to me. Anyone else getting that same vibe?

Not really, no. You come off as kind of a fan boy for just dismissing everything he's said as "whining", when you clearly have no concept of the difference between thought-out criticisms and "whining".

Here: "This sucks, I don't like it, it should be different for me, it's not fair, it's too hard, I don't wanna, make it stop, give me that". Short statements without any support or rationale.

Edit: Also, if you're so unsure of your own opinion that you need to ask other people to reinforce it for you, it's probably wrong in the first place.

Edited by lohntron39
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This topic is rapidly going nowhere. Some of the original points are valid. A large number of them are simply opinions. Most notably his breakdown of frames and weapons and what would be ideal to him in regards to these things.

People responded to these with their own outlooks and it seems to have just gone downhill from there.

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........... this thread =/

ok OP i get it, you dont like the game, you basically complained about everything, without adding much constructive criticism I might add

everyone agrees that we want a better stats/inventory screen, DE has said they are working on it

FYI this is a closed beta btw, not sure if you realize that or not

hopefully you can contribute some positivity to the community, otherwise a persistent negative attitude isnt really helping this game/community or probably the rest of your personal life (jus sayin)

clearly you have financially supported DE by being a GM, but still dude that really doesnt entitle you to acting as you are in this thread (this is just a video game FFS, have fun, or if you're not having fun, then maybe this isnt your cup of tea, i don't play WoW for instance, it's just not my thing)

No need to play the self-righteous victim. If you can't facilitate basic communication with forumers then you are just as useless as the people who play this game just to play it, not to test.

Whether you see it or not, your anger is influencing your dialogue and could very well be warping your original intent.

Good luck.

what German said

OP yer tone and language is vile, keep it up and I expect that you will get nothing useful back in return

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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"I came in blind, to beta test a game I saw as having enough potential to warrant 250 of my dollars."


How did you know it was worthy of $250 if you "came in blind"?

This is a closed beta, the forums and community are a massive part of the entire point of being here. A lot of your issues could have been resolved by simply being a part of the community, and without your hostile tone your thread could have been constructive.

If you can't see what your'e doing wrong here then there's really not much more to say...

Thread should be locked. OP should take a breath and come back when he's not so angry.

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All right, everyone. Let's bring it down a notch.

Things got a little bit heated, and I don't see any reason for this to get out of hand. Stelek has concerns like everyone else, but throwing a wiki link at him and making snarky comments isn't going to help anyone present. This isn't about one-upping anyone else, it's not about $&*^ measuring or trying to prove who can string words together to sound the smartest. We are all here to try to enjoy Warframe, try to improve it, and help each other out when something gets in the way of that.

In the end, we're all just gamers trying to have fun.

So, Stelek, clearly you have a few concerns. One problem with shotgunning a laundry list of issues like this is that it makes it difficult to have a discussion about each topic - there are so many things to respond to, its impossible to make any kind of coherent response.

If you are willing to, I would like to help facilitate a discussion in a way that might clear up some of your concerns or let them be heard in a more succinct manner. When I read through your original post, here is the line that stuck out to me:

"I'd really like better explanations of how things work."

Now that is a good place to start. Its true, Warframe's tutorial does not cover nearly everything you need to know to get the most out of the game. It took me a few missions before I realized I could open those storage lockers, just because it was never directed and I was distracted by doing ninja flips and cutting things in half. So there are a lot of elements of Warframe that could get lost in the mix or not make sense at first - and if you are having these problems, it is a sure bet that other players will, too.

So how about we start small? If you are willing to be patient, I would happily go through every single bullet point you have and try to offer what help I can. Where would you like to start?

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So how about we start small? If you are willing to be patient, I would happily go through every single bullet point you have and try to offer what help I can. Where would you like to start?

You missed his point entirely. He's aware that everything has been figured out by players on the forums and can be found if you sift through a hundred or more threads, looking for tiny tidbits and every known bug and feature. The point is, those things are not presented in-game; a casual player is not going to go to the forums and read for hours before playing a small-download action shooter.

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Casual player comments hold no weight here, this is a closed-beta, everyone signing up should be aware of the forums and what being a part of a closed beta entails.

The OP's anger would make more sense if this were a released title, but it's not. We're here to feedback and help guide the development, of course there are many things that need fixing, but they shouldn't make you angry...

If you paid $250 and expected everything to be great, you're doing it wrong.

All right, everyone. Let's bring it down a notch.

OP is at fault here, his manner and expectations are way off base.

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