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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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On 2019-11-17 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

The Kolta is a heavily modified Old Earth handcannon, once "found" by Raff, then upgraded and cared for by Vikto Krupp. It's an incredibly precise and comfortable-to-use gun, able to be "fanned" for sustained, feeling-like-automatic fire. If need be, precision can be forgotten for ultra fast ammo dispensing capabilities.


How does it reload? Is it a swing-out cylinder, top-break, whole cylinder replacement, that weird thing the OTS-38 does, or that weird thing the Wingman revolvers in Titanfall do?

Nitpicking out of the way... very nice! You know how I get about revolvers (Seriously, I've made between 7 and 10 if we're counting non-prime Depezadors and the Plasmoid) so it's always cool to see someone attempting a new addition to Warframe's pool of revolvers...

...Especially if they're not the Plinx. UGH. But that's beside the point. A weapon concept is at its best when it's something I can imagine anyone using, and "exported Last Word" seems absolutely perfect in Warframe. The high power of a revolver, combined with rate of fire. Nice.

Although, I have a question. What if you did something like the Quatz where the trigger type changes based on whether or not it's zoomed in? Like, it's full-auto in hipfire, but when you zoom in it's semi? And zooming in cancels the automatic fire?

(I may just make that later) 

On 2019-11-17 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Alt-fire: Quake Ram: Press to ram the weapon against the floor and fire it, causing a shockwave to spread through the ground, increasing it's range and stagger properties, but decreasing damage.


This would be super fun to use! Especially once Infested and others get too close...

On 2019-11-17 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Innate: Recoil Control: This weapon will quickly adjust it's own recoil when fired at full auto. This weapon has no random spread.


Ooh. A Hyperion SMG here. That's always fun!

On 2019-11-17 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

The Accurex is a precision-based personal firearm, capable of automatically discharging a swarm of homing projectiles. It is also the gun that, when corrupted by Sentients, became the Cyanex.


I'd honestly like this more than the current Cyanex. I've been trying to Hydron it, and I have just... super not felt it. Last time I didn't feel a weapon that badly, I was using the Stug. 

I'm sure that someone can like the Cyanex, but it's just not me.

On 2019-11-17 at 7:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

And then it got corrupted by Sentients and became the Komorex.

I see I'm not the only one who's experimented with the idea of Sentients corrupting extant weapons!


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On 2019-11-17 at 9:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Innate: Precision Weapon: This weapon deals double the normal Precision damage. This weapon deals half the normal damage on non-Precision hits.

I feel like you can reword this as deal 4 times damage on precision hits and adjust the base damage accordingly. Effectively achives the same as halfing the damage on normal hits and double damage on Preston hits. The alt fire would have to be ajusted as well to just deal 2 times the base damage. Does not change anything but it just sounds more positive.


On 2019-11-17 at 9:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:


I would love more utility weapons in warframe. Probably would go well with melee builds.


On 2019-11-17 at 9:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:


Once again good suport weapon.

On 2019-11-17 at 9:50 AM, HugintheCrow said:


Depending on the stats it would either be an amazing aoe clear or an amazing status spreader.

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

How does it reload? Is it a swing-out cylinder


13 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I'm sure that someone can like the Cyanex

That would be me. But I also basically main high strength turbulence augment Zephyr, which means every projectile weapon is basically hitscan. You might understand what happens to the Cyanex's secondary fire in such scenario.


12 hours ago, keikogi said:

I feel like you can reword this as deal 4 times damage on precision hits and adjust the base damage accordingly. Effectively achives the same as halfing the damage on normal hits and double damage on Preston hits. The alt fire would have to be ajusted as well to just deal 2 times the base damage. Does not change anything but it just sounds more positive.

I will be rolling out an update to how "precision" and "weakspots" work in warframe, while your idea makes sense under the system that is in works in the game, I generally tend to write things the way that I won't need to update them later, after I changed some game mechanics. There is also some edge cases to consider as well:

1. Certain precision locations have different damage modifiers. e.g. MOA backpacks take 3x damage, not the normal headshot's 2x. The Precision Weapon perk's modifier applies another 2x on top of that. If I was to change that, it would actually deal less damage to those MOA backpacks.

2. Additionally e.g. Ancients have a precision location that takes 0.5x damage (but it's still counted as a precision hit by my idea of the system) this makes the weapon deal 2 x 0.5==1x damage to such spots.

3. Something I think I should also clarify, is that for enemies with no precision locations, the Precision Weapon perk is ignored, and the weapon functions normally, without any bonuses, nor maluses.

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8 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:


That would be me. But I also basically main high strength turbulence augment Zephyr, which means every projectile weapon is basically hitscan. You might understand what happens to the Cyanex's secondary fire in such scenario.


I will be rolling out an update to how "precision" and "weakspots" work in warframe, while your idea makes sense under the system that is in works in the game, I generally tend to write things the way that I won't need to update them later, after I changed some game mechanics. There is also some edge cases to consider as well:

1. Certain precision locations have different damage modifiers. e.g. MOA backpacks take 3x damage, not the normal headshot's 2x. The Precision Weapon perk's modifier applies another 2x on top of that. If I was to change that, it would actually deal less damage to those MOA backpacks.

2. Additionally e.g. Ancients have a precision location that takes 0.5x damage (but it's still counted as a precision hit by my idea of the system) this makes the weapon deal 2 x 0.5==1x damage to such spots.

3. Something I think I should also clarify, is that for enemies with no precision locations, the Precision Weapon perk is ignored, and the weapon functions normally, without any bonuses, nor maluses.

The body parts mutipliers in warframe is really wonky as it is right now, deserves a rework. Critical hits deal doble damage on headshot but don't deal doble damage on weakspots. I find that so weird. I would prefer the borderlands system of attacks on a weak spot are critical hits. Attacks anaywhere else is normal hit. 

I think chance based critical strkes only exist to cause a fake feeling of exitiment. These system work well on turn based games but I think set up bases system or skill bases system work better in real time games.

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9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:


Ah, okay.


9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

That would be me. But I also basically main high strength turbulence augment Zephyr, which means every projectile weapon is basically hitscan. You might understand what happens to the Cyanex's secondary fire in such scenario.


Ah, that makes sense - the Turbulence augment can make a lot of things fun! Alright. Alright. I see what you mean.

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Heed the Word of Vor:


I was born of the Grineer, first slaves to the Orokin, then slaves to our failing bodies.

My purpose, to serve. My servitude, meaningful.

I worshipped the Queens. But, I failed them.

I sought to partake in the Sacred power of the so-called Tenno, and for that "sin" I was struck down, destroyed.

But I remained. Through the power of my Janus Key, I survived that death... and countless others.

I was taken by the Void and it delivered me from obliteration.

And so, I worshipped the Void instead. But, It failed me.

There was no purpose. The servitude was empty. A Golden Eye watched me as I fought for it, but never gave me a reason.

Then, I broke the Key, and discovered Everything. I walked the infinite journey, and learned of the worlds outside. I pierced the Veil, and ascended.

And, now, I have returned.



Of the Queens I worshipped, only One remains.

The Wyrm stands alone, her wings and talons ever-growing. She is thousand-more what she was.

I sense a familiar being. She knows me instantly. The Victorious One, the one Queen I could not worship on my infinite journey through the worlds.

A Queen too strong for worship, too powerful for servants, too great for an Empire.

In that moment I almost pitied the Tenno, for they have already lost. Lost as terribly and utterly as I once did, when I challenged them.

The Victorious One calls me and so my whole being is moved before her. I learned well that resisting would be irrelevant.

I look upon her, awaiting judgement, and the Victorious One, the Goddess of Gods smiles upon me.



"You journeyed far, my dear Vor. Pray tell me, how many Queens have you seen?"

I saw a Murderous Queen, scythe and saw wielding. With her grasp, she destroyed systems. Her Word was [Rampage].

I saw a Boisterous Queen, fist clenched and destructive. At her step, the world trembled. Her Word was [Quake].

I saw a Joyful Queen, blade in each hand. When she spoke, her foes found only silence. Her Word was [Disruption].

I saw a Mindless Queen, viciously slaying. Both friend and foe had known her as the devil. Her Word was [Madness].

I saw a Lustful Queen, with an eye of obliteration. Her destiny straight like a bullet-path. Her Word was [Precision].

I saw a Fierce Queen, tyrant of power. Devastation followed her, like a mantle. Her Word was [Break].

I saw a Reluctant Queen, for she was against even the againstness. And as I gazed upon her, she gazed back. Her Word was [Reversal].

Then, I saw the Victorious Queen, ever-waiting. Even the eternal Torment recoiled in disgust at her very being. She commanded every Word, for she was [the Origin].

Finally, I returned from my journey, and saw the Rebellious Queen, a child yet to know power. She is the only One I will worship. Her Word is yet to be known.

"My dearest Vor, you truly have outshined every servant I have ever known. My gratitude is infinite, and yet there is not much I can do for you. What would you like me to reward you with, dear Vor?"

Weaklings seek Power. The Unwise seek Understanding. Powerful seek Indulgence. The Wise seek Validation.

The Master seeks Servants. The Servant seeks a Master.

I have obtained Power, discovered Understanding, gained Indulgence and Validation.

I am not a Master, I am a Servant. I have a Master.

All I ever wished for is to Serve evermore.

"My dearest Vor, ever thoughtful and magnificent, your wish is granted."

"You are Riven."



I believed I had returned then.

I was mistaken.

Only now, have I truly returned.

I am Vor. The Servant. I have come. I have returned. Ring the Bells of Rapture, sound the Horns of Oblivion, for the End Times are nigh.

I am Riven. I am Perfected.


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small update:

Hugin's working on finalizing the next large update*, so expect it coming soontm, but he found some spare time to add an "Other Members" category to each of the High Noble Houses (If you've been following the thread from pretty much it's beginning, you know what those are).

It's nothing new, but it streamlines things.

*If you're smart, you already know what that update is. Hint: look at the post above, there is a name of it right there. And if you know the name, you know what it's about, since Hugin has teased it before.

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It's that time again. Big Update!

WARNING: ULTRA-HEAVY WIP! This warning will be removed when the work is done.


Warframe: Fall of Kronos

update theme:







This update features content for both players who finished all currently available quests, as well as those who only just unlocked Saturn on the Star chart.

This first part of the update will act as a hub of sorts, focused on explaining the main idea behind all the new features, while detailed descriptions will follow suit later.

Something evil has awoken near Saturn... The Grineer, under Sargas Ruk's leadership, have finally succeeded in penetrating the defenses of an ancient Orokin space station, the Kronos Base.

It is a place of many marvels, secrets, but also dangers. Nothing will remain the same after you venture inside. Let me, the great Samodeus, be your guide...


Saturn's Orbit:


image: A mockup of the Mars Battle Sectors UI.

Just like with the Mars update, Saturn receives it's Battle Sectors Deployment Map, which will allow you to access the all-new activities introduced by the Fall of Kronos update.


The Wolves' Lair:

After completing the Wolf of Saturn Six mini-quest (relevant reading here and here), you will be able to access the Wolves' Lair, the base of operations for the Wolf's gang of misfits and exiles.

Here, you will be able to obtain Wolf Bounties, upgrade your weapons in the Vikto's UBER-Forge, deal with Raff Krossk, the Hitman and more.

Read more about the Wolves' Lair and the Wolf Pack.

Wolf Bounties:

Meet up with the Wolf himself (or if you killed him, his second-in-command, Kaln Volff) and find out what they need you to do. Completing these Bounties rewards you with items you'll need to truly engage with all the new systems and gamemodes.

Read More about the Wolf Bounties.

The Hitman:

Raff Krossk has relocated to the Wolves' Lair and now can be met here at all times.

Access his Hitman Bounties or engage in the all-new, brutal melee showdowns, the Kill Pits!

Read More about the Kill Pits.


Vikto Krup, the exiled Grineer Forgemaster is willing to open his experimental UBER-Forge for you, if you give him materials and compensation, of course.

With the UBER-Forge, you will be able to upgrade selected stats, unlock the ability to install Enhancements, and infuse special, custom perks, called UBERKLOKS into any weapon you want! This is the ultimate step in weapon customisation and upgrading!

Vikto also has a little quest for you, if you're interested.

Read more about the UBER-Forge.

Read more about the Brothers' Feud, the Quest.

Meteor Run:

This is an all-new, high-action Archwing gamemode. Annoyed how all weapons are locked behind Syndicates you don't work for? Get all weapon parts here, fast and easy. Old and new mods, and even new Archwing upgrades can all be found here. But be quick, this mode is all about speed and destruction. Not enough for you? There is a NIGHTMARE version too!

Read more about the Meteor Run.


Open World: Titan-6 Landing Zone:


image: A mockup of Titan Open World Map. Most important locations are visible.

There is no allied faction living here. Titan is a desolate world, with no indigenous people. The Grineer are simply trying to obtain the Orokin artifacts still hidden here, in the wreckage.

The Security Checkpoint Titan-6 and it's content is available to players the moment they unlock Saturn on the Star chart.

How it works:

There are several entry points on the map of the Titan, when going there, you may always decide where you wish to land. There is no intermediate, peaceful area.

Battle Sectors and interconnectivity:

This Open world, like the Daedalia Planum in the Minds Under the Dunes update, marks the complete reworking of how Open worlds allow you to play with others. Instead of fixed instances, hosted by one player's computer, you load into an open instance, with other players dynamically joining and leaving at all times. Nobody is a host to anyone, everyone joins a main server.

Players can dynamically group up into teams when on the Titan, which will allow them to stick together even through loading zones (when entering Wrecks or larger enemy bases).

Going while Solo-only mode is active will send the player into a self-hosted, solitary instance.

This is a chaotic, dynamic battlefield, truly deserving the title of an "Open world". Yes, I realize this might seem unrealistic, I don't care, this thread isn't about realism.

Read more about the Titan Open World and it's activities.


Orokin Dig Site Kronos: The Infinite Raid:


The Kronos Base is the main focus of this update, and introduces one of the most complex, non-Trial gamemodes into the game, the Infinite Raid.

Dig deep straight into the Kronos Base, discover ancient, powerful artifacts, new items, weapons and lore. And fight your way through Grineer (Gyre and Ruk forces) and TWO NEW ENEMY FACTIONS!: The Daemons and the Riven.

Obtain the newly revamped and redesigned Riven Mods. Curse your weapons and Warframes. Become able to activate the RIVEN MODE. All available in the Infinite Raid.

For those overwhelmed by the size of this activity, smaller "bite-sized" Fast Dig is available.

The Infinite Raid and Fast Dig are available for players who complete the Queens and Dragons Quest (available form Samodeus' Apparition on the Surface of Titan, after completing the Minds under the Dunes Quest).

Read more about the Queens and Dragons Quest.

Read more about the Infinite Raid.



With this update, the Riven mods have been completely remade and redone. The way to obtain them, upgrade, and use them has been reworked from ground up. Nothing is sacred here. Prepare for the new era.

Read more about the Riven Mods Rework. (tl;dr version)

Read more about the Riven Mods Rework. (full version)





A powerful disturbance right in the center of the Kronos Base has caused the Grineer to form a large team to investigate. But this isn't something they will be able to deal with. Samodeus already knows what is happening: The most powerful Deamon in the station has been awoken, and now it needs to be put down for good, before it gets out of control. It seems that the Emperor Over the World Above has different plans for it, however, and will not stop until the Daemon is theirs.

This is a Trial, and a such, more info can be found here.

Read more about this Trial's Details.



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The Wolves' Lair:

After completing the Wolf of Saturn Six mini-quest (relevant reading here and here), you will be able to access the Wolves' Lair, the base of operations for the Wolf's gang of misfits and exiles.

The Lair serves as a sort of safe house for the Open World map on Titan as well, allowing you to warp directly to it from the surface (when in Landing Zones).

But let's not get ahead of ourselves... depending on your choices during the Wolf of Saturn 6 mini-quest (seriously, read the links above before this, if you haven't already) you might not even be allowed to enter the Lair. In order to do that, you need to be at least at first level of reputation with the Wolf Pack, which only the players that saved the Wolf will be at initially.

Wolf Pack Standing:

To raise your reputation, you can either complete Wolf and Forge Bounties (best way, but tough luck if you can't even enter the Lair), complete Situations on the surface of Titan, Meteor Run matches, or even simply complete Railjack missions in Saturn Proxima (slowest).

Rank -1: Prey: Cannot Access the Lair, Targeted by Mercenary Squads on Titan;

Rank 0: Loser: Cannot Access the Lair;

Rank 1: Dreg: Can Access the Lair, Wolf Bounties available, Raff Krossk's Hitman Bounties accessible in the Lair*;

Rank 2: Vandal: Forge Bounties available, Kill Pits Weekly Fights available;

Rank 3: Mate: Basic UBER-Forge available;

Rank 4: Captain: NIGHTMARE Meteor Run available, Kill Pits Champion Fights available;

Rank 5: Wolf: Advanced UBER-Forge available, Brother's Feud Quest unlocked;

*Doesn't unlock the Hits, since those are never locked, simply makes Raff move to the Lair.

Persons of Interest:

The Wolf:



Sided with the Wolf: The Wolf of Saturn Six is the leader of the Wolf Pack. Once infected with a powerful Infestation-based virus, he has barely escaped death thanks to the Tenno help. Now, he's ready to return the favor.

Sided with the Nightwave/Grineer: He's dead because you killed him. The Wolves remember.

Kaln Volff:




Sided with the Wolf: Kaln is Wolf's second-in-command, and while apprehensive towards the Tenno, she recognizes their help. She is the deadeye sniper to Wolf's brutal hammerman. Don't get in her sights.

Sided with the Nightwave/Grineer: It will take a lot of work to make her accept you after what happened, but it's not impossible. Kaln recognizes that above vengeance, the Pack must survive and move on. And now that she is the leader, everyone in the Pack will simply listen to her orders, no matter what.

Vikto Krup:




Vikto is the black sheep in the Krup family, and brother-of-vial to Gaud Krup. He is in every millimeter of his being as perfect as his brother, a genius weapon-maker and a monstrous tactical overmind. The only problem? He hates being told what to do. And that sure is not a problem you want to have when you are Grineer. Thus Vikto escaped the regime and now works for the only boss he can tolerate... Himself.

Raff Krossk:

Wolf and Forge Bounties:

Wolf Bounties are available to acquire from the Wolf/Kaln Volff, while the Forge Bounties are available from Vikto Krup. These missions focus on performing specific tasks within the Saturn Battle Sectors, or related to them.

There are two types of these Bounties, Dailies and Weeklies. As the names suggest, Daily Bounties need to be completed within 24 hours after acquiring them, while Weeklies give you a whole seven days period. Weekly Bounties, due to having longer timer, are most of the time more complicated than simple Dailies.

Bounty list refreshes every Day (for Dailies) and every Week (for Weeklies), so be sure to check in with the bounty vendors frequently. While there is a whole list of Bounties, they will obviously repeat sometimes.

Daily Wolf Bounty examples:

Situational: Complete 3 Situations on the Titan's Surface.

Fire to Ashes: Defeat 150 Ruk Grineer soldiers.

Running in Space: Complete a Meteor Run mission.

(I'll expand the list whenever I have ideas for good bounties)

Weekly Wolf Bounty examples:

Orders Received: Clear out 3 Security Platforms on the Titan's Surface.

Applied Geology: Break 10 Orokin Geodes.

Night on My Watch: Defeat 3 Nightwatch detachments.

(I'll expand the list whenever I have ideas for good bounties)

Daily Forge Bounty examples:

Spelunking in Style: Loot an Orokin Wreckage.

Free-Roamer: Find and defeat the Roaming Daemon.

Showing Off: Defeat 150 enemies using a weapon upgraded in the UBER-Forge.

(I'll expand the list whenever I have ideas for good bounties)

Weekly Forge Bounty examples:

Rive Them Apart: Defeat 500 Riven enemies.

Shopping List: Find 3 Forge Caches on the Titan's Surface.

Just Listen: Listen to Samodeus' Weekly Tale.

(I'll expand the list whenever I have ideas for good bounties)


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The Kill Pits:


Oi, Tenoh, I got'eh nu bizz fo' yah... I kohl yt... DA KIL PITZ! Intrsted?

-message from Raff Krossk


The highly illegal, brutal fight club created by the Hitman has become quite a hit among the many living in the criminal underground of the Origin System. So much so that Krossk decided to invite the Tenno into it. They are criminals too, right? One might think that Warframes and their Void-based powers would pose quite an advantage in a fight... but in Kill Pits, the only way to defeat your opponents is with the raw power and skill (and some luck) of pure melee combat. Ever wanted a really good reason to learn some tricks in Melee 3.0? Here's your incentive.

Raff's illegal entertainment empire is a constantly evolving affair. Not a single fight will be the same, as the arena, the opponents, and even the weapons you get to use will always be different (and the Hitman will continuously create new tricks and challenges).

The Kill Pits are a weekly affair, and can be accessed by talking to Raff Krossk (or from the "Alerts" category in the World-state screen) after you achieve the title of "Dreg" (Rank 2) in the Wolf's Pack.

The Rules:

1. You shall not wield void powers, nor modified stats given by mods (or warframe choice).

2. You shall not wield guns.

3. You shall choose one weapon from the selection given to you before the fight and use it till the end of it.

4. You shall not complain when I send an entire squad against you, or completely shift the rules at any point.


Champion Fights:

The Champion Fights are an advanced form of Kill Pits, where you will be put into a bracket, and will have to compete with enemies until you are allowed to challenge the currently-ruling champion of the arena. Each Champion is basically a boss fight. These fights can be accessed after reaching the title of "Captain" (Rank 4) in the Wolf's Pack.

You may call your Converted Liches to help you in certain fights in this mode! (They will be restricted to their melee weapon.)



First of all, you get to bet money on yourself, if you win, you get a payout based on your wager. Risk big, win big. Or lose big.

Second, you get to keep the weapons you won with. Finally obtain the coveted Ghoul Saw weapon!

Additionally, defeated enemies can drop Forge Materials, with Champions dropping a whole lot of them. And because you are fighting space pirates, you might also get some Railjack resources along the way.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The UBER-Forge:


Tenno, I can see you are, like me, a connoisseur of weaponry. And yet, here you are, still using those pieces of junk... How distasteful!

Come and see me at my Forge in the Wolves' Lair, I think I have something that might interest you, just make sure you can afford it...

-message from Vikto Krup


The UBER-Forge is the ultimate step in weapon upgrades, and while it allows to truly supercharge any equipment you choose, it does so at a rightfully steep price. This isn't stuff for the beginners or amateurs. Vikto won't even look at you if he doesn't believe you have what it takes:

Unlock Requirements:

Rank 3 (Mate) or Rank 5 (Wolf) with the Wolf Pack Syndicate (for Basic and Advanced functions respectively);

Mastery Rank 10

All Weapon-Mastery Challenges completed.


Forge Materials:


So, you think you're ready, huh, Tenno? You're not. My forge does not operate on this trashy scrap you call resources, so you can take that back where it belongs.

If you wish to partake in the power of my UBER-Forge, you will need to bring me items of supreme quality.

-message from Vikto Krup

As the man himself said, you can't use normal resources to upgrade weapons in this Forge. You will need the good stuff.

These Materials can be acquired by fighting specific factions.



High Quality Augments: These designer-quality synthetic body parts are only used by the Grineer higher ups and women.

Mind-bolted Sight Systems: Grineer don't need to look through their sights, as their vision is automatically moved to the cameras in these systems.

Forgemaster Tool Kits: Grineer Forgemasters refuse to use tools that don't pass rigorous tests.



Credit-Laundering Software: Many are able to obtain large funds, but only the skillful ones get to keep them.

War-born AI Protocols: This AI system was created specifically for warfare, so it's value is incredibly high.

Automated Nano-gel Replicators: Used all over the system, these machines allow for fast and efficient (re)building of any structure or item.



Infestation Sigils: The grim reminder of the Infestation's ability to take over anything, if left unchecked.

Mutated Cerebral Cortices: While disgusting, they could allow an insight into the hivemind of these creatures.

Overgrown Spinal Blades: Harder than most metals, these are the preferred tools of murder for the Infested.



Intelligence-Transfer Liquid: This water is full of microscopic biomechanical creatures, that still keep some of the ancient knowledge inside.

Bio-Gold Carapace: The favourite building material of the greedy Orokin, it's ability to grow like a living being is still not fully understood.

Proto-Transference Bolts: These broken pieces of ingenuity are no longer functional, but you know them all too well.



Quantum-Enriched Metallic: This metal-like structure is what keeps the VSR tech so durable, it's also very hard to properly research.

Pseudo-Neuronal Networks: The VSR perfected the digitalisation  with the usage of these human-like interfaces.

Dimensional Data Crystals: Information stored in these is hardly accessible through all the firewalls, but it's enough to work with.



Dark Matter Residue: What remains of those taken by the Riven, it still calls for you to join them.

Sterile Neutrinos: These particles defy all physics, just like the realm of the Riven.

Frozen Ascendant Voice: The words of higher beings, their orders are difficult to disobey.

Dragon Scales: The scales of a Rivenborn. Still alive.

How do you get them? There is many ways to do so actually:

Normal Gameplay:


Any enemy killed with a Precision Hit has a chance to drop related Forge Materials. (e.g. High Quality Augments from Heavy Gunner types, Infestation Sigils from Ancient types, etc.)

Saturn Endless Missions can reward small caches of Forge Materials.

Special Activities:


Nightmare Missions will reward small caches of Forge Materials.

Sorties grant Forge Material Caches upon completion of sub-missions and have a "Giant Forge Cache" as a potential main reward.

Infinite Raid has plenty of Forge Materials to offer for it's rewards.

All enemies in Trials and Assaults have high chances of dropping related Forge Materials on death.

Ask Simaris for help, he can now synthesize Forge Materials using his simulation-to-reality tech, at a steep standing price.

Faction Syndicates (e.g. Steel Meridian, New Loka, etc.) have faction-related Forge Materials available for sale as Rank 4 offerings.

Forge Bounties:


Previously mentioned Bounties available from Vikto himself will reward you with good amounts of various Forge Materials. Make sure you do them regularly.


The Basic Forge:

You got the materials? Good. Now, let's go over what you can do with them:

Power Reforge:

By reforging any chosen weapon in the UBER-Forge, one may increase it's base stats, but only certain stats can be changed this way. (The exact bonuses are based on the weapon's Disposition). You may choose only one Reforge type on the given weapon. You may choose to put available points partially in both categories for a more balanced result.

Critical vs Status Reforge: Increase Critical Chance and/or Status Chance of the weapon.

Critical Damage vs Status Duration Reforge: Increase Critical Damage and/or Status Duration of the weapon.

Damage vs Fire Rate/Attack Speed Reforge: Increase Damage and/or Fire Rate/Attack Speed of the weapon.

Magazine Size vs Reload Reforge: Increase Magazine Size and/or decrease Reload Time* of the weapon.

*As this directly decreases reload TIME, and doesn't affect reload SPEED, it is more effective (linear change does not experience diminishing returns) than reload speed mods.

Enhancement Infusion:

By enhancing any chosen non-Zaw and non-Kitgun weapon with Zaw or Kitgun parts (for melee and guns respectively) as well as Forge Materials, one may become able to equip relevant enhancements on these weapons. The previously Zaw- and Kitgun-exclusive special perks are now available for all weapons, provided you pay the Forgemaster.


The Advanced Forge:


I see your ability, Tenno. I was right to allow you to partake in my Forge. However, if you want to take it to the next level, I have to ask you for a favour...

Even I need help sometimes. And now I need help of a person I never thought I'd need to see again... No, I'm not talking about my brother, have you gone mad?

I'm talking about the best gunsmith that ever came out of... the Corpus. Lott Gunn is his name. Find him, and I will show you the real UBER-Forge.

To be Continued in the Invisible District...


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Okay, I like the sound of this. It's bothered me - lot - how genuinely hard it is to build weapons sometimes. Like, let's say that either of us have a crit gun. So you add in the must-haves, (multishot, damage) then the crit mods, and you have four spaces left. Then you have two spaces left - one on pistols. And then when you have a riven, you have one space left on primaries - and none on pistols. Usually.

I feel like it's so easy to hit the ceiling of power and mod capacity. Even with Rivens, and especially on pistols.

Also, Exilus mods don't help too much here. I'm usually not in the mood for spending two forma (usually on a weapon that already had a pretty complete build) on a gun. 

So this is a very interesting addition.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:


The Power Reforge is mostly meant as a smaller boost that rounds out weapons (especially the weaker ones). I fully understand most people would go for "moar damages!" with this, but there is loads of guns where I feel a casual player would go "well, it's powerful already, but now I could get rid of that ridiculous reload time...".

When it comes to the Enhancements, I feel like it sucks to have cool, unique effects only available on zaws and kitguns (I think many people agree). At the same time, they're pretty powerful, so attaching a price tag to them seems correct. (Another topic entirely is that we should have more of those already, would be good filler content.)

And that's just the basic forge... The advanced one (to be revealed in the next update) is an entire own beast.

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4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

there is loads of guns where I feel a casual player would go "well, it's powerful already, but now I could get rid of that ridiculous reload time...".

Can confirm. I'd see no reason not to do that on my Sobek. ...Though I would also love a way to make my punchthrough/acid shells build work.

Sure, it's got 99.8% status as opposed to 100%, but it's also really fun! I just had to make... sacrifices... for said fun. The Sobek is probably the gun I have that deserves the Forge treatment the most, because I can either have 100% status or I can have 120% laugh-out-loud hilarious AoE. But not both.

I get what you mean, though. There's definitely a place where I might want to stop adding damage and start adding QoL stuff. I kind of hoped Exilus would bet his, but as it turns out there's a reason that I never add Agile Aim or Hush to my stuff.

4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

When it comes to the Enhancements, I feel like it sucks to have cool, unique effects only available on zaws and kitguns (I think many people agree). At the same time, they're pretty powerful, so attaching a price tag to them seems correct. (Another topic entirely is that we should have more of those already, would be good filler content.)


Oh, absolutely yeah.

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19 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...It's not just me on this thread thinking a servo skull sentinel is a badass idea, right?

Would not be a farfetched idea for the grineer to use a skull with a working brain to man some floating weapons platform ( there are similar things on this tread like the grineer uper body attached to a balloon ). For the tenno I would see it as either a grineer skin for the sentinel or a new type of infested sentinel.


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2 hours ago, keikogi said:

Would not be a farfetched idea for the grineer to use a skull with a working brain to man some floating weapons platform ( there are similar things on this tread like the grineer uper body attached to a balloon )

Plus, the Grineer  would absolutely do this. The Grineer even make horrible monstrosities out of cloning waste, after all.

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@keikogi @(XB1)Fluffywolf36, While I appreciate comments, you're slowly getting off the topic. If your posts were meant as a pitch for a sentinel (skin), I'm afraid that 1. I don't really think there is any more niches to make a good concept for one and 2. If it's just an idea for a skin, then well, I don't make skins here, I'm only interested in lore and gameplay mechanics. You are welcome to discuss the idea further in your privately available channels.

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