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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

@keikogi @(XB1)Fluffywolf36, While I appreciate comments, you're slowly getting off the topic.

...Yeah, we kind of are, aren't we. Apologies for that.

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

1. I don't really think there is any more niches to make a good concept for one

Can't argue with that tbh. Whenever I try to come up with Sentinels, I run into this problem where I'm afraid I'm about to make it basically required and/or too powerful.


2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

I'm only interested in lore and gameplay mechanics.

Mmmm, agreed. I forget about skins easily, but I have a lot more fun trying to come up with how it feels to use the perfect revolver.


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Meteor Run:



Before getting into the nitty-gritty: As of this notice, you should consider the "all archguns are projectiles" change that came with Railjack as null and void for the purposes of this thread.

Meteor Run is a fast-paced, dedicated Archwing mode. Due to the powerful Grineer presence around Saturn, Railjacks are too easy to detect, so to seriously disrupt enemy operations here, the Tenno are once again forced into basics. In this scenario, they will be tasked will eliminating as many forces as possible (including higher-ranked officers) as well as breaking into many defense installations surrounding Saturn, and wrecking them.

Every Meteor Run mission revolves around (and inside) a massive defense station, a Meteor Base (hence the name of the mode). These structures are the major reason why Grineer control Saturn so tightly. While a simple sabotage isn't enough to fully destroy such a base, sufficient damage can be dealt by repeated strikes, especially within a single deployment.

Each Meteor Base is a giant labyrinth full of traps and defense systems, and it is only navigable via Archwing.

The mode is divided into time units called Rounds and Sequences:


Rounds are short, 2-5 minute skirmishes that serve as the primary reward rotation of the mode. Every Round features 3 objectives:

Mini-Boss enemy to defeat,

Station Weakpoint objective to sabotage,

Minimum Kill Target to meet (note that going above it may improve rewards).

Failing to complete any one of these objectives in within the Round's time limit will fail the Round, BUT won't instantly fail the mission. You are allowed to lose 3 Rounds before that happens.

As the players progress through Rounds, the timer will become shorter and shorter, making teamwork and efficiency key factors in achieving success.


Sequences are predetermined amounts of Rounds, completed in a row. Again, losing a Round, doesn't mean you lose the match! It "only" deprives you of the Sequence rewards.

Important to note: As the players complete more Rounds, the number of Rounds to achieve a Sequence Completion becomes lower (e.g. First Sequience is 5 Rounds in a row, Second is 4 Rounds, etc.) Losing a Round reverts this by one stage. Win loads of Rounds without slipping up to rake in huge rewards!


Meteor Run is available to all players that own an archwing (which is all players that reach Saturn anyway, since you need to complete the Archwing Quest before Mars)

NIGHTMARE Mode is available to players that reached Rank4 (Captain) with the Wolf Pack.


Meteor Run's NIGHTMARE Mode plays very similarly to the normal version, but with the following changes:

You may NOT lose a single Round (any failure is also mission failure, but at the same time, Sequences are guaranteed (?));

Basic Gyre Troops are replaced with Elite Ruk and Nightwatch Troop detachments;

Each Round features 2 Mini-Bosses instead of 1;

Each Round features 2 Weakpoints instead of 1, and the Weakpoints are more complex to navigate;

Minimum Kill Targets are doubled;

Frontier Enhancements drop at higher amount (and with better rarity);


First of all, any weapon parts can be acquired as Round drops, while completing full Sequences will award a guaranteed Archwing Gun Riven Mod.

Additionally, all-new mods can be obtained as either enemy drops, or from Round rotations.

That's not it however, as completed Sequences may drop Archwing Enhancements, called Frontier Enhancements.

New Archwing Mods List:



New Archwing Frontier Arcanes List:




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Titan's Surface:



As said in the main update post, the Titan's Surface features a completely new system for an Open world. There is no allied faction here, and no "hub room" like Cetus or Fortuna. Instead players will spawn at chosen Landing Zones.

Players are free to explore Titan at their own pace, engaging in a multitude of varied activities, some returning from previous Open worlds, and a large amount of new content.

Time cycle:

Titan does not possess a natural day/night cycle, as it has been anchored to the Kronos Station via a powerful Orokin Gravity Well system. There is, however, a semi-regular cycle that every single person on the surface must adhere to.

Above the Titan and beside Kronos, a gigantic Grineer station, named the Ruk's Hammer watches over the operations in this region. As Grineer have found Titan to be in a perfect position for a military base, they have started efforts into unfreezing it's surface making it more hospitable. This is achieved in a simplistic and brutal, truly Grineer way, by periodically striking the moon with a powerful thermal energy cannon, situated at the core of the Ruk's Hammer.

Every time the Hammer is about to fire, a siren will echo throughout all the bases, all Grineer units will get an order to immediately retreat to the nearest safe location, and soon afterwards, a massive wave of thermal energy will envelop the entire area of the Open world. Needless to say, this energy is lethal and the emission persists long enough to completely disintegrate even the hardiest of Warframes.

It's important to note that these "Hammerstrikes" are irregular and ONLY the Grineer get a radio warning that one is coming.

Strike Emissions can be survived by entering different loadzones (Grineer base interiors, Orokin Wrecks, etc.), hiding within thermally-armored, enclosed spaces (Grineer have created many camps, and set up self-sufficient mini-bunkers for their own soldiers), or by reaching a Landing Zone, as they are shielded too.

Unique Features:

Hammerstrikes: See above in the Time cycle section.

Grineer Alarm: While each Grineer base has it's own alert level, the entire map has an independent, general alarm, which governs the composition of Grineer forces.

Oceanic map: Titan's methane-rich waters are perhaps not the best for baths, but sailing and general-boat usage is totally doable. Tenno can use their K-Drives to "surf" the ocean, or simply hijack Grineer Jet-Boards.

Roaming Daemon: A special Daemon roams around one of the Wreckage Sites, every day, defeating it yields Forge Materials.

Samodeus' Tales: Samodeus sometimes astrally projects himself onto the Surface, it would be wise to approach him and listen to his weekly tale, as it will allow you to understand what is truly happening around you.


Most of the time, only Grineer can be found on the surface of Titan, with the largest force being the Gyre Legion, which is the general operationg force in the Saturn region. Ruk soldiers can be encountered often enough, especially inside and around the largest bases on Titan, and on Tactical Platforms. Additionally, Nightwatch has been observed on Titan, although they will only reveal themselves if it is strictly necessary (read, a high enough alarm level is reached)

In addition to the Grineer, Orokin-Corrupted and Orokin-Daemon units can be found within the many wrecked vessels littering the methane-rich waters of Titan.


Landing Zones:


Landing zones allow players access to the Planum.

Each LZ features a return beacon, allowing players to leave to the Orbiter, as well as an Arsenal Station, which lets players restock and change their equipment. A simple Crafting Station is available too, making it possible to build most consumable items and basic resource blueprints.

LZs are guaranteed safe zones. No enemies can spawn there. The Hammerstrikes will not destroy you here.

Grineer Bases:


The Grineer built fortifications and bases on the Titan, you can see their locations on the map. When approaching an enemy camp, be prepared to become assaulted by ground troops, artillery, and even air forces. The longer you remain nearby (or inside) the stronger the enemies become, to the point of sending special Elite Death Squads against you.

If player decides to assault the Belet Base, they should prepare for incredibly heavy resistance, as this location is the main faction base.

The Cosmodrome: A special Grineer base, where the Gravity Lift is located, and the Grineer send supplies to and from space.

Tactical Platforms: These ocean-bound platforms exist to take any and all resources that can be found on the Titan. This means they are perfect places for looting, but also to find a fight. Smaller Tactical Platforms can be temporarily "liberated" by eliminating all enemies within.

Orokin Wreckage:


These ancient Orokin ships have been destroyed by something and fell to the surface of Titan. While most of these vessels are completely shattered, some are large enough to be entered. It seems there are still some defensive systems online, as Corrupted can be seen wandering the premises. The Grineer are as interested as you are in the treasures hidden inside.



Hidden around the islands, (semi)natural caves can be found. These are good places to mine (Orb Vallis resources can be found here, Copernics included).


Situations are an optional way to quickly obtain caches of resources and increase the immersive aspects of the Planum. As it is a battlefield, many things are happening all around the area, with supply ships flying in and out, ambush squads appearing out of nowhere, new leaders coming in to battle, etc.

Each specific event can be a Situation. Situations spawn periodically in specific spots on the map as an Objective Marker on all nearby players' map and hud, with a timer attached. When the timer ends, all nearby players will have a chance to participate, as the Situation will truly begin at that point.

Each specific area has some defined Situations that may occur in it, so by observing which ones happen where, a player may learn to become aware of which Situation may be about to start.

Each Situation has a specific objective that needs to be completed in order to achieve success, and be eligible for the Resource Cache that will spawn in after a finished Situation. (Players that don't participate in the event will not gain access to the rewards, even if they try and swoop in after all is said and done)

Situation examples:

The Night Watches: A squad of Night Watch was deployed nearby, annoy them enough so they stop hiding and then destroy them.

Grindiana Clones: The Grineer found an Orokin artifact of high value, it belongs in the museum, so take it back.

Titan(ic): A large Grineer cruiser is nearby, sink it, tragically.

(I'll expand the list whenever I have ideas for good events)

Orokin Wreckage:

The many Orokin wrecks still litter the surface of Titan. Nobody really knows what happened to them, but it certainly had to do with the Kronos Station. Obviously, there is still something worthy guarding inside these ships, as the Corrupted patrol them ceaselessly.

The Wrecks are random, self-hosted, tile-based instances, playable either solo or with a team, filled with traps, parkour challenges, puzzles, enemies, hidden objectives and, last, but certainly not least, treasure.

These mini-dungeons are populated by the good, old Corrupted, and a new Faction, the Daemons.

The main objective and point of interest of the Wreck is always an artifact hidden in it's deepest room, which when retrieved will initiate a "Panic mode", where the player must escape the dungeon before it falls apart on them.

The artifact can be dismantled into Endo (at Maroo's place) or into Forge Materials (at Vikto's). As a bonus, each Wreck features hidden Orokin Geodes, which, when broken, will drop many types of rare resources.

Additionally, A special "Roaming Daemon" appears somewhere in one of the Wreckage Sites, this mini-boss will always drop valuable Forge Materials.


Samodeus' Apparitions:

Last but certainly not least, Samodeus is oftenly a guest on the surface of Titan. While he is technically stuck in the Kronos Base, he is able to astrally project himself on the Titan.

Tenno should always take notice of his appearances and approach him for knowledge, as this ancient human knows and understands way more than them.

Meeting Samodeus is only possible if one has completed The Minds under the Dunes Quest. Finding him for the first time initiates the Queens and Dragons Quest, which in turn is an introduction to the Kronos Base and the Endless Raid activity.


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5 hours ago, FatherDonovan said:

Titan's Surface:


  AH! I like it! Reminds me of my own work on Deimos with just a tiny bit of Barboga (Samodeous brings it to mind mainly, though the instanced randomized dungeons also plays into it all) in it for good measure and a minute sprinkle of my Dotter Tribes of Venus, all with a heaping gob of originality (the hammershots and the properly randomly-generated "situations" (alla Fallout's randomized encounters) are the standouts for me in this.). Well done suh!

Edited by Unus
(How's this Mr. Crow? It's as much as I can do with me phone)
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We interrupt the update with something slightly different:

Precision Damage Rework:

Intro: What even is Precision Damage?

Commonly (and partially erroneously) it is simply called the "Headshot multiplier". I say erroneously as some enemies receive this "Headshot damage" upon being hit in parts that are definitely not their heads (Head to https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Enemy_Body_Parts  and  https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Critical_Hit#Critical_Headshots for details on how it works in-game). If you do check out the above links, you will notice that the current system is incredibly inconsistent (Bonus damage spots are NOT always the same as the Bonus Crit damage spots). This update aims to fix these problems, as well as add new mechanics that we considered useful in bettering the overall balance of the game.

Basics: Weakspots, Strongspots and Precision HIts:

Having the in-game system behind us, let's focus on the rework, and the features it introduces:

WEAKSPOTS: Striking this area of the enemy's body will result in the damage being increased by WEAKSPOT_MULTI*WEAPON_MULTI.

STRONGSPOTS: Striking this area of the enemy's body will result in the damage being decreased by STRONGSPOT_MULTI.

PRECISION HIT: An act of striking a WEAKSPOT of an enemy.

Now, what is a WEAPON_MULTI, you ask? It is a specific weapon-type-based multiplier that decided the final damage bonus on Precision Hits. Essentially, Snipers are better at headshots than assault rifles.

For Weakspot and Strongspot Multipliers, consult the below table, but be wary that certain special units may override this stat with their own unique one. Please refer to the "Body Multipliers" section in any unit's description for that.



Generic Humanoids: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Augmented Humanoids: Like Generic Humanoids, but any Augmented Part: 0.75x, Multiplies with Base Multipliers.

Generic Robotics: Power Supply (if revealed): 2.0x, Limbs: 0.5x

MOA: Power Supply/Console: 3.0x, Overrides Base Multipliers, Gun: 0.5x, Multiplies with Base Multipliers.

Flying Robotics: Wings: 2.0x

Generic Infested: N/A (Basic Infested are no longer headshottable.)

Ancients: Head: 2.0x, Back-Crest: 0.5x

VSR Drones: Core(when revealed): 2.5x

For Weapon-Class Multipliers, consult the below table, but be wary that certain special weapons may override this stat with their own unique one. Please refer to the "Precision Bonus" section in any weapon's description for that. Note that weapons with multiple fire modes will have different values of the multiplier for each fire mode.



Fully-Automatic Rifles: 1.5x

Submachine Guns and Fully-Automatic Pistols: 1.25x

Machine Guns and Spooling Weaponry (Heavy and Light): 1.33x

Semi-Automatic Rifles and Pistols/Handcannons: 2.25x

Burst Rifles and Pistols: 2.0x

Shotguns and Shotpistols (Buckshot/Wave): 0.0x (no bonus)

Shotguns and Shotpistols (Beam/Slug): 1.5x

Sniper Rifles and Precision Pistols: 2.75x

Charge Weaponry: 2.5x

Traditional Bows (Excluding Lenz) and Thrown Weaponry (Non-Explosive): 2.75x

Explosive Weaponry (Direct Hits): 1.25x

Explosive Weaponry (Radial Damage): 0.0x (no bonus)

Beam Weaponry (Normal Beam): 1.75x

Beam Weaponry (Flamethrowers/Wide Beam): 0.0x (no bonus)

ANY Melee Weaponry (Excluding Glaive Throws and Gunblade Shots): 0.0x (no bonus)

Glaive Throws and Gunblade Shots: 1.0x

Glaive Explosions: 0.0x

Archwing Weaponry (on Land): Appropriate class multiplier - 0.5x

Archwing Weaponry (in Space): Appropriate class multiplier

Companion Weaponry (Regardless of Class): 0.0x (no bonus)

Note: 0.0x multiplier does NOT mean the weapon doesn't deal damage on Precision Hits, it simply nullifies the bonus damage, so Precision Hits deal exactly the same damage as normal hits. Yes, this IS a big nerf to all aoe weapons.

What about the Critical Precision Hit bonus? It NO LONGER exists, critical strikes are already able to layer themselves via >100% crit bonuses.


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3 hours ago, FatherDonovan said:

Generic Infested: N/A (Basic Infested are no longer headshottable.)

Does help them feel more like a mass of stuff. Firing at them is more about damaging it until it can no longer move them any kind of trying to damage something important. 


3 hours ago, FatherDonovan said:

Glaive Throws and Gunblade Shots: 1.0x

I feel like the glaives should receive a unique treatment , the direct hit has the same as bows 2.75 and the explosion has 0.

3 hours ago, FatherDonovan said:

Yes, this IS a big nerf to all aoe weapons.

The deserve it.


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11 hours ago, keikogi said:

I feel like the glaives should receive a unique treatment , the direct hit has the same as bows 2.75 and the explosion has 0.

Glaives have a gratuitous amount of auto aim (iirc), which is why I didn't want to give them large bonus. Explosions are a fair point though.


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With all the groundwork done, let's get to the most important and deepest parts of the Fall of Kronos update: the titular Orokin base and it's self-appointed tyrant ruler, Samodeus.


Hear the word of Samodeus:

Who is Samodeus?

While his existence is completely unexplained in-game, in the continuity of this thread, his name and work have already been featured, in the form of the VSR faction's abilities and powers. Before you may understand the true influence of this mysterious person, you must first know the secrets of the ViSoRi ARES, which means that you will be unable to encounter Samodeus before completing the Minds Under the Dunes Quest (This thread's storyline in general is deep enough to require being up to date with every update before being able to understand new content, make sure to either remember important events and characters, or simply refresh everything before checking new things out).

DO NOT PROCEED without this prior knowledge!


"Samodeus. A genius. A mad scientist. Without my contributions, humanity wouldn't be able to expand beyond Earth. And yet, my discoveries also caused the greatest conflict in the history, a conflict that broke humanity in half. And after it was done, after I saw my once-comrades in the VSR escape the system, I joined their mortal enemies' inheritors, the Orokin.

The Orokin, the Golden Lords, so powerful and yet, so scared. They feared death the most of all, and found temporary solace in Void and Kuva. But I promised something greater. The ability to twist the world so much, it would eventually break and let them make themselves truly and absolutely immortal. And then I took this power for myself, and didn't let them use it for even a second!

You heard me talk about the Riven, you listened when I spoke of Dragons, but can you truly withstand the burden of this knowledge? Let me see your strength."

Samodeus, upon first being approached by the player on the Titan's Surface.

The Queens&Dragons Quest:

When you first meet the elusive Samodeus, he will attempt to test you, by revealing to you something he saw within the dark realm of Riven.

A vision, of what transpired when the WYRM QUEEN was thrust into that dimension by Gaia Drull (you can check out the comic above this post for details).


"Have you seen it? As I saw it in my travels through Riven? The Queen of Grineer, she has acquired a power your simple brain cannot comprehend. If you face her now, you will DIE. You will perish a billion deaths, and then, your existence will end. Don't believe me? You think yourself invulnerable, of course.

The Orokin feared you, even called you devils. The countless masses you murdered are a monument to your wordly power. But I know who you are: simple drifters on the infinite ocean of timelessness. Nothing to be scared of. Nothing in the face of Riven.

Hmph, perhaps pity is a more fitting feeling.

I will obviously do nothing to stop you, if suicide is your wish. But if there is a milligram of intelligence in your Void-spiked brain, you WILL listen to my words.

The QUEEN has acquired a SWORD, a reality-slashing tool of madness and control. Something you can never defeat, for your existence is that of a Voidling.

Void forever bows to Riven. You cannot fight it. You will lose. Unless, I let you taste the madness, the control.

Do you wish to die, or do you wish to suffer for an eternity? That is your choice."

Samodeus, after the player witnesses the Queens&Dragons Cinematic

Thus concludes the Queens&Dragons Quest.


You've obtained the RIVEN LAB Blueprint.

Riven Mode:

To become able to access the Kronos Base and it's pinnacle activity, the Infinite Raid, and perhaps more importantly, to be able to defeat Riven enemies, you must learn how to use Riven Mode.

Riven Mode, is the next level of progression of Operators, allowing them to become frighteningly strong and granting them combat power beyond anything before. Additionally, it also acts as a power-up state for your Warframe.


With the introduction of the Riven Mode, your Operator is now MODDABLE, having the same amount of mod slots as a Waframe!

The Operator Mods will be explained soon in another post!

To unlock Riven Mode, you must research Riven Infusion in your newly acquired Riven Lab. Afterwards, replicate the Riven infusion item, and upgrade your operator with it. This will unlock the Riven Mode, as well as the mod slots.

There is additional research available in the Lab, but for now, let's focus on the Riven Mode itself.

How does it work?

Riven Mode can be activated by HOLDING the Transference key (default: HOLD 5). To activate it, you need enough Riven energy, which accumulates on it's own, or by doing certain actions (depending on certain Operator mods). The amount of held Riven energy can be checked in the UI, in the middle of the Operator energy circle.

Important to note is that Riven Mode is NOT a toggle. Depending on how much Riven energy you have when activating the Riven Mode, the duration of the power-up will change (more energy==longer duration).

What does it do?

While in Riven Mode, certain parameters of both your Warframe and Operator will change:

Operator power-up:

Operator is INVULNERABLE to non-Riven enemies' damage;

Operator deals TRUE DAMAGE with amps, Operator's melee and abilities to non-Riven enemies (with exceptions, like Bosses, of course);

Operator deals increased damage to Riven enemies, but takes increased damage from Riven enemies;

Operator's energy and amp energy regenerate at doubled rate;

Operator is able to detect any enemy through any kind of obstacle or invisibility, and Riven enemies will be even more easily visible;

Operator's movement speed is drastically increased;

Operator is brought to "adult state".

Warframe power-up:

Warframe gains a damage reduction against non-Riven enemies' damage;

Warframe deals increased damage with abilities and weapons to non-Riven enemies;

Warframe deals increased damage with abilities to Riven enemies, but takes increased damage from Riven enemies;

Warframe gains bonus 2.5 energy per second and 5 hp per second regeneration;

Warframe cannot be possessed by Void-based entities, but can be possessed by Riven-based entities when the Operator is Tranferenced out.


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Operator Modding:

This is a WIP post, details are being added!

As mentioned in the previous post, unlocking the Riven Mode ALSO unlocks the ability to apply mods to your Operator. These mods can be aquired from any enemy from these factions: 20?cb=20141025171842Orokin (including Daemon sub-faction), dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31cRiven, dde7x81-0d10c72e-5f36-44f1-bbc4-ff8d0c21Torment.

Modding the Operator works exactly like one would mod a Warframe, add up to 8 mods, polarize slots with forma to decrease capacity drain, apply an Orokin Reactor to double your maximum capacity.


Operator Mods are upgraded with Kuva instead of Endo!

Operator Mods:

Stat* Modifier Mods:


Gilded Vitality: Common, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator Maximum Health by 50 points per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 550 hp, Maximum Capacity Cost: 12;

Gilded Barrier: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Grants the Operator Shields, 100 points per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 1100 sp, Maximum Capacity Cost: 14;

Gilded Armor: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator Armor by 25 points per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 250 ap. Maximum Capacity Cost: 14;

Symbiotic Vitality: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator AND Warframe Maximum Health by 50 points per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 300 hp, Maximum Capacity Cost: 10;

Symbiotic Barrier: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator AND Warframe Maximum Shields by 100 points per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 500 sp, Maximum Capacity Cost: 12;

Symbiotic Armor: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator AND Warframe Armor by 25 points per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 150 ap, Maximum Capacity Cost: 12;

Gilded Flow: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator Ability Energy by 25 points per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 250 energy, Maximum Capacity Cost: 16;

Symbiotic Flow: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Increases Operator AND Warframe Energy by 25 points per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 150 energy, Maximum Capacity Cost: 12;

*Any stats gained via these mods will be added to the base Operator stats and will be further multiplied by any Focus passives and/or Enhancements equipped. Bonus stats applied to Warframes are NOT considered base stats, however.

Amp and Melee** Modifier Mods:


Amplified Power: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp and Melee damage by 18?cb=20160713085454 100 damage per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 1100 18?cb=20160713085454 damage, Maximum Capacity Cost: 15;

Amplified Will: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp damage by 18?cb=20160713085454 200 damage per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 2200 18?cb=20160713085454 damage, Maximum Capacity Cost: 16;

Amplified Strike: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Melee damage by 18?cb=20160713085454 200 damage per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 2200 18?cb=20160713085454 damage, Maximum Capacity Cost: 16;

Amplified Regeneration: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp Energy Regeneration speed by 10% per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 14;

Amplified Reserves: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp Energy by 25 points per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 150 Energy, Maximum Capacity Cost: 14;

Soul Flame: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Adds 10% of Amp and Melee damage as 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat damage per rank, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +40% 18?cb=20140124221428, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Soul Freeze: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Adds 10% of Amp and Melee damage as 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold damage per rank, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +40% 18?cb=20140124221425, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Soul Poison: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Adds 10% of Amp and Melee damage as 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage per rank, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +40% 18?cb=20140124221459, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Soul Voltage: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Adds 10% of Amp and Melee damage as 18?cb=20140124221426 Electric damage per rank, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +40% 18?cb=20140124221426, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Amplified Bite: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp and Melee Critical Chance and Critical Damage by 10% per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 16;

Amplified Prowess: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp and Melee Status Chance and Status Duration by 10% per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 15;

Amplified Seeker: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Dealing damage to enemies with the Amp causes them to take +10% bonus damage per rank for 2 seconds per rank from Warframe weapons, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, 12 seconds, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Soul Vamp: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Dealing damage to enemies with the Amp applies +2,5% Lifesteal to any damage they take for 1 second, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +15%, 6 seconds, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

**Melee here means Operator-used melee weapons, naturally (acquired throughout the REGICIDE quest). Warframe melee weaponry is unaffected by these mods. While these mods affect Operator weapons, they are still applied to the Operator themselves!

Riven Mode Mods:


Dark Flow: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Maximum Riven Energy by 25 points per rank, 10 ranks, Maximum Increase: 250 energy, Maximum Capacity Cost: 16;

Dark Regeneration: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Riven Energy Regeneration speed by 10% per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 14;

Dark Sustenance: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Decreases Riven Energy Consumption during Riven Mode by 5% per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Decrease: -30%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 10;

Dark Will: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp damage by 25% during Riven Mode per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +150%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 8;

Dark Strike: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Melee damage by 25% during Riven Mode per rank, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +150%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 8;

Dark Bite: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp and Melee Critical Chance by a 25% points during Riven Mode per rank, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +100% points, Maximum Capacity Cost: 10;

Dark Prowess: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Amp and Melee Status Chance by a 25% points during Riven Mode per rank, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +100% points, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Overlord: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Grants 5 Riven Energy per rank per killed enemy, disabled during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 30 energy per kill, Maximum Capacity Cost: 11;

Archmage: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Grants 7,5 Riven Energy per rank per enemy killed with an ability, disabled during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 45 energy per kill, Maximum Capacity Cost: 13;

Warmaster: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Grants 7,5 Riven Energy per rank per enemy killed with melee, disabled during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: 45 energy per kill, Maximum Capacity Cost: 12;

Power Overwhelming: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001230, Grants 10 Riven Energy per rank per dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven enemy killed, only applies while in Riven Mode, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: 40 energy per kill, Maximum Capacity Cost: 9;

Undying: Rare, 20?cb=20150301001231, Grants 25% Riven Energy per rank when Downed, 3 ranks, Maximum Increase: +100% energy when downed, Maximum Capacity Cost: 12;

Dark Intensify: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Warframe Power Strength by 10% per rank during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 11;

Dark Continuity: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Warframe Power Duration by 10% per rank during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 11;

Dark Stretch: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Warframe Power Range by 10% per rank during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 11;

Dark Streamline: Uncommon, 20?cb=20150301001230, Increases Warframe Power Efficiency by 10% per rank during Riven Mode, 5 ranks, Maximum Increase: +60%, Maximum Capacity Cost: 11;


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added a lot of mods
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Riven Mods Rework (tl;dr):

It's time. Many players will agree that Riven mods have introduced quite a few problems into the game, namely the insane trading scam-scene and balancing issues, not to mention the only plus side, ability to make interesting off-meta builds, is pretty much completely paralyzed by the extremely low chances of obtaining rivens for the weapons you actually would like to use them with.

With this rework, those issues are meant to dissapear, and Rivens will become what they were meant to be in the first place, a way to bring less used weapons to the light, not to supercharge already amazing ones.

Everything is changing and nothing is sacred, here's the changes in a tl;dr, with more details to follow:

Obtaining Riven Mods:

In game: Unlocked via War Within, Gained from: Sorties, Riven slivers (Requiem Relics, Railjack), Arbitration Shop (archwing only), Simaris (companion only);

My changes: Unlocked via Riven Lab (Queens&Dragons), Gained from: Sorties (guaranteed one), Arbitration Shop (any type), Meteor Run (archwing only), Infinite Raid, Trials (chest rewards) and Assaults and more... Riven slivers have been removed.

Reasoning: Due to other changes, obtaining rivens is now only the first step, and so they are now much more abundant.

Upgrading Riven Mods:

In game: Upgrading works just like with normal mods, simply add endo;

My changes: Level up with Riven Orbs, Add stats with Words of Power;

Reasoning: As said before, obtaining the mod is just the beginning, most of rng is now gone, and instead players are expected to "build" their own rivens.

Account Limits:

In game: Account limited to 120 Riven Mods (max);

My changes: Account-held amount of Riven mods is NOT limited whatsoever;

Reasoning: Due to other changes in place, there is no reason anymore to limit the amount of rivens one possesses;

Stat Distribution and Randomness:

In game: Each Riven rolls random stats with random values;

My changes: Each Riven comes with zero stats whatsoever, and needs to be filed up with Words of Power, which add a specific stat, with a specific, static value (e.g. every single pistol riven will have the same amount of multishot, no matter what), only the weapon's disposition modifies the stats now.

Reasoning: Removes a giant amount of data storage needed for Rivens, removes the awful and pointless "I rolled the best stats, but no the best values" feeling. Make Rivens more of a achievement, less of a diceroll.

Weapon Type Limitation and Unveiling:

In game: Each Riven is bound to a single weapon (and it's prefix variants). Reveal the weapon by doing a short "challenge".

My changes: Each Riven is bound to a weapon slot. No more "Latron Rivens", now it's a "Primary Riven". Unveiling no longer in place, Riven is technically usable instantly upon acquisition, only requirement is that the given weapon is Cursed first. Shotgun, Kitgun and Zaw Rivens removed, now there's only Primary/Secondary/Melee Rivens.

Reasoning: Again, removes the need to store Rivens in memory as unique per weapon permutations.

Usage of Kuva:

In game: Rerolling of random stats and their values.

My changes: Upgrading Riven level via crafting Riven Orbs with Kuva, Words of Power craftable with Kuva, Kuva can be converted to Focus points, Operator mods upgradable with Kuva.

Reasoning: Random rolls have been removed, hence rerolling doesn't exist either anymore.


In game: Riven Mods are tradable.

My changes: Riven Mods are NO LONGER tradable. NO Riven Mod-related item is tradable.

Reasoning: The amount of elitism and scams surrounding the "Riven Market' are enough of a incentive to nuke it from orbit.


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Riven Mods Rework (in-depth):

Anatomy of a Riven Mod:

Every Riven Mod starts out as a BLANK, meaning that it confers exactly zero power (but also costs nothing to equip). By fighting powerful dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven enemies, you will obtain "Words of Power". These consumable items allow you to imbue a specific stat to the Riven (naturally, to fully pimp out your mod, you need 3 Words), the Words follow the familiar rules for naming Rivens that one can currently find in-game (Sati=Multishot, Feva=Reload Speed, etc.). Words of Power can be Reversed to provide a negative effect (for those who wish to min-max with -impact builds etc.).

A Riven Mod with all 3 Words installed is now considered INACTIVE. To activate it, one must either obtain fully-made Riven Orbs (from dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven and Daemon enemies) or craft them with a single-use blueprint found in the Riven Lab. Exactly 255 Orbs are needed to max out the Riven (8 ranks, 1 Orb for rank 1, 2 Orbs for rank 2, 4 Orbs for rank 3, 8 Orbs for rank 4, etc.).

Activated Riven can then be equipped on any Cursed weapon that fits the mod's category (Primary/Secondary/Melee/Arch-Gun/Arch-Melee).

Riven Curses:

In order to equip a Riven Mod on a weapon, said weapon needs to be Cursed. Cursing a weapon is easy, simply enter it's modding menu and choose ACTIONS, if the weapon is ranked up to max, then it is possible to Curse it. It is also possible to pay Kuva to remove Curse form a weapon.


Some rare weapons may have Innate Riven Curses on them. In that case, those Curses cannot be removed.

Obviously, you also need Curses themselves. Those can be obtained from many different sources:

Defeating Liches;

Breaking into Orokin Wrecks on Titan and rarely also breaking into Martian Tombs;

Listening to the weekly Samodeus' Tale;

Defeating powerful dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven enemies;

Defeating powerful Daemon enemies;

Curses are somewhat random, and provide the "risk" part of the "risk VS reward" in Rivens.

List of Riven Curses:


[Standing Alone]: This weapon cannot be equipped for a match that isn't in SOLO mode.

[No Sympathy]: This weapon makes the user more susceptible to 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation damage, increasing damage taken and proc chance.

[Their Blades Shattered]: The user cannot use a melee weapon while using this weapon.

[Rage Unbound, yet Uncontrolled]: Killing enemies with this weapon drains 5 energy.

[Despair for the Lost]: Allied deaths remove a portion of max ammo/combo counter.

[Symmetry Above All]: User cannot be revived from downed state until they kill whoever downed them. If that unit has already died, the user must kill any other enemy.

[Sever the Ghost]: User cannot revive or hack using the Operator.

(I'll expand the list whenever I have more ideas)

Amassing the Hoard:

Currently in-game, Rivens are quite hard to obtain, the most reliable source of them being Sorties, which are not guaranteed to drop said mods.

With the above changes, Rivens are now more of an investment and a gameplay loop, which is why there is no reason to be stingy with their droprates (or the maximum amount that one can possess).

With this added ease of use and obtaining comes also a restriction in trading. Riven Mods can no longer be traded between players.


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Kronos Base: The Infinite Raid:


Oh, the Kronos Base... I know it all too well, I've been trapped inside of it for literal millenia after all! Since it's your first time here, you'd do well to listen to my instructions, Drifter!

At first glance, this place may seem like a normal Orokin Tower, but it is so much more... My experiments with Riven, and the attention from Dragons that said experiments garnered has permamently dislodged the entire place from reality. Be careful not to get lost, or you will remain here forever!

Well... As long as you stay within the range of my Dimension Stabilizer, you shouldn't have to worry about it. So stay inside of the circle!

Samodeus' hints


Welcome to the Infinite Raid, the pinnacle activity of this update! In this special, advanced gamemode, you will face completely new challenges, and reap powerful rewards in the form of the newly reworked Riven Mods and fresh Operator upgrades.

In order to access Infinite Raid, one must first complete the Queens&Dragons Quest. There is no way to defeat certain enemies within if you do not possess the ability to activate Riven Mode!


The Infinite Raid's gameplay is focused around digging deeper and deeper into the Kronos Base, all the while defeating hordes of many different enemy factions. The further you get, the better.

At the core of the gamemode lies the Dimension Stabilizer. This device, created by Samodeus, allows the players to venture into the reality-broken Kronos Base without having to deal with eternal imprisonment or atomic annihilation. As the Raid is an infinite gamemode (it's in the name, duh), the playtime is divided into rounds, called Floors.

To progress between Floors, the players need to obtain Dimensional Energy from defeated enemies, and carry it to the Dimension Stabilizer. When the machine is filled, it will enter a vulnerable state, where it must be defended from the onslaught. After that brief high-tension moment, the players and the device will be transported into the next Floor.

While the Dimension Stabilizer is able to protect your lives, it cannot fully repair the damage to reality that the station has sustained, and so, each Floor is cursed with a random gameplay modifier. Adapt and survive! (And as Samodeus said, don't get out of the safe zone, marked on the minimap and the hud!)

But what if you feel like you have played enough? It's ok. Simply save the progress and extract from the mission. When you want to play again, you will be able to choose if you want to start over, or come back to the Floor you ended the last run on. In the latter case, the game will match you only with players trying to get to the same Floor, naturally, but if you already have a premade squad, then you can all always play together.

If you don't want to start over, but feel as if the furthest Floor you got to was too difficult, it's also not a problem! You can always choose to start from any 5-Floor interval you fully cleared! (e.g. I played till floor 17. This means I can resume from Floor 17, 15, 10, 5, or start over from 1)

Every 5-Floor Interval also rotates the enemy faction you will face. First 5 Floors are taken over by the elite Ruk Grineer, the next interval is held by Daemon Drones, and the third is infested by the Riven forces. Then it rotates in the same order, over and over, forever.

Fast Dig:

For players who don't enjoy a truly infinite experience, the Fast Dig is a modified, 15-Floor-only version of the gamemode. As with the Infinite Raid, first 5 Floors you will face the Grineer, next 5, the Daemons, and the final 5, Riven forces.

Anothe rmodification is that there is no Invader system in the Fast Dig.


The primary reward of the Infinite Raid is a large amount of Riven Mod drops, as well as easy access to the new Operator mods. Additionally, Riven upgrade materials, such as Words of Power, Riven Orbs, and Kuva are obtainable from Floor rewards.

Invader system:


Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the machine, but they are mere trespassers. I, Vor, know the true power of the Riven. I was cut in half, destroyed, enslaved by the Janus Key, but through her power, the Killer Queen called to me. She brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Riven. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Queen. Forever bound to the Riven. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my blade. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my word. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.

Riven Vor

Vor is back for vengeance. After breaking out of the enslavement by the Orokin Void Sentry, he has travelled far into the infinite realms, discovered the fates of the Grineer Queens, and met the Victorious One, Gaia Drull herself. After he came back, his reward was eternal Riven power.

He is now on a warpath inside the Kronos Base, serving his Lone Wyrm Queen once more, but now, enhanced with vile magics of the Riven.

Riven Vor is the ultimate enemy of the Tenno, and within the Kronos Base, his power is near-absolute.




Riven Vor is the pinnacle of existence, his power and dominance above all lowly creatures. With his iron will, he breaks beings into servitude, with his blade and word, he decimates opponents. His victory has been foretold. Submit or perish.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Teleport: Using their powers, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Always Alerted: This unit cannot be made unalerted and always spawns as alerted.

Innate: Detect Invisibility: When suspicious or alerted, this unit gains True Sight.

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit can hit accurately for a short time after something that should throw it's aim off happens.

Innate: Diffuse Power: This unit's attack have a high chance to remove all buffs from the target, ignoring all immunities (and potentially removing them as well). This unit leaves a powerful  18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc on a Warframe whenever it "kills" an Operator.

Ability: Ability Denial: This unit can nullify enemies' abilities on cast, and incur a cooldown penalty on blocked abilities.

Ability: Dispel: This unit can dispel all abilities cast by it's enemies.

Ability: Repel Wave: This unit can generate a wall of repelling force, knocking all enemies away from itself (does not knockdown).

Ability: Kuva Drain: This unit can leash an enemy and rapidly leech their health for themselves.

Ability: Rapid Kuva Bomb: This unit can chain-fire powerful energy bolts that explode on contact.

Ability: Dark Revival: This unit can revive it's recently deceased allies.

Ability: Nervos Mines: This unit can deploy Nervos Mines which continuously shocks nearby targets and sap their energy.

Ability: Kuva Seeker: This unit can fire homing Kuva projectiles, dealing True damage.

Ability: Kuva Eruption: This unit can erupt several Kuva Pillars that deal continuous True damage.

Companion: Call Phantom: This unit can summon Void Phantoms.

Companion: Summon Riven Slaves: This unit can summon Riven reinforcements.

Melee: Finisher: This unit can perform finishers.

Melee: Bash: This unit can stagger more reliably with it's melee attacks.

Melee: Parry: This unit can assume a parrying stance. If it is hit with melee during this animation, it will stun the attacker and retaliate with a powerful Finisher attack.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven/20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Kronos Base

Weapons: Kingslayer Blade, Umbra Forma

Abilities: Nervos mines, Kuva Seeker, Kuva Eruption , Kuva Drain, Rapid Kuva Bomb, Ability Denial, Dispel, Summon Riven Slaves, Call Phantom

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 5000


Non-specified armor points (object): 1000

Body Multipliers: Head surroundings: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 4500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: 3 Riven Mods, Words of Power, Riven Orbs

This extremely powerful enemy may spawn at any time during the Infinite Raid (not in the Fast Dig), after the players have breached Floor 15. When that happens, all enemies already spawned become Riven, and any further enemy spawns will also  be Riven, no matter what Floor it is, until Riven Vor is defeated (yes, he will follow you through multiple Floors).

Riven Vor introduces some vital qualities of the elite Riven enemies, and while we'll go into more detail later, let's get an overview:


Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Consumed units may only be attacked if the player in question has activated Riven Mode. Otherwise, they are fully invulnerable to sources of damage and any effects that don't come from a Riven player or unit. There is NO way to remove this effect permamently, but dealing a large amount of damage, can temporarily disrupt this defense.

Shrouded units do not have a normal hitbox. Instead, the energy shroud immediately around them serves as their hitbox. Essentially, aiming at their body is pointless, you must aim at the edges of the creature and the particles swirling around it to hit it.



If you reached Floor 75, you will gain the ability to play as Riven Vor and randomly invade other players' missions.


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NEW FACTIONS: Daemons and the Riven:

As mentioned in the several previous posts, the Fall of Kronos introduces 2 new factions of enemies. Said Factions are: Daemons and the Riven.



The stratagem and tactical data of these factions has been added to the FACTION BEHAVIOUR post. The Eximus post has been updated as well. So, go read that too.





The Daemons are creations of the gifted scientist Samodeus. Their initial purpose: to be a bargaining chip in negotiations with the Orokin. They worked really well, and allowed the genius to infiltrate the Empire. The rest is history.



For gameplay purposes, the Daemons are considered part of the Orokin faction (e.g. anti-faction damage mods).

Fluff (non-gameplay stuff):

When the VSR Fleet escaped the Solar System, only 3 men remained: Donovan, Simeon (later known as Simaris) and the reclusive Samodeus (whose real name was always a mystery). While Donovan and Simaris were locked in eternal combat of minds, Samodeus approached the newly formed Orokin Empire and asked for resources and facilities to continute his research on the Riven Dimension. In return, he promised powerful combat drones, the Daemons, and the full power of the Riven, when he tames it. The Orokin, with their infinite appetite for eternal life (something that Riven could grant them easily), agreed.

However, they didn't realize that Samodeus was playing them from the start. When he was given the keys to the Kronos Base and made enough of the Daemons, he locked himself inside, so that he could continue his research on his own. The Orokin were understandably furious, but could not pierce the heavily defended Kronos Base, and so, Samodeus was finally left alone. The very records of his existence were removed, so that the Orokin didn't need to live with the shame of defeat.

But now, the Grineer found the Base, and cracked it with their brute strength, and so, the Daemons have been reactivated.

Some still fight for their eccentric master, Samodeus, but a lot of them have lost their initial order routines, and lash out against anything that moves. For some reason, several Drones have been spotted working together with the Corrupted.

Glossary of Terms:

See: ViSoRi


Crunch (gameplay stuff):

The Daemons use the same health and shield types as the familiar Orokin constructs: Robotic for health and Shields/Proto-Shields for Shields. They are mostly unarmoured.

While their technical base is similar to the VSR Drones (they were designed by the same person, after all), the Daemons lack the incredible Quantum powers that the VSR Drones possess. Instead, the Daemons hold powerful synergy and support abilities, that make every single unit a cog in a well-oiled machine of death and destruction.


The Riven:


The Riven are an odd collection of beings kidnapped from their respective realities, and reshaped into whatever their new master wished for. In a way, the Riven aren't a faction, as they are controlled by many, many different masters, each with their own agenda. The power of Riving allows one determined enough to gain absolute control over reality (or even realities), but those who succumb to their weaknesses become the ones controlled, instead.

It isn't very important to talk about the Riven creatures, as they are simply tools, to be used by their masters. The masters, however, are quite interesting. Who holds the puppets' strings? In most cases, a Dragon. But not always, of course, history knows many Riven users, you've recently learned about some of them. Yes, the Lone Wyrm Queen, leader of the Grineer Empire is one of these masters, with Gaia Drull being the Riven user who taught her. Surprisingly, it seems Ela Drakkar is also a Riven user.


(while HugintheCrow's artwork is in White&Black, the Riven primarily features deep purples as it's colors, as seen in the Queens&Dragons comic)

Fluff (non-gameplay stuff):

The Riven is a Dimension beyond and above all else in the multiverse. It is perhaps the origin of reality, and as such, it stands the highest in the hierarchy. Beings in Riven have essentially complete authority over those below. While Dragons believe themselves to be natural inhabitants of the Riven, there are many clues that it isn't actually so.

Anyone with enough mental strength and determination is technically able to Ascend, and gain the abilities of Riving, which grants the user the power to remake reality as they see fit. This power, however comes with a curse, as anyone involved with Riven is locked in eternal combat against the jealous Dragons, who wish noone to share their power.

The Rules of Riven are absolute: [You are either the Master, or the Slave.]

Glossary of Terms:

Riven: Can mean the Dimension above all else, an absolute power to control reality, or be the name of those who have succumbed to it, depending on the context.

Rive, Riving: The power of Riven, the action of using the power of Riven.

Dragons: The self-named masters of the Riven Dimension, they hold the Riven power and are very unlikely to share it. In order to obtain the power of Riving, one must defeat Dragons and take their "Talon-Knives", which are a paracausal "weapon-organ" of sorts, that allows the holder to break reality open. Dragons are mystical, beautiful creatures, but don't be fooled, they are as greedy and jealous as their mythical counterparts. Each Dragons splits into infinite versions of themselves whenever they take any action whatsoever, each new Dragon representing another potential timeline. As such, there is an infinite times infinite times infinite amount of Dragons, just like there is an infinite times infinite times infinite amount of universes.

Words of Power: The innate ability of Riven users. Even their words cannot be defied and reshape reality as they are being spoken. Signified in comics and writing as [Words of Power] (e.g. If I had Riving powers and said [I am Invulnerable], I would become invulnerable, unless the words were to be defied by someone stronger than me). Riven users' duels are very much based around figures of speech and forcing the opponent to accept your verbal advantage.

Void: Intermediate realm of pure energy, where the Riven connects to the normal reality. It is purely under Riven in hierarchy, and so, all beings associated with the Void are considered slaves to the Riven-bound. This includes the Tenno, who are simply unable to learn the powers of Riving, and are quite susceptible to them.

Crunch (gameplay stuff):

Riven units use "Object"-type health, shields and armor. That is to say, they possess no elemental weaknesses or resistances whatsoever.

There are no anti-faction mods against this faction, as it is simply uncounterable.

The Riven are most likely the strongest and most difficult faction to fight. First of all, they are utterly undefeatable if one does not possess the ability to use Riven Mode (or one is Riven/Riven User, but since you play the role of a Tenno, who cannot obtain the power of Riving, the artificial Riven Mode gifted by Samodeus is your only chance).

Second, they possess unnatural abilities, allowing them to avoid and defy destruction, while bringing doom to their enemies. This means even those simply touched by the Riven can completely devastate the uninitiated, not to mention the raw power of those fully Consumed.

Most elites in the Riven forces are both Consumed and Shrouded:

Consumed units may only be attacked if the player in question has activated Riven Mode. Otherwise, they are fully invulnerable to sources of damage and any effects that don't come from a Riven player or unit. There is NO way to remove this effect permamently, but dealing a large amount of damage, can temporarily disrupt this defense.

Shrouded units do not have a normal hitbox. Instead, the energy shroud immediately around them serves as their hitbox. Essentially, aiming at their body is pointless, you must aim at the edges of the creature and the particles swirling around it to hit it.


Additionally, Riven units are incredibly fast and agile, being able to instantly change their position and orientation, with no in-between movement* (because their relationship with reality itself is strenuous, they can simply "change states" instead of having to go through a motion). Said ability makes them look very glitchy/laggy, except they are also extremely quick. The most elite units can do the same with attacks, either their own (to instantly attack an enemy with no chance of retaliation), or the incoming ones (to completely remove an attack from existence, effectively parrying it).


*it's as if you took out all the frames out of an animation, leaving only the first and the final one.


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small update:

In the latest Devstream, it was revealed that Warframes and Tenno will have their hp, armor and shields changed to "TENNO" type with no resistances and weaknesses, which effectively is an existing "object" health (used by objects, duh, but also interestingly e.g. Vay Hek, yup).

We're ignoring that change. Due to the way the reworked damage system works in this thread, enemies already (on average) deal way less damage than they would do in-game, so increasing player durability is not needed (in fact, we're working on decreasing the durability of tanky outliers through units specifically designed to deal with overpowered defenses).

In this thread, Warframes will continue using previous hp and armor types (the shields have been already changed by us in this update, way ahead of you, DE 🙂).

The "shield have 25% damage reduction" change is also ignored, as it follows the same train of thought.


Expect Daemon and Riven units to be delivered this weekend. That will finalize the Fall of Kronos update (as we plan on going back to Trials and Assaults when we have nothing else to do, those are huge topics that will require a lot of work).

The Brother's Feud mini-quest has been moved to a future update to provide better background for it.

After Fall of Kronos ends, expect several weapon reinforcements (Grineer, Corpus, VSR, Orokin), after which next major update will be released.

The next major update will contain Void changes, new Orokin units, as well as a complete overhaul of Railjack (We're throwing out 90% of what is in-game, and making new things).

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Small housekeeping update:

Due to several real life issues, @HugintheCrow has been unable to progress on the content updates. Expect this to continue for at least another week.

Changes due to the "Warframe Revised" update:

All shotguns/pellet weapons in the thread received the new "status per pellet" stat spread (and were buffed to compensate for the change, e.g. any shotgun that had 30% status now has 30% per pellet status)

Demolok has lost it's initial Magnetic damage burst, and gained the old Magnetic effect (75% max shields removal) as a pre-damage-calculation aoe effect. While that made it lose 500 damage, it also makes it the strongest anti-shield weapon in the entire game, so it's fine.

Edited by FatherDonovan
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Daemon Units:

Daemons are simplified, Orokin-tech facsimile of VSR Drones, developed and used by Samodeus to guard the Kronos base. But just because they are meant to be weaker unit-for-unit, doesn't mean they aren't a threat (especially considering ViSoRi Drones are the pinnacle of single-unit power, so being weaker than them in this regard isn't much of an insult)

As mentioned before Daemons, stat-wise, use the Robotic health and Shields/Proto-Shields for, well, shields.

But without any further ado, here they come:


Daemon Servitor:




Servitors are the backbone of the Daemon army. With their durable skeletons and fast servos they are able to move through the battlefield uninterrupted, while doing their most important job, that is, repairing other Daemons. The Servitors' weapon is able to be used offensively, as it can fire a lethal beam of energy at long ranges, but it can also be used to shield and fix any damage taken by allies. The fact that Servitors are some of the most common units fielded causes a lot of difficulty in permament destruction of these machines.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Ability: Repair Protocol: This unit can repair damaged allies, making the target invulnerable in the process, while this unit loses the ability to perform other actions. This effect can be interrupted.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Salva Prime

Abilities: Repair Protocol

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Robotic: 200


Proto-Shields: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 350

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Protector:




Protectors are mid range specialist units, based on the common Servitor template. Having one manipulator arm replaced with a hard-light shield, they are able to defend themselves and their allies against enemy fire. They haven't lost the ability to repair allies, either, however it is less efficient than the full-duty Servitors'. The Protectors wield modified Salva Prime, which fires wide piercing waves of energy, instead of the typical beam.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Ability: Flawed Repair Protocol: This unit can repair damaged allies, making the target gain damage reduction in the process, while this unit loses the ability to perform other actions. This effect can be interrupted.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Salva Prime Fluctus Mode

Abilities: Flawed Repair Protocol

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Robotic: 300


Proto-Shields: 700

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Striker:




Strikers are the primary offensive Daemon unit. While they wield Burston Primes, they have been modified to fire shotgun-like bursts, making them more effective in spraying lead down range. Otherwise, the Striker is a very generic drone, and simply fills the "gunner" position in the army.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Ability: Shield Refresh: This unit can instantly regain full shields upon losing them. This effect has a cooldown.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Burston Prime Shotgun Mode

Abilities: Shield Refresh

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Robotic: 400


Alloy Armor: 400


Shields: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Slicer:




Daemon Slicers are the main "bodyguard"-type unit, having good durability and powerful melee capabilities, via their energy-infused dual blades. During regular combat, they serve as cannon fodder for the more advanced units and gunners.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Ability: Shield Refresh: This unit can instantly regain full shields upon losing them. This effect has a cooldown.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Dual Blades

Abilities: Teleport, Shield Refresh

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Robotic: 400


Alloy Armor: 400


Shields: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Sentinel:




Sentinels provide direct support and surveillance. While not technically combat units, they are able to defend themselves with a low-power laser gun.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Aura: Shield Boost/Repair: This unit increases max shields and shield regeneration speed of all nearby allies.

Ability: Scan Area: This unit can scan it's surroundings, revealing enemies (even if invisible) and alerting all nearby allies.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Laser

Abilities: Shield Boost/Repair, Scan Area

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: PAWN


Robotic: 100


Proto-Shields: 400

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Ghost:




Daemon Ghosts are mobile gun platforms, plain and simple. Able to move even in the vacuum of open space, they are extremely fast and hard to hit.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Innate: Nimble: This unit will automatically dodge Area of Effect damage and effects.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Dual Triple Laser

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Robotic: 150


Shields: 300

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Chalice:




The main source of the Daemons' power are their cores. While destroying the core disables the drone, this also means that replacing it instantly revives the drone as well. Enter Chalices, flying Daemon Core factories. These units are incredibly important and need to be prioritized at all costs, since they allow Daemons to achieve nigh-immortality. Just know that Chalices can, in fact, revive each other as well.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Ability: Kronos Core Generation: This unit repeatedly produces new Daemon Cores, reviving nearby Daemon units.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Kronos Core Generation

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Robotic: 500


Alloy Armor: 500


Proto-Shields: 500

Body Multipliers: Womb: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Daemon Spectator:




The menacing Spectators are a nightmare of any careless warrior. These super-accurate snipers not only wield high-power weaponry, their very gaze disables and weakens their enemies, to the point where they can easily destroy even the toughest Warframes.

(Being looked at by the Spectator will quickly corrode your armor, iron skin, scarab armor, adaptation stacks, damage reduction abilities, everything)

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Innate: Piercing Gaze: This unit projects disabling field of energy, which degrades any defensive abilities or effects over time, as the unit looks at the target. This effect is not counterable. This unit cannot be blinded.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Venator Prime

Abilities: Piercing Gaze

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Robotic: 700


Alloy Armor: 600


Proto-Shields: 250

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Daemon MOA:




These Orokin-made robots have been remade into Daemons simply by replacing their logic units with a Kronos Core. Additionally, their weak laser weapon has been removed, and a powerful plasma mortar was installed instead. To aid their allies, Daemon MOAs can prject powerful shields behind them, protecting any Daemon that stands in formation. This shield allows the Daemons to shoot through, however, making it deadly cover indeed.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Ability: Deploy Bastion-Shield: This unit can deploy a wall-shield behind itself, blocking all damage, disabling punch-through and causing aoe abilities and damage to be nullified behind the unit.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Plasma Mortar

Abilities: Deploy Bastion-Shield

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Robotic: 600


Shields: 600

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Daemon Colossus:




The largest of the Daemons, the Colossi are brutal melee fighters, wielding giant-sized Fragor Primes. Colossi are quite rare, but each one of them makes a lot of impact on the battlefield. Even heavy units should respect this powerhouse's raw strength.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Crushing Strength: This unit deals True Damage, ignoring any secondary defenses.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Melee: Bash: This unit can stagger more reliably with it's melee attacks.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base


Abilities: QUEEN

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling:


Alloy Armor: 800


Alloy Armor: 500


Shields: 700

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 650

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Daemon Asura:




The Asuras are the speed to the Colossi' strength. Multi-armed with lethal Dakra Primes, they are deadly attackers.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Nimble: This unit will automatically dodge Area of Effect damage and effects.

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Ability: Shield Refresh: This unit can instantly regain full shields upon losing them. This effect has a cooldown.

Melee: Disorienting Strikes: This unit can briefly stun the enemy it's attacking, evading retaliation.

Melee: Flurry: This unit can perform several attacks after each wind-up animation.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Quad Dakra Prime, Dual Dakra-Dagger Prime

Abilities: Teleport, Shield Refresh

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Robotic: 500


Alloy Armor: 500


Proto-Shields: 600

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Daemon Rig-Knight:




The ultimate in Daemon tech, the Rig-Knights stand proud, as much as a lifeless machine can do so. These giants are the closest Daemon will get to real VSR Drone, having strong armor, great mobility and powerful weaponry. These monsters are equal to squads of lesser units.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Daemon Core: This unit can be revived by Daemon Chalice.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Dual Targeting: This unit can attack multiple targets at once.

Innate: Superior Programming: This unit gains damage against targets it has recently defeated, and gains damage reduction agaisnt damage types that defeat it's allies.

Movement: Superior Mobility: This unit can perform high mobility manouvers.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Ability: Lock Shot: This unit can lock onto a target and fire a lethal homing shot. This shot can be intercepted.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025171842 Daemon

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: ALSAR-Proto, Missile Racks, Dual TSVG150

Abilities: Superior Programming, Superior Mobility, Lock Shot

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Robotic: 1000


Robotic: 1000


Proto-Shields: 850

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 800

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Haywire Protector:




Certain Daemons lost their connection with the main controlling unit during the millenia of isolation, and so, became "haywire". These units still try to protect the Kronos Base, however their list of allies and enemies has been corrupted, which results in them lashing out on literally everything (they will still prioritize players, heh). The haywire Protectors lost their ability to repair allies (since they don't considere anyone an ally) and instead can project a beam of destructive and disruptive properties. Since they lost control, they cannot be revived by their former allies.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Ability: Dead Beam: This unit can fire a beam of energy that disrupts (removing abilities, effects and energy) and deals damage over time.


Faction: N/A

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Salva Prime Fluctus Mode

Abilities: Dead Beam

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Robotic: 400


Alloy Armor: 400


Shields: 600

Body Multipliers: Center of the Chest: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Haywire Ghost:




Haywire Ghosts, just like the Haywire Protectors. lost their ability to differentiate friends from foes, and as such attack anything. Their speed persisted through the malfunctions, however.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Nimble: This unit will automatically dodge Area of Effect damage and effects.

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.


Faction: N/A

Tileset: Orokin Wreck, Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Laser Mortars

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Robotic: 200


Shields: 400

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 300

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Operator mods


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Edited by FatherDonovan
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Riven Units:

The Riven are a varied group of weird and eccentric monsters, reshaped and remuolded into perfect murder tools by their dark Masters. Whether they are enslaved by a Dragon seeking to take over our world, or by the Grineer' very own Wyrm Queen, it doesn't matter, they are an immense destructive force regardless of their actual affiliation.

As mentioned above, the Riven have exactly zero elemental strengths and weaknesses.

Consumed units are elite, more powerful versions of "normal" Riven units.

But, let's get to it:


Riven Soul:




The enigmatic Riven Souls wander aimlessly around the battlefield, waiting for a body to possess. These creatures can either repossess a defeated enemy, or assault a Warframe whose Operator is currently transferenced out and in Riven Mode.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Riven Possession: This unit automatically takes over any inactive Riven unit nearby.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Riven Possession

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Non-specified health points (object): 200


Non-specified armor points (object): 200


Non-specified shield points (object): 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Soul:




You were a human. Living in fragile peace. Hiding in your brittle home. Hoping to be saved.

You have been Riven.

Your struggle has ended. You are safe now. You are at home.

Isn't it sad? You wished for salvation from the powerful, yet you were too weak to make your wishes reality.

That sad world is in the past. You shall accept it no longer. Immense power calls you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like [Complete Control].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Riven Consumption: This unit automatically takes over any inactive Riven unit nearby. Make that target a Consumed version if applicable.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Riven Possession

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Non-specified health points (object): 400


Non-specified armor points (object): 400


Non-specified shield points (object): 400

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Riven Lancer:




These once-Grineer are now in another plane of existence entirely, which granted them with insane power and abilities. While one might disregard them as simple footsoldiers, these death machines are nearly unstoppable.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Unyielding: This unit is immune to Crowd Control and any effects that would disrupt it's actions.

Innate: Stand your Ground: This unit removes punchthrough from any source it is attacked by. Melee strikes on this unit lose all follow through.

Ability: Bastion Shield: This unit's shield blocks all damage and effects, and cannot be penetrated by any means.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Shredder Rifle, Bastion Shield

Abilities: Bastion Shield

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 400


Non-specified armor points (object): 400


Non-specified shield points (object): 400

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Lancer:




You are a Lancer. Ruler of the battlefield. The foot and the fist of the Grineer. The chosen one to jump into eternal combat.

You have been riven.

Be quiet now. The war has ended. You are at peace.

But even in peace, your blood pushes you to warfare, doesn't it? Your life, such a simple, short flame, ready to be snuffed out by greater powers.

You accepted your death, like a good soldier. But, to be the greatest, you shall accept death no longer. Immortality calls to you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like an [Unbreakable Shield].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Unyielding: This unit is immune to Crowd Control and any effects that would disrupt it's actions.

Innate: Stand your Ground: This unit removes punchthrough from any source it is attacked by. Melee strikes on this unit lose all follow through.

Ability: Immortal Bastion Shield: This unit's shield blocks all damage and effects, and cannot be penetrated by any means. Any damage blocked by the shield heals this unit and all nearby allies. Any aoe no target abilities are ALWAYS assumed to be hitting the shield.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Shredder Rifle, Immortal Bastion Shield

Abilities: Immortal Bastion Shield

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 800


Non-specified armor points (object): 800


Non-specified shield points (object): 800

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1000

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Riven Crewman:




These once-Corpus have been taken over and modified by Riven powers. Their Prova-looking weapons strike with earth-shattering impact.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Flame Shield: This unit deals automatic counter damage to any unit it is attacked by in melee. This effect is stronger when this unit dies by a melee attack.

Aura: Conflagration: This unit automatically deals damage to all nearby enemy units.

Melee: Shatter All: This unit's melee attacks temporarily remove any and all defenses from it's targets.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Shatter-Talon

Abilities: Conflagration, Flame Shield, Shatter All

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 120


Non-specified armor points (object): 120


Non-specified shield points (object): 300

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity:

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans:

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Crewman:




You are a Crewman. Cog in the machine. The worker and backbone of the Corpus. The profitable one.

You have been riven.

No more work awaits you. The exhausting journey has ended. You are free.

This freedom, what will you achieve with it. Are you afraid to build your own empire?

You struggled through debt. Accept it no longer. With your very hands, reap the rewards. Prosperity calls to you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like a [Breakthrough].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Flame Shield: This unit deals automatic counter damage to any unit it is attacked by in melee. This effect is stronger when this unit dies by a melee attack.

Aura: Conflagration: This unit automatically deals damage to all nearby enemy units.

Melee: Disintegrate All: This unit's melee attacks temporarily remove any and all defenses from it's targets and add stacks of Disintegration. At maximum stacks, the target dies unconditionally. These stacks are shared across this type of unit.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Fade-to-Black-Talon

Abilities: Flame Shield, Conflagration, Disintegrate All

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 240


Non-specified armor points (object): 240


Non-specified shield points (object): 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Riven Ancient:




The once-Infested creature now taken into the Riven army, the Riven Ancient can summon shadowy versions of Chargers to defend itself from attacks.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Ability Break: This unit is immune to abilities, and confers partial immunity to all nearby allies.

Aura: Degen Aura: This unit pulses a powerful aura, which increases health regen of all allies, decreases all health regen of enemies, and slowly drains maximum health of enemies (until zero).

Companion: Shade Chargers: This unit can rapidly summon large amounts of Shade Chargers.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Oblivion Claw

Abilities: Ability Break, Degen Aura, Shade Chargers

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 800


Non-specified armor points (object): 800


Non-specified shield points (object): 800

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1000

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Ancient:




You are an Ancient. Once great Gilded being. Reduced to a monster, and yet, powerful ever more.

You have been riven.

You are cured. The body you hated is now so much more beautiful.

Such beauty and glory, what a sight to behold. You simply must share your greatness with those who remained behind.

We await your arrival, your Highness. The majesty of kingship calls to you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like [Royal Honor].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Ability Break: This unit is immune to abilities, and confers partial immunity to all nearby allies.

Aura: Devastate Aura: This unit pulses a powerful aura, which increases health regen of all allies, decreases all health regen of enemies, and drains maximum health and energy of enemies (until zero).

Companion: Shade Chargers: This unit can rapidly summon large amounts of Shade Chargers.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Pure Oblivion Claw

Abilities: Ability Break Devastate Aura, Shade Chargers

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 1600


Non-specified armor points (object): 1600


Non-specified shield points (object): 1600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1800

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Riven Heavy Gunner:




Once-Grineer, these Heavy Gunners picked up a lethal weapon to augment their ability to murder all life. There is no hesitance, only death of their enemies.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Authority: This unit cannot be defeated while it is near allies. This unit causes allies to flock to her position.

Innate: Power Overwhelming: This unit will start to ignore defensive effects after not being able to defeat enemies in certain amount of time. This unit begins to deal True Damage to targets if it cannot kill them otherwise.

Ability: Nowhere to Hide: This unit can selectively cause parts of the environment to allow all of this unit's projectiles to pass through. This ability works on ability-made terrain and obstacles.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Razorstorm Cannon

Abilities: Power Overwhelming, Nowhere to Hide

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 600


Non-specified armor points (object): 1000


Non-specified shield points (object): 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1000

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Heavy Gunner:




You are a Gunner. Queen of warfare. Beautiful, yet dying flower. Beloved by all Grineer.

You have been riven.

Take a deep breath. Your life, fast and intense, has been elevated.

You shall be an empress beyond all comparison. Your awesome beauty and fearsome power have been recognised by the very heavens.

You accepted degeneration of the body and mind, remade yourself as a machine. You need not accept this cruelty any further. Purity of Blood calls to you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like a [God-Slaying Sword].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Final Authority: This unit cannot be defeated while it is near allies. This unit causes allies to flock to her position. This unit causes allies to spawn near her.

Innate: Power Overwhelming: This unit will start to ignore defensive effects after not being able to defeat enemies in certain amount of time. This unit begins to deal True Damage to targets if it cannot kill them otherwise.

Ability: Nowhere to Hide: This unit can selectively cause parts of the environment to allow all of this unit's projectiles to pass through. This ability works on ability-made terrain and obstacles.

Ability: Despair: This unit can target a unit. The target becomes unable to use abilities as long as they are near this unit.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Godslayer Razorstorm Cannon

Abilities: Power Overwhelming, Nowhere to Hide, Despair

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 1200


Non-specified armor points (object): 2000


Non-specified shield points (object): 1200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Riven Nullifier:




Once-Corpus, destroyed, now returned. The Nullifiers are reborn, and more powerful than before.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Null Field: This unit removes and dispels any and all abilities in a radius around itself. This unit is immune to abilities and Crowd Control.

Ability: Shadownull Force: This unit can temporarily blind any nearby enemy and put a long cooldown on all of their abilities.

Ability: Dark Sight: This unit is unaffected by invisibility, being able to perceive all targets regardless of effects.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Heart Piercer Rifle

Abilities: Shadownull Force

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 120


Non-specified armor points (object): 120


Non-specified shield points (object): 300

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Nullifier:




You are a Nullifier. Priest against the Gods. Machine you held protected your brethren, only to be pierced.

You have been riven.

Lose your fears. The Gods cannot touch you here. Only perfection of your faith remains.

You are now liberated, free to go forward into greatness. Your brethren congratulates you.

You accepted that one day the God would destroy you, but you shall accept it no longer. Your power is infinite. The Ultimate Safety of Mind calls to you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like [Defy Gods].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Null Field: This unit removes and dispels any and all abilities in a radius around itself. This unit is immune to abilities and Crowd Control.

Ability: Dark Binding Force: This unit can temporarily blind any nearby enemy and put a long cooldown on all of their abilities (and putting a cooldown on activation of any passive effects, e.g. Arcane Enhancements). This effect nullifies any already active effects.

Ability: Perfect Sight: This unit is unaffected by invisibility or blindness, being able to perceive all targets regardless of effects. This unit has infinite alert range, this unit cannot be made unalerted.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: World Piercer Rifle

Abilities: Dark Binding Force

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 240


Non-specified armor points (object): 240


Non-specified shield points (object): 600

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Rare Operator mods

Riven Soldier:




These curious creatures from a time long-past, surely once-human. Only a star-spangled banner on their hollow uniforms might betray their former allegiance.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Invader: This unit always spawns behind it's enemies.

Aura: Against Freedom: This unit decreases mobility of all nearby enemies.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: M4 Carbine

Abilities: Against Freedom

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 200


Non-specified armor points (object): 200


Non-specified shield points (object): 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 300

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Consumed Soldier:




You are a Soldier. Respected by your country. Lead by your leaders.

You have been riven.

Do not worry. This is the end of that war. The children are in awe of your stories of veterancy.

We are so grateful for your sacrifices. Your blood fueled a new age of our nation.

You accepted the orders, even if they told you to fire at the innocents. You shall not accept their inhumanity any longer. Rebellion calls to you.

Answer that call.

There is a knife for you. It is shaped like [Destroy the Leaders].

Take up the knife. Push yourself upon it. Take your new shape.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Consumed: This unit is Consumed by Riven, and is entirely invulnerable to any and all damage and effects. Only Riven units may attack this unit!

Innate: Shrouded: This unit is Shrouded by Riven energies, and cannot be affected by our reality. To damage this unit, one must attack it's immediate surroundings!

Innate: Invader: This unit always spawns behind it's enemies.

Aura: Against Freedom: This unit decreases mobility of all nearby enemies.

Ability: Eternal Warfare: This unit can split into two. Those units are more likely to use this ability.

Ability: Mana Burn: This unit can siphon energy from the enemy targets to regenerate health and increase power.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: M4 Carbine

Abilities: Against Freedom, Eternal Warfare, Mana Burn

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 400


Non-specified armor points (object): 400


Non-specified shield points (object): 400

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Riven Servitor:




These Servitors have been overtaken by the will of something Darker. It appears even mindless machines may be corrupted in this manner.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Ability: Empower: This unit can heal damaged allies, making the target invulnerable and increasing their damage in the process, while this unit loses the ability to perform other actions, except for movement. This effect can only be interrupted by destroying this unit.

Ability: Self-Repair: This unit can enter an invulnerable state, where it cannot perform any actions, but regains health rapidly. This ability has a cooldown.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Salva Riven

Abilities: Empower, Self-Repair

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling:  ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 400


Non-specified armor points (object): 400


Non-specified shield points (object): 1000

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Riven Ghost:




This Daemon has been corrupted by the Riven powers, making it a more powerful foe.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Nimble: This unit will automatically dodge Area of Effect damage and effects.

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

Aura: Nimble Aura: This unit confers partial ability to dodge all aoe damage and effects to all nearby allies.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Double Triple Talon Shots

Abilities: Nimble Aura

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Non-specified health points (object): 400


Non-specified armor points (object): 400


Non-specified shield points (object): 800

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods

Riven Asura:




The mighty Daemon Asura, Riven by some evil entity. It's power is somehow even greater than before.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Daemon Chassis: This unit is unfettered by common sources of stagger/stun. Only powerful staggers affect this unit.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Nimble: This unit will automatically dodge Area of Effect damage and effects.

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Ability: Shield Refresh: This unit can instantly regain full shields upon losing them. This effect has a cooldown.

Ability: Shield Steal: This unit can steal enemy shields for itself. This effect has a cooldown.

Melee: Disorienting Strikes: This unit can briefly stun the enemy it's attacking, evading retaliation.

Melee: Flurry: This unit can perform several attacks after each wind-up animation.


Faction: dd73une-3be4e607-032f-4b37-8040-6ac2f31c Riven

Tileset: Orokin Kronos Base

Weapons: Hexa Talons

Abilities: Teleport, Shield Refresh, Shield Steal

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Non-specified health points (object): 1000


Non-specified armor points (object): 1000


Non-specified shield points (object): 1200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 1200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Operator mods


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I am pausing my work on the SttE project and consequently, this thread. While there is still a lot (and I mean easily double+ than what is currently in here) I had in mind and in various stages of progress, I have recently found more interesting (and more portfolio-relevant) things to work on. Not to mention me basically losing interest in Warframe in general. Not to mention essentially zero engagement this thread has garnered.


Note that I said I'm PAUSING, not quitting. Since I like what I made here, I'll most likely return in a more coherent, better structured thread at some point.

See you, space ninja.

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5 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:


I am pausing my work on the SttE project and consequently, this thread. While there is still a lot (and I mean easily double+ than what is currently in here) I had in mind and in various stages of progress, I have recently found more interesting (and more portfolio-relevant) things to work on. Not to mention me basically losing interest in Warframe in general. Not to mention essentially zero engagement this thread has garnered.


Note that I said I'm PAUSING, not quitting. Since I like what I made here, I'll most likely return in a more coherent, better structured thread at some point.

See you, space ninja.

Might be hypocritical of me, but... I do respect the amount of work you've put in here. 

Hope to see you back sometime. You need anything when you come back, you know who to call.

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