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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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8 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Whatever piques your interest.

Oof, well, shet, alrighty then. Gimme a few seconds(addendum= minutes)((addendumdum= hours) to warm up. . . 

""Obviously"", the Trakar struck me for a few moments when I noticed first the name, then a certain cabal of loopy mechanists mentioned, but, before that. . . hm. . . I beleive it was the Scintilla that made me pause and eyeball their design.


Closer examination reveals:

1. Mastery Rank seems fully functional.

2. Would you. . . would you be able to explain your fire-rate "/" for me? Apologies, but I'm not quite sure of the meaning. Is it. . . scaleing fire-rate?

(DISREGARD, I get it, it's for AK status. In that case, matches the Atmos to a T.)

3. Magazine seems juuuuussstttt slightly higher in my opinion, if it's sitting in the category of an embolistic ignis.

4. Reload time seems a tiny bit high, but, it's so tiny as to render the complaint more anal then a problem highlight.

5. Damage is spot-on in comparison to other weapons in it's family.

6. Little bugger sits at a fair and equitable Critical Chance, while it's Critical Damage is in a comfortably comfortable area.

7. Statistical Chance is on the "upper-but-very-feasible" end of the scale.

8. In the costs department, I see one thing and one thing alone that gives me pause. That 10,000 scrap there. . . should it be at least half of that?

Ijit question bout duh design:

Is the fuel container the oblong stick on top, or is it in the pistol-esque "glow-mag"? Or both? None?


Edited by Unus
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6 hours ago, Unus said:

Oof, well, shet, alrighty then. Gimme a few seconds(addendum= minutes)((addendumdum= hours) to warm up. . . 

""Obviously"", the Trakar struck me for a few moments when I noticed first the name, then a certain cabal of loopy mechanists mentioned, but, before that. . . hm. . . I beleive it was the Scintilla that made me pause and eyeball their design.


Closer examination reveals:

1. Mastery Rank seems fully functional.

2. Would you. . . would you be able to explain your fire-rate "/" for me? Apologies, but I'm not quite sure of the meaning. Is it. . . scaleing fire-rate?

(DISREGARD, I get it, it's for AK status. In that case, matches the Atmos to a T.)

3. Magazine seems juuuuussstttt slightly higher in my opinion, if it's sitting in the category of an embolistic ignis.

4. Reload time seems a tiny bit high, but, it's so tiny as to render the complaint more anal then a problem highlight.

5. Damage is spot-on in comparison to other weapons in it's family.

6. Little bugger sits at a fair and equitable Critical Chance, while it's Critical Damage is in a comfortably comfortable area.

7. Statistical Chance is on the "upper-but-very-feasible" end of the scale.

8. In the costs department, I see one thing and one thing alone that gives me pause. That 10,000 scrap there. . . should it be at least half of that?

Ijit question bout duh design:

Is the fuel container the oblong stick on top, or is it in the pistol-esque "glow-mag"? Or both? None?


Might change the cost a little, you're right. It does seem kinda steep for mastery 5 weapon.

The magazine is the upper tube. Glow stuff on the grip is mostly for looks :D.

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Very small update:

I realised I used some terms, which may not be understandable to people reading this thread.

There is quite a lot going on in my headcanon, and sometimes I forget that people might not know what I mean by calling a character a "newbreed" or "brain-linked" etc.

I will add a small glossary of important terms to my lore-trivia post. Soonish anyway.

Also, I promise a functional table of contents coming this week. It's been long overdue, and I'm getting lost in my own thread, so, yeah... really gotta make it now.

Additionally, loads of new units coming your way soon, with a guest appearance from @Almighty_Jado, creator of the Legion of Tau.

Don't worry I didn't forget about Regicide. It is in the works, let's just say I got something special (and time-consuming) in the making for the occasion...


Back to the Main Post


Edited by HugintheCrow
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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Very small update:

I realised I used some terms, which may not be understandable to people reading this thread.

There is quite a lot going on in my headcanon, and sometimes I forget that people might not know what I mean by calling a character a "newbreed" or "brain-linked" etc.

I will add a small glossary of important terms to my lore-trivia post. Soonish anyway.

Also, I promise a functional table of contents coming this week. It's been long overdue, and I'm getting lost in my own thread, so, yeah... really gotta make it now.

Additionally, loads of new units coming your way soon, with a guest appearance from @Almighty_Jado, creator of the Legion of Tau.

Don't worry I didn't forget about Regicide. It is in the works, let's just say I got something special (and time-consuming) in the making for the occasion...


May your method of organization be superior to mine in any reasonable capacity!

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Hey there !

First time posting in this pretty interesting thread. I havn't read all of it yet but I'll definetly do it in the near futur, all of this is great and as a Grineer fanboy I can say I'm in love.
I'm really digin' your 2D pencil art so far and seeing you'll have some @Almighty_Jado designs in this aswell gave me an idea.

I'm a digital artist myself and I wouldn't mind giving you a hand with some designs or whatnot, if that's okay with you of course, I'd hate to feel intrusive on the matter.


Anyway, overall great thread and ideas, looking foward to whatever comes next

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3 hours ago, DoubleDamages said:

Hey there !

First time posting in this pretty interesting thread. I havn't read all of it yet but I'll definetly do it in the near futur, all of this is great and as a Grineer fanboy I can say I'm in love.
I'm really digin' your 2D pencil art so far and seeing you'll have some @Almighty_Jado designs in this aswell gave me an idea.

I'm a digital artist myself and I wouldn't mind giving you a hand with some designs or whatnot, if that's okay with you of course, I'd hate to feel intrusive on the matter.


Anyway, overall great thread and ideas, looking foward to whatever comes next


2 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

As a witness to DoubleDamages' art, I can vouch for him!

I sense much fun in your future.

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Some technical issues aside (I'm kinda ill), I was able to finish up on the minimum of the units I wanted to include with this update.

As opposed to most previous units I made here, these ones are meant to be either bread-and-butters appearing nearly every mission or less-common, but still reasonably wide-spread elites. As such, unless I say otherwise, it should be safe to assume all of them have Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva etc. variants.

Also, as I said before, this update includes an enemy designed by @Almighty_Jado, the powerful Ghast Eradicator, first unit to be revealed of the mysterious Ghast Division.

While reading through, you might notice that some units have a special armor class, called the "NANO-FIBER MESH", well well...



This all-new armor type does not decrease any upfront damage the unit takes, but in turn cannot be decreased by Corrosive procs until they are stacked to the max (enemies with Nano-Fiber Mesh can have Corrosive stacked to 20 due to this, as first 10 stacks decrease normal armor and the next 10 affect the Nano-Fiber Mesh). What the Nano-Fiber Mesh does, it decreases any damage over time the unit would suffer, so: fire procs, toxin procs, SLASH PROCS, yes, it does decrease finisher type damage. It is the only way to decrease finisher damage actually. It won't obviously interact with actual finishers, only when that damage is dealt with slash procs.

The maths behind it are very simple: Each point of this armor weakens DoTs by 1%, e.g. 50 Nano-Fiber Mesh decreases all DoTs' damage by 50%


Anyway let's get into the units:

(As it generally goes here, pictures first, stats come later. Will update when everything's done.) IT IS DONE.

Riot Guard:




Riot Guards are lightly armored and equipped shotgunners, generally stationed on smaller, less important military bases. These soldiers are mostly newbies on the battlefield, fresh out of the cloning vats. Their preferred tactics reflect this as they are way more likely to run away from charging Tenno, as well as enjoying taking cover much more than other units. Don't underestimate them however, they can shoot as well as any other Grineer and with their powerful pump-action Itakas, they are sure to be able to make a dent in anybody. Their grenades serve a dual purpose, creating a damaging electrical cloud and decreasing enemy vision.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Grenade: Stun-Smoke Grenade: This unit can throw Stun-Smoke grenades, which detonate after short delay, stunning all units in the radius and creating a temporary smoke screen.

Design Notes:

Riot Guards are meant to be a lower level version of the Trooper. Just like Lancer and Elite Lancer exist.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Itaka/Sheev

Abilities: Stun-Smoke Grenade

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 100


Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 75

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Trooper droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Commanders are fresh female clones, ready to gain their respect and skills on the battlefield. Before they become Heavy Gunners or Ballistas, their still healthy organic bodies will have to serve them. As they were born women, they are instantly higher status citizens than men, earning them the right to lead squads of marines into combat. Their standard equipped Flarkan Flare Pistol allows them to pinpoint targets for nearby Grineer to fire upon. Equipped with a remote signal device, they can also raise alarms without using the consoles.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Raise Alarm: This unit can raise alarm level without a console.

Companion: Teleport Reinforcements: This unit can summon random Grineer units, whenever it wishes.

Design Notes:

Yes, I know there is a unit called Commander. This is actually meant to completely replace that unit as I don't think it really fits in the game (Don't worry I'll use their kickass helmets somewhere else).

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Flarkan/Skulbak

Abilities: Raise Alarm, Teleport Reinforcements

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 500


Alloy Armor: 95

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 623,41

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Commander droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Riot Lancer:




Riot Lancers are advanced troops equipped with state of the art Towa defensive system and powerful Hind-based Stakan LMGs. They act mostly like the Shield Lancer, but can easily fold their shields to move faster and with more agility. When the shield is fully deployed, nearly the whole unit is protected from that direction, the shield being immune to all damage and punch-through. A special gun-nest allows the soldier to fire their gun accurately with one hand and the shield fully deployed. Riot Lancers will often use this to walk in tight formations, becoming impenetrable shields for their allies, while still being able to fire their guns comfortably and throwing Fragmentation grenades at enemies attempting to hide behind cover.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Grenade: Frag Grenade: This unit can throw Frag grenades, which detonate after short delay, dealing Physical damage to all units in the radius.

Design Notes:

They can put their guns inside the indent on the shield to become walking Ramparts basically. Yes, the shield is COMPLETELY immune to damage. Neither aoe nor punch-through goes through.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Stakan and foldable personal Towa Shield/Skulbak

Abilities: Frag Grenade

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 350

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Shield Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Grenadiers are essentially a lighter variant of the heavy Bombard unit. They are equipped with a variety of grenades (Elemental Grenades are used by element-based Eximii) and powerful fully-automatic Gratatak Grenade Launchers. These soldiers prefer to stay back and shower entire rooms chock-full of explosions.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Grenade: Frag Grenade: This unit can throw Frag grenades, which detonate after short delay, dealing Physical damage to all units in the radius.

Grenade: Stun-Smoke Grenade: This unit can throw Stun-Smoke grenades, which detonate after short delay, stunning all units in the radius and creating a temporary smoke screen.

Grenade: Elemental Grenade: This unit can throw Elemental grenades, which detonate after short delay, dealing appropriate elemental damage to all units in the radius and applying it's status effect.

Design Notes:

You thought the Tonkor-wielding enemies were scary, meet the Grenadiers. While they can actually deal more damage than Bombards, they are only as tanky as a basic Elite Lancer.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Gratatak/Sheev

Abilities: Frag Grenade, Stun-Smoke Grenade, Elemental Grenade

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Ferrite Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Bombard droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Berserkers are Elite Butchers, equipped with Dual Cleavers and strapped into a drug mixing machine, they are at all times in a state of chemical rage. This Rage, when triggered by losing a lot of hp quickly, will make them immune to damage over time, any type of crowd control and grants them large speed buff. If a Raging Berserker dies without scoring a takedown on some enemy, they will attempt to revive themselves once (Eximus variants can do it twice). If encountered in the Kuva Fortress or the Inner Sanctum at high alert levels, they will spawn Enraged.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Enrage: When losing a lot of health, this unit can become enraged, making them immune to damage over time, any type of crowd control and granting a large speed buff.

Innate: Berserk Self-Revive: This unit can revive itself if it has not killed any unit before dying.

Design Notes:

Powerful Butchers with a revive gimmick, at high levels it could be worthwhile to send some throw-away specter for them to kill.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Dual Cleavers

Abilities: Enrage, Self-Revive

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 200


Ferrite Armor: 150

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Butcher droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Assault Trooper:




Assault Troopers are special troops tasked with attacks on the Corpus. Their modified Karaks have an underbarrel Grenade Launcher installed for Area damage capabilities. These soldiers will often fire EMP grenades against proxies and other shielded targets. They are way more likely to spawn during Invasion mission, especially when helping Corpus.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Jetpack Dash: Using their Hrokgar Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Grenade: EMP Grenade: This unit can fire EMP grenades, which detonate after short delay, disabling electronic units and proccing 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic status effect on all units in the radius.

Design Notes:

As the Grineer can sometimes have trouble dealing with heavier proxies of the Corpus, it is only natural they would employ stronger weaponry when it is necessary to destroy the enemy quickly (like during an invasion event).

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Karak-GL/Skulbak

Abilities: Jetpack Dash, EMP Grenade

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 250

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 250

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Elite Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Supply Officer:




These unassuming soldiers are actually incredibly dangerous in most situations. They are not only veterans, able to move around the battlefield with great skill, avoiding the enemy, but their equipment also grants them an edge against anyone. The silenced Viper pistols they carry are incredibly accurate, fast-firing and pretty much undetectable. But an even greater danger of this unit comes from the fact they ALWAYS spawn as a Special Eximus type: The Elemental Ammo Carrier. Each of these soldiers grants a powerful aura of elemental damage to all nearby Grineer (this effect persists forever even after the unit moves out of the range). They can grant any of the basic elements with their auras. If that was not enough, they carry and can activate a single Boost Drone, which not only makes the aura range go through the roof, but also amplifies fire rate of all units affected by it.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Elemental Ammo Upgrade: This unit grants a powerful aura of elemental damage to all nearby allies.

Companion: Deploy Boost Drone: This unit can summon a Boost Drone, which increases the range of Elemental Ammo Upgrade and amplifies fire rate of all units affected by it.

Design Notes:

A small guy of terribleness. Eliminate on sight or get destroyed.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Silenced Viper/Sheev

Abilities: Elemental Ammo Upgrade, Deploy Boost Drone

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 150


Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 150

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Seeker droptable

Other Drops: N/A





These poor souls are actually just very heavily wounded Lancers, strapped to several balloons and stabbed into augment slots with primitive machine guns found on the Rampart turret. While they can fire pretty accurately, they are extremely easy to destroy.

Mechanics and Abilities:


Design Notes:

Every Grineer is a Soldier, even the one who can't move at all.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Twin machine guns

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: PAWN


Cloned Flesh: 50


Ferrite Armor: 100

Body Multipliers: Head: 3.0x, Body: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 50

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A





The Gunball is a small drone, able to be picked up by a soldier and carried on their back, just like a Blunt. When deployed, the drone will attack any enemy in sight. They can move, but have trouble defeating large height differences. While incredibly weak to enemy fire, their gatlings can deal solid damage to unwary targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:


Design Notes:

An alternative deployable to the mobile cover Blunt. I'm probably gonna come up with more of those.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Gatling Cannon

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Machinery: 50


Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: N/A

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: N/A

Other Drops: N/A





Kuszas are light, extremely mobile markswomen, able to to move easily across the battlefield owing to their tactical jetpacks. They come equipped with the terrifying fully-automatic Dragulok DMRs, and while they have the same delay before the first shot like Ballistas, they can continue firing as much as they want after they've locked on onto an enemy. As true snipers, they will jump away when approached and generally keep their distance as much as possible. With their jetpacks, it is much easier for them. On open air maps, they can also signal for bombardments (Tusk variant will call in Cuhulin support very frequently).

Able to inflict Supression effect on their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Jetpack: Using their Jetpack Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Design Notes:

Read like Kooshah (which means Crossbow btw, I'm continuing the traditon of naming Grineer snipers by names of old ranged weapons). 

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Dragulok/Sheev

Abilities: Jetpack

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 150


Ferrite Armor: 150

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 175

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A





A heavy variant of the Ballista, the Catapultas are handpicked few elites that trained and went through a great deal of fights. Their bodies nearly fully mechanical and their minds nearly perfectly focused, they can move around and fire nearly as freely as the Tenno. Their high-powered super-accurate Enfilds are actually reverse-engineered Tiberon Primes with additional neuro-link sights. Catapultas have nearly no delay when firing from a stand-still, and fire faster than Ballistas anyway when moving. They have a nasty habit of wall-clinging in high, hidden places and ambushing Tenno that walk below. Assume that getting headshotted by one of those is insta-death.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Parkour: This unit can use all the parkour available to the players.

Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit's aim is less affected by enemy dodging actions.

Innate: Heavy: This unit resists effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Design Notes:

Incredibly rare, but also incredibly dangerous, these ladies fight like you do, going for headshots and flying around with bullet jumps. Accepts no Noscopes, 360 Quickscopes only.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Enfild/Machete

Abilities: Parkour Manouvers

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 600


Alloy Armor: 450

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Heavily armored, the Supressors serve a fire support role in the Grineer army. Equipped with heavy Hind-based Stakan LMGs, they can lay down suppressing (hence the name) fire at long ranges. In close quarters they can blind enemies with powerful Flash Reflectors. An arm mounted grenade launcher allows them to fire the grenades without pausing any other activity (like shooting you in the face), Kuva variant has a missile launcher installed instead. They CANNOT be knocked down, thanks to the suspension system installed on their leg augments.

Able to inflict Suppression effect on their targets. Any Suppression caused by this unit lasts for a longer amount of time.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Grenade: Frag Grenade: This unit can throw Frag grenades, which detonate after short delay, dealing Physical damage to all units in the radius.

Ability: Flash Reflector: This unit can unleash a persistent flash of light that blinds all enemies looking at it.

Design Notes:

A heavy SWAT-like Tactical Trooper. They can pack, and take, a punch.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Stakan/Machete

Abilities: Frag Grenade, Flash Reflector

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 500


Alloy Armor: 750

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 75

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Elite Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Tusk Brute:




The Brute family is increased once again (The original Korsar Brute was one of my first original units EVER). The Tusk variant is slightly heavier and packs modified weaponry, allowing them to drop even more powerful shockwaves in rapid succession. They can also jump incredible distances at once, owing to their powerful leg suspension (they actually propel themselves with the shockwaves generated with their arms).

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Leap: Using their Seismic Bashfists, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Design Notes:

Equip that Primed Sure Footed, bois. This is the bounce house.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Weapons: Seismic Bashfist

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave, Leap

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 500


Alloy Armor: 750

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Powerfist droptable

Other Drops: N/A





The Bastion is a powerful, heavily armored variant of the Riot Lancer. Their arm-mounted foldable Towa Shields are completely immune to all damage and punch-through. When deployed, they are FULLY protected from their front, while still being able to fire their powerful three-barreled rotary autocannons. Any non-direct damage to units behind deployed Towas is nullified. The Revakar needs a short period of wind up before firing and cannot be pre-spun, granting that small period of time when they can't attack. The Bastions CANNOT be knocked down, nor ragdolled in anyway. Their weakness lies in their sluggish movement while the shield is fully deployed, as well as their shield-controlling backpacks, which can be destroyed to completely remove their Towas.

Able to inflict Suppression effect on their targets.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Ability: Deploy Bastion: This unit can deploy a frontal cone shield, blocking all damage, disabling punch-through and causing aoe abilities and damage top be nullified behind the unit.

Design Notes:

Shoot their backs to get rid of the shields permamently. Can't do much more than that, I'm afraid.

Yes, this unit IS an Overwatch reference.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Revakar and foldable Towa Shield System/Machete

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 350


Composite Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A





The Stormfuries are elite Heavy Gunners, who, after losing their bodies in battle, were transferred into this flying form of vengeance. Not much remains of the original Grineer, but it sure is angry. Armed with a powerful HMG and missile pods, the Stormfury can obliterate targets from high above. Due to their small problem of manouvering inside cramped spaces, they are only deployed in locations where their flight can give them the edge.

Able to inflict Suppression effect on their targets.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Flight: This unit can fly.

Design Notes:

Flying heavy gunners. Yup.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Forest, Grineer Settlement, Grineer Shipyard, Plains of Eidolon, Grineer Asteroid Fortress

Weapons: Heavy Machine Gun, Missile Pod

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 600


Composite Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Armor: 0.5x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Sacrifice Armor:




These elite female soldiers are pretty much dead. Only the ancient technology of the Sacrifice Armors can prevent them from dying. While they still don't have much time until even that is not enough, they sure want to add to their already considerable kill count. Only the best, most honoured soldiers get to be put into this unique, rare Armor. Incredibly heavy and difficult to move in, it does make the wearer nearly invincible.

Able to inflict Shredded effect on their targets.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents. Procs Magnetic b Magnetic status effect.

Design Notes:

Visually inspired by those super heavy armors used by SWAT forces. See Tachanka from R6 Siege for a good example.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Vulkin, Missile Pod

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave (Magnetic)

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 100


Alloy Armor: 200


Ferrite Armor: 200

Composite Armor: 400 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.2x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Rumblers are heavy close-range fighters, capable of giant amounts of aoe destruction. They are essentially Bombards with different weaponry, their Tremloks fire powerful, yet short ranged shockwaves through the air, knocking down and smashing everything in their way, trauma inflicted by this weapon can burst open a living being from inside out instantly. They can also fire directly into the ground below them to unleash a small localised earthquake. Destroying their backpacks disables their weapon completely, forcing them to fall back on their trusty Dwerg pistols.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Design Notes:

Quake cannon-wielding bombards. Putting the BOOM in Boomstick.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Tremlok/Dwerg/Skulbak

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Bombard droptable

Other Drops: N/A





A hijacked Jackal proxy, gutted and remade by the Grineer. A brain-linked Grineer soldier has been plugged in where the head should be. Armed with a multitude of weapons, the Sulimov can deal extremely high damage in very short time. It's shield systems are still online, granting it that much more defensive power.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Melee: Rippling Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to create a slow-moving wave that knocks down all opponents.

Grenade: Smoke Grenade: This unit can fire Smoke grenades, which detonate after short delay, creating a temporary smoke screen.

Ability: Flash Reflector: This unit can unleash a persistent flash of light that blinds all enemies looking at it.

Design Notes:

Sulimov's dogs are a special crossbreed between dogs and jackals. Corpus calls Grineer "dogs". I'm so clever.

As you may imagine this is not a normal unit, it will only spawn in super high level missions probably only after some time has passed (a reward for vets, I guess). The Sulimov is quite large obviously, so only certain tiles could support it.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Twin-linked Autocannon, Missile Pod, Gatling Cannons

Abilities: Smoke Grenades, Flash Reflector, Seismic Shockwave, Rippling Shockwave

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Robotics: 800


Alloy Armor: 450


Proto Shields:  500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.5x

Base Affinity: 700

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Bombard droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Javelins are highly advanced prototype soldiers, fielded only in rare emergency situations. These units are equipped with a arm augment replacing their right arm with an incredibly lethal experimental Railgun. They take extra long to fire, but remain fully mobile when charging, and each shot is pretty much death to everything in the way. Every time they fire, a line of strong energy forms behind the projectile (it's hit scan but whatever), with high chance of proccing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive. Their advanced armor grants them the ability to fly and teleport at will.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Movement: Flight: This unit can fly.

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Design Notes:

I like making Ballista variants.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Arm-mounted Railgun

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave, Teleport

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Cloned Flesh: 100

Alloy Armor: 300


Composite Armor: 300 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90


Proto Shields: 1000

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Usurpers carry modified Eidolon Lures on their backs, as an additional threat from their high-powered rotary autocannons (which they share with the Bastions). When endangered, the Usurper can awaken the ghost of the captured Sentient to become invulnerable, while granting sentient-like damage adaptability to all nearby Grineer. The Ghost works much like a Vomvalyst, being able to be damaged only with void-based attacks. When destroyed it will also heavily damage the Usurper, removing any and all buffs it granted. Tusk variants only spawn at Night, while Kuva variant takes less damage from ghost's death.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Ability: Awaken Sentient Ghost: This unit can gain a complete invulnerability and grant their allies a large amount of damage reduction by reviving a spirit of a Sentient. Killing the Sentient ends the effect and damages the user.

Design Notes:

The Grineer are learning how to harness the Sentients' powers. Be scared.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Revakar/Skulbak

Abilities: Awaken Sentient Ghost

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 300


Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Katafrakts are part of the new TwinTrooper program. They are purposefully born as Siamese twins, one of them growing out of the other's back. The "backpack" twin is bred to be highly intelligent, while the "carrier" is made to be greatly physically capable. The resulting soldier combines the best of the two worlds. Add in very heavy, double-layered armor, Nano-Fiber Mesh undercoat, high quality augments and powerful weaponry, and you have the Katafrakt. The "backpack" twin not only controls the secondary arm-mounted weaponry, but also grants the soldier a sort of prescience, where they can dodge attacks near instantly. The heavy assault jetpack is not used to fly, but instead allows the Katafrakt to make reckless charges towards the enemy to skewer them with their chainsaw (which often is insta-lethal).

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit's aim is less affected by enemy dodging actions.

Ability: Jet Charge: This unit can charge forward, and if they hit any enemies, they will impale them and deal large amounts of True damage.

Movement: Parkour: This unit can use all the parkour available to the players.

Design Notes:

Thought the Grineer need some more body horror. Interestingly (according to wikipedia), "Most live births are female, with a ratio of 3:1." Conjoined twinning is a terrible condition and I don't mean to offend anyone that had to deal with it. My condolences go to anyone afflicted by it.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Grindarak, Heavy Machine Gun/Machete

Abilities: Jet Charge, Parkour Manouvers

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 200


Alloy Armor: 300

Composite Armor: 300

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Heads: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Tactical TwinTrooper/Efreeti:




Efreetis are part of the new TwinTrooper program. They are purposefully born as Siamese twins, one of them growing out of the other's back. The "backpack" twin is bred to be highly intelligent, while the "carrier" is made to be greatly physically capable. The resulting soldier combines the best of the two worlds. The "backpack" twin not only controls the secondary arm-mounted weaponry, but also grants the soldier a sort of prescience, where they can dodge attacks near instantly. The Efreeti (named for the similarity between pronouncing "3T" and that mythical creature's name) is highly mobile and intelligent, able to rival the Tenno in agility. Equipped with the advanced Taktikar rifle, they can easily fight either as assault troopers or snipers. This unit is meant as an even stronger replacement for the Elite Lancer, after a certain level has been achieved.

This unitis an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit's aim is less affected by enemy dodging actions.

Movement: Jetpack: Using their Jetpack Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Movement: Parkour: This unit can use all the parkour available to the players.

Design Notes:

Thought the Grineer need some more body horror. Interestingly (according to wikipedia), "Most live births are female, with a ratio of 3:1." Conjoined twinning is a terrible condition and I don't mean to offend anyone that had to deal with it. My condolences go to anyone afflicted by it.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Taktikar, Heavy Machine Gun, Mortar/Machete

Abilities: Jetpack, Parkour 2.0 Manouvers

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 250

Alloy Armor: 200


Composite Armor: 300

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Heads: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 300

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Elite Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Ghast Eradicator:


Original art made by Almighty_Jado:


And my version:



Other than holding a smaller-scale, weaker version of the Usurper backpack (not full invulnerability, just damage reduction, no effect on other units), the Eradicator is armed with a powerful anti-Tenno weapon. The Eradikator beam gun can fire a homing medium-ranged energy stream at the target after charging for a short period of time, dealing steady 18?cb=20160713085454 Void damage. If the target is a Warframe, their Operator will rapidly lose energy as well. If their whole energy is depleted while inside the Warframe, they will be forced out. The beam is capable of instantly changing the target to the Operator in case they use Transference. The Kuva variant has an extremely high chance of appearing during Kuva Flood missions.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tenno Alignment Modifier:

Sun: Deals slightly more damage per second;

Neutral: Deals very slightly more damage per second, drains very slightly more energy per second;

Moon: Drains slightly more energy per second;

Ability: Awaken Sentient Bone: This unit can gain a large amount of damage reduction by reviving a spirit of a Sentient. Killing the Sentient ends the effect and damages the user.

Design Notes:

First of the Ghasts, a special team of Anti-Tenno elites.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Eradikator

Abilities: Awaken Sentient Bone

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 100


Composite Armor: 500 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Napalm droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Edited by HugintheCrow
added enemy-status effects info
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8 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Some technical issues aside (I'm kinda ill), I was able to finish up on the minimum of the units I wanted to include with this update.

As opposed to most previous units I made here, these ones are meant to be either bread-and-butters appearing nearly every mission or less-common, but still reasonably wide-spread elites. As such, unless I say otherwise, it should be safe to assume all of them have Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva etc. variants.

Also, as I said before, this update includes an enemy designed by @Almighty_Jado, the powerful Ghast Eradicator, first unit to be revealed of the mysterious Ghast Division.

Let's get into it:

(As it generally goes here, pictures first, stats come later. Will update when everything's done.)

Riot Guard:

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Riot Lancer:

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Assault Trooper:

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Supply Officer:

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Tusk Brute:

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Sacrifice Armor:

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Tactical TwinTrooper/Efreeti:

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Ghast Eradicator:

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Original art made by Almighty_Jado:


And my version:




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AH! Digestion time.


Personal opinion department.

Hm, that supply officer, something within me urges to fill his person with as much ordinance as mortally possible. I'm not sure why, might just be impulse.


Heh, seeing a few fellows in here that are lookinglike a few cousins.


Hoooo booooyyy, that brute right there, them be hydraulic fists on those grippers there?


"Sacrifice Armor"? Sounds like there's a story there.


So THATS where the ambuloids getting scrapped on certain vessels ended up in your world, ugly beast the Sulimov is.


Hm, what manner of pack mount is that, on that usurper fella?


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16 hours ago, Unus said:

AH! Digestion time.


Personal opinion department.

Hm, that supply officer, something within me urges to fill his person with as much ordinance as mortally possible. I'm not sure why, might just be impulse.


Heh, seeing a few fellows in here that are lookinglike a few cousins.


Hoooo booooyyy, that brute right there, them be hydraulic fists on those grippers there?


"Sacrifice Armor"? Sounds like there's a story there.


So THATS where the ambuloids getting scrapped on certain vessels ended up in your world, ugly beast the Sulimov is.


Hm, what manner of pack mount is that, on that usurper fella?


You can confirm your theories now, as all units have been descriptified!

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All units from the newest post have been finalised.

Next, the Glossary I talked about, as well as probably another weapon cache, then Orb Vallis gonna get invaded, as per:

On 2018-11-08 at 11:22 PM, HugintheCrow said:




NEF ANYO! You thought you could hide your precious Orb Vallis from us. But you FAILED!

I knew the Tenno MAGGOTS would lead me directly into your little "business" operation!

My FOMORIANS are already on the way to burn you to molten SLAG! You will PAY for your treachery!





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New concept incoming: Orb Vallis Grineer Invasions


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On 2018-11-18 at 3:49 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Some technical issues aside (I'm kinda ill), I was able to finish up on the minimum of the units I wanted to include with this update.

As opposed to most previous units I made here, these ones are meant to be either bread-and-butters appearing nearly every mission or less-common, but still reasonably wide-spread elites. As such, unless I say otherwise, it should be safe to assume all of them have Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva etc. variants.

Also, as I said before, this update includes an enemy designed by @Almighty_Jado, the powerful Ghast Eradicator, first unit to be revealed of the mysterious Ghast Division.

While reading through, you might notice that some units have a special armor class, called the "NANO-FIBER MESH", well well...

This all-new armor type does not decrease any upfront damage the unit takes, but in turn cannot be decreased by Corrosive procs until all other armor is fully removed. What the Nano-Fiber Mesh does, it decreases any damage over time the unit would suffer, so: fire procs, toxin procs, SLASH PROCS, yes, it does decrease finisher type damage. It is the only way to decrease finisher damage actually. It won't obviously interact with actual finishers, only when that damage is dealt with slash procs.

The maths behind it are very simple: Each point of this armor weakens DoTs by 1%, e.g. 50 Nano-Fiber Mesh decreases all DoTs' damage by 50%

Anyway let's get into the units:

(As it generally goes here, pictures first, stats come later. Will update when everything's done.) IT IS DONE.

Riot Guard:

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Description: Riot Guards are lightly armored and equipped shotgunners, generally stationed on smaller, less important military bases. These soldiers are mostly newbies on the battlefield, fresh out of the cloning vats. Their preferred tactics reflect this as they are way more likely to run away from charging Tenno, as well as enjoying taking cover much more than other units. Don't underestimate them however, they can shoot as well as any other Grineer and with their powerful pump-action Itakas, they are sure to be able to make a dent in anybody. Their grenades serve a dual purpose, creating a damaging electrical cloud and decreasing enemy vision.

Design Notes: Riot Guards are meant to be a lower level version of the Trooper. Just like Lancer and Elite Lancer exist.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Close Ranged

Weapons: Itaka/Sheev

Abilities: Stun-Smoke Grenade

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Cloned Flesh: 100

Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 75

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Trooper droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Commanders are fresh female clones, ready to gain their respect and skills on the battlefield. Before they become Heavy Gunners or Ballistas, their still healthy organic bodies will have to serve them. As they were born women, they are instantly higher status citizens than men, earning them the right to lead squads of marines into combat. Their standard equipped Flarkan Flare Pistol allows them to pinpoint targets for nearby Grineer to fire upon. Equipped with a remote signal device, they can also raise alarms without using the consoles.

Design Notes: Yes, I know there is a unit called Commander. This is actually meant to completely replace that unit as I don't think it really fits in the game (Don't worry I'll use their kickass helmets somewhere else).

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Flarkan/Skulbak

Abilities: Raise Alarm, Teleport Reinforcements

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Cloned Flesh: 500

Alloy Armor: 95

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 623,41

Base Level: 3

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Commander droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Riot Lancer:

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Description: Riot Lancers are advanced troops equipped with state of the art Towa defensive system and powerful Hind-based Stakan LMGs. They act mostly like the Shield Lancer, but can easily fold their shields to move faster and with more agility. When the shield is fully deployed, nearly the whole unit is protected from that direction, the shield being immune to all damage and punch-through. A special gun-nest allows the soldier to fire their gun accurately with one hand and the shield fully deployed. Riot Lancers will often use this to walk in tight formations, becoming impenetrable shields for their allies, while still being able to fire their guns comfortably and throwing Fragmentation grenades at enemies attempting to hide behind cover.

Design Notes: They can put their guns inside the indent on the shield to become walking Ramparts basically. Yes, the shield is COMPLETELY immune to damage. Neither aoe nor punch-through goes through.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged/knockdown

Weapons: Stakan and foldable personal Towa Shield/Skulbak

Abilities: Frag Grenade

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP

Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 350

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Shield Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


  Reveal hidden contents


Description: Grenadiers are essentially a lighter variant of the heavy Bombard unit. They are equipped with a variety of grenades (Elemental Grenades are used by element-based Eximii) and powerful fully-automatic Gratatak Grenade Launchers. These soldiers prefer to stay back and shower entire rooms chock-full of explosions.

Design Notes: You thought the Tonkor-wielding enemies were scary, meet the Grenadiers. While they can actually deal more damage than Bombards, they are only as tanky as a basic Elite Lancer.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Gratatak/Sheev

Abilities: Frag Grenade, Stun-Smoke Grenade, Elemental Grenade

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP

Cloned Flesh: 200

Ferrite Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Bombard droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Berserkers are Elite Butchers, equipped with Dual Cleavers and strapped into a drug mixing machine, they are at all times in a state of chemical rage. This Rage, when triggered by losing a lot of hp quickly, will make them immune to damage over time, any type of crowd control and grants them large speed buff. If a Raging Berserker dies without scoring a takedown on some enemy, they will attempt to revive themselves once (Eximus variants can do it twice). If encountered in the Kuva Fortress or the Inner Sanctum at high alert levels, they will spawn Enraged.

Design Notes: Powerful Butchers with a revive gimmick, at high levels it could be worthwhile to send some throw-away specter for them to kill.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Melee

Weapons: Dual Cleavers

Abilities: Enrage, Self-Revive

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 200

Ferrite Armor: 150

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 5

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Butcher droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Assault Trooper:

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Description: Assault Troopers are special troops tasked with attacks on the Corpus. Their modified Karaks have an underbarrel Grenade Launcher installed for Area damage capabilities. These soldiers will often fire EMP grenades against proxies and other shielded targets. They are way more likely to spawn during Invasion mission, especially when helping Corpus.

Design Notes: As the Grineer can sometimes have trouble dealing with heavier proxies of the Corpus, it is only natural they would employ stronger weaponry when it is necessary to destroy the enemy quickly (like during an invasion event).

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Karak-GL/Skulbak

Abilities: Jetpack Dash

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 250

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 250

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Elite Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Supply Officer:

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Description: These unassuming soldiers are actually incredibly dangerous in most situations. They are not only veterans, able to move around the battlefield with great skill, avoiding the enemy, but their equipment also grants them an edge against anyone. The silenced Viper pistols they carry are incredibly accurate, fast-firing and pretty much undetectable. But an even greater danger of this unit comes from the fact they ALWAYS spawn as a Special Eximus type: The Elemental Ammo Carrier. Each of these soldiers grants a powerful aura of elemental damage to all nearby Grineer (this effect persists forever even after the unit moves out of the range). They can grant any of the basic elements with their auras. If that was not enough, they carry and can activate a single Boost Drone, which not only makes the aura range go through the roof, but also amplifies fire rate of all units affected by it.

Design Notes: A small guy of terribleness. Eliminate on sight or get destroyed.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged Support

Weapons: Silenced Viper/Sheev

Abilities: Elemental Ammo Upgrade, Deploy Boost Drone

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 150

Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 150

Base Level: 5

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Seeker droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: These poor souls are actually just very heavily wounded Lancers, strapped to several balloons and stabbed into augment slots with primitive machine guns found on the Rampart turret. While they can fire pretty accurately, they are extremely easy to destroy.

Design Notes: Every Grineer is a Soldier, even the one who can't move at all.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Twin machine guns

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: PAWN

Cloned Flesh: 50

Ferrite Armor: 100

Body Multipliers: Head: 3.0x, Body: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 50

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: The Gunball is a small drone, able to be picked up by a soldier and carried on their back, just like a Blunt. When deployed, the drone will attack any enemy in sight. They can move, but have trouble defeating large height differences. While incredibly weak to enemy fire, their gatlings can deal solid damage to unwary targets.

Design Notes: An alternative deployable to the mobile cover Blunt. I'm probalby gonna come up with more of those.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Deployable Support

Weapons: Gatling Cannon

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Machinery: 50

Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: N/A

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: N/A

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Kuszas are light, extremely mobile markswomen, able to to move easily across the battlefield owing to their tactical jetpacks. THey come equipped with the terrifying fully-automatic Dragulok DMRs, and while they have the same delay before the first shot like Ballistas, they can continue firing as much as they want after they've locked on onto an enemy. As true snipers, they will jump away when approached and generally keep their distance as much as possible. With their jetpacks, it is much easier for them. On open air maps, they can also signal for bombardments (Tusk variant will call in Cuhulin support very frequently).

Design Notes: Read like Kooshah (which means Crossbow btw, I'm continuing the traditon of naming Grineer snipers by names of old ranged weapons). 

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Sniper

Weapons: Dragulok/Sheev

Abilities: Jetpack

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: BISHOP

Cloned Flesh: 150

Ferrite Armor: 150

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 175

Base Level: 5

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: A heavy variant of the Ballista, the Catapultas are handpicked few elites that trained and went through a great deal of fights. Their bodies nealry fully mechanical and their minds nearly perfectly focused, they can move around and fire nearly as freely as the Tenno. Their high-powered super-accurate Enfilds are actually reverse-engineered Tiberon Primes with additional neuro-link sights. Catapultas have nearly no delay when firing from a stand-still, and fire faster than Ballistas anyway when moving. They have a nasty habit of wall-clinging in high, hidden places and ambushing Tenno that walk below. Assume that getting headshotted by one of those is insta-death.

Design Notes: Incredibly rare, but also incredibly dangerous, these ladies fight like you do, going for headshots and flying around with bullet jumps. Accept no Noscopes, 360 Quickscopes only.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Sniper

Weapons: Enfild/Machete

Abilities: Parkour 2.0 Manouvers

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 250

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Heavily armored, the Supressors serve a fire support role in the Grineer army. Equipped with heavy Hind-based Stakan LMGs, they can lay down suppressing (hence the name) fire at long ranges. In close quarters they can blind enemies with powerful Flash Reflectors. An arm mounted grenade launcher allows them to fire the grenades without pausing any other activity (like shooting you in the face), Kuva variant has a missile launcher installed instead. They CANNOT be knocked down, thanks to the suspension system installed on their leg augments.

Design Notes: A heavy SWAT-like Tactical Trooper. They can pack, and take, a punch.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Stakan/Machete

Abilities: Frag Grenade, Flash Reflector

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 300

Alloy Armor: 300

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 75

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Elite Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Tusk Brute:

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Description: THe Brute family is increased once again (The original Korsar Brute was one of my first original units EVER). The Tusk variant is slightly heavier and packs modified weaponry, allowing them to drop even more powerful shockwaves in rapid succession. They can also jump incredible distances at once, owing to their powerful leg suspension (they actually propel themsleves with the shockwaves generated with their arms).

Design Notes: Equip that Primed Sure Footed, bois. This is the bounce house.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Plains of Eidolon

Type: Melee

Weapons: Seismic Bashfist

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave, Leap

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT

Cloned Flesh: 300

Alloy Armor: 250

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Powerfist droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: The Bastion is a powerful, heavily armored variant of the Riot Lancer. Their arm-mounted foldable Towa Shields are completely immune to all damage and punch-through. When deployed, they are FULLY protected from their front, while still being able to fire their powerful three-barreled rotary autocannons. The Revakar needs a short period of wind up before firing and cannot be pre-spun, granting that small period of time when they can't attack. The Bastions CANNOT be knocked down, nor ragdolled in anyway. Their weakness lies in their sluggish movement while the shield is fully deployed, as well as their shield-controlling backpacks, which can be destroyed to completely remove their Towas.

Design Notes: Shoot their backs to get rid of the shields permamently. Can't do much more than that, I'm afraid.

Yes, this unit IS an Overwatch reference.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Revakar and foldable Towa Shield System/Machete

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 250

Composite Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: The Stormfuries are elite Heavy Gunners, who, after losing their bodies in battle, were transferred into this flying form of vengeance. Not much remains of the original Grineer, but it sure is angry. Armed with a powerful HMG and missile pods, the stromfury can obliterate targets from high above. Due to their small problem of manouvering inside cramped spaces, they are only deployed in locations where their flight can give them the edge.

Design Notes: Flying heavy gunners. Yup.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Forest, Grineer Settlement, Grineer Shipyard, Plains of Eidolon, Grineer Asteroid Fortress

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Heavy Machine Gun, Missile Pod

Abilities: N/A

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 100

Composite Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Sacrifice Armor:

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Description: These elite female soldiers are pretty much dead. Only the ancient technology of the Sacrifice Armors can prevent them from dying. While they still don't have much time until even that is not enough, they sure want to add to their already considerable kill count. Only the best, most honoured soldiers get to be put into this unique, rare Armor. Incredibly heavy and difficult to move in, it does make the wearer nearly invincible.

Design Notes: Visually inspired by those super heavy armors used by SWAT forces. See Tachanka from R6 Siege for an example.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Vulkin, Missile Pod

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave (Magnetic)

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 100


Ferrite Armor: 200

Composite Armor: 400 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.2x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Rumblers are heavy close-range fighters, capable of giant amounts of aoe destruction. They are essentially Bombards with different weaponry, their Tremloks fire powerful, yet short ranged shockwaves through the air, knocking down and smashing everything in their way, trauma inflicted by this weapon can burst open a living being from inside out instantly. They can also fire directly into the ground below them to unleash a small localised earthquake. Destroying their backpacks disables their weapon completely, forcing them to fall back on their trusty Dwerg pistols.

Design Notes: Quake cannon-wielding bombards. Putting the BOOM in Boomstick.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Close Ranged

Weapons: Tremlok/Dwerg/Skulbak

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN

Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Bombard droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: A hijacked Jackal proxy, gutted and remade by the Grineer. A brain-linked Grineer soldier has been plugged in where the head should be. Armed with a multitude of weapons, the Sulimov can deal extremely high damage in very short time. It's shield systems are still online, granting it that much more defensive power.

Design Notes: Sulimov's dogs are a special crossbreed between dogs and jackals. Corpus calls Grineer "dogs". I'm so clever.

As you may imagine this is not a normal unit, it will only spawn in super high level missions probably only after some time has passed (a reward for vets, I guess). The Sulimov is quite large obviously, so only certain tiles could support it.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Twin-linked Autocannon, Missile Pod, Gatling Cannons

Abilities: Smoke Grenades, Flash Reflector, Seismic Shockwave, Rippling Shockwave

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Robotics: 300

Alloy Armor: 450

Proto Shields:  500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 700

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Bombard droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Javelins are highly advanced prototype soldiers, fielded only in rare emergency situations. These units are equipped with a arm augment replacing their right arm with an incredibly lethal experimental Railgun. They take extra long to fire, but remain fully mobile when charging, and each shot is pretty much death to everything in the way. Every time they fire, a line of strong energy forms behind the projectile (it's hit scan actually), with high chance of proccing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive. Their advanced armor grants them the ability to fly and teleport at will.

Design Notes: I like making Ballista variants.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Sniper

Weapons: Arm-mounted Railgun

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave, Teleport, Flight

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN

Cloned Flesh: 100

Composite Armor: 300 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90

Proto Shields: 1000

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Usurpers carry modified Eidolon Lures on their backs, as an additional threat from their high-powered rotary autocannons (which they share with the Bastions). When endangered, the Usurper can awaken the ghost of the captured Sentient to become invulnerable, while granting sentient-like damage adaptability to all nearby Grineer. The Ghost works much like a Vomvalyst, being able to be damaged only with void-based attacks. When destroyed it will also heavily damage the Usurper, removing any and all buffs it granted. Tusk variants only spawn at Night, while Kuva variant takes less damage from ghost's death.

Design Notes: The Grineer are learning how to harness the Sentients' powers. Be scared.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged Support

Weapons: Revakar/Skulbak

Abilities: Awaken Sentient Ghost

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 300

Alloy Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Description: Katafrakts are part of the new TwinTrooper program. They are purposefully born as Siamese twins, one of them growing out of the other's back. The "backpack" twin is bred to be highly intelligent, while the "carrier" is made to be greatly physically capable. The resulting soldier combines the best of the two worlds. Add in very heavy, double-layered armor, Nano-Fiber Mesh undercoat, high quality augments and powerful weaponry, and you have the Katafrakt. The "backpack" twin not only controls the secondary arm-mounted weaponry, but also grants the soldier a sort of prescience, where they can dodge attacks near instantly. The heavy assault jetpack is not used to fly, but instead allows the Katafrakt to make reckless charges towards the enemy to skewer them with their chainsaw.

Design Notes: Thought the Grineer need some more body horror. Interestingly (according to wikipedia), "Most live births are female, with a ratio of 3:1." Conjoined twinning is a terrible condition and I don't mean to offend anyone that had to deal with it. My condolences go to anyone afflicted by it.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged/Melee

Weapons: Grindarak, Heavy Machine Gun/Machete

Abilities: Jet Charge, Parkour 2.0 Manouvers

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 300

Composite Armor: 300

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Heads: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Tactical TwinTrooper/Efreeti:

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Description: Efreetis are part of the new TwinTrooper program. They are purposefully born as Siamese twins, one of them growing out of the other's back. The "backpack" twin is bred to be highly intelligent, while the "carrier" is made to be greatly physically capable. The resulting soldier combines the best of the two worlds. The "backpack" twin not only controls the secondary arm-mounted weaponry, but also grants the soldier a sort of prescience, where they can dodge attacks near instantly. The Efreeti (named for the similarity between pronouncing "3T" and that mythical creature's name) is highly mobile and intelligent, able to rival the Tenno in agility. Equipped with the advanced Taktikar rifle, they can easily fight either as assault troopers or snipers. This unit is meant as an even stronger replacement for the Elite Lancer, after a certain level has been achieved.

Design Notes: Thought the Grineer need some more body horror. Interestingly (according to wikipedia), "Most live births are female, with a ratio of 3:1." Conjoined twinning is a terrible condition and I don't mean to offend anyone that had to deal with it. My condolences go to anyone afflicted by it.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged/Sniper

Weapons: Taktikar, Heavy Machine Gun, Mortar/Machete

Abilities: Jetpack, Parkour 2.0 Manouvers

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: ROOK

Cloned Flesh: 250

Composite Armor: 300

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 300

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Elite Lancer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Ghast Eradicator:

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Original art made by Almighty_Jado:


And my version:


Description:  Other than holding a smaller-scale, weaker version of the Usurper backpack (not full invulnerability, just damage reduction, no effect on other units), the Eradicator is armed with a powerful anti-Tenno weapon. The Eradikator beam gun can fire a homing medium-ranged energy stream at the target after charging for a short period of time, dealing steady 18?cb=20160713085454 Void damage. If the target is a Warframe, their Operator will rapidly lose energy as well. If their whole energy is depleted while inside the Warframe, they will be forced out. The beam is capable of instantly changing the target to the Operator in case they use Transference. The Kuva variant has an extremely high chance of appearing during Kuva Flood missions.

Design Notes: First of the Ghasts, a special team of Anti-Tenno elites.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Type: Ranged Support

Weapons: Eradikator

Abilities: Awaken Sentient Bone

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: BISHOP

Cloned Flesh: 200

Composite Armor: 500 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 450

Base Level: 15

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Napalm droptable

Other Drops: N/A


Back to the Main Post


AHA, so, not QUITE in the direction I was thinking when poking through our direction, but, "ordinance magnet" nonetheless.

AH, visual resemblance is superficial, more nasty ambush then mobile platform with a bit of jet-packing for good measure.

AH, like a baliff, but, from the depths of knockback hell and a graduate from the school of Rollerama.

Ah, a "dead woman walking", reminds me a bit of the ol dreadnaughts from the Warhammerverse. Waste not, want not, right?

Ah, I get it now, this fellow fits roughly into the department I was aiming for in the creation of my Parapet units. Super heavy killing machines that don't show up often and jack up typical battle order by being particularity surly to remove. Where I aimed for supplementary support and tracking, you went all out fire-support and offensive prowess.

AH, a "soul cage" of sorts the Grins using to crudely direct the energies of the Sentient. TOTALLY healthy and in no way potentially mind/body/soul warping.


Have I said Ah goddem enough yet? Geezus. I need to vary my responses sometimes/MUCH MORE often.

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On 2018-11-19 at 10:34 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Next, the Glossary I talked about, as well as probably another weapon cache,

Here it is.

Grineer Reinforcements 4:

This time most of the weapons come from the recent unit expansion, but it also includes my first Mark II weapon.

As always, pics first, stats later. This will be updated when stats are rolled out. Done.

Without further ado: Desakar Sniper Pistol, Flemak Sludgethrower, Klensak Pistol, Murdahuk Scythe, Kriga Warfans, Itaka Pump-Action Shotgun, Hind Mark II DMR, Stakan LMG, Dragulok Auto-Sniper Rifle, Enfild Sniper Rifle, Revakar Rotary Autocannon and Grindarak Autocannon:





Variable Range Precision Guided Weapon System known as the Desakar is a highly advanced, elite pistol, for use only by important VIPs. It's main strength is the elastic Morphic-made barrel, which grants the weapon accuracy and power comparable to large-caliber rifles. Intelligent aiming system automatically lengthens or shortens the gun based on the distance to the current target, while sophisticated assist program allows scoped shots to always hit the intended enemy. 


Alt-fire: TPO System: Zooming in allows the user to lock on onto enemies by pressing alt-fire. After the initial lock on period, the weapon will fire automatically whenever the reticule is over one of the targets (when the reticule is not over any locked on enemy, the weapon will simply not fire at all). Desakar will always attempt to hit the part of the target's body that was highlighted when locking on, thus aiming for heads is always a good idea. If no enemies are highlighted, the weapon acts like a normal pistol.

Design notes:

@(XB1)Fluffywolf36 once said he's not cruel enough to put the Titanfall's Smart Pistol into Warframe... I am.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.78 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 10+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 200 rounds

Reload time: 1.7 s

Total Damage: 200.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 80.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 20.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 100.0

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 2.25x

Status chance: 15%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 180 m, Min damage at 200 m,  Min damage: 80%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

Requires Argonak Research.




Crude and dangerous, Flemak utilises what Grineer always have in overwhelming quantities: toxic industrial waste. This "Sludgethrower", as it is affectionately called amongst the Chemical Warfare Division's troops, melts enemies with a deadly stream of disgusting, boiling mass. Overloading the pump system allows to fire globs of sludge over longer than should be legal distances.


Innate: Pure-Toxin Mixing Chamber: This weapon's unique damage types do not combine with mods put on it in any way.

Alt-fire: Pump Overload: Charge to fire a splashing glob of chemicals.

Design notes:

Somewhat inspired by the Nox unit, it is however meant to expand the toxic arsenal of the Grineer.

Stats: (held/charge)

Mastery: 9

Slot: Secondary (2-handed)

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Held/Charge

Ammo: Pistol

Range limit: 15 m

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 10 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 100 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 300 rounds

Reload time: 2.0 s

Charge time: 1.0 s

Total Damage: 90.0/100.0

18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin: 25.0/30.0

18?cb=20140124221425 Cold: 20.0/20.0

18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive: 45.0/50.0

Crit chance: 0%/15%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 40%/36%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Ignis Research.




Exclusively used by the elusive "Vala's Flowers", this assassination device fires miniature "melt-in-flight" capsules, filled with deadly viral payload. The original version of the weapon was mean to kill the target by utilising various pathogens with delayed activation, making sure the source of viruses could not be tracked. As there is no bullet, nor immediately visible wound, the gun would make the user essentially be impossible to find. A modification for direct and faster combat has been since developed, swallowing the enemy in a cloud of lethal poisons.


Innate: Nothing Remains: Enemies killled with this weapon are instantly disintegrated.

Design notes:

You could call this a counterpart to the Tenno-used Zakti.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Range limit: 50 m

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 1 round per mag

Max ammo: 25 rounds

Reload time: 0.99 s

Total Damage: 60.0

18?cb=20140124221427 Gas: 30.0

18?cb=20140124221459 Viral: 30.0

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Precision multiplier: 2.75x

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Armory Gifts.





This wicked instrument of execution is favoured amongst Grineer assassins. The weapon's super heated edge cuts through armor and shields with ease, not to mention the flesh. Unique modular design allows a skiled user to pull in enemies from behind to perform the final cut.


Innate: Execution: This weapon has greatly increased range on finisher attacks. Slam attacks don't ragdoll, but instead stagger all enemies hit.

Alt-fire: Modular Blade: Toggle to straighten the blade, granting more range at the cost of attack speed.

Design notes:

A literal Murder Hook.


Mastery: 5

Slot: Melee

Type: Scythe

Attack Speed: 1.5/1.2

Range: 3.0 m/4.0 m

Combo Duration: 5 s

Block Angle: 60o

Follow Through: 0.6

Total Damage: 360.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 20.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 80.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 260.0

Slam impact damage: 720.0

Slam radial damage: 360.0

Slam radius: 8.0 m

Slide attack: 720.0

Wall attack: 540.0

Heavy Impact: 720.0

Wind-up: 0.8 s

Heavy Slam: 1440.0

Radial Damage: 1440.0

Slam Radius: 9.0 m

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.2x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 15%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Stance Polarity: 20?cb=20150301001230

Stances: Reaping Spiral (20?cb=20150301001230), Stalking Fan (20?cb=20150301001231),  Shadow Harvest (20?cb=20150301001230) (PvP only)

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Sydon Research.




The Kriga are as much of a weapon as they are a tool of art. Sophisticated Nobles have their prized warriors use this weapon to show off their dominance of the battlefield and skill in destroying their enemies. These deadly sawblades shred body and armor alike and have a chance to completely disregard secondary defences like shields with each strike.


Innate: Razor Strike: This weapon has 10% chance to deal Finisher damage on attack.

Design notes:

I actually like the Gunsen and Slicing Feathers. I want more. Sue me.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Melee

Type: Warfan

Attack Speed: 1.2

Range: 2.0 m

Combo Duration: 5 s

Block Angle: 55o

Follow Through: 0.7

Total Damage: 180.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 180.0

Slam impact damage: 360.0

Slam radial damage: 180.0

Slam radius: 5.0 m

Slide attack: 360.0

Wall attack: 270.0

Heavy Impact: 360.0x2

Wind-up: 0.4 s

Heavy Slam: 180.0

Radial Damage: 180.0

Slam Radius: 7.0 m

Crit chance: 40%

Crit multiplier: 2.5x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 15%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Stance Polarity: 20?cb=20150301001230

Stances: Slicing Feathers (20?cb=20150301001230)

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint can be dropped by Wardanceresses and as a reward for winning a duel with a Krieger Knightess.





This rugged shotgun uses fairly basic Pump Action to devastating results. While each shell from a sizeable magazine can be loaded and fired one by one, a cunning soldier can use alt-fire to pump the weapon multiple times in preparation to unleash a deadly hyper-burst of lead upon their enemies. While the weapon works in the hands of the augmented Grineer, weaker operators might have a lot of trouble dealing with it's monstrous recoil.


Alt-fire: Pumped Up: Press to load another shell to be fired in an instant burst.

Design notes:

Variable burst shotgun. That's cool.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.3 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 22

Magazine size: 30 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 330 rounds

Reload time: 1.66 s

Total Damage: 600

Pellets: 10 (60 damage per pellet)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 230.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 70.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 300.0

Crit chance: 30%

Crit multiplier: 2.4x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 10% (per pellet)

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 10 m, Min damage at 30 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

Requires Grattler Research.

Hind Mark II:



The result of an ongoing effort to update the Grineer arsenal, the Mark II is a powerful and accurate DMR, able to fire in the traditional 5-burst mode, 3-burst and semi-automatically (alt-fire to switch). Utilizing the newest upgrades in optic systems, Mark II is equipped with enemy-detector and kill-shot calculator, which allows the operator to decide, which mode of fire is the best for the given situation. Large, helical magazine located in the buttstock is not only highly ergonomical to switch, but also provides a large supply of ammunition. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.


Innate: Advanced Optic Systems: This weapon highlights enemies and predicts kills (even when not scoped in), letting the operator to decide when not to take the shot in stealth situations. While scoped in, enemies glow in the weapon's energy color (not just an outline, their whole sihouette would be marked), Punch-Through allows to see enemies through walls (up to the Punch-through value).

Primary Fire Mode: 5-Burst.

Secondary Fire Mode: 3-Burst.

Tertiary Fire Mode: Semi-Auto Single-Shot.

Design notes:

I like the idea of 5-burst gun, I don't like the Hind. I thought I'd update the look to fit Grineer more than the good ol' molten baguette. Visuals inspired by the StA409 from Killzone Shadowfall.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Burst/Burst/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 7 rounds per sec/8 rounds per sec/8 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 55.5/60.0/75.0

Magazine size: 145 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 725 rounds

Reload time: 1.525 s

Total Damage: 77.0 (385.0 total damage in 5-burst, 231.0 total damage in 3-burst)

Burst count: 5/3/1

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 25.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 13.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 39.0

Crit chance: 27%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Precision multiplier: 2.0x/2.0x/2.25x

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 100 m, Min damage at 150 m, Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Taktikar Research.




Stakan is a higher fire rate and lower accuracy alternative to the Hind Mk. II DMR. Used as an SAW, it can fill rooms with lead incredibly fast and have some left for any eventual stragglers. The Bullpup configuration is replaced with more straight-forward large drum magazine and superficial optic systems have been stripped out in favour of more simplistic iron sights. Best used a suppression weapon, the Stakan can be much more useful in CQC. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.


Innate: Heavy Rounds: This weapon has a chance to stagger enemies with each shot. More effective against shielded units and less effective against armored units.

Design notes:

Stakan is a russian nickname for the attack helicopter most people know as the Hind. Considering these two guns feature interchangeable parts, it feels like a good name. Visuals inspired by the Stahl Arms' weapons from Killzone Shadowfall.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 15.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 46.0

Magazine size: 245 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 735 rounds

Reload time: 1.725 s

Total Damage: 77.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 25.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 13.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 39.0

Crit chance: 15%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.33x

Status chance: 36%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 90 m, Min damage at 145 m, Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Hind Mark II Research.




Description: Dragulok is a powerful, fully automatic sniper rifle, meant to be used by the highly mobile Kusza Troops. Unfortunately for anyone else, this means the gun is extremely hard to control when fired at full RoF, since it was designed to rely on the user's specific set of augments. Nevertheless, if one was to somehow reign in the recoil, the gun can fire extremely precise volleys across great distances. Powerful optics can automatically adapt to the range of engagement, making this the first weapon to have completely elastic variable zoom. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.


Innate: Variable Zoom: Zoom will dynamically adapt to best show whatever the user is looking at. 

Innate: Advanced Optic Systems: This weapon highlights enemies and predicts kills (even when not scoped in), letting the operator to decide when not to take the shot in stealth situations. While scoped in, enemies glow in the weapon's energy color (not just an outline, their whole sihouette would be marked), Punch-Through allows to see enemies through walls (up to the Punch-through value).

Design notes:

Autosnipers are fun. Visuals inspired by the Stahl Arms' weapons from Killzone Shadowfall.


Mastery: 13

Slot: Primary

Type: Sniper Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 9.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 80.0

Magazine size: 55+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 550 rounds

Reload time: 2.0 s

Total Damage: 167.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 65.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 13.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 89.0

Crit chance: 37%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 2.25x

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 300 m, Min damage at 600 m, Min damage: 70%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Hind Mark II Research.



Description: The Enfild fires some of the largest rounds for a man-portable weapon in the whole Grineer arsenal. Powerful and precise, it requires high degree of training and augmentation to be wielded correctly due to it's sheer mass, making it a poor weapon for non-Grineer. It is the first sniper rifle to feature a fire selector, allowing it to fire in semi-auto, full-auto and 3-burst modes. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.


Innate: Advanced Optic Systems: This weapon highlights enemies and predicts kills (even when not scoped in), letting the operator to decide when not to take the shot in stealth situations. While scoped in, enemies glow in the weapon's energy color (not just an outline, their whole sihouette would be marked), Punch-Through allows to see enemies through walls (up to the Punch-through value).

Primary Fire Mode: Semi-Auto Single Shot.

Secondary Fire Mode: Full-Auto.

Tertiary Fire Mode: Tri-Burst.

Design notes:

Visuals inspired by the Stahl Arms' weapons from Killzone Shadowfall and the Tiberon Prime (as it is meant to be a reverse-engineered Tiberon Prime lore-wise). 


Mastery: 13

Slot: Primary

Type: Sniper Rifle

Trigger: Semi-Auto/Auto/Burst

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 6.45 rounds per sec/8.33 rounds per sec/7.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 80.0

Magazine size: 6 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 90 rounds

Reload time: 2.1 s

Total Damage: 267.0

Burst count: 1/1/3

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 85.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 63.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 119.0

Crit chance: 39%/29%/34.5%

Crit multiplier: 2.5x/2.0x/2.25x

Precision multiplier: 2.75x/2.0x/2.25x

Status chance: 10%/36%/23%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 400 m, Min damage at 800 m, Min damage: 70%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Dragulok Research.



Description: Revakar is a step-up from the Stakan SAW, featuring three barrels and much larger magazine and RoF, this weapon can fire all day long. It's name comes from a specific way it is readied to fire, requiring the operator to rev the gun up using a side handle, akin to a chainsaw. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.


Innate: Super-Heavy Rounds: This weapon has a very large chance to stagger enemies with each shot. More effective against shielded units and less effective against armored units.

Innate: Rotary Engine: The weapon cannot be fired before achieving maximum spin. This weapon fires straight from reserves.

Alt-fire: Rev-Up: Press to ready up the weapon for firing; keeps the weapon at full spin and ready to fire for a short duration.

Design notes:

A small brother to the Vulkin.


Mastery: 13

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Heavy

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 27.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 35.33

Magazine size: N/A

Max ammo: 1200 rounds

Reload time: 2.5 s

Total Damage: 79.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 25.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 14.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 40.0

Crit chance: 19%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.33x

Status chance: 36%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 100 m, Min damage at 150 m, Min damage: 45%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

Requires Stakan Research.




Description: Powerful vehicle-grade Autocannon mounted on personnel-mountable frame with a power-chainsaw bayonet attachment. Used only by the Katafrakt elites, and to deadly effects. Features the same reload slash attack function of the Dragunok and the alt-fire bayonet charge, but with more sawing people in half (the charge will instakill any non-special unit below 50% hp, be careful as this is usable by the Katafrakts, as they can and will attempt to gore Tenno using this).


Reload: Bayonet Slash: Press to perform a melee attack with double damage and base status chance.

Alt-fire: Katafrakt Charge: Press to dash forward, impaling any enemies collided with. Saws enemies in half at the end of the charge.

Design notes:

It's like using a cannon. But with a chainsaw.


Mastery: 15

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Heavy

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 10 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 46.0

Magazine size: 22 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 88 rounds

Reload time: 1.99 s

Total Damage: 600.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 240.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 100.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 260.0

Crit chance: 27%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.33x

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 100 m, Min damage at 150 m, Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint can be dropped by Katafrakts.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
changed ammo type of Revakar and Grindarak to Heavy.
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10 minutes ago, (XB1)Turaglas said:

I'd ditch the chainsaws for a heat spike.

Also, Kuva weapon skins would be great.

Chainsaws are more METAL (and a Gears of War reference).

DE made Nightwatch skins, no reason they couldn't do the same with Kuva (in fact I color most of my Grineer weapons in Kuva color scheme anyway, I'm talking about in-game).

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12 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Here it is.

Grineer Reinforcements 4:

This time most of the weapons come from the recent unit expansion, but it also includes my first Mark II weapon.

As always, pics first, stats later. This will be updated when stats are rolled out.

Without further ado: Desakar Sniper Pistol, Flemak Sludgethrower, Klensak Pistol, Murdahuk Scythe, Kriga Warfans, Itaka Pump-Action Shotgun, Hind Mark II DMR, Stakan LMG, Dragulok Auto-Sniper Rifle, Enfild Sniper Rifle, Revakar Rotary Autocannon and Grindarak Autocannon:



  Reveal hidden contents

Description:  Variable Range Precision Guided Weapon System known as the Desakar is a highly advanced, elite pistol, for use only by important VIPs. It's main strength is the elastic Morphic-made barrel, which grants the weapon accuracy and power comparable to large-caliber rifles. Intelligent aiming system automatically lengthens or shortens the gun based on the distance to the current target, while sophisticated assist program allows scoped shots to always hit the intended enemy. Zooming in allows the user to lock on onto enemies by pressing alt-fire. After the initial lock on period, the weapon will fire automatically whenever the reticule is over one of the targets (when the reticule is not over any locked on enemy, the weapon will simply not fire at all). Desakar will always attempt to hit the part of the target's body that was highlighted when locking on, thus aiming for heads is always a good idea. If no enemies are highlighted, the weapon acts like a normal pistol.

Design notes: @(XB1)Fluffywolf36 once said he's not cruel enough to put the Titanfall's Smart Pistol into Warframe... I am.




  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Crude and dangerous, Flemak utilises what Grineer always have in overwhelming quantities: toxic industrial waste. This "Sludgethrower", as it is affectionately called amongst the Chemical Warfare Division's troops, melts enemies with a deadly stream of disgusting, boiling mass. Overloading the pump system allows to fire globs of sludge over longer than should be legal distances.

Design notes: Somewhat inspired by the Nox unit, it is however meant to expand the toxic arsenla of the Grineer.




  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Exclusively used by the elusive "Vala's Flowers", this assassination device fires miniature "melt-in-flight" capsules, filled with deadly viral payload. The original version of the weapon was mean to kill the target by utilising various pathogens with delayed activation, making sure the source of viruses could not be tracked. As there is no bullet, nor immediately visible wound, the gun would make the user essentially be impossible to find. A modification for direct and faster combat has been since developed, swallowing the enemy in a cloud of lethal poisons.

Design notes: You could call this a counterpart to the Tenno-used Zakti.





  Reveal hidden contents

Description: This wicked instrument of execution is favoured amongst Grineer assassins. The weapon's super heated edge cuts through armor and shields with ease, not to mention the flesh. Unique modular design allows a skiled user to pull in enemies from behind to perform the final cut (increased range on finisher attacks). Alt-fire straightens the blade, granting more range at the cost of attack speed. Slam attacks don't ragdoll, but instead stagger all enemies hit.

Design notes: 



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: The Kriga are as much of a weapon as they are a tool of art. Sophisticated Nobles have their prized warriors use this weapon to show off their dominance of the battlefield and skill in destroying their enemies. These deadly sawblades shred body and armor alike and have a chance to completely disregard secondary defences like shields with each strike.

Design notes: I actually like the Gunsen and Slicing Feathers. I want more. Sue me.




  Reveal hidden contents

Description: This rugged shotgun uses fairly basic Pump Action to devastating results. While each shell from a sizeable magazine can be loaded and fired one by one, a cunning soldier can use alt-fire to pump the weapon multiple times in preparation to unleash a deadly hyper-burst of lead upon their enemies. While the weapon works in the hands of the augmented Grineer, weaker operators might have a lot of trouble dealing with it's monstrous recoil.

Design notes: 


Hind Mark II:

  Reveal hidden contents

Description: The result of an ongoing effort to update the Grineer arsenal, the Mark II is a powerful and accurate DMR, able to fire in the traditional 5-burst mode, 3-burst and semi-automatically (alt-fire to switch). Utilizing the newest upgrades in optic systems, Mark II is equipped with enemy-detector and kill-shot calculator, which allows the operator to decide, which mode of fire is the best for the given situation. Large, helical magazine located in the buttstock is not only highly ergonomical to switch, but also provides a large supply of ammunition. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.

Design notes: I like the idea of 5-burst gun, I don't like the Hind. I thought I'd update the look to fit Grineer more than the good old molten baguette. Visuals inspired by the StA409 from Killzone Shadowfall.



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Stakan is a higher fire rate and lower accuracy alternative to the Hind Mk. II DMR. Used as an LMG, it can fill rooms with lead incredibly fast and have some left for any eventual stragglers. The Bullpup configuration is replaced with more straight-forward large drum magazine and superficial optic systems have been stripped out in favour of more simplistic iron sights. Best used a suppression weapon, the Stakan can be much more useful in CQC. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.

Design notes: Stakan is a russian nickname for the attack helicopter most people know as the Hind. Considering these two guns feature interchangeable parts, it feels like a good name. Visuals inspired by the Stahl Arms' weapons from Killzone Shadowfall.




  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Dragulok is a powerful, fully automatic sniper rifle, meant to be used by the highly mobile Kusza Troops. Unfortunately for anyone else, this means the gun is extremely hard to control when fired at full RoF, since it was designed to rely on the user's specific set of augments. Nevertheless, if one was to somehow reign in the recoil, the gun can fire extremely precise volleys across great distances. Powerful optics can automatically adapt to the range of engagement, making this the first weapon to have completely elastic variable zoom. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.

Design notes: Autosnipers are fun. Visuals inspired by the Stahl Arms' weapons from Killzone Shadowfall.



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: The Enfild fires some of the largest rounds for a man-portable weapon in the whole Grineer arsenal. Powerful and precise, it requires high degree of training and augmentation to be wielded correctly due to it's sheer mass, making it a poor weapon for non-Grineer. It is the first sniper rifle to feature a fire selector, allowing it to fire in semi-auto, full-auto and 3-burst modes. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.

Design notes: Visuals inspired by the Stahl Arms' weapons from Killzone Shadowfall and the Tiberon Prime (as it is meant to be a reverse-engineered Tiberon Prime lore-wise). 



  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Revakar is a ste-up form the Stakan LMG, featuring three barrels and much larger magazine and RoF, this weapon can fire all day long. It's name comes from a specific way it is readied to fire, requiring the operator to rev the gun up using a side handle, akin to a chainsaw. Designed by Arno Harkonar, this weapon's parts can be used to build or repair any of the weapons from the Unified Armament System.

Design notes: A small brother to the Vulkin.




  Reveal hidden contents

Description: Powerful vehicle-grade Autocannon mounted on personnel-mountable frame with a power-chainsaw bayonet attachment. Used only by the Katafrakt elites, and to deadly effects. Features the same reload slash attack function of the Dragunok and the alt-fire bayonet charge, but with more sawing people in half (the charge will instakill any non-special unit below 50% hp, be careful as this is usable by the Katafrakts, as they can and will attempt to gore Tenno using this).

Design notes: It's like using a cannon. But with a chainsaw.



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AH, THIS time around, the ones that caught me eye are the Kiriga and, well, as you stated in your opener, this Mk2 you bring to the table.


Running Commentary= 

AH! You to have turned to the claytronic power of morphics for at least one of your designs! I have a certain Orokin needlegun as well as a set of "claws" that use it as well.


Heh, another design I can parallel with my sludge-thrower, the Eiellew, albeit, yours has the benefit of being Post-Nox, while mine hails from 2016.

(Also, comes with graphics.)


AH! Like my Suesh, but, even more advanced and insidious.


No opinion.


And so the Grins finally get to put their hat in the ring, heh. I like how it was more-then-likely never meant to be an actual "fan" persay, but, it ended up getting slotted in there anyway. Grinic Wile-E engineering at its finest.


Heh, ANOTHER design I have a parallel to, the Obar. It seems we share mental chemistry in several aspects of grinic design!


Heh, first thing to run through my mind was the old Hammerburst and Hammerburst MK2 guns of Gears of War. Low and behold, I can actually see a similarity here between the Mk1 vs the Mk2.


Ah, so Killzone is the place you ""get your ideas"". Your "Muse", if you will?


Ah, Bozartastic!


Ah, a bit of technological recreation on the Grins part, trying to catch up the light-years ahead Corps and their attempts?


Heh, my turn-krank, your pull khord. Gotta start dat engine somehow. 


FIRST thing that comes to mind, three lil words, Ogryn, Ripper, Gun.

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4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

You can thank Fluffy for that, haha. They sure have some interesting designs there. The Helghast are very similar to Grineer as well.

AH! Hehe, our local gamer-guru of all things gun.

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