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Vauban- a just fun rework...but seriously


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Hey guys so here is a new warframe concept:

The Panzer – the grenadier 

Passive – innate ammo mutations for himself and allies on whatever gun they wielding at the time. 

Ability 1 – Frag grenade – charge and throw a grenade causing blast damage (less damage but fast than Nova’s 2nd ability)

Ability 2 – lays a turret auto targets fires upon enemies.

- machine gun turret (rapid fire)

- rail gun sniper turret (high crit, sniper)

- flame thrower turret (high stat chance, fre dmg, cone)

- grenade launcher turret (blast damage) 

This ability uses the exalted weapon mod set up to increase turret damage, etc.

Ability 3 – Riot  Shield – toggle and wield a shield in one hand to block incoming attacks from the front. Limits the caster to secondary weapon. Base defense 100 shield, ability layers your shields for additional protection – this toggle will concentrate protection in a 180 arch towards the direction the caster is facing, so no shield protection from behind so shots from the back will go directly to HP.

Ability 4 – Support drone – deploy a sentinel that provides an 30% armor and ammo buff (30% magazine & increase to fire rate) to you and allies (including active turrets).


If you cannot tell this is a complication of new abilities that have been suggestioned recently for Vauban (maybe except for Riot Shield - I just threw something there). This is why It is in feedback/abilities vice concepts. Some of the new abilities I would like to see implemented but at the same time they do not fit with Vauban or his kit – or maybe I just like his current kit and I’m not sure which ability I’m willing to lose. Does Vauban need a revision, yes he does but maybe not new abilities. So when it comes to Vauban I feel he simply needs the following adjustments:

Reinforce- Maybe adjust his passive to increase his armor up to 150% the more health vauban loses. Regain hp loses the armor bonus. His current passive makes him feel glimped like he has tag along.

Tesla to do 100 stat chance and explode upon expiration (perform shred and concuss damage).

Minelayer to be reduced back to simply the bounce ability. Yes, I’m one of the few that finds bounce useful and let’s not forget it is in the Vuaban Prime trailer. I feel we just to adjust how the bounce ability works *more details below*, then convert the tripwire ability into a mod for Telsa and remove shred and concuss and add them as 2nd effects to Telsa (these 2 abilities feel redundant).

*bounce [rework] – bounce has a large AOE (a base of 15m) and will toss enemies inside its AOE when a ground slam occurs, knock them down and possibly back. When player crouch jumps they receive a boost their jump height (think Titania’s passive). Bounce has a duration a base duration of 10 seconds (does not disappear when triggered)

I do not feel bounce needs to retire – it simply needs to be less trolly. So if It had a trigger that players can activate & use  – then maybe it will be more versatile like it was original supposed to be.

Bastille –maybe reduce to 1 cast and make it “lockdown” the area and not allow enemies inside its boundary after its cast.

Vortex – add cast limit (no more than 4)

Of course I would expect to have stat increase with new limitations.


Below is the first post...will hide when on a PC- editing on phone is a pain.


 So this is a just for fun rework - nothing to take too seriously. Yes, I do feel vauban needs a re-version but nothing major. I dont main vauban because I do not do long endurance missions much, which vauban excels if he has a good group with him.

Anyways here goes...

Passive - innate ammo mutations I would say 25% for whatever weapon he and his allies are weilding.

Ability 1 - tesla - as shown in the most recent dev stream it is a charge ability. Charging the ability will increase duration and range, etc.

This mine will act like the corpus pulse mine or the zenistar disc.

You can change the status damage based on - you guessed it power color.

Red and yellow - radiation 

Blue - stays electric

Black and white - magnetic

Green- corrosive 

Hope you noticed eletric stays as the base stat.

Ability 2 - keeping minelayer and the abilities.

Bounce - increase area of affect and the way bounce works. So you deploy bounce it does nothing until you ground pound the affected area, enemies within range of bounce are knock upward then fall back down - repeat until time is done.

Tripwire - ...meh. personally this should be a mod that connects the mines together.

Shred and concuss - no longer mines but grenades,  you toss they immediately explode. They are already a 1 time use so yea...

Bastille - remains the same - but incorporates the repealing mod so it actually pushes back enemies not captured and not let anyone else in.

Vortex - remains the same but absorbs everything (debris, bullets, etc) gets bigger then until it hits critical mass then explodes.

Like I said this is a just for fun rework. Nothing serious.


Edited by (XB1)Nightseid
After thought
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Tesla: I have a different idea, How about it just make it draw enemy aggro and absorbs enemies' damage the more damage it absorb the more damage it deal.

Minelayer: I also have a *slightly* different idea.

  • Make shred give you invisibility if you stay in the circle its create.
  • Make trip laser create an energy bridge so you can stand in the air and shoot at the enemies down below.
  • Make bounce create a sound attracting unalert enemies.
  • Make concuss blind an enemies uppon explode.

Bastille: Buff its limite capture to 25 and give it the ability to pull enemies that is out of reach and make it deal damage to enemies overtime with radiation proc.

Vortex: Buff its base range to 15meters cut the base duration to 7 second.

If you are not going to take the rework seriously then I'm not going to seriously review it.

Edited by nameomnz
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22 minutes ago, nameomnz said:

If you are not going to take the rework seriously then I'm not going to seriously review it.

Tesla: I have a different idea, How about it just make it draw enemy aggro and absorbs enemies' damage the more damage it absorb the more damage it deal.

Minelayer: I also have a *slightly* different idea.

  • Make shred give you invisibility if you stay in the circle its create.
  • Make trip laser create an energy bridge so you can stand in the air and shoot at the enemies down below.
  • Make bounce create a sound attracting unalert enemies.
  • Make concuss blind an enemies uppon explode.

Bastille: Buff its limite capture to 25 and give it the ability to pull enemies that is out of reach and make it deal damage to enemies overtime with radiation proc.

Vortex: Buff its base range to 15meters cut the base duration to 7 second.


So I will add your tesla and vortex ideas together to what my proposed vortex idea b/c sound like they blend together.

Your minelayer sounds like ivaras' special arrow minus concuss - I originally thought one of his mines should bind enemies or freeze blast.

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Khora has an exalted kavat right?  Since Vauban is an engineer give him an exalted sentinel as his passive.  Keep bastille and vortex the same and change the 2 to fire 4 mines/grenades that apply a status affect (corrosion, radiation, magnet, viral).  The exalted sentinel would then build up a charge over time that can be discharged with Vauban's 1 dealing electric (base but altered by the sentinel's equipped mods) damage in an aoe that scales with it's charge level and Vauban's power strength.  Alternatively could be single target (more with multishot?) with an augment that causes it to chain X number of times.

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