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Minor feature requests, including text signs and increased room limit


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While I'm sure most of what I'm proposing is nothing new, I figured it would be helpful to lend my voice to the others that have requested these features before.

  1. We could use some signs! Just simple text displays like the Transporters. They could take up an increased amount of room capacity, if you're worried about people filling their dojos with custom string data. Also, it would be great if they allowed for special characters and punctuation-- Transporters don't. This feature would be nice so that we could place a little descriptive plaque next to each sculpture in a room, to give it a museum vibe.
  2. Increase the room cap! A lot of dojos are outdated, and reactors can take up a significant number of rooms. Some older clans may want to expand without having to sacrifice their old tiles. I would not mind if the room cap bonus increased with the tier of the clan. That way, you don't have to worry about allocating all of that data for 2-person ghost clans. Hell, I wouldn't even mind buying the extra room slots (in bulk) with plat.
  3. Spawn pads! Rather than the current handling of setting a specific room to be the spawn point, put this control in the players' hands. If there are multiple spawn pads, simply select one at random.
  4. Lighting intensity sliders. I'm not sure how feasible this one is, but one issue that I have with the dojo's limited palette is that it's hard to get a decent mix of brightness. When I'm looking for something intimate, but not too bright or saturated, my options are basically browns.

I've been very impressed by the dojo updates over the last year, and I'm excited to see support continue. The community and devs alike have done such fantastic work, I really think Dojos are one of the most impressive draws to clans, and to Warframe in general.

P.S. If old rooms get repurposed for new content (such as potentially using the Observatory as a railjack dock, or the Solar Rail research labs for the kingpin system), could you let us know in advance so that we aren't forced to do emergency redecorations? Heads-ups for new room types would also be very welcome.

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I already sacrificed my old reactors in efforts to rebuild our dojo. But we still have one remaining as well as the old clan hall. Otherwise I really like these requests especially removing the room cap! Btw, I wanted to add some of my own requests to this list, rather than make another thread that ppl have to read.


1) Allow us to use Stencils in dojos (this would ofc require that we get more stencils to use) so that we can make the rooms feel different.

2) Big green trees  I believe this is coming in the "Natural" update.

3) Allow us to use Eidolon and Warframe Articulas in the dojo, with scaling ability (as large as the warframe statue in the temple of honor). If this is allowed can you please let us use loadouts on the Warframe articulas as well?

4) Allow us to decide whose Warframe is displayed in the Temple of Honor. Our clan is not large at the moment and it feels very random that we have a Loki as the statue in the temple of honor. How long ago was the last clan event again? I feel it makes more sense for the Clan leaders to decide which frame, or whose frame is displayed. Also Warframe Articulas can be used in the Temple of Honor, in place of the bland statues.

5) Give us a large aquarium room where we can add fishes to multiple tanks, and perhaps research or study fishes and harvest our own fish bait materials from there. It can be like our own breeding ground for fish or something.

6) Allow us to fix the precise location that you spawn in, in the spawn room, whenever you enter the dojo or invite someone in the dojo. As it stands now, you can only designate which room is the spawn room but you cant specify the exact location. Alot of times you spawn inside decorations or in odd places in general. I think it would be a lovely idea if we could fix the spawn location so that when ppl enter the dojo, they spawn where we would like them to. 

7) Allow us to build Teshin's statue and the "Old Friend" teaset in the dojo please. I was very disappointed that I could not earn these items a second time during the re-run of the Sacrifice Twitch drops as I really wanted to donate the statue and the teaset to my dojo to use it there, but have another set of the same items in my liset as well. (Specifically speaking a member of our clan passed away a very long time ago and we wanted to make a room dedicated to him as we have not removed him from the members list, and will never do so.)


These are just some of my own ideas. I didn't mean to overstep OP. I'm working on my clan's dojo atm and I'm just very passionate about doing my best for my clan mates.

Edited by Me.Church
Added points 6 and 7.
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