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Tutorial is so damn bad


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On 2018-08-10 at 5:34 AM, Downlouder said:

Earth Boss drop Hydroid but i dont see newbies who's can kill him

They're flat-out not allowed to, not until they become MR5 and unlock a bunch of other planets and bosses first

On 2018-08-10 at 5:34 AM, Downlouder said:

Where to find any material required to craft any weapon?

They game already tells you this on the map screen

On 2018-08-10 at 5:34 AM, Downlouder said:

What are and where to find eximus units?

Now this does need to be addressed. I've tried to train three newbies and they all asked me "What's an eximus?" when they tried to do the junction unlock

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2 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Now this does need to be addressed. I've tried to train three newbies and they all asked me "What's an eximus?" when they tried to do the junction unlock

^I feel like basic explanations on things like this could be beneficial, rather than requiring the wiki.

When I came back to the game after a long hiatus, I realized they'd change some of the movement systems in-game (like wall-running being gone), and it turned out the Codex has a Training section (which includes an "advanced movement" tutorial simulation, which helped me to understand Bullet Jump better). It explains most of the important stuff right there. It even has a Mods/Upgrades section, the last page of which tells you about the Capacitors and Reactors. The Dark Sector page is waaaaay out-dated.
They could expand on this Training section a little with less reading and more simulation, imo, with a focus on the basics. There's nothing about Eximus units, for example. Maybe give players a small achievement, low-level reward, kinda thing for doing the training - with Ordis encouraging players to take a refresher on Tenno training. Players don't always enjoy reading. Players come to games to do.

But it shouldn't be required content that you get locked into, and it shouldn't go in-depth with explaining the whole game.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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5 hours ago, Downlouder said:

Why syadana? Well,everyone like gifts, esp cool looking gifts at begining adventure with the new game. This is way to keep new players. Frames without any attachments and syadanas at the begining looks really poor. Nobody's would spend real money for a new game who's dont know that he would play(and platinum is not so cheap without discount).It would be like Candy to encourage new players to stay and discover new things.

Games which required time and knowledge to being good usually are very addicting.Good example is most popular and toxic Moba(you know which one) - people still playing this game not because they have fun, they still playing this toxic game cause learn too much about this game to be good.

This may be entirely subjective, but, if you wanna give incentive for people to play longer, wouldn't a cool loking gun or melee be a better fit? Or heck, the classic color palette. Something more basic and useful right away for people to get excited to play with. (Speaking from experience, crafting my first karak way back hooked me in from playing once a week to daily)

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