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Should I leave my clan?



So, first of all, this is my first post on this forum and I apologize if I posted in the incorrect one.

With that out, let's get to the thing I want to ask. So I just started playing Warframe in like late June or early July this year because one of my mates was playing it and I used to play it back in the days (when Excal still had that terrible jumping skill) but for many reasons (no friends to play with, the game being too difficult for the young me, etc...) I stopped playing it, so I thought "Hey, maybe I should pick this up again" and actually fell in love with it. So when I joined the game, my mate was MR5 with his own clan (with only him in it) and I decided to get in on it and build it up with him, just for the sake of giggles... well right now the clan has a lot more than where we started, a grand number of... 5 people. We have all of the labs in place and some of the more significant weapons researched (Lanka, Amprex and Arca Plasmor...), nothing too special.

So here's the thing. My mate, besides Warframe he also plays LOL. Unlike me, who can spend all my free time doing Warframe, he could only be online like about 2-3 hrs a day everyday... which needless to say, we don't and can't do stuffs together that much, completely nulling the point of joining the clan in the first place. Let's time-skip it to August. I'm MR10 (some hours away from MR11) and I'm starting to feel like seriously doing content (like Lephantis, actually unlocking Eris so I can start farming Nidus and Mesa, sorties, eidolons, stuffs like that) but our clan has like these very inactive people who except for me and another guy (who has just left), no one, even my mate (MR7 now) has actually done The Second Dream so needless to say, I can't tag along with them or rather they can't tag along with me. I know what most people will tell me to do, "Go to recruiting chat" and I agree, that is one way to solve my content crave but I'm also feeling like being an actual part of a living and breathing clan, helping each other, doing content together, joking around and memeing with people and maybe, bonding with them too.

(Below is a rant, just to provide some insight into the general state of my clan and clanmates)

Prior to this post, I had a fallout with one of the inactive guys in the clan. He was saying I was so strong (his definition of strong: being able to mow down lvl 20-30 grineers in PoE) and I should help him grow, no problem with that. So I lead him to my haunting ground, Gabii, and told him if he could not be useful, he should stay put and occasionally throw out a CC or something if we get crowded... which he completely disregarded and ran after a Simaris synth target. This guy is completely clueless. MR5 and not knowing mobs drop life support in survival and not knowing how mastery works being one of the many cluelessnesses. So... I told him he should stay put and provide some fire support with his damned Braton (which he kept using since MR3 and refused to let go)... guy went onto a ledge where mobs couldn't reach him, drops bubble and stays there, chatting up some bullS#&$ like "Holy Hek the AI is stupid, they couldn't see me", causing the mob to swarm around his place and we the campers not having any mob to mow for life support. I told him off, he acted goofy and stuff, fine, I can bear with it. After that, he asked me to help him find some argon crystals and help him get 300k+ cred for some random Baro's merch, which is ok too, I'm down with it. So, we got in Taranis (great choice, I know) and he started asking me how to kill the stalker. Said he got crit'd to death in one shot and couldn't do noticeable damage even when unloading a whole magazine into the stalker. I pointed out he should replace that Braton of his with some better weapons, to which he replied "I don't care". Checking his profile, I noticed he got the Boltor and Gorgon, which is a meh upgrade from Braton, but he would not use them because his Braton is "Rank 30 already, it's my best weapon". I was starting to get really frustrated by this guy and his inability to take any form of criticism (he laughs it off like it's a joke) or advice/help he asked from me, so I told him off again, this time with a lot more gunpowder to it. The guy instantly dropped out from the game and I couldn't contact him now. I admit, I'm a bit volatile. I don't hate useless people, I hate useless people who doesn't try to get better and contribute. I see how it is, it's not just the guy, it's the whole clan (basically half of it) leeching off the work of me, my mate and the guy who just left. It's a relationship where we all give and they all take. That's how I see it and that is the one thing I won't accept. I would really like to stay but I feel like me staying won't do any good to anyone including me.

(End of rant)

So should I leave my clan? I really want to join a large clan (more people to hang out/play with) but with large clans, their researches and constructions will most likely be all finished already and I would feel like a damned leecher leeching off their hard works, which is the type I hate the most. If I join a small clan then it's the opposite, there might be no one to play with... This post is a big mess, but I would really appreciate it if you guys can lend me your opinion. Thanks for spending the time of your day going through this.

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6 answers to this question

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Tbh, the post makes it sound like you've already made up your mind about leaving, the question feels more like it's "Where do I go?". The honest answer is anywhere really. Try another clan, see if you like it, if not, bail.

One misconception though:

10 minutes ago, theycanbanoffensivealias said:

If I join a small clan then it's the opposite, there might be no one to play with... 

Of course this can be true, but a small clan doesn't have to mean nobody is active. It can also just be an active small group of friends. I have a Shadow (ltd to 30) clan, yet there's usually around 8 people online at the same time at most times.

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I'd go for "leave" as well. No point remaining with people that sound from moderately to totally uninterested in the game and the progression systems.

There are tons of clans out there that would accept you, no problem with your MR or anything, and you will find fully built dojos with plenty of benefits.

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Good Luck in your search for a new home.  Sounds like you should look for one that uses voice chat.   

You could always ask your friend to make you the leader since you are now the strongest and play the most and then kick the other losers out and start recruiting.  But I have friends in my clan who dont play alot either and it sucks.  But I pug everything in online games and for the most part it works.  Older relics are a problem...

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